1,738 research outputs found

    Distributed Graph Automata and Verification of Distributed Algorithms

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    Combining ideas from distributed algorithms and alternating automata, we introduce a new class of finite graph automata that recognize precisely the languages of finite graphs definable in monadic second-order logic. By restricting transitions to be nondeterministic or deterministic, we also obtain two strictly weaker variants of our automata for which the emptiness problem is decidable. As an application, we suggest how suitable graph automata might be useful in formal verification of distributed algorithms, using Floyd-Hoare logic.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, includes a condensed version of the author's Master's thesis arXiv:1404.6503. (This version of the article (v2) is identical to the previous one (v1), except for minor changes in phrasing.

    The Complexity of Codiagnosability for Discrete Event and Timed Systems

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    In this paper we study the fault codiagnosis problem for discrete event systems given by finite automata (FA) and timed systems given by timed automata (TA). We provide a uniform characterization of codiagnosability for FA and TA which extends the necessary and sufficient condition that characterizes diagnosability. We also settle the complexity of the codiagnosability problems both for FA and TA and show that codiagnosability is PSPACE-complete in both cases. For FA this improves on the previously known bound (EXPTIME) and for TA it is a new result. Finally we address the codiagnosis problem for TA under bounded resources and show it is 2EXPTIME-complete.Comment: 24 pages

    Ordered Navigation on Multi-attributed Data Words

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    We study temporal logics and automata on multi-attributed data words. Recently, BD-LTL was introduced as a temporal logic on data words extending LTL by navigation along positions of single data values. As allowing for navigation wrt. tuples of data values renders the logic undecidable, we introduce ND-LTL, an extension of BD-LTL by a restricted form of tuple-navigation. While complete ND-LTL is still undecidable, the two natural fragments allowing for either future or past navigation along data values are shown to be Ackermann-hard, yet decidability is obtained by reduction to nested multi-counter systems. To this end, we introduce and study nested variants of data automata as an intermediate model simplifying the constructions. To complement these results we show that imposing the same restrictions on BD-LTL yields two 2ExpSpace-complete fragments while satisfiability for the full logic is known to be as hard as reachability in Petri nets

    Reachability of Communicating Timed Processes

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    We study the reachability problem for communicating timed processes, both in discrete and dense time. Our model comprises automata with local timing constraints communicating over unbounded FIFO channels. Each automaton can only access its set of local clocks; all clocks evolve at the same rate. Our main contribution is a complete characterization of decidable and undecidable communication topologies, for both discrete and dense time. We also obtain complexity results, by showing that communicating timed processes are at least as hard as Petri nets; in the discrete time, we also show equivalence with Petri nets. Our results follow from mutual topology-preserving reductions between timed automata and (untimed) counter automata.Comment: Extended versio

    When is Containment Decidable for Probabilistic Automata?

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    The containment problem for quantitative automata is the natural quantitative generalisation of the classical language inclusion problem for Boolean automata. We study it for probabilistic automata, where it is known to be undecidable in general. We restrict our study to the class of probabilistic automata with bounded ambiguity. There, we show decidability (subject to Schanuel's conjecture) when one of the automata is assumed to be unambiguous while the other one is allowed to be finitely ambiguous. Furthermore, we show that this is close to the most general decidable fragment of this problem by proving that it is already undecidable if one of the automata is allowed to be linearly ambiguous
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