152,078 research outputs found

    Democratic Education In The Egyptian Higher Education: Investigation Of Tutors’ Perception Of Democratic Education In The Egyptian Higher Education

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    Democratic education (DE) sees young people not as passive recipients of knowledge, but rather as active co-creators of their own learning and valued participants in a learning community. This study investigates tutors’ understanding and implementation of DE in the Egyptian Higher Education (HE). It investigates HE tutors’ conception about learners controlling their educational process by being fully embedded in it. Data for this qualitative paper was collected from 20 tutors from two Egyptian universities via one-to-one interviews and focus groups. This study highlighted the inference of political events in Egypt, since 2011, on HE students in their way of thinking and reflecting and addressed the need of DE to be a part of the educational paradigm. This paper concluded that DE is based on placing students in the centre of their learning and empowering them. Also, tutor-student dialogic approach and tutor-student trust are essential approaches to implement DE

    Globalization and the Composition of Public Education Expenditures: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

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    This paper studies the relationship between globalization and the composition of public education expenditures. The theoretical model is embedded in a median voter setting and is based on the assumption that globalization leads to lower tax revenues as well as an increase in the relative wage of high-skilled workers. Overall, the theoretical discussion suggests that globalization induces a shift from primary to tertiary education expenditures, which is backed up by empirical evidence from dynamic panel estimations for 121 countries over the 1992 - 2006 period. A possible implication of the shift in educational priorities towards higher education is an increase in income inequalityGlobalization, public education expenditures, educational policy

    Globalization and the Composition of Public Education Expenditures: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

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    This paper studies the relationship between globalization and the composition of public education expenditures. The theoretical model is embedded in a median voter setting and is based on the assumption that globalization leads to lower tax revenues as well as an increase in the relative wage of high-skilled workers. Overall, the theoretical discussion suggests that globalization induces a shift from primary to tertiary education expenditures, which is backed up by empirical evidence from dynamic panel estimations for 121 countries over the 1992 - 2006 period. A possible implication of the shift in educational priorities towards higher education is an increase in income inequality.Globalization, public education expenditures, educational policy

    Constructivist Multi-Access Lab Approach in Teaching FPGA Systems Design with LabVIEW

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    Embedded systems play vital role in modern applications [1]. They can be found in autos, washing machines, electrical appliances and even in toys. FPGAs are the most recent computing technology that is used in embedded systems. There is an increasing demand on FPGA based embedded systems, in particular, for applications that require rapid time responses. Engineering education curricula needs to respond to the increasing industrial demand of using FPGAs by introducing new syllabus for teaching and learning this subject. This paper describes the development of new course material for teaching FPGA-based embedded systems design by using ‘G’ Programming Language of LabVIEW. A general overview of FPGA role in engineering education is provided. A survey of available Hardware Programming Languages for FPGAs is presented. A survey about LabVIEW utilization in engineering education is investigated; this is followed by a motivation section of why to use LabVIEW graphical programming in teaching and its capabilities. Then, a section of choosing a suitable kit for the course is laid down. Later, constructivist closed-loop model the FPGA course has been proposed in accordance with [2- 4; 80,86,89,92]. The paper is proposing a pedagogical framework for FPGA teaching; pedagogical evaluation will be conducted in future studies. The complete study has been done at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Aleppo University

    Ten Tonne Plan: Education for sustainability from a whole systems thinking perspective

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    The Ten Tonne Plan is a greenhouse gas emissions reduction initiative that aimed to reduce school emissions by 10 tonnes (metric tons) in one year. A case study was conducted on the impact of this initiative at a primary school in Western Australia. Research investigated student, staff, parent, and community partner perceptions following participation. Results showed the school achieved its goal through the implementation of a variety of environmental and social actions undertaken by the whole school community. Findings identified strengths and weaknesses of the initiative. The Ten Tonne Plan provided a model that is applicable in a variety of school settings

    Next Generation Teaching and Learning ??? Technologies and Trends

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    The landscape of teaching and learning has been radically shifted in the last 15 years by the advent of web technologies, which enabled the emergence of Learning Management Systems (LMS). These systems changed the educational paradigm by extending the classroom borders, capturing and persisting course content and giving instructors more flexibility and access to students and other resources. However, they also constrained and limited the evolution of teaching and learning by imposing a traditional, instructional framework. With the advent of Web 2.0 technologies, participation and collaboration have become predominant experiences on the Web. The teaching and learning community, as a whole, has been late to capitalize on these technologies in the classroom. Part of this trend is due to constraints in the technology (LMS), and part is due to the fact that participatory media tools require an additional shift in educational paradigms, from instructional, on-the-pulpit type of teaching, to a student-centered, adaptive environment where students can contribute to the course material and learn from one another. This panel will discuss the next generation of teaching and learning, involving more lightweight, modular systems to empower instructors to be flexible, explore new student-centered paradigms, and plug and play tools as needed. We will also discuss how the iSchools are and should be increasingly involved in studying these new forms, formulating best practices and supporting the needs of teachers as they move toward more collaborative learning environments

    Впровадження дисциплін циклу «Вбудовані системи» в підготовку студентів-інформатиків

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    This article describes an approach to teaching of embedded systems (ES) disciplines for non-engineering students using original technique to study embedded systems design, realization and testing. The approach to be effective for implementation in a classical university and include all modern ES technologies. To create the teaching technique most of existing technologies were analysed, compared and adapted to be convenient for training. Teaching technique for the cycle of "Embedded Systems" disciplines includes traditional, virtual and remote design technologies. The example of completed student project described where “smart home” prototype was made.У статті описується підхід до викладання вбудованих систем шляхом розробки методики вивчення технологій створення і тестування вбудованих систем управління від першого до останнього етапу. Методика повинна бути ефективною при реалізації в класичному університеті і охоплювати усі сучасні технології. Для створення навчальної методики вивчено та адаптовано більшість існуючих технології, проведено порівняльний аналіз і представлення їх у зручному для навчання вигляді. У рамках дисциплін циклу «Вбудовані системи» вивчались як традиційні, так і віртуальні та дистанційні технології проектування

    Innovation and failure in mechatronics design education

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    Innovative engineering design always has associated with it the risk of failure, and it is the role of the design engineer to mitigate the possibilities of failure in the final system. Education should however provide a safe space for students to both innovate and to learn about and from failures. However, pressures on course designers and students can result in their adopting a conservative, and risk averse, approach to problem solving. The paper therefore considers the nature of both innovation and failure, and looks at how these might be effectively combined within mechatronics design education

    Exploiting popular culture : exploring pedagogical and motivational approaches for design and technology education

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    This paper describes a case study of pedagogical developments carried out with teachers and secondary school students in response to new curriculum content in Product Design courses presented in Scottish secondary schools. The pedagogy attempts to challenge the anti-commercial manufacturing attitude that prevails among teachers and students and is based on motivational principles. It makes explicit use of the language and tools of popular media culture, specifically 'ask the audience' interaction and investigative forensic science. An electronic voting system is incorporated as an introduction to detailed product evaluation and technical analysis collaborative activities. It examines the educational potential of such ICT systems to help students explore emotional response, product semantics and value judgements and make connections to commercial manufacturing detail design