126 research outputs found

    Hybrid-Vehfog: A Robust Approach for Reliable Dissemination of Critical Messages in Connected Vehicles

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) enable efficient communication between vehicles with the aim of improving road safety. However, the growing number of vehicles in dense regions and obstacle shadowing regions like Manhattan and other downtown areas leads to frequent disconnection problems resulting in disrupted radio wave propagation between vehicles. To address this issue and to transmit critical messages between vehicles and drones deployed from service vehicles to overcome road incidents and obstacles, we proposed a hybrid technique based on fog computing called Hybrid-Vehfog to disseminate messages in obstacle shadowing regions, and multi-hop technique to disseminate messages in non-obstacle shadowing regions. Our proposed algorithm dynamically adapts to changes in an environment and benefits in efficiency with robust drone deployment capability as needed. Performance of Hybrid-Vehfog is carried out in Network Simulator (NS-2) and Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) simulators. The results showed that Hybrid-Vehfog outperformed Cloud-assisted Message Downlink Dissemination Scheme (CMDS), Cross-Layer Broadcast Protocol (CLBP), PEer-to-Peer protocol for Allocated REsource (PrEPARE), Fog-Named Data Networking (NDN) with mobility, and flooding schemes at all vehicle densities and simulation times

    Named data networking for efficient IoT-based disaster management in a smart campus

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    Disasters are uncertain occasions that can impose a drastic impact on human life and building infrastructures. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a vital role in coping with such situations by enabling and integrating multiple technological resources to develop Disaster Management Systems (DMSs). In this context, a majority of the existing DMSs use networking architectures based upon the Internet Protocol (IP) focusing on location-dependent communications. However, IP-based communications face the limitations of inefficient bandwidth utilization, high processing, data security, and excessive memory intake. To address these issues, Named Data Networking (NDN) has emerged as a promising communication paradigm, which is based on the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architecture. An NDN is among the self-organizing communication networks that reduces the complexity of networking systems in addition to provide content security. Given this, many NDN-based DMSs have been proposed. The problem with the existing NDN-based DMS is that they use a PULL-based mechanism that ultimately results in higher delay and more energy consumption. In order to cater for time-critical scenarios, emergence-driven network engineering communication and computation models are required. In this paper, a novel DMS is proposed, i.e., Named Data Networking Disaster Management (NDN-DM), where a producer forwards a fire alert message to neighbouring consumers. This makes the nodes converge according to the disaster situation in a more efficient and secure way. Furthermore, we consider a fire scenario in a university campus and mobile nodes in the campus collaborate with each other to manage the fire situation. The proposed framework has been mathematically modeled and formally proved using timed automata-based transition systems and a real-time model checker, respectively. Additionally, the evaluation of the proposed NDM-DM has been performed using NS2. The results prove that the proposed scheme has reduced the end-to-end delay up from 2% to 10% and minimized up to 20% energy consumption, as energy improved from 3% to 20% compared with a state-of-the-art NDN-based DMS

    Incrementando as redes centradas à informaçãopara uma internet das coisas baseada em nomes

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    The way we use the Internet has been evolving since its origins. Nowadays, users are more interested in accessing contents and services with high demands in terms of bandwidth, security and mobility. This evolution has triggered the emergence of novel networking architectures targeting current, as well as future, utilisation demands. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a prominent example of these novel architectures that moves away from the current host-centric communications and centres its networking functions around content. Parallel to this, new utilisation scenarios in which smart devices interact with one another, as well as with other networked elements, have emerged to constitute what we know as the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is expected to have a significant impact on both the economy and society. However, fostering the widespread adoption of IoT requires many challenges to be overcome. Despite recent developments, several issues concerning the deployment of IPbased IoT solutions on a large scale are still open. The fact that IoT is focused on data and information rather than on point-topoint communications suggests the adoption of solutions relying on ICN architectures. In this context, this work explores the ground concepts of ICN to develop a comprehensive vision of the principal requirements that should be met by an IoT-oriented ICN architecture. This vision is complemented with solutions to fundamental issues for the adoption of an ICN-based IoT. First, to ensure the freshness of the information while retaining the advantages of ICN’s in-network caching mechanisms. Second, to enable discovery functionalities in both local and large-scale domains. The proposed mechanisms are evaluated through both simulation and prototyping approaches, with results showcasing the feasibility of their adoption. Moreover, the outcomes of this work contribute to the development of new compelling concepts towards a full-fledged Named Network of Things.A forma como usamos a Internet tem vindo a evoluir desde a sua criação. Atualmente, os utilizadores estão mais interessados em aceder a conteúdos e serviços, com elevados requisitos em termos de largura de banda, segurança e mobilidade. Esta evolução desencadeou o desenvolvimento de novas arquiteturas de rede, visando os atuais, bem como os futuros, requisitos de utilização. As Redes Centradas à Informação (Information-Centric Networking - ICN) são um exemplo proeminente destas novas arquiteturas que, em vez de seguirem um modelo de comunicação centrado nos dispositivos terminais, centram as suas funções de rede em torno do próprio conteúdo. Paralelamente, novos cenários de utilização onde dispositivos inteligentes interagem entre si, e com outros elementos de rede, têm vindo a aparecer e constituem o que hoje conhecemos como a Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things - IoT ). É esperado que a IoT tenha um impacto significativo na economia e na sociedade. No entanto, promover a adoção em massa da IoT ainda requer que muitos desafios sejam superados. Apesar dos desenvolvimentos recentes, vários problemas relacionados com a adoção em larga escala de soluções de IoT baseadas no protocolo IP estão em aberto. O facto da IoT estar focada em dados e informação, em vez de comunicações ponto-a-ponto, sugere a adoção de soluções baseadas em arquiteturas ICN. Neste sentido, este trabalho explora os conceitos base destas soluções para desenvolver uma visão completa dos principais requisitos que devem ser satisfeitos por uma solução IoT baseada na arquitetura de rede ICN. Esta visão é complementada com soluções para problemas cruciais para a adoção de uma IoT baseada em ICN. Em primeiro lugar, assegurar que a informação seja atualizada e, ao mesmo tempo, manter as vantagens do armazenamento intrínseco em elementos de rede das arquiteturas ICN. Em segundo lugar, permitir as funcionalidades de descoberta não só em domínios locais, mas também em domínios de larga-escala. Os mecanismos propostos são avaliados através de simulações e prototipagem, com os resultados a demonstrarem a viabilidade da sua adoção. Para além disso, os resultados deste trabalho contribuem para o desenvolvimento de conceitos sólidos em direção a uma verdadeira Internet das Coisas baseada em Nomes.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    On the realization of VANET using named data networking: On improvement of VANET using NDN-based routing, caching, and security

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    Named data networking (NDN) presents a huge opportunity to tackle some of the unsolved issues of IP-based vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). The core characteristics of NDN such as the name-based routing, in-network caching, and built-in data security provide better management of VANET proprieties (e.g., the high mobility, link intermittency, and dynamic topology). This study aims at providing a clear view of the state-of-the-art on the developments in place, in order to leverage the characteristics of NDN in VANET. We resort to a systematic literature review (SLR) to perform a reproducible study, gathering the proposed solutions and summarizing the main open challenges on implementing NDN-based VANET. There exist several related studies, but they are more focused on other topics such as forwarding. This work specifically restricts the focus on VANET improvements by NDN-based routing (not forwarding), caching, and security. The surveyed solution herein presented is performed between 2010 and 2021. The results show that proposals on the selected topics for NDN-based VANET are recent (mainly from 2016 to 2021). Among them, caching is the most investigated topic. Finally, the main findings and the possible roadmaps for further development are highlighted

    An efficient pending interest table control management in named data network

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is an emerging Internet architecture that employs a new network communication model based on the identity of Internet content. Its core component, the Pending Interest Table (PIT) serves a significant role of recording Interest packet information which is ready to be sent but in waiting for matching Data packet. In managing PIT, the issue of flow PIT sizing has been very challenging due to massive use of long Interest lifetime particularly when there is no flexible replacement policy, hence affecting PIT performance. The aim of this study is to propose an efficient PIT Control Management (PITCM) approach to be used in handling incoming Interest packets in order to mitigate PIT overflow thus enhancing PIT utilization and performance. PITCM consists of Adaptive Virtual PIT (AVPIT) mechanism, Smart Threshold Interest Lifetime (STIL) mechanism and Highest Lifetime Least Request (HLLR) policy. The AVPIT is responsible for obtaining early PIT overflow prediction and reaction. STIL is meant for adjusting lifetime value for incoming Interest packet while HLLR is utilized for managing PIT entries in efficient manner. A specific research methodology is followed to ensure that the work is rigorous in achieving the aim of the study. The network simulation tool is used to design and evaluate PITCM. The results of study show that PITCM outperforms the performance of standard NDN PIT with 45% higher Interest satisfaction rate, 78% less Interest retransmission rate and 65% less Interest drop rate. In addition, Interest satisfaction delay and PIT length is reduced significantly to 33% and 46%, respectively. The contribution of this study is important for Interest packet management in NDN routing and forwarding systems. The AVPIT and STIL mechanisms as well as the HLLR policy can be used in monitoring, controlling and managing the PIT contents for Internet architecture of the future

    Novel applications and contexts for the cognitive packet network

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    Autonomic communication, which is the development of self-configuring, self-adapting, self-optimising and self-healing communication systems, has gained much attention in the network research community. This can be explained by the increasing demand for more sophisticated networking technologies with physical realities that possess computation capabilities and can operate successfully with minimum human intervention. Such systems are driving innovative applications and services that improve the quality of life of citizens both socially and economically. Furthermore, autonomic communication, because of its decentralised approach to communication, is also being explored by the research community as an alternative to centralised control infrastructures for efficient management of large networks. This thesis studies one of the successful contributions in the autonomic communication research, the Cognitive Packet Network (CPN). CPN is a highly scalable adaptive routing protocol that allows for decentralised control in communication. Consequently, CPN has achieved significant successes, and because of the direction of research, we expect it to continue to find relevance. To investigate this hypothesis, we research new applications and contexts for CPN. This thesis first studies Information-Centric Networking (ICN), a future Internet architecture proposal. ICN adopts a data-centric approach such that contents are directly addressable at the network level and in-network caching is easily supported. An optimal caching strategy for an information-centric network is first analysed, and approximate solutions are developed and evaluated. Furthermore, a CPN inspired forwarding strategy for directing requests in such a way that exploits the in-network caching capability of ICN is proposed. The proposed strategy is evaluated via discrete event simulations and shown to be more effective in its search for local cache hits compared to the conventional methods. Finally, CPN is proposed to implement the routing system of an Emergency Cyber-Physical System for guiding evacuees in confined spaces in emergency situations. By exploiting CPN’s QoS capabilities, different paths are assigned to evacuees based on their ongoing health conditions using well-defined path metrics. The proposed system is evaluated via discrete-event simulations and shown to improve survival chances compared to a static system that treats evacuees in the same way.Open Acces

    Applying named data networking in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This thesis presents the Name-based Mobile Ad-hoc Network (nMANET) approach to content distribution that ensure and enables responsible research on applying named data networking protocol in mobile ad-hoc networks. The test framework of the nMANET approach allows reproducibility of experiments and validation of expected results based on analysis of experimental data. The area of application for nMANETs is the distribution of humanitarian information in emergency scenarios. Named-Data Networking (NDN) and ad-hoc mobile communication allow exchange of emergency information in situations where central services such as cellular towers and electric systems are disrupted. The implemented prototype enables researchers to reproduce experiments on content distribution that consider constraints on mobile resources, such as the remaining power of mobile devices and available network bandwidth. The nMANET framework validates a set of experiments by measuring network traffic and energy consumption from both real mobile devices and those in a simulated environment. Additionally, this thesis presents results from experiments in which the nMANET forwarding strategies and traditional wireless services, such as hotpost, are analysed and compared. This experimental data represents the evidence that supports and validates the methodology presented in this thesis. The design and implementation of an nMANET prototype, the Java NDN Forwarder Daemon (JNFD) is presented as a testing framework, which follows the principles of continuous integration, continuous testing and continuous deployment. This testing framework is used to validate JNFD and IP-based technologies, such as HTTP in a MANET using the OLSR routing protocol, as well as traditional wireless infrastructure mode wireless. The set of experiments executed, in a small network of Android smart-phones connected in ad-hoc mode and in a virtual ad-hoc network simulator show the advantages of reproducibility using nMANET features. JNFD is open source, all experiments are scripted, they are repeatable and scalable. Additionally, JNFD utilises real GPS traces to simulate mobility of nodes during experiments. This thesis provides experimental evidence to show that nMANET allows reproducibility and validation of a wide range of future experiments applying NDN on MANETs

    Execução remota e offloading de computação em NDN

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    The way the Internet is currently used is completely different from how it was intended to be used, which results in a number of shortcomings for the current demands. To address IP’s deficiencies, new clean-slate architectures started to emerge. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is one of them. It provides architectural advantages like resource naming, built-in caching and security, effective forwarding and others. One of the Internet usage segments that has expanded the most is edge computing. Applying new architectures to the edge computing has many benefits. The advantages of using Named Data Networking (NDN), an ICN implementation, in the context of edge computing were examined in this dissertation. The emphasis is on remote execution and offloading of functions to the network. A framework is proposed for enabling remote execution and its application in edge offloading in NDN. New methods for delivering input arguments to functions and obtaining the execution result were studied. The framework is validated and its performance is evaluated.A forma como a Internet é usada atualmente é completamente diferente de como ela se destinava a ser utilizada, o que resulta numa série de deficiências para as exigências atuais. Para resolver as deficiências do IP, novas arquiteturas clean-slate estão a surgir. A Information-Centric Networking (ICN) é uma delas. Oferece vantagens de arquitetura como recursos nomeados, cache e segurança integrados, encaminhamento eficaz e outros. Um dos segmentos de uso da Internet que mais se expandiu é a computação na edge. A aplicação das novas arquiteturas à computação na edge tem muitos benefícios. As vantagens de usar Named Data Networking (NDN), uma implementação de ICN, no contexto da computação na edge foram examinadas nesta dissertação. Execução remota e offloading de funções para a rede são focos principais deste trabalho. É proposto um framework para viabilizar a execução remota e a sua aplicação para offloading de funções na edge em NDN. Novos métodos para entregar argumentos de entrada para funções e obter o resultado da execução foram estudados. O sistema é validado e o seu desempenho é avaliado.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic