5,517 research outputs found

    On the theory of elliptically contoured distributions

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    The theory of elliptically contoured distributions is presented in an unrestricted setting, with no moment restrictions or assumptions of absolute continuity. These distributions are defined parametrically through their characteristic functions and then studied primarily through the use of stochastic representations which naturally follow from the work of Schoenberg [5] on spherically symmetric distributions. It is shown that the conditional distributions of elliptically contoured distributions are elliptically contoured, and the conditional distributions are precisely identified. In addition, a number of the properties of normal distributions (which constitute a type of elliptically contoured distributions) are shown, in fact, to characterize normality

    Hierarchical orbital decompositions and extended decomposable distributions

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    Elliptically contoured distributions can be considered to be the distributions for which the contours of the density functions are proportional ellipsoids. Kamiya, Takemura and Kuriki (2006) generalized the elliptically contoured distributions to star-shaped distributions, for which the contours are allowed to be arbitrary proportional star-shaped sets. This was achieved by considering the so-called orbital decomposition of the sample space in the general framework of group invariance. In the present paper, we extend their results by conducting the orbital decompositions in steps and obtaining a further, hierarchical decomposition of the sample space. This allows us to construct probability models and distributions with further independence structures. The general results are applied to the star-shaped distributions with a certain symmetric structure, the distributions related to the two-sample Wishart problem and the distributions of preference rankings

    Semiparametric Inference and Lower Bounds for Real Elliptically Symmetric Distributions

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    This paper has a twofold goal. The first aim is to provide a deeper understanding of the family of the Real Elliptically Symmetric (RES) distributions by investigating their intrinsic semiparametric nature. The second aim is to derive a semiparametric lower bound for the estimation of the parametric component of the model. The RES distributions represent a semiparametric model where the parametric part is given by the mean vector and by the scatter matrix while the non-parametric, infinite-dimensional, part is represented by the density generator. Since, in practical applications, we are often interested only in the estimation of the parametric component, the density generator can be considered as nuisance. The first part of the paper is dedicated to conveniently place the RES distributions in the framework of the semiparametric group models. The second part of the paper, building on the mathematical tools previously introduced, the Constrained Semiparametric Cram\'{e}r-Rao Bound (CSCRB) for the estimation of the mean vector and of the constrained scatter matrix of a RES distributed random vector is introduced. The CSCRB provides a lower bound on the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of any robust MM-estimator of mean vector and scatter matrix when no a-priori information on the density generator is available. A closed form expression for the CSCRB is derived. Finally, in simulations, we assess the statistical efficiency of the Tyler's and Huber's scatter matrix MM-estimators with respect to the CSCRB.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    AIC, Cp and estimators of loss for elliptically symmetric distributions

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    In this article, we develop a modern perspective on Akaike's Information Criterion and Mallows' Cp for model selection. Despite the diff erences in their respective motivation, they are equivalent in the special case of Gaussian linear regression. In this case they are also equivalent to a third criterion, an unbiased estimator of the quadratic prediction loss, derived from loss estimation theory. Our first contribution is to provide an explicit link between loss estimation and model selection through a new oracle inequality. We then show that the form of the unbiased estimator of the quadratic prediction loss under a Gaussian assumption still holds under a more general distributional assumption, the family of spherically symmetric distributions. One of the features of our results is that our criterion does not rely on the speci ficity of the distribution, but only on its spherical symmetry. Also this family of laws o ffers some dependence property between the observations, a case not often studied

    Information matrices for some elliptically symmetric distributions

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    The Fisher information matrices are derived for three of the most popular elliptically symmetric distributions: the Pearson type II, Pearson type VII and the Kotz type distributions. We hope the results could be important to the many researchers working in this area

    Singular random matrix decompositions: distributions.

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    Assuming that Y has a singular matrix variate elliptically contoured distribution with respect to the Hausdorff measure, the distributions of several matrices associated to QR, modified QR, SV and Polar decompositions of matrix Y are determined, for central and non-central, non-singular and singular cases, as well as their relationship to the Wishart and Pseudo-Wishart generalized singular and non-singular distributions. We present a particular example for the Karhunen-Lòeve decomposition. Some of these results are also applied to two particular subfamilies of elliptical distributions, the singular matrix variate normal distribution and the singular matrix variate symmetric Pearson type VII distribution


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    Assuming that Y has a singular matrix variate elliptically contoured distribution with respect to the Hausdorff measure, the distributions of several matrices associated to QR, modified QR, SV and Polar decompositions of matrix Y are determined, for central and non-central, non-singular and singular cases, as well as their relationship to the Wishart and Pseudo-Wishart generalized singular and non-singular distributions. We present a particular example for the Karhunen-Lòeve decomposition. Some of these results are also applied to two particular subfamilies of elliptical distributions, the singular matrix variate normal distribution and the singular matrix variate symmetric Pearson type VII distribution.
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