10 research outputs found

    Feature Engineering vs Feature Selection vs Hyperparameter Optimization in the Spotify Song Popularity Dataset

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    Research in Featuring Engineering has been part of the data pre-processing phase of machine learning projects for many years. It can be challenging for new people working with machine learning to understand its importance along with various approaches to find an optimized model. This work uses the Spotify Song Popularity dataset to compare and evaluate Feature Engineering, Feature Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization. The result of this work will demonstrate Feature Engineering has a greater effect on model efficiency when compared to the alternative approaches

    A benchmark of categorical encoders for binary classification

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    Categorical encoders transform categorical features into numerical representations that are indispensable for a wide range of machine learning models. Existing encoder benchmark studies lack generalizability because of their limited choice of (1) encoders, (2) experimental factors, and (3) datasets. Additionally, inconsistencies arise from the adoption of varying aggregation strategies. This paper is the most comprehensive benchmark of categorical encoders to date, including an extensive evaluation of 32 configurations of encoders from diverse families, with 36 combinations of experimental factors, and on 50 datasets. The study shows the profound influence of dataset selection, experimental factors, and aggregation strategies on the benchmark's conclusions -- aspects disregarded in previous encoder benchmarks.Comment: To be published in the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) Track on Datasets and Benchmark

    Regularized target encoding outperforms traditional methods in supervised machine learning with high cardinality features

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    Since most machine learning (ML) algorithms are designed for numerical inputs, efficiently encoding categorical variables is a crucial aspect in data analysis. A common problem are high cardinality features, i.e. unordered categorical predictor variables with a high number of levels. We study techniques that yield numeric representations of categorical variables which can then be used in subsequent ML applications. We focus on the impact of these techniques on a subsequent algorithm's predictive performance, and-if possible-derive best practices on when to use which technique. We conducted a large-scale benchmark experiment, where we compared different encoding strategies together with five ML algorithms (lasso, random forest, gradient boosting, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine) using datasets from regression, binary- and multiclass-classification settings. In our study, regularized versions of target encoding (i.e. using target predictions based on the feature levels in the training set as a new numerical feature) consistently provided the best results. Traditionally widely used encodings that make unreasonable assumptions to map levels to integers (e.g. integer encoding) or to reduce the number of levels (possibly based on target information, e.g. leaf encoding) before creating binary indicator variables (one-hot or dummy encoding) were not as effective in comparison

    Application of SMOTE to Handle Imbalance Class in Deposit Classification Using the Extreme Gradient Boosting Algorithm

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    Deposits became one of the main products and funding sources for banks and increasing deposit marketing is very important. However, telemarketing as a form of deposit marketing is less effective and efficient as it requires calling every customer for deposit offers. Therefore, the identification of potential deposit customers was necessary so that telemarketing became more effective and efficient by targeting the right customers, thus improving bank marketing performance with the ultimate goal of increasing sources of funding for banks. To identify customers, data mining is used with the UCI Bank Marketing Dataset from a Portuguese banking institution. This dataset consists of 45,211 records with 17 attributes. The classification algorithm used is Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) which is suitable for large data. The data used has a high-class imbalance, with "yes" and "no" percentages of 11.7% and 88.3%, respectively. Therefore, the proposed solution in the research, which focused on addressing the Imbalance Class in the Bank marketing dataset, was to use Synthetic Minority Over-sampling (SMOTE) and the XGBoost method. The result of the XGBoost study was an accuracy of 0.91016, precision of 0.79476, recall of 0.72928, F1-Score of 0.56198, ROC Area of 0.93831, and AUCPR of 0.63886. After SMOTE was applied, the accuracy was 0.91072, the precision was 0.78883, the recall was 0.75588, F1-Score was 0.59153, ROC Area was 0.93723, and AUCPR was 0.63733. The results showed that XGBoost and SMOTE could outperform other algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine in terms of accuracy. This study contributes to the development of effective machine learning models that can be used as a support system for information technology experts in the finance and banking industries to identify potential customers interested in subscribing to deposits and increasing bank funding sources

    Modeling of proteins

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    Compendi d'articlesIn paper I the four proposed assumptions in the context of categorical variable mapping in protein classification problems: (1) translation, (2) permutation, (3) constant, and (4) eigenvalues were tested. The results suggest that these four assumptions are valid. In paper II the proposed approach is able to generate an accuracy, sensitivity and specify of classification forecasts of 97.69%, 95.02% and 98.26%, respectively, illustrating that a combination of DNA methylation with nonlinear methods such as artificial neural networks might be useful in the task of identifying patients with a carcinoma. In paper III it was shown that gene expression data can be successfully analyzed with machine learning techniques in order to differentiate healthy patients and patients with interstitial lung disease systemic sclerosis (ILD-SSc). In paper IV, following a machine learning approach, it was possible to identify a list of genes that appear to be related to inflammatory bowel diseasePrograma de Doctorat en Química Teòrica i Modelització Computaciona

    Risk assessment for progression of Diabetic Nephropathy based on patient history analysis

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    A nefropatia diabética (ND) é uma das complicações mais comuns em doentes com diabetes. Trata-se de uma doença crónica que afeta progressivamente os rins, podendo resultar numa insuficiência renal. A digitalização permitiu aos hospitais armazenar as informações dos doentes em registos de saúde eletrónicos (RSE). A aplicação de algoritmos de Machine Learning (ML) a estes dados pode permitir a previsão do risco na evolução destes doentes, conduzindo a uma melhor gestão da doença. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é criar um modelo preditivo que tire partido do historial do doente presente nos RSE. Foi aplicado neste trabalho o maior conjunto de dados de doentes portugueses com DN, seguidos durante 22 anos pela Associação Protetora dos Diabéticos de Portugal (APDP). Foi desenvolvida uma abordagem longitudinal na fase de pré-processamento de dados, permitindo que estes fossem servidos como entrada para dezasseis algoritmos de ML distintos. Após a avaliação e análise dos respetivos resultados, o Light Gradient Boosting Machine foi identificado como o melhor modelo, apresentando boas capacidades de previsão. Esta conclusão foi apoiada não só pela avaliação de várias métricas de classificação em dados de treino, teste e validação, mas também pela avaliação do seu desempenho por cada estádio da doença. Para além disso, os modelos foram analisados utilizando gráficos de feature ranking e através de análise estatística. Como complemento, são ainda apresentados a interpretabilidade dos resultados através do método SHAP, assim como a distribuição do modelo utilizando o Gradio e os servidores da Hugging Face. Através da integração de técnicas ML, de um método de interpretação e de uma aplicação Web que fornece acesso ao modelo, este estudo oferece uma abordagem potencialmente eficaz para antecipar a evolução da ND, permitindo que os profissionais de saúde tomem decisões informadas para a prestação de cuidados personalizados e gestão da doença

    Encoding high-cardinality string categorical variables

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    International audienceStatistical models usually require vector representations of categorical variables, using for instance one-hot encoding. This strategy breaks down when the number of categories grows, as it creates high-dimensional feature vectors. Additionally, for string entries, one-hot encoding does not capture information in their representation.Here, we seek low-dimensional encoding of high-cardinality string categorical variables. Ideally, these should be: scalable to many categories; interpretable to end users; and facilitate statistical analysis. We introduce two encoding approaches for string categories: a Gamma-Poisson matrix factorization on substring counts, and the min-hash encoder, for fast approximation of string similarities. We show that min-hash turns set inclusions into inequality relations that are easier to learn. Both approaches are scalable and streamable. Experiments on real and simulated data show that these methods improve supervised learning with high-cardinality categorical variables. We recommend the following: if scalability is central, the min-hash encoder is the best option as it does not require any data fit; if interpretability is important, the Gamma-Poisson factorization is the best alternative, as it can be interpreted as one-hot encoding on inferred categories with informative feature names. Both models enable autoML on the original string entries as they remove the need for feature engineering or data cleaning

    Estimating UK House Prices using Machine Learning

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    House price estimation is an important subject for property owners, property developers, investors and buyers. It has featured in many academic research papers and some government and commercial reports. The price of a house may vary depending on several features including geographic location, tenure, age, type, size, market, etc. Existing studies have largely focused on applying single or multiple machine learning techniques to single or groups of datasets to identify the best performing algorithms, models and/or most important predictors, but this paper proposes a cumulative layering approach to what it describes as a Multi-feature House Price Estimation (MfHPE) framework. The MfHPE is a process-oriented, data-driven and machine learning based framework that does not just identify the best performing algorithms or features that drive the accuracy of models but also exploits a cumulative multi-feature layering approach to creating machine learning models, optimising and evaluating them so as to produce tangible insights that enable the decision-making process for stakeholders within the housing ecosystem for a more realistic estimation of house prices. Fundamentally, the MfHPE framework development leverages the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) and HM Land Registry’s Price Paid Data is ingested as the base transactions data. 1.1 million London-based transaction records between January 2011 and December 2020 have been exploited for model design, optimisation and evaluation, while 84,051 2021 transactions have been used for model validation. With the capacity for updates to existing datasets and the introduction of new datasets and algorithms, the proposed framework has also leveraged a range of neighbourhood and macroeconomic features including the location of rail stations, supermarkets, bus stops, inflation rate, GDP, employment rate, Consumer Price Index (CPIH) and unemployment rate to explore their impact on the estimation of house prices and their influence on the behaviours of machine learning algorithms. Five machine learning algorithms have been exploited and three evaluation metrics have been used. Results show that the layered introduction of new variety of features in multiple tiers led to improved performance in 50% of models, a change in the best performing models as new variety of features are introduced, and that the choice of evaluation metrics should not just be based on technical problem types but on three components: (i) critical business objectives or project goals; (ii) variety of features; and (iii) machine learning algorithms

    Democratizing machine learning

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    Modelle des maschinellen Lernens sind zunehmend in der Gesellschaft verankert, oft in Form von automatisierten Entscheidungsprozessen. Ein wesentlicher Grund dafür ist die verbesserte Zugänglichkeit von Daten, aber auch von Toolkits für maschinelles Lernen, die den Zugang zu Methoden des maschinellen Lernens für Nicht-Experten ermöglichen. Diese Arbeit umfasst mehrere Beiträge zur Demokratisierung des Zugangs zum maschinellem Lernen, mit dem Ziel, einem breiterem Publikum Zugang zu diesen Technologien zu er- möglichen. Die Beiträge in diesem Manuskript stammen aus mehreren Bereichen innerhalb dieses weiten Gebiets. Ein großer Teil ist dem Bereich des automatisierten maschinellen Lernens (AutoML) und der Hyperparameter-Optimierung gewidmet, mit dem Ziel, die oft mühsame Aufgabe, ein optimales Vorhersagemodell für einen gegebenen Datensatz zu finden, zu vereinfachen. Dieser Prozess besteht meist darin ein für vom Benutzer vorgegebene Leistungsmetrik(en) optimales Modell zu finden. Oft kann dieser Prozess durch Lernen aus vorhergehenden Experimenten verbessert oder beschleunigt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden drei solcher Methoden vorgestellt, die entweder darauf abzielen, eine feste Menge möglicher Hyperparameterkonfigurationen zu erhalten, die wahrscheinlich gute Lösungen für jeden neuen Datensatz enthalten, oder Eigenschaften der Datensätze zu nutzen, um neue Konfigurationen vorzuschlagen. Darüber hinaus wird eine Sammlung solcher erforderlichen Metadaten zu den Experimenten vorgestellt, und es wird gezeigt, wie solche Metadaten für die Entwicklung und als Testumgebung für neue Hyperparameter- Optimierungsmethoden verwendet werden können. Die weite Verbreitung von ML-Modellen in vielen Bereichen der Gesellschaft erfordert gleichzeitig eine genauere Untersuchung der Art und Weise, wie aus Modellen abgeleitete automatisierte Entscheidungen die Gesellschaft formen, und ob sie möglicherweise Individuen oder einzelne Bevölkerungsgruppen benachteiligen. In dieser Arbeit wird daher ein AutoML-Tool vorgestellt, das es ermöglicht, solche Überlegungen in die Suche nach einem optimalen Modell miteinzubeziehen. Diese Forderung nach Fairness wirft gleichzeitig die Frage auf, ob die Fairness eines Modells zuverlässig geschätzt werden kann, was in einem weiteren Beitrag in dieser Arbeit untersucht wird. Da der Zugang zu Methoden des maschinellen Lernens auch stark vom Zugang zu Software und Toolboxen abhängt, sind mehrere Beiträge in Form von Software Teil dieser Arbeit. Das R-Paket mlr3pipelines ermöglicht die Einbettung von Modellen in sogenan- nte Machine Learning Pipelines, die Vor- und Nachverarbeitungsschritte enthalten, die im maschinellen Lernen und AutoML häufig benötigt werden. Das mlr3fairness R-Paket hingegen ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, Modelle auf potentielle Benachteiligung hin zu über- prüfen und diese durch verschiedene Techniken zu reduzieren. Eine dieser Techniken, multi-calibration wurde darüberhinaus als seperate Software veröffentlicht.Machine learning artifacts are increasingly embedded in society, often in the form of automated decision-making processes. One major reason for this, along with methodological improvements, is the increasing accessibility of data but also machine learning toolkits that enable access to machine learning methodology for non-experts. The core focus of this thesis is exactly this – democratizing access to machine learning in order to enable a wider audience to benefit from its potential. Contributions in this manuscript stem from several different areas within this broader area. A major section is dedicated to the field of automated machine learning (AutoML) with the goal to abstract away the tedious task of obtaining an optimal predictive model for a given dataset. This process mostly consists of finding said optimal model, often through hyperparameter optimization, while the user in turn only selects the appropriate performance metric(s) and validates the resulting models. This process can be improved or sped up by learning from previous experiments. Three such methods one with the goal to obtain a fixed set of possible hyperparameter configurations that likely contain good solutions for any new dataset and two using dataset characteristics to propose new configurations are presented in this thesis. It furthermore presents a collection of required experiment metadata and how such meta-data can be used for the development and as a test bed for new hyperparameter optimization methods. The pervasion of models derived from ML in many aspects of society simultaneously calls for increased scrutiny with respect to how such models shape society and the eventual biases they exhibit. Therefore, this thesis presents an AutoML tool that allows incorporating fairness considerations into the search for an optimal model. This requirement for fairness simultaneously poses the question of whether we can reliably estimate a model’s fairness, which is studied in a further contribution in this thesis. Since access to machine learning methods also heavily depends on access to software and toolboxes, several contributions in the form of software are part of this thesis. The mlr3pipelines R package allows for embedding models in so-called machine learning pipelines that include pre- and postprocessing steps often required in machine learning and AutoML. The mlr3fairness R package on the other hand enables users to audit models for potential biases as well as reduce those biases through different debiasing techniques. One such technique, multi-calibration is published as a separate software package, mcboost