9,795 research outputs found

    New quality of financial institutions and business management

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    Economic processes in the world are characterized by a high level of dynamism, change and innovative approaches to addressing key issues in nowadays. In a context of globalization and European integration of Ukraine into a high-tech competitive environment in order to financing innovative projects, it is necessary to use Blockchain technology as an effective tool for digital economy. Purpose of scientific research is to find out key priorities and functionalities of Blockchain’s application for solving business and government tasks. The object of scientific research is the latest financial technology Blockchain and a system of cult-technologies: crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdinvesting. Methodology. In the process of re-search, the following methods are used: generalization – in studying the nature, pre-conditions and principles of Blockchain technologies; formalization – when compar-ing characteristics of the latest forms of financing, such as crowdsourcing, crowd-funding, crowdinvesting. In the course of scientific research, key qualitative charac-teristics of digital economy are described and the dominant components of its devel-opment are investigated. The result of the article. The priorities, new principles of business management and possibilities of Blockchain technology as an effective digi-tal economy tool for solving business and government tasks are revealed. Future pro-spects from the implementation of crowd-technologies as an effective management tool in progress for solving the problems of innovative business are substantiated. Interconnection in the latest financial institution of creative initiatives realization is presented. The comparative analysis of management of new institutes of innovative development for Ukrainian economy in the course of doing business is carried out. The result of the research is presentation of the relationship in the latest financial in-stitution implementing creative initiatives and a comparative analysis of new insti-tutes of innovative development in the sphere of finance for the Ukrainian economy. Practical implications. The components of digital economy identified by the authors in the article are accelerators of the socio-economic life of Ukrainian society in the modern world and are capable of rapidly increasing Ukraine’s GDP. The described new forms of financing of Ukrainian start-ups (crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing) are today quite interesting and effective tool for solving business problems in the financial, economic, innovative, marketing and marketing spheres. Value/originality. Blockchain technology, as an effective tool for Ukraine’s digital economy, is able to address the challenges of business and government, uncover the relationship between crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and explain the content of innovative financial institutions for Ukraine’s economy

    M-Payment - How Disruptive Technologies Could Change The Payment Ecosystem

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    Within developed economies, the field of m-payment appears to be driven by (disruptive) technological innovations. M-payments, similar to e-payments, have been regulated in such a way that banks and other established financial institutions have been able to maintain an unchallenged position in the payment ecosystem. However, disruptive technologies like Near Field Communication, but more im-portantly cloud technology based solutions might lead to dramatic changes. In the long run this may change the position of banks in the payment ecosystem including their control over “money flows”. Yet, for this to happen m-payment solution and service providers need to understand the role of money and payment instruments as well as how payment ecosystems work, in-depth. In this conceptual paper we discuss how the ecosystem of m-payment is expected to change due to technology changes. Based on platform and ecosystems concepts, theories of money and behavioral theories a comprehensive lit-erature review and a qualitative meta-analyses of the m-payment literature is presented. On the basis of the theory review and literature analysis we expect that the role of Over The Top (OTT) providers in the m-payment ecosystems will be driven by cloud-based solutions and threaten the position of tra-ditional players. Banks need regulators to safeguard their control over the money flow

    Co-opetition of TV broadcasters in online video markets : a winning strategy?

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    This article focuses on TV broadcasters adopting co-opetition strategies for launching online video services. It is claimed that the emergence of online video platforms like YouTube and Netflix is driving TV broadcasters to collaborate with their closest competitors to reduce costs and reach the necessary scale in the global marketplace. The article sheds light on online video platforms that were developed following a co-opetition strategy (Hulu and YouView). The establishment of joint ventures in online video, however, has been scrutinised by competition authorities which fear that collaboration between close competitors lessens rivalry and reduces consumer choice. Therefore, several co-opetition projects (among others BBC’s Kangaroo and Germany’s Gold) have been prohibited by competition authorities

    A Model of Digital Payment Infrastructure Formation and Development: The EU Regulator´s Perspective

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    The payment field is being rapidly transformed. New players have emerged and are threatening the well-established positions of the incumbents. This process is driven by technology change and market forces, and it is shaped by the increasing role of the regulator. When considering the change in the regulatory environment and combining it with the disruptive and innovative nature of the mobile phone, the result is a market that is rapidly transforming from well-established structure into a state of flux. We build a model to understand and explain this transformation of the digital payment infrastructure. The model captures the formation and development of the digital payment infrastructure with a particular emphasis on the regulator´s and innovator’s perspective. It consists of four stages characterized by slow incremental change which are followed by short and rapid bursts of discontinuity. Each stage is portrayed by its evolutionary dynamics, the nature of the payment platform, the legal implications, the level of competition, and what drives the discontinuity. Keywords: digital payments, multi-sided platform, EU payment regulation, digital infrastructures

    The future of exchanging value: uncovering new ways of spending

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    The explosion of new technology and virtual currencies is changing where, when and how people and business exchange value. The report also demonstrates that while the future of payments is uncertain, the availability of internet connectivity and the mass adoption of mobile devices will impact the payments industry and incumbent payments providers. The phenomenal uptake and usage of mobile devices – and the easy accessibility of mobile payments technology – means today’s consumers are more mobile in their transactions and have a wealth of options available regarding where, when and how they make purchasing decisions. The future of exchanging value – Uncovering new ways of spending explores how the emergence of a new generation of payment solutions and business models is changing the payments landscape. Organisations that look beyond traditional payments platforms and simplify the purchasing process by having the right payments solutions available at the right place and at the right time can gain a competitive advantage. The report also demonstrates that while the future of payments is uncertain, the availability of internet connectivity and the mass adoption of mobile devices will impact the payments industry and incumbent payments providers

    The ‘fintech revolution’ is here! The disruptive impact of fintech on retail financial practices

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    Fintech is celebrated for its disruptive and democratizing qualities that dis/reintermediates the finance value chain. Claims of a ‘fintech revolution’ assume that fintech is ‘disruptive’ because of its innovative capabilities, but the extent to which these disruptive forces have reconfigured consumer financial knowledge and practices is not well understood. Using a questionnaire to survey retail consumers in Singapore on their use of fintech in performing different financial tasks, this article critically examines these claims of disruption and democratization by grounding them in the financial behaviors of consumers as informed by a financial ecologies approach. The results show a limited impact of fintech in shaping consumer financial behaviors. Respondents use fintech mainly for basic transactional purposes like making mobile payments and account management, but not so much for more complex matters like savings, investing and credit. The findings also reveal a ‘stickiness’ in financial behaviors that emphasizes the high touch points of human interaction. This study illustrates fintech’s variegated material outcomes by highlighting the unevenness in consumption of digital financial services and the enduring importance of human relationality in financial decision making

    When function meets emotion, change can happen: societal value propositions and disruptive potential in fintechs

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    Fintechs, as providers of digital service innovations and as highly relevant and novel channels through which to deliver entrepreneurial finance based on the creative use of state-of-the-art technology in the financial domain, have thus far mainly been addressed in research by examining the functional aspects of their value propositions (VPs). This article thus sets out to gain insights into the interplay and overall role of societal VPs as potential antecedents and change catalysts in the formation of the often promised disruptive potential of fintechs for the financial sector. In an inductive, theory-building approach, the authors first examine how societal VPs transcend individual functional and emotional ones for entrepreneurs, and conclude with a conceptual model of how the former can build up the disruptive potential of fintechs and deliver apt solutions for entrepreneurs seeking finance