591 research outputs found

    Elastic Switch Migration for Control Plane Load Balancing in SDN

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    © 2013 IEEE. Software-defined network (SDN) provides a solution for the scalable network framework with decoupled control and data plane. Migrating switches can balance the resource utilization of controllers and improve network performance. Switch migration problem has to date been formulated as a resource utilization maximization problem to address the scalability of the control plane. However, this problem is NP-hard with high-computational complexities and without addressing the security challenges of the control plane. In this paper, we propose a switch migration method, which interprets switch migration as a signature matching problem and is formulated as a 3-D earth mover's distance model to protect strategically important controllers in the network. Considering the scalability, we further propose a heuristic method which is time-efficient and suitable to large-scale networks. Simulation results show that our proposed methods can disguise strategically important controllers by diminishing the difference of traffic load between controllers. Moreover, our proposed methods can significantly relieve the traffic pressure of controllers and prevent saturation attacks

    On load balancing via switch migration in software-defined networking

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    Switch-controller assignment is an essential task in multi-controller software-defined networking. Static assignments are not practical because network dynamics are complex and difficult to predetermine. Since network load varies both in space and time, the mapping of switches to controllers should be adaptive to sudden changes in the network. To that end, switch migration plays an important role in maintaining dynamic switch-controller mapping. Migrating switches from overloaded to underloaded controllers brings flexibility and adaptability to the network but, at the same time, deciding which switches should be migrated to which controllers, while maintaining a balanced load in the network, is a challenging task. This work presents a heuristic approach with solution shaking to solve the switch migration problem. Shift and swap moves are incorporated within a search scheme. Every move is evaluated by how much benefititwillgivetoboththeimmigrationandoutmigrationcontrollers.Theexperimentalresultsshowthat theproposedapproachisabletooutweighthestate-of-artapproaches,andimprovetheloadbalancingresults up to≈ 14% in some scenarios when compared to the most recent approach. In addition, the results show that the proposed work is more robust to controller failure than the state-of-art methods.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) - UID/MULTI/00631/2019;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deploying elastic routing capability in an SDN/NFV-enabled environment

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    SDN and NFV are two paradigms that introduce unseen flexibility in telecom networks. Where previously telecom services were provided by dedicated hardware and associated (vendor-specific) protocols, SDN enables to control telecom networks through specialized software running on controllers. NFV enables highly optimized packet-processing network functions to run on generic/multi-purpose hardware such as x86 servers. Although the possibilities of SDN and NFV are well-known, concrete control and orchestration architectures are still under design and few prototype validations are available. In this demo we demonstrate the dynamic up-and downscaling of an elastic router supporting NFV-based network management, for example needed in a VPN service. The framework which enables this elasticity is the UNIFY ESCAPE environment, which is a PoC following an ETSI NFV MANO-conform architecture. This demo is one of the first to demonstrate a fully closed control loop for scaling NFs in an SDN/NFV control and orchestration architecture

    Multi-controller Based Software-Defined Networking: A Survey

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a novel network paradigm that enables flexible management for networks. As the network size increases, the single centralized controller cannot meet the increasing demand for flow processing. Thus, the promising solution for SDN with large-scale networks is the multi-controller. In this paper, we present a compressive survey for multi-controller research in SDN. First, we introduce the overview of multi-controller, including the origin of multi-controller and its challenges. Then, we classify multi-controller research into four aspects (scalability, consistency, reliability, load balancing) depending on the process of implementing the multi-controller. Finally, we propose some relevant research issues to deal with in the future and conclude the multi-controller research

    A load-balancing mechanism for distributed SDN control plane using response time.

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has become a popular paradigm for managing large-scale networks including cloud servers and data centers because of its advantages of centralized management and programmability. The issues of scalability and reliability that a single centralized controller suffers makes distributed controller architectures emerge. One key limitation of distributed controllers is the statically configured switch-controller mapping, easily causing uneven load distribution among controllers. Previous works have proposed load-balancing methods with switch migration to address this issue. However, the higher-load controller is always directly considered as the overloaded controller that need to shift its load to other controllers, even if it has no response time delay. The pursuit of absolute load-balancing effect can also result in frequent network delays and service interruptions. Additionally, if there are several overloaded controllers, just one controller with the maximum load can be addressed within a single load-balancing operation, reducing load-balancing efficiency. To address these problems, we propose SMCLBRT, a load-balancing strategy of multiple SDN controllers based on response time, considering the changing features of real-time response times versus controller loads. By selecting the appropriate response time threshold and dealing with multiple overloading controllers simultaneously, it can well solve load-balancing problem in SDN control plane with multiple overloaded controllers. Simulation experiments exhibit the effectiveness of our scheme.N/