1,083 research outputs found

    Homomorphic Pattern Mining from a Single Large Data Tree

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    Graph-based task libraries for robots: generalization and autocompletion

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    In this paper, we consider an autonomous robot that persists over time performing tasks and the problem of providing one additional task to the robot's task library. We present an approach to generalize tasks, represented as parameterized graphs with sequences, conditionals, and looping constructs of sensing and actuation primitives. Our approach performs graph-structure task generalization, while maintaining task ex- ecutability and parameter value distributions. We present an algorithm that, given the initial steps of a new task, proposes an autocompletion based on a recognized past similar task. Our generalization and auto- completion contributions are eective on dierent real robots. We show concrete examples of the robot primitives and task graphs, as well as results, with Baxter. In experiments with multiple tasks, we show a sig- nicant reduction in the number of new task steps to be provided

    Mining substructures in protein data

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    In this paper we consider the 'Prions' database that describes protein instances stored for Human Prion Proteins. The Prions database can be viewed as a database of rooted ordered labeled subtrees. Mining frequent substructures from tree databases is an important task and it has gained a considerable amount of interest in areas such as XML mining, Bioinformatics, Web mining etc. This has given rise to the development of many tree mining algorithms which can aid in structural comparisons, association rule discovery and in general mining of tree structured knowledge representations. Previously we have developed the MB3 tree mining algorithm, which given a minimum support threshold, efficiently discovers all frequent embedded subtrees from a database of rooted ordered labeled subtrees. In this work we apply the algorithm to the Prions database in order to extract the frequently occurring patterns, which in this case are of induced subtree type. Obtaining the set of frequent induced subtrees from the Prions database can potentially reveal some useful knowledge. This aspect will be demonstrated by providing an analysis of the extracted frequent subtrees with respect to discovering interesting protein information. Furthermore, the minimum support threshold can be used as the controlling factor for answering specific queries posed on the Prions dataset. This approach is shown to be a viable technique for mining protein data

    A survey of frequent subgraph mining algorithms

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    AbstractGraph mining is an important research area within the domain of data mining. The field of study concentrates on the identification of frequent subgraphs within graph data sets. The research goals are directed at: (i) effective mechanisms for generating candidate subgraphs (without generating duplicates) and (ii) how best to process the generated candidate subgraphs so as to identify the desired frequent subgraphs in a way that is computationally efficient and procedurally effective. This paper presents a survey of current research in the field of frequent subgraph mining and proposes solutions to address the main research issues.</jats:p

    Tree mining application to matching of hetereogeneous knowledge

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    Matching of heterogeneous knowledge sources is of increasing importance in areas such as scientific knowledge management, e-commerce, enterprise application integration, and many emerging Semantic Web applications. With the desire of knowledge sharing and reuse in these fields, it is common that the knowledge coming from different organizations from the same domain is to be matched. We propose a knowledge matching method based on our previously developed tree mining algorithms for extracting frequently occurring subtrees from a tree structured database such as XML. Using the method the common structure among the different representations can be automatically extracted. Our focus is on knowledge matching at the structural level and we use a set of example XML schema documents from the same domain to evaluate the method. We discuss some important issues that arise when applying tree mining algorithms for detection of common document structures. The experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the approach

    Pattern discovery in structural databases with applications to bioinformatics

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    Frequent structure mining (FSM) aims to discover and extract patterns frequently occurring in structural data such as trees and graphs. FSM finds many applications in bioinformatics, XML processing, Web log analysis, and so on. In this thesis, two new FSM techniques are proposed for finding patterns in unordered labeled trees. Such trees can be used to model evolutionary histories of different species, among others. The first FSM technique finds cousin pairs in the trees. A cousin pair is a pair of nodes sharing the same parent, the same grandparent, or the same great-grandparent, etc. Given a tree T, our algorithm finds all interesting cousin pairs of T in O(|T|2) time where |T| is the number of nodes in T. Experimental results on synthetic data and phylogenies show the scalability and effectiveness of the proposed technique. This technique has been applied to locating co-occurring patterns in multiple evolutionary trees, evaluating the consensus of equally parsimonious trees, and finding kernel trees of groups of phylogenies. The technique is also extended to undirected acyclic graphs (or free trees). The second FSM technique extends traditional MAST (maximum agreement subtree) algorithms by employing the Apriori data mining technique to find frequent agreement subtrees in multiple phylogenies. The correctness and completeness of the new mining algorithm are presented. The method is also extended to unrooted phylogenetic trees. Both FSM techniques studied in the thesis have been implemented into a toolkit, which is fully operational and accessible on the World Wide Web

    EvoMiner: Frequent Subtree Mining in Phylogenetic Databases

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    The problem of mining collections of trees to identify common patterns, called frequent subtrees (FSTs), arises often when trying to interpret the results of phylogenetic analysis. FST mining generalizes the well-known maximum agreement subtree problem. Here we present EvoMiner, a new algorithm for mining frequent subtrees in collections of phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner is an Apriori-like level-wise method, which uses a novel phylogeny-specific constant-time candidate generation scheme, an efficient fingerprinting-based technique for downward closure, and a lowest common ancestor based support counting step that requires neither costly subtree operations nor database traversal. Our algorithm achieves speed-ups of up to 100 times or more over Phylominer, the current state-of-the-art algorithm for mining phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner can also work in depth first enumeration mode, to use less memory at the expense of speed. We demonstrate the utility of FST mining as a way to extract meaningful phylogenetic information from collections of trees when compared to maximum agreement subtrees and majority rule trees --- two commonly used approaches in phylogenetic analysis for extracting consensus information from a collection of trees over a common leaf set
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