6 research outputs found

    Electronic Health Record Architecture: A Systematic Review

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    Numerous advantages are derived from the electronic health record (EHR).Though achieving such advantages depends on its architecture, at present no unique understanding of the architecture dimensions and specifications is available. Therefore, the aim of the present study is a systematic review of architecture perception of the electronic health record. The authors searched the literature in Science Direct, Scopus, PubMed and Proudest Databases (2000 to Jun 2015).  Data extraction was done by 2 reviewers on content, structure, content/structure relationship, confidentiality and security of the EHR. Subsequent to refining the 87 retrieved studies, 25 studies were finally included in the study. In the studies and paradigms so far proposed for the EHR, a unique comprehensive architecture model from the viewpoint of research criteria has not been investigated and it has been considered only from some dimensions. Hence, we provide a new definition of the EHR architecture

    Security Requirements for a Lifelong Electronic Health Record System: An Opinion

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    This article discusses the authors' views on the security requirements of a central, unique electronic health record. The requirements are based on the well-known principles of confidentiality and integrity and the less discussed principles of control and legal value. The article does not discuss any technical or legal solutions to the requirements proposed herein

    Hakemistojen käytettävyys hajautuneen potilastiedon hallinnassa

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    Tässä työssä käsitellään sähköisiä potilaskertomuksia (EHR) sekä tiedonhakua niistä hakemistoja hyödyntäen. Aluksi työssä esitellään keskeisimmät sähköisten potilaskertomusten standardit, kuten HL7 versiot 2 ja 3, CDA ja IHE XDS sekä BPPC. Tämän jälkeen siirrytään tarkastelemaan tarkemmin potilastiedon hakemistoja. Työssä tarkastellaan erityisesti IHE XDS –profiilia, joka kuvaa hakemistoon perustuvan sähköisten potilaskertomusten tiedonvälitystavan potilastietojärjestelmien välillä. ebXML:ään pohjautuvan IHE XDS:n keskeiset komponentit ovat arkisto (Document repository), asiakirjahakemisto (Document registry), asiakirjan tuottaja (Document source) ja asiakirjan käyttäjä (Document consumer). Työssä kuvataan näiden eri komponenttien tehtävät hakemistossa. Työssä kuvataan myös potilaskertomusten hakemista käyttäen IHE XDS-hakemista sekä OWL- ja SPARQL –kieleliä. Työssä esitellään myös muutamia kansallisia potilaskertomusjärjestelmiä, kuten suomen KanTa –järjestelmä sekä Hollannin ja Singaporen kansallisia potilaskertomusten arkistot sekä yleiseurooppalainen epSOS-hanke. Pohdintaosiossa arvioidaan potilaskertomusten hakemiseen käytettävissä olevien menetelmien tehokkuutta

    Voice controled electronic health record in dentistry

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    Název: Elektronický zubní kříž ovládaný hlasem Autor: MUDr. Radek Hippmann Pracoviště: Dětská stomatologická klinika FN Motol Školitel: Prof. MUDr. Taťjana Dostálová, DrSc., MBA E-mail školitele: [email protected] Tato dizertační práce se zabývá tvorbou komplexní elektronické zdravotnické dokumentace (EHR) pro oblast stomatologie. Tento vzniklý systém je navíc vylepšen o hlasové ovládání pomocí systému Automatic speech recognition (ASR) a o modul pro syntézu řeči Text-to-speech (TTS). První část práce je věnována úvodu do tématiky a jsou vymezeny jednotlivé oblasti, jejichž propojení je nutné pro vytvoření EHR systému pro tuto oblast. Jsou to především základním způsobem vymezené oblasti a pojmy ve stomatologii. Dále jsme se věnovali problematice temporomandibulárního kloubu (TMK), která je často opomíjena a jsou popsány i trendy v EHR a hlasových technologiích. V metodické části jsou popsány technologie při tvorbě EHR systému, hlasového rozpoznávání a klasifikace onemocnění TMK. V další části navazuje popis vlastních výsledků, které korespondují se znalostní bází stomatologie a TMK. Z nich vychází vlastní grafické uživatelské rozhranní Dentcross sloužící pro záznam stomatologických dat. Celá aplikace je ovladatelná hlasem a možné je i hlasové zpětné vyvolání informace pomocí modulu TTS....Title: Voice controlled electronic health record in dentistry Author: MUDr. Radek Hippmann Department: Department of paediatric stomatology, Faculty hospital Motol Supervisor: Prof. MUDr. Taťjana Dostalová, DrSc., MBA Supervisor's e-mail: [email protected] This PhD thesis is concerning with development of the complex electronic health record (EHR) for the field of dentistry. This system is also enhanced with voice control based on the Automatic speech recognition (ASR) system and module for speech synthesis Text-to- speech (TTS). In the first part of the thesis is described the whole issue and are defined particular areas, whose combination is essential for EHR system creation in this field. It is mainly basic delimiting of terms and areas in the dentistry. In the next step we are engaged in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problematic, which is often ignored and trends in EHR and voice technologies are also described. In the methodological part are described delineated technologies used during the EHR system creation, voice recognition and TMJ disease classification. Following part incorporates results description, which are corresponding with the knowledge base in dentistry and TMJ. From this knowledge base originates the graphic user interface DentCross, which is serving for dental data...2. lékařská fakulta UKSecond Faculty of MedicineFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Electronic signatures for long-lasting storage purposes in electronic archives

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    Communication and co-operation in healthcare and welfare require a certain set of trusted third party (TTP) services describing both status and relation of communicating principals as well as their corresponding keys and attributes. Additional TTP services are needed to provide trustworthy information about dynamic issues of communication and co-operation such as time and location of processes, workflow relations, and system behaviour. Legal and ethical requirements demand securely stored patient information and well-defined access rights. Among others, electronic signatures based on asymmetric cryptography are important means for securing the integrity of a message or file as well as for accountability purposes including non-repudiation of both origin and receipt. Electronic signatures along with certified time stamps or time signatures are especially important for electronic archives in general, electronic health records (EHR) in particular, and especially for typical purposes of long-lasting storage. Apart from technical storage problems (e.g. lifetime of the storage devices, interoperability of retrieval and presentation software), this paper identifies mechanisms of e.g. re-signing and re-stamping of data items, files, messages, sets of archived items or documents, archive structures, and even whole archives