26 research outputs found

    Leadership and the Politics of Religious Conflict in Northern Nigeria

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    Northern Nigeria has become a boiling point lately where Christians and Muslims kill each other in the name of God. Within the last four years, over 10,000 people had lost their lives. This research seeks to investigate the relationship between political leadership and the causes of religious conflict in Northern Nigeria. Using the survey method 150 questionnaires were sent to different parts of northern Nigeria and 40 to Nigerians living in the United States. 117 questionnaires were analyzed at the end with 99 coming from Nigeria. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between political leadership and religious conflicts, and political leaders are perceived to be responsible for most of the religious conflict in Northern Nigeria. Leadership has not only failed Nigeria but Africa as a whole. Leadership is simply using your head and heart for your people, but that is what many of those who lead in Africa lack. The author emphasizes the need for an effective and responsible leadership, a leadership knowledge, and general education for a way forward

    Leadership and the Politics of Religious Conflict in Northern Nigeria

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    Northern Nigeria has become a boiling point lately where Christians and Muslims kill each other in the name of God. Within the last four years, over 10,000 people had lost their lives. This research seeks to investigate the relationship between political leadership and the causes of religious conflict in Northern Nigeria. Using the survey method 150 questionnaires were sent to different parts of northern Nigeria and 40 to Nigerians living in the United States. 117 questionnaires were analyzed at the end with 99 coming from Nigeria. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between political leadership and religious conflicts, and political leaders are perceived to be responsible for most of the religious conflict in Northern Nigeria. Leadership has not only failed Nigeria but Africa as a whole. Leadership is simply using your head and heart for your people, but that is what many of those who lead in Africa lack. The author emphasizes the need for an effective and responsible leadership, a leadership knowledge, and general education for a way forward

    “No More Strangers and Foreigners, but Fellowcitizens:” Multicultural Education and Conflict

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    This paper argues that prevalent forms of multicultural education are separatist and divisive in nature, irrational, inequitable, and can cause conflict. A unifying brand of multicultural education is offered as an alternative which builds on commonalities, can alleviate conflict, fosters academic achievement for all students, and is built on Christian principles

    Instantaneous messaging system: a distributed approach

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    This work presents the development of an instantaneous messaging system, which is centered on the distributed handling of user groups. The method pro-posed for handling of groups has several distinctive characteristics: the non exis-tence of a moderator for each group, allowing any user to abandon the group at any moment without putting in danger the group's existence, and the absence of a server where the user must be authenticated every time that he wants to engage in conversation with somebody, which allows that a more direct communication be established with the person with which communication is desired.Facultad de Informátic

    The design of a generalised approach to the programming of systems of systems

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    The world's computing infrastructure is increasingly differentiating into self-contained sub-systems (e.g. Internet of Things installations, clouds, VANETs, ...), which are post-hoc composed to generate value-added functionality (“systems of systems”). Today, however, such system-of-systems composition is typically carried out in an ad-hoc and infrastructure-dependent manner, with obvious associated disadvantages. In this paper, we propose a generalised system-of-systems-oriented programming approach that enables programmers to manage the composition of systems without a need for intimate knowledge of their internals, and also facilitates dynamic and spontaneous system composition, as systems discover each other opportunistically in their environment

    Sistema de mensajería instantánea

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    Este trabajo trata sobre el desarrollo de un sistema de mensajería instantánea, el cual se centra en el manejo distribuido de grupos de usuarios. El método propuesto para manejo de grupos posee varias características distintivas como son, la no existencia de un moderador por cada grupo, permitiendo que cualquier usuario abandone el grupo en cualquier momento sin poner en peligro la existencia del mismo, y la ausencia de un servidor ante el cual autenticarse cada vez que se desea entrar en conversación con alguien, lo quel permite que se establezca una comunicación más directa con la persona con la cual se desea conversar.I Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI