82 research outputs found

    Fast, predictable and low energy memory references through architecture-aware compilation

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    The design of future high-performance embedded systems is hampered by two problems: First, the required hardware needs more energy than is available from batteries. Second, current cache-based approaches for bridging the increasing speed gap between processors and memories cannot guarantee predictable real-time behavior. A contribution to solving both problems is made in this paper which describes a comprehensive set of algorithms that can be applied at design time in order to maximally exploit scratch pad memories (SPMs). We show that both the energy consumption as well as the computed worst case execution time (WCET) can be reduced by up to to 80% and 48%, respectively, by establishing a strong link between the memory architecture and the compiler

    An Automated Dna Strands Detection System Featuring 32-Bit Arm7tdmi Microcontroller And Vga-Cmos Digital Image Sensor.

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    Genetic DNA recognition is a routine experiment for detecting the origin of the species. Electrophoresis is one of the processes for such detection which has been used extensively. Pengecaman genetik DNA ialah eksperimen rutin untuk mengesan asal usul sesuatu spesis. Proses electrophoresis ialah salah satu proses pengecaman yang digunakan secara meluas


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    rum Version 1 TRANARM7001 20100220 Tidorum Ltd. Tid ru

    Vision based leader-follower formation control for mobile robots

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    Creating systems with multiple autonomous vehicles places severe demands on the design of control schemes. Robot formation control plays a vital role in coordinating robots. As the number of members in a system rise, the complexity of each member increases. There is a proportional increase in the quantity and complexity of onboard sensing, control and computation. This thesis investigates the control of a group of mobile robots consisting of a leader and several followers to maintain a desired geometric formation --Abstract, page iii

    GSM Based Health Assistant for People with Chronic Diseases

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    A GSM based health assistant for people with chronic diseases proposes and implements a prototype to help people with chronic diseases. The system is composed of two components namely, wearable body area network and a microprocessor unit with GSM and GPS. This project can track certain chronic diseases namely, heart problems, asthma, apart from the chronic diseases can also track blood pressure with sensors namely, electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor, temperature sensor, heart beatsensor and blood pressure sensor. This project keeps track of the readings from the sensors and if there are some abnormalities it would send messages via GSM stored in SIM.The location of the patient can be sent using GPS

    Mittausalusta Konekäskytason Energiamallintamiseen

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    Energy efficiency is a rising concern in today's society and also affects information technology and software. This concern becomes highlighted in battery powered embedded systems like portable multimedia and smart devices as the available energy is limited. Energy efficiency in information technology is often thought as energy-efficient hardware although it should rather be thought as a joint effort between hardware and software. The energy consumption of hardware depends on what software is running on top of it and how that software uses the hardware. Reciprocally, the software energy consumption depends on the energy efficiency of the hardware. Instruction-level energy models are used for analysing and optimising the energy efficiency of software. The models in turn rely on accurate measurements of energy consumed by individual machine instructions. Low-energy processors are usually used in embedded systems. Measuring their energy consumption is a challenging task, due to the small currents and noise. It is a challenge to develop a measurement platform for conducting accurate measurements as well as minimising the noise affecting the measurements. In this thesis, four different circuits were examined to assess their suitability for a measurement platform. A printed circuit board was designed and constructed in order to identify and investigate solutions concerning the challenges in designing such a platform. Within this process a suitable processor was selected to act as the measurement target. A survey of low-energy processors targeted at embedded systems was conducted as part of this work. As a result a prototype measurement platform was constructed.Energiatehokkuus on kasvava huolenaihe nyky-yhteiskunnassa ja koskettaa myös tietotekniikkaa ja ohjelmistoja. Tämä korostuu erityisesti akkukäyttöisissä sulautetuissa järjestelmissä, kuten kannettavissa medialaitteissa ja älylaitteissa, joissa käytettävän energian määrä on rajattu. Energiatehokkuuden tietotekniikassa ajatellaan yleisesti viittaavaan energiatehokkaaseen laitteistoon, vaikka itse asiassa pitäisi puhua pikemminkin laitteiston ja ohjelmiston yhteispelistä. Laitteiston energiankulutus riippuu laitteiston päällä ajettavasta ohjelmistosta ja tavasta, miten ohjelmisto laitteistoa käyttää. Vastavuoroisesti ohjelmiston energiankulutus riippuu laitteiston energiatehokkuudesta. Ohjelmiston energiatehokkuuden analysointiin ja optimointiin käytetään konekäskytason energiamalleja. Mallit puolestaan perustuvat tarkkoihin mittauksiin yksittäisten konekäskyjen käyttämästä energiasta. Sulautetuissa järjestelmissä käytetään yleisesti energiapihejä prosessoreita. Niiden energiankulutuksen mittaaminen on haasteellista pienten virtojen ja ulkoisten häiriöiden takia. Haasteena on sellaisen mittausalustan kehittämien, jolla mahdollistetaan tarkat energiamittaukset ja minimoidaan mittauksiin vaikuttavat häiriötekijät. Työssä tutkittiin neljän eri virtapiirin soveltumista mittausalustaksi. Tämän lisäksi suunniteltiin ja valmistettiin piirilevy suunnitteluun liittyvien ongelmien tunnistamiseksi ja ratkaisuvaihtoehtojen selvittämiseksi. Tähän liittyy myös oikeanlaisen mittauskohteen valinta. Samalla tehtiin kartoitus energiapiheistä prosessoreista, jotka on suunnattu sulautettuihin järjestelmiin. Lopputuloksena on rakennettu prototyyppi mittausalustasta

    Firmware Modification Analysis in Programmable Logic Controllers

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    Incorporating security in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and sensor networks has proven to be a pervasive problem due to the constraints and demands placed on these systems. Both attackers and security professionals seek to uncover the inherent roots of trust in a system to achieve opposing goals. With SCADA systems, a battle is being fought at the cyber -- physical level, specifically the programmable logic controller (PLC). The Stuxnet worm, which became increasingly apparent in the summer of 2010, has shown that modifications to a SCADA system can be discovered on infected engineering workstations on the network, to include the ladder logic found in the PLC. However, certain firmware modifications made to a PLC can go undetected due to the lack of effective techniques available for detecting them. Current software auditing tools give an analyst a singular view of assembly code, and binary difference programs can only show simple differences between assembly codes. Additionally, there appears to be no comprehensive software tool that aids an analyst with evaluating a PLC firmware file for modifications and displaying the resulting effects. Manual analysis is time consuming and error prone. Furthermore, there are not enough talented individuals available in the industrial control system (ICS) community with an in-depth knowledge of assembly language and the inner workings of PLC firmware. This research presents a novel analysis technique that compares a suspected-altered firmware to a known good firmware of a specific PLC and performs a static analysis of differences. This technique includes multiple tests to compare both firmware versions, detect differences in size, and code differences such as removing, adding, or modifying existing functions in the original firmware. A proof-of-concept experiment demonstrates the functionality of the analysis tool using different firmware versions from an Allen-Bradley ControlLogix L61 PLC

    Open Source Software for Commercial Off-The-Shelf GPS Receivers

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    Inexpensive and commercially available Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers can be used in novel applications, such as nanosatellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), by modifying the receiver\u27s software. Unfortunately, typical GPS software development systems cost tens of thousands of dollars and have restrictive license agreements, such as non-disclosure agreements, for both their hardware and software. This thesis describes the design and construction of an open source GPS receiver development system that addresses these unnecessary restrictions. For the first time, any developer with a PC, a commercially available GPS receiver, and this development system can quickly and easily develop software for extended GPS applications. The software is licensed as open source under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 and is called GPL-GPS. GPL-GPS currently supports Zarlink\u27s GP4020 baseband processor, a 12 channel GPS correlator with an integrated 32bit ARM7TDMI microprocessor. Any GP4020-based receiver with 256 kB or more of RAM and ash memory is able to run GPL-GPS. When coupled with a commercially-available GP4020-based receiver and an open hardware development board, GPL-GPS provides a full featured GPS experimentation and application development kit for less than US $200