825 research outputs found

    SIRU development. Volume 1: System development

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    A complete description of the development and initial evaluation of the Strapdown Inertial Reference Unit (SIRU) system is reported. System development documents the system mechanization with the analytic formulation for fault detection and isolation processing structure; the hardware redundancy design and the individual modularity features; the computational structure and facilities; and the initial subsystem evaluation results

    Addressing Computational Complexity of High Speed Distributed Circuits Using Model Order Reduction

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    Advanced in the fabrication technology of integrated circuits (ICs) over the last couple of years has resulted in an unparalleled expansion of the functionality of microelectronic systems. Today’s ICs feature complex deep-submicron mixed-signal designs and have found numerous applications in industry due to their lower manufacturing costs and higher performance levels. The tendency towards smaller feature sizes and increasing clock rates is placing higher demands on signal integrity design by highlighting previously negligible interconnect effects such as distortion, reflection, ringing, delay, and crosstalk. These effects if not predicted in the early stages of the design cycle can severely degrade circuit performance and reliability. The objective of this thesis is to develop new model order reduction (MOR) techniques to minimize the computational complexity of non-linear circuits and electronic systems that have delay elements. MOR techniques provide a mechanism to generate reduced order models from the detailed description of the original modified nodal analysis (MNA) formulation. The following contributions are made in this thesis: 1. The first project presents a methodology for reduction of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) models. PEEC method is widely used in electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity problems in both the time and frequency domains. The PEEC model with retardation has been applied to 3-D analysis but often result in large and dense matrices, which are computationally expensive to solve. In this thesis, a new moment matching technique based on Multi-order Arnoldi is described to model PEEC networks with retardation. 2. The second project deals with developing an efficient model order reduction algorithm for simulating large interconnect networks with nonlinear elements. The proposed methodology is based on a multidimensional subspace method and uses constraint equations to link the nonlinear elements and biasing sources to the reduced order model. This approach significantly improves the simulation time of distributed nonlinear systems, since additional ports are not required to link the nonlinear elements to the reduced order model, yielding appreciable savings in the size of the reduced order model and computational time. 3. A parameterized reduction technique for nonlinear systems is presented. The proposed method uses multidimensional subspace and variational analysis to capture the variances of design parameters and approximates the weakly nonlinear functions as a Taylor series. An SVD approach is presented to address the efficiency of reduced order model. The proposed methodology significantly improves the simulation time of weakly nonlinear systems since the size of the reduced system is smaller than the original system and a new reduced model is not required each time a design parameter is changed

    34th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems-Final Program

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    Organized by the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California. Cosponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Symposium Organizing Committee: General Chairman-Sherif Michael, Technical Program-Roberto Cristi, Publications-Michael Soderstrand, Special Sessions- Charles W. Therrien, Publicity: Jeffrey Burl, Finance: Ralph Hippenstiel, and Local Arrangements: Barbara Cristi

    RCLK-VJ network reduction with Hurwitz polynomial approximation

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    Spatial and Temporal Considerations in Vehicle Path Tracking With an Emphasis on Spatial Robustness

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    This dissertation researches the task and path management of an autonomous vehicle with Ackerman-type steering. The task management problem was approached as a path training operation in which a human operator drives the desired path through an environment. A training trajectory is converted into a series of path segments that are driveable by the autonomous vehicle by first fitting a general path to the dataset. Next, transition segments are added to the general path to match the vehicle velocity and steering angle rate limit. The path management problem has been approached by first deriving a kine- matic model of the vehicle. The time domain model is expressed in the frequency domain and then converted into a spatial frequency domain. Next, a stability crite- rion is derived and used in the synthesis of a spatially-robust path controller

    Switched capacitor converters:a new approach for high power applications

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    High-power, high-voltage and high voltage-conversion ratio DC-DC converters are an enabling technology for offshore DC grids of the future. These converters are required to interface between offshore wind farms and an offshore DC grid and a key design issue is the size and weight of the converter, which significantly impacts the cost of the associated off-shore platform. In addition to this application, some rural communities, particularly in Canada, Australia and South Africa,which are located far away from the electrical power generators, can take the advantages of this technology by tapping into existing HVDC transmission line using a high voltage-conversion ratio DC-DC converter. The work described in this thesis is an investigation as to how such DC-DC converters may be realised for these applications. First a review of existing DC-DC converters was carried out to assess their suitability for the target applications. A classification of DC-DC converters into Direct and Indirect converters was proposed in this work based on the manner in which the energy is transferred from the input to the output terminal of the converter. Direct DC-DC converters, particularly Switched Capacitor(SC) converters are more promising for high-voltage, high-power and high voltage-conversion ratio applications, since the converter can interface between the low-voltage and the high-voltage terminals using low-voltage and low-power power electronic modules. Existing SC topologies were examined to identify the most promising candidate circuits for the target applications. Four SC synthesis techniques were proposed in order to derive new SC circuits from existing topologies. A new 2-Leg Ladder, modular 2-Leg Ladder and bi-pole 2-Leg Ladder were devised, which had significant benefits in terms of size and weight when compared with existing circuits. A scaled power 1 kW converter was built in the laboratory in order to validate the analysis and compare the performance of the new 2-Leg ladder circuit against a conventional Ladder circuit, where it was shown that the new circuit had higher efficiency, smaller size and lower output voltage ripple than the Ladder converter

    Reduced-order modeling of power electronics components and systems

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    This dissertation addresses the seemingly inevitable compromise between modeling fidelity and simulation speed in power electronics. Higher-order effects are considered at the component and system levels. Order-reduction techniques are applied to provide insight into accurate, computationally efficient component-level (via reduced-order physics-based model) and system-level simulations (via multiresolution simulation). Proposed high-order models, verified with hardware measurements, are, in turn, used to verify the accuracy of final reduced-order models for both small- and large-signal excitations. At the component level, dynamic high-fidelity magnetic equivalent circuits are introduced for laminated and solid magnetic cores. Automated linear and nonlinear order-reduction techniques are introduced for linear magnetic systems, saturated systems, systems with relative motion, and multiple-winding systems, to extract the desired essential system dynamics. Finite-element models of magnetic components incorporating relative motion are set forth and then reduced. At the system level, a framework for multiresolution simulation of switching converters is developed. Multiresolution simulation provides an alternative method to analyze power converters by providing an appropriate amount of detail based on the time scale and phenomenon being considered. A detailed full-order converter model is built based upon high-order component models and accurate switching transitions. Efficient order-reduction techniques are used to extract several lower-order models for the desired resolution of the simulation. This simulation framework is extended to higher-order converters, converters with nonlinear elements, and closed-loop systems. The resulting rapid-to-integrate component models and flexible simulation frameworks could form the computational core of future virtual prototyping design and analysis environments for energy processing units


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    Flux switching in multipath magnetic core

    Contributions to Modulation and Control Algorithms for Multilevel Converters

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    Las actuales tendencias de la red eléctrica han lanzado a la industria a la búsqueda de sistemas de generación, distribución y consumo de energía eléctrica más eficientes. Generación distribuida, reducción de componentes pasivos, líneas DC de alta tensión son, entre otras, las posibles líneas de investigación que están actualmente siendo consideradas como el futuro de la red eléctrica. Sin embargo, nada de esto sería posible si no fuera por los avances alcanzados en el campo de la electrónica de potencia. El trabajo aquí presentado comienza con una breve introducción a la electrónica de potencia, concretamente a los convertidores de potencia conectados a red, sus estrategias de control más comunes y enfoques ante redes desbalanceadas. A continuación, las contribuciones del autor sobre el control y modulación de una topología particular de convertidores, conocidos como convertidores multinivel, se presentan como el principal contenido de este trabajo. Este tipo de convertidores mejoran la eficiencia y ciertas prestaciones, en comparación con convertidores más tradicionales, a costa de una mayor complejidad en el control al incrementar la cantidad de los componentes hardware. A pesar de que existen numerosas topologías de convertidores multinivel y algunas de ellas son brevemente expuestas en este trabajo, la mayoría de las aportaciones están enfocadas para convertidores del tipo diode-clamped converter. Adicionalmente, se incluye una aportación para convertidores del tipo multinivel modular, y otra para convertidores en cascada. Se espera que el contenido de la introducción de este trabajo, junto a las contribuciones particulares para convertidores multinivel sirva de inspiración para futuros investigadores del campo

    Contributions to Control of Electronic Power Converters

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    This thesis deals with the control of electronic power converters. In its development two main parts have been differentiated. On the one hand, the problem of the voltage balance in the capacitors of the dc-link in a three-level NPC converter is addressed. On the other hand, given that the techniques used in the first part to model the converters need to make certain assumptions and, with the intention of avoiding averaged models, in the second part, switched affine models have been developed to design the control of the output voltage in DC-DC boost type converters. In this way, in the first part several control laws have been developed using an averaged model formulated by duty cycles for each level in each phase. This formulation allows to consider, in the controllers design stage, the degree of freedom associated with the homopolar voltage injection. Therefore, the controllers are designed as well as a part of the modulation, so that control and modulation are integrated in the same stage. In this way, three controllers have been designed where, apart from the objective of the voltage balance of the capacitors, other objectives such as the number of commutations or the quality of the output signal have also been improved. In the second part of the thesis, four methods have been developed for the design of control laws taking advantage of the modeling of converters as switched affine systems given their hybrid behaviour. Thus, the first two laws take advantage of this modeling using the delta operator to avoid numerical problems when using systems where the sampling time is very low. The first of these controllers is based on Lyapunov’s function while the second is independent of this function, thus obtaining less conservative results. The other two laws developed for switched affine systems use an alternative model to that performed in the first two controllers, so certain existing disadvantages are avoided using again a design not based on Lyapunov’s function. Thus, the first law presents a basic control but, even so, improves the results of other existing laws in the literature. Finally, a design method to deal with systems with variations in their parameters has been presented.La presente tesis trata sobre el control de convertidores electrónicos de potencia. En su desarrollo se han diferenciado dos partes principales. Por un lado, se trata el problema del balance de tensiones en los condensadores que forman el dc-link en un convertidor NPC de tres niveles. Por otro lado, dado que las técnicas utilizadas en la primera parte para modelar los convertidores necesitan realizar determinadas suposiciones y, con la intención de evitar modelos promediados, en la segunda parte se han desarrollado modelos afines conmutados para diseñar el control de la tensión de salida en convertidores DC-DC tipo boost. De esta forma, en la primera parte se han desarrollado varias leyes de control utilizando un modelo promediado formulado mediante ciclos de trabajo para cada nivel en cada fase. Esta formulación permite considerar en la fase de diseño de los controladores, un grado de libertad asociado a la inyección de tensión homopolar. Por lo tanto, se diseñan los controladores a la vez que una parte de la modulación, de forma que se integra control y modulación en una misma fase. De esta forma, se han diseñado tres controladores donde, a parte del objetivo de balancear la tensión de los condensadores, se ha ido buscando mejorar también otros objetivos como el número de conmutaciones o la calidad de la señal de salida. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se han desarrollado cuatro leyes de control aprovechando el modelado de convertidores como sistemas afines conmutados dada su naturaleza híbrida. De esta forma, las dos primeras leyes, aprovechan dicho modelado usando el operador delta para evitar problemas numéricos al utilizar sistemas donde el tiempo de muestreo es muy bajo. El primero de dichos controladores está basado en la función de Lyapunov mientras que el segundo es independiente de dicha función obteniendo así resultados menos conservadores. Las otras dos leyes desarrolladas para sistemas afines conmutados utilizan un modelado alternativo al realizado en las dos primeras, de forma que se evitan ciertas desventajas existentes y mantienen un diseño no basado en la función de Lyapunov. Así, la primera ley presenta un control más básico pero que, aun así, mejora los resultados de otras leyes existentes en la literatura. Por último, se ha presentado un procedimiento de diseño que hace frente a sistemas con variaciones en sus parámetros