588 research outputs found

    SDN/NFV-enabled satellite communications networks: opportunities, scenarios and challenges

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    In the context of next generation 5G networks, the satellite industry is clearly committed to revisit and revamp the role of satellite communications. As major drivers in the evolution of (terrestrial) fixed and mobile networks, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) technologies are also being positioned as central technology enablers towards improved and more flexible integration of satellite and terrestrial segments, providing satellite network further service innovation and business agility by advanced network resources management techniques. Through the analysis of scenarios and use cases, this paper provides a description of the benefits that SDN/NFV technologies can bring into satellite communications towards 5G. Three scenarios are presented and analysed to delineate different potential improvement areas pursued through the introduction of SDN/NFV technologies in the satellite ground segment domain. Within each scenario, a number of use cases are developed to gain further insight into specific capabilities and to identify the technical challenges stemming from them.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Introducing mobile edge computing capabilities through distributed 5G Cloud Enabled Small Cells

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    Current trends in broadband mobile networks are addressed towards the placement of different capabilities at the edge of the mobile network in a centralised way. On one hand, the split of the eNB between baseband processing units and remote radio headers makes it possible to process some of the protocols in centralised premises, likely with virtualised resources. On the other hand, mobile edge computing makes use of processing and storage capabilities close to the air interface in order to deploy optimised services with minimum delay. The confluence of both trends is a hot topic in the definition of future 5G networks. The full centralisation of both technologies in cloud data centres imposes stringent requirements to the fronthaul connections in terms of throughput and latency. Therefore, all those cells with limited network access would not be able to offer these types of services. This paper proposes a solution for these cases, based on the placement of processing and storage capabilities close to the remote units, which is especially well suited for the deployment of clusters of small cells. The proposed cloud-enabled small cells include a highly efficient microserver with a limited set of virtualised resources offered to the cluster of small cells. As a result, a light data centre is created and commonly used for deploying centralised eNB and mobile edge computing functionalities. The paper covers the proposed architecture, with special focus on the integration of both aspects, and possible scenarios of application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Security analysis of mobile edge computing in virtualized small cell networks

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    Based upon the context of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) actual research and within the innovative scope of the SESAME EU-funded research project, we propose and assess a framework for security analysis applied in virtualised Small Cell Networks, with the aim of further extending MEC in the broader 5G environment. More specifically, by applying the fundamental concepts of the SESAME original architecture that aims at providing enhanced multi-tenant MEC services through Small Cells coordination and virtualization, we focus on a realistic 5G-oriented scenario enabling the provision of large multi-tenant enterprise services by using MEC. Then we evaluate several security issues by using a formal methodology, known as the Secure Tropos

    Multi-tenant Admission Control for future networks

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    The global telecommunications landscape is going to shift considerably due to the impact of the new generation of future networks. It is estimated that by 2025, one-third of the global population will use 5G. Accordingly, all industry players are searching to develop new business cases. One of the main capabilities of 5G to answer these new requirements is Network Slicing since it allows splitting a common infrastructure into several virtual networks, enabling Multi-tenancy. In this case, the admission control function plays a vital role in ensuring the correct operation of these virtual networks by providing the required QoS to the services by allocating radio resources to them. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to study a new method to implement the admission control function, which allows optimizing the use of radio resources, to increase the available capacity of tenants, and offer flexibility under different traffic loads. Several simulations are performed to evaluate the algorithm within a multi-tenant, multi-cell environment using MATLAB, where the simplicity and flexibility of our proposal are assessed in each cell and the whole scenario. We obtain a 127% improvement in the bit rate when compared with a baseline scheme, and a gain of 17% when compared to a reference scheme that allows using extra capacity left by other tenants

    Multi-tenant slicing for spectrum management on the road to 5G

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    ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The explosive data traffic demand in the context of the 5G revolution has stressed the need for network capacity increase. As the network densification has almost reached its limits, mobile network operators are motivated to share their network infrastructure and the available resources through dynamic spectrum management. Although some initial efforts have been made in this direction by concluding sharing agreements at a coarse granularity (i.e., months or years), the 5G developments require fine timescale agreements, mainly enabled by network slicing. In this article, taking into account the radical changes foreseen for next generation networks, we provide a thorough discussion of the challenges that network slicing brings in the different network parts, while introducing a new entity capable of managing the end-to-end slicing in a coherent manner. In addition, according to the paradigm shift of operators sharing their resources in a common centralized pool, we design a cooperative game to study the potential cooperation aspects among the participants. The experimental results highlight the performance and financial gains achievable by operators through multi-tenant slicing, providing them with the necessary incentives for network upgrade toward 5G.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    View on 5G Architecture: Version 2.0

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    The 5G Architecture Working Group as part of the 5GPPP Initiative is looking at capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture. It also targets at presenting in a harmonized way the architectural concepts developed in various projects and initiatives (not limited to 5GPPP projects only) so as to provide a consolidated view on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 5G era. The first version of the white paper was released in July 2016, which captured novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture vision along with harmonized architectural concepts from 5GPPP Phase 1 projects and initiatives. Capitalizing on the architectural vision and framework set by the first version of the white paper, this Version 2.0 of the white paper presents the latest findings and analyses with a particular focus on the concept evaluations, and accordingly it presents the consolidated overall architecture design

    Wireless access network optimization for 5G

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    Xhaul: toward an integrated fronthaul/backhaul architecture in 5G networks

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    The Xhaul architecture presented in this article is aimed at developing a 5G integrated backhaul and fronthaul transport network enabling flexible and software-defined reconfiguration of all networking elements in a multi-tenant and service-oriented unified management environment. The Xhaul transport network vision consists of high-capacity switches and heterogeneous transmission links (e.g., fiber or wireless optics, high-capacity copper, mmWave) interconnecting remote radio heads, 5G points of attachment (5GPoAs, e.g., macro-and small cells), centralized-processing units (mini data centers), and points of presence of the core networks of one or multiple service provider(s). This transport network shall flexibly interconnect distributed 5G radio access and core network functions, hosted on network centralized nodes, through the implementation of a control infrastructure using a unified, abstract network model for control plane integration (Xhaul Control Infrastructure, XCI); and a unified data plane encompassing innovative high-capacity transmission technologies and novel deterministic-latency switch architectures (Xhaul packet Forwarding Element, XFE). Standardization is expected to play a major role in a future 5G integrated front haul/backhaul architecture for multi-vendor interoperability reasons. To this end, we review the major relevant activities in the current standardization landscape and the potential impact on the Xhaul architecture.This work has been partly supported by the Madrid Regional Government through the TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919) and the EU H2020 Xhaul Project (grant no. 671598)