15,061 research outputs found

    Comparison of Methods of Pump Scheduling in Water Supply Systems

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    In the domestic water supply industry, the reduction of pumping costs is a continuing objective. With the efficient scheduling of pumping operations, it is considered that 10% of the annual expenditure on energy and related costs may be saved. A typical cost function will include all of the expenditure caused by the pumping process and also consider the electrical cost of pumping taking into account the various electrical tariffs, as well as peak demand and pump switching costs. Using only fixed speed pumps, it is possible to use an efficient dynamic programming based method, provided that the storage reservoir levels are known. Other techniques that are showing fruitful results in optimisation are genetic programming and simulated annealing. This paper compares these methods and discusses which is more appropriate in this type of pump scheduling problem

    Demonstrating demand response from water distribution system through pump scheduling

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    Significant changes in the power generation mix are posing new challenges for the balancing systems of the grid. Many of these challenges are in the secondary electricity grid regulation services and could be met through demand response (DR) services. We explore the opportunities for a water distribution system (WDS) to provide balancing services with demand response through pump scheduling and evaluate the associated benefits. Using a benchmark network and demand response mechanisms available in the UK, these benefits are assessed in terms of reduced green house gas (GHG) emissions from the grid due to the displacement of more polluting power sources and additional revenues for water utilities. The optimal pump scheduling problem is formulated as a mixed-integer optimisation problem and solved using a branch and bound algorithm. This new formulation finds the optimal level of power capacity to commit to the provision of demand response for a range of reserve energy provision and frequency response schemes offered in the UK. For the first time we show that DR from WDS can offer financial benefits to WDS operators while providing response energy to the grid with less greenhouse gas emissions than competing reserve energy technologies. Using a Monte Carlo simulation based on data from 2014, we demonstrate that the cost of providing the storage energy is less than the financial compensation available for the equivalent energy supply. The GHG emissions from the demand response provision from a WDS are also shown to be smaller than those of contemporary competing technologies such as open cycle gas turbines. The demand response services considered vary in their response time and duration as well as commitment requirements. The financial viability of a demand response service committed continuously is shown to be strongly dependent on the utilisation of the pumps and the electricity tariffs used by water utilities. Through the analysis of range of water demand scenarios and financial incentives using real market data, we demonstrate how a WDS can participate in a demand response scheme and generate financial gains and environmental benefits

    Approximation of System Components for Pump Scheduling Optimisation

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.The operation of pump systems in water distribution systems (WDS) is commonly the most expensive task for utilities with up to 70% of the operating cost of a pump system attributed to electricity consumption. Optimisation of pump scheduling could save 10-20% by improving efficiency or shifting consumption to periods with low tariffs. Due to the complexity of the optimal control problem, heuristic methods which cannot guarantee optimality are often applied. To facilitate the use of mathematical optimisation this paper investigates formulations of WDS components. We show that linear approximations outperform non-linear approximations, while maintaining comparable levels of accuracy

    An optimization model for multi-biomass tri-generation energy supply

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    In this paper, a decision support system (DSS) for multi-biomass energy conversion applications is presented. The system in question aims at supporting an investor by thoroughly assessing an investment in locally existing multi-biomass exploitation for tri-generation applications (electricity, heating and cooling), in a given area. The approach followed combines use of holistic modelling of the system, including the multi-biomass supply chain, the energy conversion facility and the district heating and cooling network, with optimization of the major investment-related variables to maximize the financial yield of the investment. The consideration of multi-biomass supply chain presents significant potential for cost reduction, by allowing spreading of capital costs and reducing warehousing requirements, especially when seasonal biomass types are concerned. The investment variables concern the location of the bioenergy exploitation facility and its sizing, as well as the types of biomass to be procured, the respective quantities and the maximum collection distance for each type. A hybrid optimization method is employed to overcome the inherent limitations of every single method. The system is demand-driven, meaning that its primary aim is to fully satisfy the energy demand of the customers. Therefore, the model is a practical tool in the hands of an investor to assess and optimize in financial terms an investment aiming at covering real energy demand. optimization is performed taking into account various technical, regulatory, social and logical constraints. The model characteristics and advantages are highlighted through a case study applied to a municipality of Thessaly, Greece. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Agent-based simulation of electricity markets: a literature review

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    Liberalisation, climate policy and promotion of renewable energy are challenges to players of the electricity sector in many countries. Policy makers have to consider issues like market power, bounded rationality of players and the appearance of fluctuating energy sources in order to provide adequate legislation. Furthermore the interactions between markets and environmental policy instruments become an issue of increasing importance. A promising approach for the scientific analysis of these developments is the field of agent-based simulation. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current work applying this methodology to the analysis of electricity markets. --

    Economic optimization of component sizing for residential battery storage systems

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    Battery energy storage systems (BESS) coupled with rooftop-mounted residential photovoltaic (PV) generation, designated as PV-BESS, draw increasing attention and market penetration as more and more such systems become available. The manifold BESS deployed to date rely on a variety of different battery technologies, show a great variation of battery size, and power electronics dimensioning. However, given today's high investment costs of BESS, a well-matched design and adequate sizing of the storage systems are prerequisites to allow profitability for the end-user. The economic viability of a PV-BESS depends also on the battery operation, storage technology, and aging of the system. In this paper, a general method for comprehensive PV-BESS techno-economic analysis and optimization is presented and applied to the state-of-art PV-BESS to determine its optimal parameters. Using a linear optimization method, a cost-optimal sizing of the battery and power electronics is derived based on solar energy availability and local demand. At the same time, the power flow optimization reveals the best storage operation patterns considering a trade-off between energy purchase, feed-in remuneration, and battery aging. Using up to date technology-specific aging information and the investment cost of battery and inverter systems, three mature battery chemistries are compared; a lead-acid (PbA) system and two lithium-ion systems, one with lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) and another with lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) cathode. The results show that different storage technology and component sizing provide the best economic performances, depending on the scenario of load demand and PV generation.Web of Science107art. no. 83

    Long-Term Load Forecasting Considering Volatility Using Multiplicative Error Model

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    Long-term load forecasting plays a vital role for utilities and planners in terms of grid development and expansion planning. An overestimate of long-term electricity load will result in substantial wasted investment in the construction of excess power facilities, while an underestimate of future load will result in insufficient generation and unmet demand. This paper presents first-of-its-kind approach to use multiplicative error model (MEM) in forecasting load for long-term horizon. MEM originates from the structure of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model where conditional variance is dynamically parameterized and it multiplicatively interacts with an innovation term of time-series. Historical load data, accessed from a U.S. regional transmission operator, and recession data for years 1993-2016 is used in this study. The superiority of considering volatility is proven by out-of-sample forecast results as well as directional accuracy during the great economic recession of 2008. To incorporate future volatility, backtesting of MEM model is performed. Two performance indicators used to assess the proposed model are mean absolute percentage error (for both in-sample model fit and out-of-sample forecasts) and directional accuracy.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 3 table