9 research outputs found

    Using the blockchain to enable transparent and auditable processing of personal data in cloud- based services: Lessons from the Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems (PACE) project

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    The architecture of cloud-based services is typically opaque and intricate. As a result, data subjects cannot exercise adequate control over their personal data, and overwhelmed data protection authorities must spend their limited resources in costly forensic efforts to ascertain instances of non-compliance. To address these data protection challenges, a group of computer scientists and socio-legal scholars joined forces in the Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems (PACE) project to design a blockchain-based privacy-enhancing technology (PET). This article presents the fruits of this collaboration, highlighting the capabilities and limits of our PET, as well as the challenges we encountered during our interdisciplinary endeavour. In particular, we explore the barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration between law and computer science that we faced, and how these two fields’ different expectations as to what technology can do for data protection law compliance had an impact on the project's development and outcome. We also explore the overstated promises of techno-regulation, and the practical and legal challenges that militate against the implementation of our PET: most industry players have no incentive to deploy it, the transaction costs of running it make it prohibitively expensive, and there are significant clashes between the blockchain's decentralised architecture and GDPR's requirements that hinder its deployability. We share the insights and lessons we learned from our efforts to overcome these challenges, hoping to inform other interdisciplinary projects that are increasingly important to shape a data ecosystem that promotes the protection of our personal data

    “Eat, Sleep, Hydrate, Masturbate!” Sexuality Education, Digital Media and Creator Identity Implications

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    The introduction of sexuality information to young people has been a point of tension in our society for decades as adults argue over how, when, or if young people should learn such information. However, with the rise of digital technology, the ability of adults to regulate young people’s access to information about sexuality has minimized significantly. Yet the curriculum in sexuality education classrooms continues to be debated while little research has been done examining the easily-accessible information that lives on the Internet. This thesis analyzes two popular sexuality education channels on YouTube, sexplanations and lacigreen, with subscriber counts ranging from nearly half a million to over 1.5 million. Data were collected through content analysis of approximately 27.5 hours of video. Findings indicate that sexuality education on YouTube takes a comprehensive, sex positive approach, covering a range of topics including anatomy, sexual orientation, consent, contraception, and sexual instruction. Video creators\u27 values and identities, as well as the structure of YouTube itself, impact the information that is presented. This analysis is significant as it indicates that formally regulated sexuality education programs may no longer be relevant and usergenerated digital education is introducing new perspectives on sex and sexuality to young people

    The Concept of Virtualization Extension for BVV Trade Fairs Brno

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    Ve své bakalářské práci se zabývám problematikou rozšíření virtualizační platformy ve velké firmě. První část práce je věnována seznámení se s podnikem a analýze současné IT infrastruktury. Druhá část práce je teoreticky zaměřená na oblasti virtualizace, důvody pro její využití a používané typy virtualizace. Dále popisuje nejpoužívanější platformy od společností Microsoft a VMware a porovnává je. Poslední kapitola je věnována návrhu nejvhodnějšího řešení a zhodnocení celkového přínosu společnosti.In my bachelor´s thesis I deal with an issue of extension of virtual platform in a great company. In the first part of my thesis I work with familiarization with the company and analysis of the actual IT structure. The second part is theoretically focused on area of virtualization, reasons for usage and types of virtualization. Furthermore, I describe the most used platforms from Microsoft and VMware companies, in addition I compare them. The last part of my thesis is about a proposal of the most suitable solution and a total evaluation of benefits for the company.

    Using the blockchain to enable transparent and auditable processing of personal data in cloud- based services: Lessons from the Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems (PACE) project

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    The architecture of cloud-based services is typically opaque and intricate. As a result, data subjects cannot exercise adequate control over their personal data, and overwhelmed data protection authorities must spend their limited resources in costly forensic efforts to ascertain instances of non-compliance. To address these data protection challenges, a group of computer scientists and socio-legal scholars joined forces in the Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems (PACE) project to design a blockchain-based privacy-enhancing technology (PET). This article presents the fruits of this collaboration, highlighting the capabilities and limits of our PET, as well as the challenges we encountered during our interdisciplinary endeavour. In particular, we explore the barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration between law and computer science that we faced, and how these two fields’ different expectations as to what technology can do for data protection law compliance had an impact on the project's development and outcome. We also explore the overstated promises of techno-regulation, and the practical and legal challenges that militate against the implementation of our PET: most industry players have no incentive to deploy it, the transaction costs of running it make it prohibitively expensive, and there are significant clashes between the blockchain's decentralised architecture and GDPR's requirements that hinder its deployability. We share the insights and lessons we learned from our efforts to overcome these challenges, hoping to inform other interdisciplinary projects that are increasingly important to shape a data ecosystem that promotes the protection of our personal data

    A Cultural History of Representational Shifts Toward Occidentalism

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    In 1978, Edward Said redefined Orientalism as a Western interpretation of the Middle East best characterized by an inherent cultural hostility. It’s essence, he declared, was the invariable distinction between Western superiority and Eastern inferiority. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, however, cultural critics Darrell Y. Hamamoto (2000), Vijay Prashad (2000), Jane Chi Hyun Park (2010), Jane Naomi Iwamura (2011), and David Weir (2011) have shed light on America’s long fascination with the Far East and more affirmative forms of Orientalism. Building on their work, I map developments of Far Orientalism on American screens at the turn of the century from an evolutionary perspective. In three case studies, I read audiovisual texts in their sociohistorical and media ecological contexts to trace representational shifts from the 1980s to the 2010s. Since the intersection of race and sex is significant for any discussion of Orientalism, I am mostly concerned with narratives featuring interracial romance. The first case study focuses on Michael Cimino’s crime thriller film Year of the Dragon (1985). My analysis is embedded in an examination of contemporary films related to the Vietnam War as well as the emergence of both the Model Minority myth and the redemption narrative. The next chapter is concerned largely with contextualizing Edward Zwick’s epic historical drama film The Last Samurai (2003) within the genre histories of both the American Western and the Japanese Eastern. These efforts culminate in investigations of the ways of how the film relates to the popularization of Buddhism and reworks the White Savior trope. The final case study offers an analysis of Ronald D. Moore’s science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica (2004-09) on the background of the rise of neoliberal economic policy and transhumanist philosophy as well as in relation to assimilation narratives and the genre history of cyberpunk. My research results demonstrate a trend from classic Orientalism to Techno-Orientalism, Spirito-Occidentalism, and outright Occidentalism. In the American imagination, I argue, East Asia has come to represent both the worst expression of modernity and the solution to its dehumanizing side. Neither have stereotypes been shattered nor has the geographical dualism been shed. Older fantasies merely have been complemented by more recent variations. I consider this study to be an extension of Said’s studies of Orientalism as well as a contribution to the fields of American cultural history, Asian American studies and, to a lesser extent, postcolonial studies, gender studies, and media studies

    Gestão e engenharia de CAP na nuvem híbrida

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    Doutoramento em InformáticaThe evolution and maturation of Cloud Computing created an opportunity for the emergence of new Cloud applications. High-performance Computing, a complex problem solving class, arises as a new business consumer by taking advantage of the Cloud premises and leaving the expensive datacenter management and difficult grid development. Standing on an advanced maturing phase, today’s Cloud discarded many of its drawbacks, becoming more and more efficient and widespread. Performance enhancements, prices drops due to massification and customizable services on demand triggered an emphasized attention from other markets. HPC, regardless of being a very well established field, traditionally has a narrow frontier concerning its deployment and runs on dedicated datacenters or large grid computing. The problem with common placement is mainly the initial cost and the inability to fully use resources which not all research labs can afford. The main objective of this work was to investigate new technical solutions to allow the deployment of HPC applications on the Cloud, with particular emphasis on the private on-premise resources – the lower end of the chain which reduces costs. The work includes many experiments and analysis to identify obstacles and technology limitations. The feasibility of the objective was tested with new modeling, architecture and several applications migration. The final application integrates a simplified incorporation of both public and private Cloud resources, as well as HPC applications scheduling, deployment and management. It uses a well-defined user role strategy, based on federated authentication and a seamless procedure to daily usage with balanced low cost and performance.O desenvolvimento e maturação da Computação em Nuvem abriu a janela de oportunidade para o surgimento de novas aplicações na Nuvem. A Computação de Alta Performance, uma classe dedicada à resolução de problemas complexos, surge como um novo consumidor no Mercado ao aproveitar as vantagens inerentes à Nuvem e deixando o dispendioso centro de computação tradicional e o difícil desenvolvimento em grelha. Situando-se num avançado estado de maturação, a Nuvem de hoje deixou para trás muitas das suas limitações, tornando-se cada vez mais eficiente e disseminada. Melhoramentos de performance, baixa de preços devido à massificação e serviços personalizados a pedido despoletaram uma atenção inusitada de outros mercados. A CAP, independentemente de ser uma área extremamente bem estabelecida, tradicionalmente tem uma fronteira estreita em relação à sua implementação. É executada em centros de computação dedicados ou computação em grelha de larga escala. O maior problema com o tipo de instalação habitual é o custo inicial e o não aproveitamento dos recursos a tempo inteiro, fator que nem todos os laboratórios de investigação conseguem suportar. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar novas soluções técnicas para permitir o lançamento de aplicações CAP na Nuvem, com particular ênfase nos recursos privados existentes, a parte peculiar e final da cadeia onde se pode reduzir custos. O trabalho inclui várias experiências e análises para identificar obstáculos e limitações tecnológicas. A viabilidade e praticabilidade do objetivo foi testada com inovação em modelos, arquitetura e migração de várias aplicações. A aplicação final integra uma agregação de recursos de Nuvens, públicas e privadas, assim como escalonamento, lançamento e gestão de aplicações CAP. É usada uma estratégia de perfil de utilizador baseada em autenticação federada, assim como procedimentos transparentes para a utilização diária com um equilibrado custo e performance

    Contribuciones al análisis forense de evidencias digitales procedentes de aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea

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    La continua evolución de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones está propiciando que cada vez más, nos encontremos ante una sociedad más interconectada, permitiendo el intercambio inmediato de información digital desde casi cualquier lugar del planeta. Desde el punto de vista de las ciencias forenses, como ciencia que estudia los elementos recolectados en la escena de un crimen, el nacimiento y la rápida evolución de las TICs implica que las ciencias forenses deban adaptarse continuamente a esta evolución, investigando nuevos métodos científicos de análisis que permitan la resolución de los hechos delictivos a través de medios digitales. El uso que se realiza en concreto de las aplicaciones de intercambio de información en la comisión de hechos delictivos implica que éstas deban ser objeto de un análisis forense minucioso, a partir del cual identificar, recuperar y extraer toda aquella información relativa con el hecho investigado, manteniendo en todo momento el valor probatorio de la misma. La Tesis con el título La Tesis con el título CONTRIBUCIONES AL ANÁLISIS FORENSE DE EVIDENCIAS DIGITALES PROCEDENTES DE APLICACIONES DE MENSAJERÍA INSTANTÁNEA lleva a cabo la investigación de la evolución de las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea y su impacto en el ámbito de las ciencias forenses. La investigación realizada pretende reseñar la transformación de este tipo de aplicaciones en cuando a los diferentes métodos de acceso e infinidad de funcionalidades ofrecidas a sus usuarios. Así mismo se persigue contribuir de forma directa en los métodos científicos utilizados en el análisis forense que se vienen realizando sobre las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, medio de prueba principal en multitud de procesos judiciales. Esta Tesis expondrá el estado actual de los procesos utilizados tanto en el proceso de adquisición como en el proceso de análisis de las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, así como las diferentes problemáticas a las que se enfrenta el especialista forense digital en el análisis forense de este tipo de aplicaciones. Se desarrollará una metodología específica para el análisis forense de las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, suma de diversos métodos de estudios, la cual permitirá identificar, decodificar e interpretar la información generada por este tipo de aplicaciones con independencia del dispositivo electrónico, sistema operativo o aplicación analizada. A partir de los tres métodos de estudio incluidos en la metodología propuesta, se pretende verificar y validar la integridad de la información extraída más allá del uso generalizado de soluciones forenses comerciales. Por último, se expondrán los resultados y conclusiones obtenidas de aplicar la metodología de análisis forense propuesta en esta investigación sobre alguno de los clientes de las principales aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea que existen en la actualidad

    Intelligenza artificiale e sicurezza: opportunità, rischi e raccomandazioni

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    L'IA (o intelligenza artificiale) è una disciplina in forte espansione negli ultimi anni e lo sarà sempre più nel prossimo futuro: tuttavia è dal 1956 che l’IA studia l’emulazione dell’intelligenza da parte delle macchine, intese come software e in certi casi hardware. L’IA è nata dall’idea di costruire macchine che - ispirandosi ai processi legati all’intelligenza umana - siano in grado di risolvere problemi complessi, per i quali solitamente si ritiene che sia necessario un qualche tipo di ragionamento intelligente. La principale area di ricerca e applicazione attuale dell’IA è il machine learning (algoritmi che imparano e si adattano in base ai dati che ricevono), che negli ultimi anni ha trovato ampie applicazioni grazie alle reti neurali (modelli matematici composti da neuroni artificiali) che a loro volta hanno consentito la nascita del deep learning (reti neurali di maggiore complessità). Appartengono al mondo dell’IA anche i sistemi esperti, la visione artificiale, il riconoscimento vocale, l’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale, la robotica avanzata e alcune soluzioni di cybersecurity. Quando si parla di IA c'è chi ne è entusiasta pensando alle opportunità, altri sono preoccupati poiché temono tecnologie futuristiche di un mondo in cui i robot sostituiranno l'uomo, gli toglieranno il lavoro e decideranno al suo posto. In realtà l'IA è ampiamente utilizzata già oggi in molti campi, ad esempio nei cellulari, negli oggetti smart (IoT), nelle industry 4.0, per le smart city, nei sistemi di sicurezza informatica, nei sistemi di guida autonoma (drive o parking assistant), nei chat bot di vari siti web; questi sono solo alcuni esempi basati tutti su algoritmi tipici dell’intelligenza artificiale. Grazie all'IA le aziende possono avere svariati vantaggi nel fornire servizi avanzati, personalizzati, prevedere trend, anticipare le scelte degli utenti, ecc. Ma non è tutto oro quel che luccica: ci sono talvolta problemi tecnici, interrogativi etici, rischi di sicurezza, norme e legislazioni non del tutto chiare. Le organizzazioni che già adottano soluzioni basate sull’IA, o quelle che intendono farlo, potrebbero beneficiare di questa pubblicazione per approfondirne le opportunità, i rischi e le relative contromisure. La Community for Security del Clusit si augura che questa pubblicazione possa fornire ai lettori un utile quadro d’insieme di una realtà, come l’intelligenza artificiale, che ci accompagnerà sempre più nella vita personale, sociale e lavorativa.AI (or artificial intelligence) is a booming discipline in recent years and will be increasingly so in the near future.However, it is since 1956 that AI has been studying the emulation of intelligence by machines, understood as software and in some cases hardware. AI arose from the idea of building machines that-inspired by processes related to human intelligence-are able to solve complex problems, for which it is usually believed that some kind of intelligent reasoning is required. The main current area of AI research and application is machine learning (algorithms that learn and adapt based on the data they receive), which has found wide applications in recent years thanks to neural networks (mathematical models composed of artificial neurons), which in turn have enabled the emergence of deep learning (neural networks of greater complexity). Also belonging to the AI world are expert systems, computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, advanced robotics and some cybersecurity solutions. When it comes to AI there are those who are enthusiastic about it thinking of the opportunities, others are concerned as they fear futuristic technologies of a world where robots will replace humans, take away their jobs and make decisions for them. In reality, AI is already widely used in many fields, for example, in cell phones, smart objects (IoT), industries 4.0, for smart cities, cybersecurity systems, autonomous driving systems (drive or parking assistant), chat bots on various websites; these are just a few examples all based on typical artificial intelligence algorithms. Thanks to AI, companies can have a variety of advantages in providing advanced, personalized services, predicting trends, anticipating user choices, etc. But not all that glitters is gold: there are sometimes technical problems, ethical questions, security risks, and standards and legislation that are not entirely clear. Organizations already adopting AI-based solutions, or those planning to do so, could benefit from this publication to learn more about the opportunities, risks, and related countermeasures. Clusit's Community for Security hopes that this publication will provide readers with a useful overview of a reality, such as artificial intelligence, that will increasingly accompany us in our personal, social and working lives