547 research outputs found

    A Nature-Inspired Algorithm to Enable the E-Mobility Participation in the Ancillary Service Market

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    In the present paper, a tool is proposed to optimally schedule the charging requests of a fleet of carsharing Electric Vehicles (EVs) in an urban area, to enable their participation in the Ancillary Service Market. The centralized scheduler minimizes the imbalance of an EV fleet with respect to the power commitment declared in the Day-Ahead Market, providing also tertiary reserve and power balance control to the grid. The regulation is carried out by optimizing the initial charging time of each vehicle, according to a deadline set by the carsharing operator. To this purpose, a nature-inspired optimization is adopted, implementing innovative hybridizations of the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm. The e-mobility usage is simulated through a topology-aware stochastic model based on carsharing usage in Milan (Italy) and the Ancillary Services requests are modeled by real data from the Italian electricity market. The numerical simulations performed confirmed the effectiveness of the approach in identifying a suitable schedule for the charging requests of a large EV fleet (up to 3200 units), with acceptable computational effort. The benefits on the economic sustainability of the E-carsharing fleet given by the participation in the electricity market are also confirmed by an extensive sensitivity analysis

    Optimal Home Energy Management System for Committed Power Exchange Considering Renewable Generations

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    This thesis addresses the complexity of SH operation and local renewable resources optimum sizing. The effect of different criteria and components of SH on the size of renewable resources and cost of electricity is investigated. Operation of SH with the optimum size of renewable resources is evaluated to study SH annual cost. The effectiveness of SH with committed exchange power functionality is studied for minimizing cost while responding to DR programs

    A Personalized Rolling Optimal Charging Schedule for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Statistical Energy Demand Analysis and Heuristic Algorithm

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    To alleviate the emission of greenhouse gas and the dependence on fossil fuel, Plug-in Hybrid Electrical Vehicles (PHEVs) have gained an increasing popularity in current decades. Due to the fluctuating electricity prices in the power market, a charging schedule is very influential to driving cost. Although the next-day electricity prices can be obtained in a day-ahead power market, a driving plan is not easily made in advance. Although PHEV owners can input a next-day plan into a charging system, e.g., aggregators, day-ahead, it is a very trivial task to do everyday. Moreover, the driving plan may not be very accurate. To address this problem, in this paper, we analyze energy demands according to a PHEV owner’s historical driving records and build a personalized statistic driving model. Based on the model and the electricity spot prices, a rolling optimization strategy is proposed to help make a charging decision in the current time slot. On one hand, by employing a heuristic algorithm, the schedule is made according to the situations in the following time slots. On the other hand, however, after the current time slot, the schedule will be remade according to the next tens of time slots. Hence, the schedule is made by a dynamic rolling optimization, but it only decides the charging decision in the current time slot. In this way, the fluctuation of electricity prices and driving routine are both involved in the scheduling. Moreover, it is not necessary for PHEV owners to input a day-ahead driving plan. By the optimization simulation, the results demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible to help owners save charging costs and also meet requirements for driving

    Demand Side Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: A survey on strategies, challenges, modeling, and optimization

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    The shift of transportation technology from internal combustion engine (ICE) based vehicles to electricvehicles (EVs) in recent times due to their lower emissions, fuel costs, and greater efficiency hasbrought EV technology to the forefront of the electric power distribution systems due to theirability to interact with the grid through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) infrastructure. The greater adoptionof EVs presents an ideal use-case scenario of EVs acting as power dispatch, storage, and ancillaryservice-providing units. This EV aspect can be utilized more in the current smart grid (SG) scenarioby incorporating demand-side management (DSM) through EV integration. The integration of EVswith DSM techniques is hurdled with various issues and challenges addressed throughout thisliterature review. The various research conducted on EV-DSM programs has been surveyed. This reviewarticle focuses on the issues, solutions, and challenges, with suggestions on modeling the charginginfrastructure to suit DSM applications, and optimization aspects of EV-DSM are addressed separatelyto enhance the EV-DSM operation. Gaps in current research and possible research directions have beendiscussed extensively to present a comprehensive insight into the current status of DSM programsemployed with EV integration. This extensive review of EV-DSM will facilitate all the researchersto initiate research for superior and efficient energy management and EV scheduling strategies andmitigate the issues faced by system uncertainty modeling, variations, and constraints

    A Review on Energy Consumption Optimization Techniques in IoT Based Smart Building Environments

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    In recent years, due to the unnecessary wastage of electrical energy in residential buildings, the requirement of energy optimization and user comfort has gained vital importance. In the literature, various techniques have been proposed addressing the energy optimization problem. The goal of each technique was to maintain a balance between user comfort and energy requirements such that the user can achieve the desired comfort level with the minimum amount of energy consumption. Researchers have addressed the issue with the help of different optimization algorithms and variations in the parameters to reduce energy consumption. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is not solved yet due to its challenging nature. The gap in the literature is due to the advancements in the technology and drawbacks of the optimization algorithms and the introduction of different new optimization algorithms. Further, many newly proposed optimization algorithms which have produced better accuracy on the benchmark instances but have not been applied yet for the optimization of energy consumption in smart homes. In this paper, we have carried out a detailed literature review of the techniques used for the optimization of energy consumption and scheduling in smart homes. The detailed discussion has been carried out on different factors contributing towards thermal comfort, visual comfort, and air quality comfort. We have also reviewed the fog and edge computing techniques used in smart homes

    Electric vehicle charge optimization using ant colony optimization

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    In this project, we are going to investigate a topic that will be of great importance in the coming years, such as the management of the charging of electric cars. It is nothing new that the trend in the automotive sector is towards a future in which electric vehicles will predominate, which can be a problem for the current electricity grid due to the increase in energy demand produced by the charging of these cars. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate different charging methods in order not to saturate the grid. In this work, research has been carried out about the problem mentioned above, proposing an optimization algorithm which is able to manage the charging process of a fleet of cars in a charging car park for electric cars, based on the paper " Electric vehicle charging under power and balance constraints as dynamic scheduling" [7]. In the first part of the work, an extensive state of the art about the most important optimisation algorithms in use today is made, explaining what they are based on and giving a brief explanation of how they work. Then, the problem that has been investigated with this work is described, the optimisation of the electric car charging using the ant colony algorithm (ACO). In addition, the results obtained are analysed and the parts of the work that can be improved in futur

    Energy Management Systems for Smart Electric Railway Networks: A Methodological Review

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    Energy shortage is one of the major concerns in today’s world. As a consumer of electrical energy, the electric railway system (ERS), due to trains, stations, and commercial users, intakes an enormous amount of electricity. Increasing greenhouse gases (GHG) and CO2 emissions, in addition, have drawn the regard of world leaders as among the most dangerous threats at present; based on research in this field, the transportation sector contributes significantly to this pollution. Railway Energy Management Systems (REMS) are a modern green solution that not only tackle these problems but also, by implementing REMS, electricity can be sold to the grid market. Researchers have been trying to reduce the daily operational costs of smart railway stations, mitigating power quality issues, considering the traction uncertainties and stochastic behavior of Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) and Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), which has a significant impact on total operational cost. In this context, the first main objective of this article is to take a comprehensive review of the literature on REMS and examine closely all the works that have been carried out in this area, and also the REMS architecture and configurations are clarified as well. The secondary objective of this article is to analyze both traditional and modern methods utilized in REMS and conduct a thorough comparison of them. In order to provide a comprehensive analysis in this field, over 120 publications have been compiled, listed, and categorized. The study highlights the potential of leveraging RERs for cost reduction and sustainability. Evaluating factors including speed, simplicity, efficiency, accuracy, and ability to handle stochastic behavior and constraints, the strengths and limitations of each optimization method are elucidated

    Applications of Genetic Algorithm and Its Variants in Rail Vehicle Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review

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    Railway systems are time-varying and complex systems with nonlinear behaviors that require effective optimization techniques to achieve optimal performance. Evolutionary algorithms methods have emerged as a popular optimization technique in recent years due to their ability to handle complex, multi-objective issues of such systems. In this context, genetic algorithm (GA) as one of the powerful optimization techniques has been extensively used in the railway sector, and applied to various problems such as scheduling, routing, forecasting, design, maintenance, and allocation. This paper presents a review of the applications of GAs and their variants in the railway domain together with bibliometric analysis. The paper covers highly cited and recent studies that have employed GAs in the railway sector and discuss the challenges and opportunities of using GAs in railway optimization problems. Meanwhile, the most popular hybrid GAs as the combination of GA and other evolutionary algorithms methods such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), neural network (NN), fuzzy-logic control, etc with their dedicated application in the railway domain are discussed too. More than 250 publications are listed and classified to provide a comprehensive analysis and road map for experts and researchers in the field helping them to identify research gaps and opportunities

    Multi-Objective Optimal Dispatching and Operation Control of a Grid Connected Microgrid Considering Power Loss of Conversion Devices

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    This paper proposes a novel daily energy management system for optimization dispatch and operation control of a typical microgrid power system. The multi-objective optimization dispatch problem is formulated to simultaneously minimize the operating cost, pollutant emission level as well as the power loss of conversion devices. While satisfying the system load and technical constraints, ensure high penetration of renewable energy and optimal scheduling of charging/discharging of battery storage system based on a fuzzy logic approach. The weighted sum method is adopted to obtain Pareto optimal solutions, then a fuzzy set theory is employed to find the best compromise solution. Ant lion optimizer method is considered to solve the formulated problem. To prove the efficacy and robustness of the proposed algorithm, a comparison of the performance of ant lion optimizer algorithm with other known heuristic optimization techniques has been investigated. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other heuristic techniques in solving the multi-objective optimization dispatch problem. They also reveal that a better compromise between the considered contradictory objective functions is achieved when priority is given to the generation of the internal microgrid’s sources with an equivalent contribution rate of 68.45% of generated power from both fuel cell and micro-turbine, whereas the contribution rate of external grid is limited to 11.72%