5,160 research outputs found

    Code Puzzle Completion Problems in Support of Learning Programming Independently

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    Middle school children often lack access to formal educational opportunities to learn computer programming. One way to help these children may be to provide tools that enable them to learn programming on their own independently. However, in order for these tools to be effective they must help learners acquire programming knowledge and also be motivating in independent contexts. I explore the design space of using motivating code puzzles with a method known to support independent learning: completion problems. Through this exploration, I developed code puzzle completion problems and an introductory curriculum introducing novice programmers to basic programming constructs. Through several evaluations, I demonstrate that code puzzle completion problems can motivate learners to acquire new programming knowledge independently. Specifically, I found that code puzzle completion problems are more effective and efficient for learning programming constructs independently compared to tutorials. Puzzle users performed 33% better on transfer tasks compared to tutorial users, while taking 21% less time to complete the learning materials. Additionally, I present evidence that children are motivated to choose to use the code puzzles because they find the experience enjoyable, challenging, and valuable towards developing their programming skills. Given the choice between using tutorials and puzzles, only 10% of participants opted to use more tutorials than puzzles. Further, 80% of participants also stated a preference towards the puzzles because they simply enjoyed the experience of using puzzles more than the tutorials. The results suggest that code puzzle completion problems are a promising approach for motivating and supporting independent learning of programming

    Pirate plunder: game-based computational thinking using scratch blocks

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    Policy makers worldwide argue that children should be taught how technology works, and that the ‘computational thinking’ skills developed through programming are useful in a wider context. This is causing an increased focus on computer science in primary and secondary education. Block-based programming tools, like Scratch, have become ubiquitous in primary education (5 to 11-years-old) throughout the UK. However, Scratch users often struggle to detect and correct ‘code smells’ (bad programming practices) such as duplicated blocks and large scripts, which can lead to programs that are difficult to understand. These ‘smells’ are caused by a lack of abstraction and decomposition in programs; skills that play a key role in computational thinking. In Scratch, repeats (loops), custom blocks (procedures) and clones (instances) can be used to correct these smells. Yet, custom blocks and clones are rarely taught to children under 11-years-old. We describe the design of a novel educational block-based programming game, Pirate Plunder, which aims to teach these skills to children aged 9-11. Players use Scratch blocks to navigate around a grid, collect items and interact with obstacles. Blocks are explained in ‘tutorials’; the player then completes a series of ‘challenges’ before attempting the next tutorial. A set of Scratch blocks, including repeats, custom blocks and clones, are introduced in a linear difficulty progression. There are two versions of Pirate Plunder; one that uses a debugging-first approach, where the player is given a program that is incomplete or incorrect, and one where each level begins with an empty program. The game design has been developed through iterative playtesting. The observations made during this process have influenced key design decisions such as Scratch integration, difficulty progression and reward system. In future, we will evaluate Pirate Plunder against a traditional Scratch curriculum and compare the debugging-first and non-debugging versions in a series of studies

    Teaching programming using computer games: a program language agnostic approach

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    Mega - mobile multimodal extended games

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012As aplicações de entretenimento móvel têm hoje em dia um papel importante e significativo no mercado de software, abrangendo um grupo variado de utilizadores. Tudo isto se deve ao repentino sucesso de dispositivos de interacção inovadora, como o Wiimote da Nintendo, o Move da Sony e o Kinect da Microsoft. Por sua vez estas técnicas de interacção multimodal têm sido exploradas para jogos móveis. A recente geração de dispositivos móveis vem equipada com uma grande variedade de sensores, para além dos óbvios como ecrã táctil e microfone. Existem ainda outros componentes interessantes como bússola digital, acelerómetros, sensores ópticos. Os dispositivos móveis são também utilizados como máquina fotográfica digital, agenda pessoal, assim como para ver videos e ouvir música, e claro, para jogar jogos. Olhar para os novos grupos de utilizadores e para as novas formas de jogar e incluir nos jogos formas de interacção novas, usando os atributos e potencialidades de novas plataformas e novas tecnologias é pois um assunto pungente e deveras desafiante. Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar e propor novas dimensões de jogo e interacção com plataformas móveis, sejam smartphones, sejam tablets, que se adequem às mais distintas comunidades de jogadores. Pretende-se sobretudo explorar modalidades alternativas como as baseadas no tacto e vibração, assim como no áudio, combinadas ou não com outras mais tradicionais de foro visual. Almeja-se ainda explorar jogos em grupo, à distância e co-localizados, encontrando e estudando novas formas de expressão em jogos clássicos e jogos inovadores que envolvam pequenos conjuntos de indivíduos. A ubiquidade inerente aos dispositivos móveis faz ainda com que se tenham que encontrar neste jogos de grupo formas de fluxo de jogo que sustentem saídas e entradas rápidas ou menos rápidas sem que ainda assim se perca o interesse e a motivação de jogar. Este trabalho iniciou-se com uma pesquisa intensiva de trabalho relacionado, sobre a área de jogos móveis e suas multimodalidades, passando consequentemente pela acessibilidade inerente, jogos em grupo e suas formas de comunicação e conexão, e por último dando especial atenção a jogos de puzzle, sendo o tipo de jogo focado neste trabalho. Seguidamente, foi efectuado o levantamento de requisitos e exploradas as opções de jogo e de interacção relativas a jogos de puzzle móveis multimodais. No âmbito deste estudo foram criados três pequenos jogos sobre um conceito comum: jogos de puzzle. A primeira aplicação contém três modalidades diferentes de jogo: uma visual, apresentando um jogo de puzzle de imagens baseado nos tradicionais; uma segunda auditiva, que recria o conceito de jogo através de música, tornando as peças em pequenas parcelas sonoras da música de tamanhos equivalentes; e a terceira háptica, criando deste modo um puzzle com peças de padrões vibratórios diferentes. A segunda aplicação recriou o mesmo conceito de jogo, puzzle, no modo audio, mas retirando toda a informação visual, apresentando simples formas de interacção. A terceira aplicação apresenta uma abordagem sobre os jogos em grupo, permitindo jogar puzzles visuais e de audio em dois modos distintos: cooperativo, onde os jogadores têm de jogar em equipa de forma a conseguir completar o puzzle; e competitiva, onde os jogadores são forçados a ser mais rápidos que o adversário de modo a poderem vencer. Todas estas aplicações permitem ao utilizador definir o tamanho do puzzle e o nível de dificuldade, assim como escolher as imagens e músicas que pretendem resolver em forma de puzzle. Foram conduzidos vários testes de utilizador, nomeadamente um para cada aplicação desenvolvida. Sobre a primeira aplicação vinte e quatro participantes jogaram puzzles visuais e auditivos, distribuídos equitativamente pelas modalidades. Deste modo, cada participante resolveu nove puzzles de imagem ou nove puzzles audio distintos. Neste primeiro estudo procurou descobrir-se as estratégias de resolução dos puzzles, procurando principalmente igualdades e diferenças entre os diferentes modos. Para o segundo estudo foi usada a segunda aplicação desenvolvida, e foram abrangidos novamente vinte e quatro utilizadores, doze dos quais sendo cegos. Cada participante resolveu três puzzles audio diferentes. Relativamente a este estudo, foi proposta uma comparação entre os modos estudados anteriormente, especialmente sobre o modo audio, uma vez que foi usado o mesmo procedimento. Para os utilizadores cegos o objectivo foi provar que seria possível criar um jogo divertido, desafiante e sobretudo acessível a partir de um conceito de jogo clássico. Para o último estudo, vinte e quatro participantes, organizados em pares, jogaram puzzles visuais e de audio em modo cooperativo e competitivo. Cada conjunto de participantes resolveu quatro puzzles, um para cada modo de jogo por cada tipo de puzzle, o que significa dois puzzles visuais, um competitivo e outro cooperativo, e dois puzzles audio, sendo também um cooperativo e outro competitivo. O objectivo mais uma vez foi procurar as estratégias de resolução, permitindo também a comparação com outros modos anteriormente estudados. Todos os jogos foram transformados em dados contendo todas as acções que cada jogador tomou durante a resolução do puzzle. Esses dados foram depois transformados em números específicos de forma a poderem ser analisados e discutidos. Os valores obtidos foram divididos em três grupos principais, as tentativas de colocação de peças, o número de ajudas, e o tempo de conclusão do puzzle. Em relação às tentativas de colocação de peças é possível identificar a ordem correspondente segundo três formas distintas, pela classificação do tipo de peças, pela disposição das peças na fita e pela ordem sequencial do puzzle. Os resultados do estudo mostram que uma mesma estratégia de resolução de puzzles é usada através de todos os modos estudados, os jogadores optam por resolver primeiro as zonas mais relevantes do puzzle, deixando as partes mais abstractas e confundíveis para o final. No entanto, parente novas modalidades de jogo, pequenas percentagens de utilizadores mostraram diferentes estratégias de resolução. Através das opiniões dos utilizadores é também possível afirmar que todas as aplicações desenvolvidas são jogáveis, divertidas e desafiantes. No final foi criado um conjunto de componentes reutilizáveis e um conjunto de parâmetros para a criação de novos jogos. Numa linha de trabalho futuro foram propostos vários objectivos interessantes que podem promover e reaproveitar o trabalho desenvolvido. Deste modo foi criado um jogo de puzzle baseado na primeira aplicação desenvolvida, mantendo os modos visual e audio, de forma a poder integrar no mercado de aplicações móveis, permitindo deste modo, um estudo em larga escala sobre os mesmos conceitos estudados neste trabalho. Foi também pensada a criação de um servidor centralizado, permitindo conter os resultados de todos os jogadores de forma a criar um ranking geral, podendo deste modo incentivar os jogadores a melhorar o seu desempenho, e ajudar a promover o próprio jogo. Outra alternativa passa por melhorar e aperfeiçoar o modo háptico, de forma a criar mais uma modalidade viável sobre o mesmo conceito de jogo, de forma a poder ser também estudada de forma equivalente. O puzzle para invisuais pode também ser melhorado e aperfeiçoado de forma a criar mais desafios através da inclusão dum modo háptio. E por fim, não menos importante, criar novas dimensões de jogo em grupo, permitindo jogar os modos cooperativo e competitivo em simultâneo, tendo por exemplo duas equipas de dois jogadores cada, a cooperar entre si para completar o puzzle, e de certa forma a competir contra a outra equipa para terminar primeiro e com melhores resultados. O objectivo seria, mais uma vez, estudar as estratégias usadas.Mobile entertainment applications have an important and significant role in the software market, covering a diverse group of users. All this is due to the sudden success of innovative interaction devices such as Nintendo’s Wiimote, Sony’s Move and Kinect’s Microsoft. On the other hand, these multimodal interaction techniques have been explored for mobile games. The latest generation of mobile devices is equipped with a wide variety of sensors, in addition to the obvious such as touch screen and microphone. There are other interesting components such as digital compass, accelerometers and optical sensors. Mobile devices are also used as a digital camera, personal organizer, to watch videos and listen to music, and of course, to play games. Looking for the new users groups and for the new ways to play the games and include new forms of interaction, using the attributes and capabilities of new platforms and new technologies is an issue as poignant and very challenging. This work aims to study and propose new dimensions of play and interaction with mobile platforms, whether smartphones or tablets, which suit most distinct communities of players. It is intended primarily to explore alternative modalities such as touch-based and vibratory, as well as audio based, combined or not with traditional visual ones. It also aims at exploring group games, spatially distributed and co-located, finding and studying new forms of expression in classic games and innovative games that involve small sets of individuals. The ubiquity inherent to mobile devices leads us to find input and output flows which support rapid or less rapid entry commands, without losing the interest and motivation to play. In addition to the design and implementation of three or four small game applications intended to create a set of reusable components and a set of guidelines for creating new games

    Experience Report: Thinkathon -- Countering an "I Got It Working" Mentality with Pencil-and-Paper Exercises

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    Goal-directed problem-solving labs can lead a student to believe that the most important achievement in a first programming course is to get programs working. This is counter to research indicating that code comprehension is an important developmental step for novice programmers. We observed this in our own CS-0 introductory programming course, and furthermore, that students weren't making the connection between code comprehension in labs and a final examination that required solutions to pencil-and-paper comprehension and writing exercises, where sound understanding of programming concepts is essential. Realising these deficiencies late in our course, we put on three 3-hour optional revision evenings just days before the exam. Based on a mastery learning philosophy, students were expected to work through a bank of around 200 pencil-and-paper exercises. By comparison with a machine-based hackathon, we called this a Thinkathon. Students completed a pre and post questionnaire about their experience of the Thinkathon. While we find that Thinkathon attendance positively influences final grades, we believe our reflection on the overall experience is of greater value. We report that: respected methods for developing code comprehension may not be enough on their own; novices must exercise their developing skills away from machines; and there are social learning outcomes in programming courses, currently implicit, that we should make explicit

    Assessment and development of cognitive skills using tangible electronic board games : serious games on the TUI TagTiles

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    When designing the educational tools and methods of the future, putting the child and its natural way of developing at the center offers great benefits. The child will be more motivated and at the same time the educational yield will be higher and more targeted. In this dissertation it is shown that electronic tangible systems like the TagTiles console can offer integral, personalized development of children in the areas of cognitive, fine motor and social skills for assessment, education and therapy, in a manner that builds on natural forms of play of children. Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) are potentially highly effective tools for education combining physical interfaces with computing power, enabling easy-to-use and robust applications that are enjoyable and motivating. The topic of this dissertation is whether and how TUIs can be developed that are effective for developing cognitive skills of children. Classical theories on cognitive development were used as a theoretical foundation for the development of a TUI-based educational application, such as the role of sensorimotor abilities for cognitive development as described by Piaget. Vygotsky’s concept of the Zone of Proximal Development was used to inspire the implementation of adaptivity in the educational application. The research described consisted of three phases, each including an empirical study conducted at primary schools. In the first phase the influence of the type of interface on the performance of children on an educational task was investigated. The use of a virtual, pc-based interface was compared to the use of a tangible, non-electronic interface for the same puzzle task. It was found that children (N=26, aged 5-7 years) were able to solve the tangible puzzle tasks on average almost twice as fast as the PC based task, and needed considerably less instruction for the tangible version. The results of the study support the hypothesis that tangible interfaces offer a more suitable interface than a pc-based interface to educational tasks, at least for young children. In the second phase it was validated whether a range of TUI-based tasks can be used to address nonverbal, cognitive skills. The applied tasks had been developed for use with ‘TagTiles’. TagTiles is a tabletop electronic console with tangible game pieces developed by Serious Toys B.V. (www.serioustoys.com). The console includes a sensing board with an array of LED lights underneath and audio output. The system is controlled by manipulating game pieces on the TagTiles surface. Eight visual-spatial tasks were created, intended to address different nonverbal cognitive skills such as (working) memory and spatial reasoning. Each task included abstract patterns consisting of colored tiles. For each task a different assignment is given to the player, such as mirroring the pattern, or repeating a sequence of tiles that lit up on the board. To validate which skills can be addressed with these tasks, children’s performances on the TagTiles tasks were correlated with performances on several conventional psychometric instruments. This study included children aged 8-10 years and consisted of a pilot study (N=10) and an experiment (N=32). Significant correlations were found between the performances of children on the TagTiles tasks and the performances on nonverbal subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IIINL (WISC IIINL). Some tasks also showed significant correlations with Raven’s Progressive Matrices, which is an intelligence test measuring deductive reasoning skills. The results of this study indicate that the developed tasks can be used to train skills that are measured in IQ tests. In the third phase it was investigated whether the developed visual-spatial tasks kept their ability to address cognitive skills when embedded in a game. It was also tested whether children experienced this game, called ‘Tap the little hedgehog’, to be fun and intrinsically motivating. A fantasy theme was added to include the tasks in a natural way, to minimize and simplify the instructions needed to understand the game play and to make the tasks more fun to play. The difficulty of the task levels was made adaptive to the player’s achievements. A reward structure was added to increase children’s motivation to reach certain goals in the game as well as a support structure, created to help the child when needed, enabling independent play. The results of the empirical study (N=52, aged 7-9 years) with this game indicated that the added game context had not changed the essence of the tasks, as the performances were similar to those in the study in phase two. These findings support the hypothesis that TagTiles tasks applied in a game context can be used to assess and train a range of nonverbal skills. For assessment purposes we concluded that TagTiles can be used to test at least part of the cognitive skills that are addressed with the applied conventional psychological measures, given the significant correlations that were found. Studies by others have shown that training of relevant skills such as working memory can improve aspects of intellectual functioning, in particular executive functioning and efficient use of working memory. This opens the exciting prospect that by practicing with TagTiles the performance on the mentioned skills may be enhanced, or that these skills may be more effectively used. This means that it would be useful to investigate whether, after further refinement and validation, the TagTiles tasks can be used for assessment and training of specific cognitive skills. Based on the results of the conducted studies, it was concluded that the integral and personalized development of children in the areas of cognitive, fine motor and social skills for assessment, education and therapy can be facilitated with TUIs like TagTiles. Educational TUIs can profoundly change current education and assessment practices, offering an alternative that is enjoyable to the child and effective and accurate to the educational or assessment expert. The described way of creating a challenge using the Zone of Proximal Development can also be used to improve the experience with educational games

    Proceedings of The Rust-Edu Workshop

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    The 2022 Rust-Edu Workshop was an experiment. We wanted to gather together as many thought leaders we could attract in the area of Rust education, with an emphasis on academic-facing ideas. We hoped that productive discussions and future collaborations would result. Given the quick preparation and the difficulties of an international remote event, I am very happy to report a grand success. We had more than 27 participants from timezones around the globe. We had eight talks, four refereed papers and statements from 15 participants. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I can say that I learned a ton. These proceedings are loosely organized: they represent a mere compilation of the excellent submitted work. I hope you’ll find this material as pleasant and useful as I have. Bart Massey 30 August 202

    Programmeringsoppgaver og auto-scoring: Inspera vs. andre løsninger

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    Retting av store antall eksamensbesvarelser i programmeringsfag innen stramme sensurfrister er krevende. Selv om oppgavetypen «Programmering» i Inspera gir klare fordeler framfor håndskrevet kode, er den manuelt rettet. I 2021 lanserte Inspera en ny oppgavetype, «Kompilering», hvor poeng kunne gis automatisk basert på testsuiter. Dessverre var oppgavetypen beheftet med en del problemer, og den er nå trukket tilbake for videreutvikling, dermed ikke lenger tilgjengelig for bruk i eksamen. Denne artikkelen beskriver våre erfaringer med oppgavetypen «Kompilering» og diskuterer hvilke behov for forbedringer som ville være ønskelig for at bruk av denne skulle kunne bli vellykket - særlig for eksamen, men også potensielt for bruk under formativ vurdering underveis i semesteret. Det gjøres en sammenligning med andre systemers implementasjon av lignende oppgavetyper, f.eks. Moodle CodeRunner, basert på praktisk utprøving og litteraturstudium av erfaringer med bruk i andre land. Artikkelen diskuterer også i hvilken grad karaktersetting kan basere seg fullt ut på automatisk poenggivning av kode, eller hvorvidt man fortsatt vil trenge manuell gjennomgang, for eksempel for å kunne gi noe poeng til studenter som har kode som ikke fungerer, men hvor løsningen likevel inneholder mye riktig tankegang