22 research outputs found

    Empirical Study of Barriers to Electronic Commerce Adoption by Small and Medium Scale Businesses in Nigeria

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    Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is a technological innovation that enables small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to compete on the same level with their larger counterparts. And it has the potential to improve efficiency and productivity in many areas and, therefore, has received significant attention in many countries of the world. A thorough analysis of the impact of the internet and e-commerce across firms, industries and economies is necessary to separate hype from reality. However, several researchers have called for the investigation of the association between the perceptions of e-commerce and the barriers to its adoption in developing countries. It is however on record that SMEs the world over are faced with significant challenges that compromise their ability to function and to contribute optimally to the respective economies where they operate. This study was conducted in three states of Nigeria (Lagos, Abuja and Enugu states) with the use of interviews to gather relevant data; the aim of which was to understand the challenges which serve as barriers to E-Commerce adoption by small and medium scale enterprises in the Nigerian context. Findings indicates that small and medium scale online present is at best unknown. The most common e-Commerce applications used by most SMEs include but not limited to the use of e-mails for communication purposes and a simple website for basic product information – information contained are usually outdated as most of these websites are hardly updated. Findings revealed, among others, that lack of and total absence of a regulatory framework on e-Commerce security, as well as technical skills, and basic infrastructures are some of the barriers to electronic commerce adoption. The findings however, provide a constructive insight to financial practitioners, governments as well as other stakeholders on the need to give e-commerce a place in all aspects of e-commerce activities

    The role of e-banking on operational efficiency of banks in Nigeria

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    With the proliferation of the internet, coupled with the growing acceptance of the digital lifestyle and the world becoming increasingly addicted to e-business, the trend of cash transactions is now giving way to electronic payment system. Considering the rapid spread in the adoption of electronic banking as a channel for performing various bank transactions among banks in Nigeria, this study investigated the roles e-banking adoption has played in the performance of organizations using a case study of commercial banks in Nigeria. Hence the objective of the study was to determine the role of e-banking on the operational efficiency of commercial banks in Nigeria. In pursuance of this objective, primary data were obtained by administering questionnaires to staff of four purposively selected banks (Ecobank, UBA, GTB and First bank). Pearson correlation was used to analyse the results obtained using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and it was observed that banks’ operational efficiency in Nigeria since the adoption of electronic banking has improved compared to the era of traditional banking. This improvement was noticed in the strength of banks, revenue and capital bases, as well as in customers’ loyalty. It was concluded that the introduction of new channels into their ebanking operations drastically increased bank performances, since the more active customers are with their electronic transactions the more profitable it is for the banks

    A Review of the Causes and Effects of Disparities in Global Financial Performances of Cooperative Societies

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    Unlike small and medium scale enterprises, there is no doubt that cooperative societies have attracted little attention from both the public and private sectors. This is not the case in industrialized countries such as Denmark, USA, Great Britain, etc; where they have contributed immensely to the GDP of their respective economies. A review by various scholars of the various ways of financing cooperatives in Nigeria reveals that there is no adequate nation-wide financing agency. This study aims among others to review through historical data the operational and policy frameworks of the global and Nigerian cooperatives societies and other dependent cooperatives scattered all over the globe and their emerging trends in sourcing for funds. The methodology used is the content analysis. Historical (secondary data) such as journals, articles, textbooks, newspapers and Internet etc are employed. The paper identified the financing gap existing in cooperative movement in order for them to assume their proper position in the scheme of things in an emerging global economy. This paper recommends that amongst others that the Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (An initiative of the Bankers Committee) should be extended to Nigerian Cooperative Societies

    A Review of the Causes and Effects of Disparities in Global Financial Performances of Cooperative Societies

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    Unlike small and medium scale enterprises, there is no doubt that cooperative societies have attracted little attention from both the public and private sectors. This is not the case in industrialized countries such as Denmark, USA, Great Britain, etc; where they have contributed immensely to the GDP of their respective economies. A review by various scholars of the various ways of financing cooperatives in Nigeria reveals that there is no adequate nation-wide financing agency. This study aims among others to review through historical data the operational and policy frameworks of the global and Nigerian cooperatives societies and other dependent cooperatives scattered all over the globe and their emerging trends in sourcing for funds. The methodology used is the content analysis. Historical (secondary data) such as journals, articles, textbooks, newspapers and Internet etc are employed. The paper identified the financing gap existing in cooperative movement in order for them to assume their proper position in the scheme of things in an emerging global economy. This paper recommends that amongst others that the Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (An initiative of the Bankers Committee) should be extended to Nigerian Cooperative Societies

    Masa Depan Sistem Pemasaran : Dampak Adanya Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Internet secara signifikan telah menyebabkan perubahan yang sangat besar dalam berbagai bidang tidak terkecuali di bidang perdagangan dan pemasaran. Beberapa aktivitas perdagangan dan pemasaran telah beralih dari sistim konvensional ke sistem yang kita kenal dengan nama e-commerce. Internet memberikan peluang bagi perusahaan untuk meningkatkan bisnisnya dengan cara yang hemat biaya dan praktis. Pemanfaatan Internet mencakup peningkatan arus informasi, produk baru dan layanan pelanggan, peningkatan ketersediaan, peningkatan transparansi pasar. Untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan program e-marketing yang sukses, sejumlah teori, aplikasi, dan teknologi harus dianalisis dan dipahami dengan cermat. Pada artikel ini, peneliti akan mempertimbangkan cara pemasaran Internet terbaik untuk kesuksesan bisnis. Tujuan utama dari artikel ini adalah memahami dampak Internet pada area pemasaran yang berbeda seperti pengembangan produk dan penyediaan layanan, promosi, penetapan harga dan saluran distribusi. Dalam artikel itu ditunjukkan bahwa ketika produsen terhubung langsung dengan konsumen dan memperpendek saluran distribusi, ketidakefisienan dapat dihilangkan, waktu pengiriman produk dapat dikurangi, dan produsen dapat membangun hubungan yang lebih dekat dengan konsumen. Konsumen online mengharapkan sistem pemesanan dan pembayaran yang mudah, mudah dimengerti, dan aman. Pelanggan menginginkan jaminan bahwa pesanan akan segera dipenuhi. E-commerce menciptakan nilai bagi pelanggan dalam banyak hal. Pelanggan diperlakukan sebagai pasar satu. Mereka dapat mengakses beragam produk, seringkali dengan harga lebih murah. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa bisnis harus memberi perhatian khusus pada dampak Internet dan penggunaannya dalam pemasaran agar berhasil dan menguntungkan

    Investigating the situated culture of multi-channel customer management:A case study in Egypt

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    This paper investigates the influence of national culture on customers' behavior and customers' choice of channel through the customer life cycle stages. An exploratory in-depth single case study in a multinational organization in Egypt was conducted. Specifically, 31 in-depth interviews were conducted with members of staff in marketing, IT, retail and customer services departments, and external prospects/customers. Based on an interpretive approach, the authors have articulated a situated cultural approach based on structuration theory to identify the cultural dimensions that have provided an understanding of the cultural influence on customers' channel choice. The results highlighted that verbal, human interaction, traditional shopping, and cash based were the themes for customers' channel choice through the four stages of customer life cycle. The results also show that the customers' channel choices were linked to the following Egyptian cultural dimensions: collectivism, market price relationship, emotional, power distance, low trust, uncertainty avoidance, and universalism

    Influence of E-Commerce on Enterprises’ Brand in Developing Countries. A Case Study of Small to Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in Zimbabwe

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    Currently, most small businesses use e-commerce as a marketing tool and attach great importance to exchanging information and information about products and services. This study shows that improving internal efficiency and increasing communication are the main benefits of e-commerce for small businesses. By increasing the exchange of information, companies can cover a much larger customer area and attract new customers. Because they are aware of product characteristics, customers are happier and ready to give orders. This study shows that companies are changing a new way of finding customers that will allow them to reduce their advertising costs. At the same time, businesses are experiencing cost savings through better stagnated business. The main obstacles for small businesses are the lack of innovative culture and knowledge. Although some companies still consider the most important cost factor, this is due to the lack of understanding of e-commerce and positive effects. This in turn will lead to an end to the lack of conformity or innovation process. Another major obstacle is the lack of customer demand. In addition, the study shows that many small businesses do not benefit from these improvements, given the nature of the companies or markets that do not promote the innovation process. The results of the study showed that although access to finance could have a positive impact on SME performance, it was not fully exploited for Zimbabwe SMEs. Banks should therefore improve their lending conditions, collateral requirements and the number of years in order to improve performance. The survey results showed that management skills can have a positive and significant impact on the performance of SMEs, but only a small proportion of companies have embraced them. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-20-10 Publication date:October 31st 202

    E-Commerce Adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises in Ghana

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    This study investigates the adoption of e-commerce among small and medium enterprises in Ghana. The quantitative survey approach was employed for the conduct of this study. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from a sample size of 291 representatives of SMEs across four (4) administrative regions in Ghana. This study applied the binary logistic regression model and Friedman test analytical techniques. The study's findings revealed that most SMEs in Ghana had adopted at least one form of e-commerce level. The study further revealed that the decision to adopt and implement e-commerce among SMEs in Ghana is dependent on perceived relative advantage, IT knowledge of owners/managers, perceived risk/ security factor, and perceived Compatibility with existing infrastructure, culture, and values of the firm. Significant challenges hindering e-commerce adoption among SMEs in Ghana as identified in this study include high internet traffic, cost of running and maintaining e-commerce operations reliability of service, internet connection failures, as well as doubts about having the implementation of economies of scale and scope in alliance with strategic networks, the maintenance of unblemished ethical conduct by retail e-commerce firms, and the incorporation of protection and privacy policy statement on electronic platforms of firms

    E-business adoption in Nigerian Small Business Enterprises

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    Within the last decade, there has been a global increase in the use of e-business by both large and small companies. Today, it is generally acknowledged that e-business provides a range of opportunities for small businesses to operate and compete effectively; however, in developing countries such as Nigeria, there is very limited research on e-business adoption in the small business sector. This paper reviews existing literature on e-business adoption in developing countries, identifies key issues impacting upon e-business adoption and examines the use of e-business in four Nigerian small businesses using existing analytical models. The results indicate that Small Business Enterprises in Nigeria are indeed benefitting from e-business deployment, and key influencing factors affecting e-business adoption are identified. The study also concludes that different processes in different companies are affected by e-business, but that it is the customer facing processes in the main that have gained most from the adoption of e-business