8,032 research outputs found

    Distribution automation applications of fiber optics

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    Motivations for interest and research in distribution automation are discussed. The communication requirements of distribution automation are examined and shown to exceed the capabilities of power line carrier, radio, and telephone systems. A fiber optic based communication system is described that is co-located with the distribution system and that could satisfy the data rate and reliability requirements. A cost comparison shows that it could be constructed at a cost that is similar to that of a power line carrier system. The requirements for fiber optic sensors for distribution automation are discussed. The design of a data link suitable for optically-powered electronic sensing is presented. Empirical results are given. A modeling technique that was used to understand the reflections of guided light from a variety of surfaces is described. An optical position-indicator design is discussed. Systems aspects of distribution automation are discussed, in particular, the lack of interface, communications, and data standards. The economics of distribution automation are examined

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    Emerging technologies and future trends in substation automation systems for the protection, monitoring and control of electrical substations

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Automação). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    High temperature power electronics for space

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    A high temperature electronics program at NASA Lewis Research Center focuses on dielectric and insulating materials research, development and testing of high temperature power components, and integration of the developed components and devices into a demonstrable 200 C power system, such as inverter. An overview of the program and a description of the in-house high temperature facilities along with experimental data obtained on high temperature materials are presented

    Partial Discharge in Electronic Equipments

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    Tato disertační práce se věnuje studiu částečných výbojů (PD) způsobených poklesem spolehlivosti a životnosti elektronických zařízení a systémů. Diagnostika PD je dnes známá metoda pro vysoké napětí u vysoko-výkonných zařízení. V případě elektronických zařízení PD testování není ale běžně používáná metoda, přestože je zde také potenciál pro vysoké elektrické zatížení vzhledem k velmi krátké vzdálenosti. Tato práce je zaměřena na vyšetřování PD činnosti u elektronických zařízení. Bylo navrženo a provedeno pracoviště pro diagnostiku PD v elektronických zařízeních. Pracovní frekvence se pohybuje od několika stovek Hz až 100 kHz. Maximální amplituda PD testovaného napětí je vyšší než 10 kV. Navzdory jednoduché konstrukci toto zařízení přináší vysokou spolehlivost měření. Více než 300 PD testů bylo provedeno na různých elektronických zařízeních a elektronických součástí,např. na planárních transformátorech a elektronických komponentách používaných při vysoko-napěťových měničíchThis dissertation thesis is devoted to study of partial discharge (PD) caused decrease of reliability and lifetime of electronic equipments and systems. PD diagnostic is nowadays well known method for high voltage high power equipments but in case of electronic devices PD testing it is not used routinely despite that there is also a potential for high electric load due to extremely short distances. The risk of PD caused failure is here extremely high because of high working frequency and consequently high repetition rate of PD events. Therefore, this work is focused on investigation of PD activity in electronic equipments. The workplace for PD diagnostic in electronic devices based on switched power supply was designed and made. Working frequency ranges from several hundreds of Hertz up to 100 kHz. The maximal amplitude of PD testing voltage is higher than 10 kV. Despite the simple design this equipment brings high repeatability and reliability of measurement. More than 300 PD tests were made on different electronic devices and electronic components, on planar transformers, and on components for voltage gate drivers for use in high voltage power converters. Possibilities of PD tools in investigation and engineering ofd insulation systems were demonstrated.

    Compensation of Nonlinearity of Voltage and Current Instrument Transformers

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    partially_open11This paper aims at characterizing and improving the metrological performances of current and voltage instrument transformers (CTs and VTs) in harmonic measurements in the power system. A theoretical analysis is carried out to demonstrate that, due to the iron core nonlinearity, CT and VT output signal is distorted even when the input signal is a pure sine wave. Starting from this analysis, a new method for CT and VT characterization and compensation is proposed. In a first step, they are characterized in sinusoidal conditions and the harmonic phasors of the distorted output are measured; in the second step, these phasors are used to compensate the harmonic phasors measured in normal operating conditions, which are typically distorted. The proposed characterization and compensation techniques are called SINusoidal characterization for DIstortion COMPensation (SINDICOMP). Several experimental tests, using high-accuracy calibration setups, have been performed to verify the proposed methods. The experimental results showed that the SINDICOMP technique assures a significant improvement of CT and VT metrological performances in harmonic measurements.restrictedopenCataliotti, Antonio; Cosentino, Valentina; Crotti, Gabriella; Femine, Antonio Delle; Cara, Dario Di; Gallo, Daniele; Giordano, Domenico; Landi, Carmine; Luiso, Mario; Modarres, Mohammad; Tine, GiovanniCataliotti, Antonio; Cosentino, Valentina; Crotti, Gabriella; Femine, Antonio Delle; Cara, Dario Di; Gallo, Daniele; Giordano, Domenico; Landi, Carmine; Luiso, Mario; Modarres, Mohammad; Tine, Giovann

    A methodology for performance and compatibility evaluation of an all-digital substation protection system

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    A power system protection system consists, at least, of an instrument trans- former, a protective device (relay), and a circuit breaker. Conventional instrument transformers bring currents and voltages from power network levels to much lower scaled-down replicas that serve as input signals to protective relays. The relay's function is to measure input signals (or a relationship among them in some cases) and compare them to defined operating characteristic thresholds (relay settings) to quickly decide whether to operate associated circuit breaker(s). Existing protection systems within a substation are based on a hardwired interface between instrument transformers and protective relays. Recent development of electronic instrument transformers and the spread of digital relays allow the development of an all-digital protection system, in which the traditional analog interface has been replaced with a digital signal connected to digital relays through a digital communication link (process bus). Due to their design, conventional instrument transformers introduce distortions to the current and voltage signal replicas. These distortions may cause protective relays to misoperate. On the other hand, non-conventional instrument transformers promise distortion-free replicas, which, in turn, should translate into better relay performance. Replacing hardwired signals with a communication bus also reduces the significant cost associated with copper wiring. An all-digital system should provide compatibility and interoperability so that different electronic instrument transformers can be connected to different digital relays (under a multi-vendor connection) Since the novel all-digital system has never been implemented and/or tested in practice so far, its superior performance needs to be evaluated. This thesis proposes a methodology for performance and compatibility evaluation of an all-digital protection system through application testing. The approach defines the performance indices and compatibility indices as well as the evaluation methodology

    Power system applications of fiber optics

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    Power system applications of optical systems, primarily using fiber optics, are reviewed. The first section reviews fibers as components of communication systems. The second section deals with fiber sensors for power systems, reviewing the many ways light sources and fibers can be combined to make measurements. Methods of measuring electric field gradient are discussed. Optical data processing is the subject of the third section, which begins by reviewing some widely different examples and concludes by outlining some potential applications in power systems: fault location in transformers, optical switching for light fired thyristors and fault detection based on the inherent symmetry of most power apparatus. The fourth and final section is concerned with using optical fibers to transmit power to electric equipment in a high voltage situation, potentially replacing expensive high voltage low power transformers. JPL has designed small photodiodes specifically for this purpose, and fabricated and tested several samples. This work is described

    Metrological characterisation of Low Power Voltage Transformers by using impulse response analysis

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    this thesis presents a new approach in dealing with characterize LPVT and proposes determining the impulse response of LPVT, purposing to find transfer function (h(t)) which contains most electrical characteristics of LPVTs as a dynamic system

    Current transformers transient response modelling using electromagnetic transient program (EMTP)

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    The subject of this thesis is Current Transformer Transient response study using an electromagnetic Transient program (EMTP). Current transformers are considered eyes for power system protection. Behaviours of protection systems depend largely on information fed to them by instrument transformers. Ferromagnetic current transformers have for many years provided practical method of current measurement, however there are limitations associated with current transformer operation:- notably, difficult in maintaining accuracy over the full range of operating conditions, and most particularly current transformers tendency to suffer saturation of iron core during severe faults, with accompanying severe ratio or loss of output. These limitations might lead to mal operation of protective relays due to distorted inputs from current transformers particularly in transient periods. This thesis involved studying the behaviour of current transformers in both steady state and transient periods. An emphasis being put on transient periods which are very crucial in behaviour of current transformers because transformation errors are greatest in these periods. Errors in current transformer transformation might affect operation of entire protection schemes. Maloperation of current transformers in transient periods have very bad effect on relay co-ordination and worst condition might be failure of protection scheme operation altogether. Over the past decades engineers have been trying to develop a current transformer model that would represent a current transformer well in transient periods. It has proved to be rather difficult to come up with a single detailed model that would satisfy all possible conditions. This is due to non-linearity of magnetising curve and saturation effects of current transformer iron cores. The author has considered different current transformer models with their merits and demerits being highlighted. It has been shown that different current transformer models have to be used when considering different operating conditions of a current transformer in a power system. ATP-EMTP an Electromagnetic Transient Program was developed in the sixties for the study of electromagnetic transients in power systems. It has proved to be a very useful tool in this regard. The program development is still going on today to accommodate a wide application in power systems. Several components have been developed to represent different components in a power system. It is only recently that there has been a growing interest to include modelling of protective equipment. This has been accelerated by the inclusion of MODELS in the EMTP program. This thesis explores the effect of transients taking into account different conditions like transient fault currents, effects of high frequency waves and surges. Effects of different types of burdens on current transformers were explored as well. Due to limitations of EMTP, simulation results are only applicable to current transformers with ARMCO M4 oriented steel with ungapped cores. The author arrived at several conclusions. The most important conclusion is that mal operation of protective relays due to current transformer saturation can be avoided easily if proper current transformer selection is given priority in power protection design. EMTP package proved to be very useful and handy when studying transients though one has to be careful with numerical oscillations which might be present during simulations. Problems of numerical oscillations have been discussed under current transformer simulation tools
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