26,377 research outputs found

    Efficient weight vectors from pairwise comparison matrices

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    Pairwise comparison matrices are frequently applied in multi-criteria decision making. A weight vector is called efficient if no other weight vector is at least as good in approximating the elements of the pairwise comparison matrix, and strictly better in at least one position. A weight vector is weakly efficient if the pairwise ratios cannot be improved in all non-diagonal positions. We show that the principal eigenvector is always weakly efficient, but numerical examples show that it can be inefficient. The linear programs proposed test whether a given weight vector is (weakly) efficient, and in case of (strong) inefficiency, an efficient (strongly) dominating weight vector is calculated. The proposed algorithms are implemented in Pairwise Comparison Matrix Calculator, available at pcmc.online.Comment: 19 page

    Unsupervised Representation Learning with Minimax Distance Measures

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    We investigate the use of Minimax distances to extract in a nonparametric way the features that capture the unknown underlying patterns and structures in the data. We develop a general-purpose and computationally efficient framework to employ Minimax distances with many machine learning methods that perform on numerical data. We study both computing the pairwise Minimax distances for all pairs of objects and as well as computing the Minimax distances of all the objects to/from a fixed (test) object. We first efficiently compute the pairwise Minimax distances between the objects, using the equivalence of Minimax distances over a graph and over a minimum spanning tree constructed on that. Then, we perform an embedding of the pairwise Minimax distances into a new vector space, such that their squared Euclidean distances in the new space equal to the pairwise Minimax distances in the original space. We also study the case of having multiple pairwise Minimax matrices, instead of a single one. Thereby, we propose an embedding via first summing up the centered matrices and then performing an eigenvalue decomposition to obtain the relevant features. In the following, we study computing Minimax distances from a fixed (test) object which can be used for instance in K-nearest neighbor search. Similar to the case of all-pair pairwise Minimax distances, we develop an efficient and general-purpose algorithm that is applicable with any arbitrary base distance measure. Moreover, we investigate in detail the edges selected by the Minimax distances and thereby explore the ability of Minimax distances in detecting outlier objects. Finally, for each setting, we perform several experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.Comment: 32 page

    Pattern vectors from algebraic graph theory

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    Graphstructures have proven computationally cumbersome for pattern analysis. The reason for this is that, before graphs can be converted to pattern vectors, correspondences must be established between the nodes of structures which are potentially of different size. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we turn to the spectral decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. We show how the elements of the spectral matrix for the Laplacian can be used to construct symmetric polynomials that are permutation invariants. The coefficients of these polynomials can be used as graph features which can be encoded in a vectorial manner. We extend this representation to graphs in which there are unary attributes on the nodes and binary attributes on the edges by using the spectral decomposition of a Hermitian property matrix that can be viewed as a complex analogue of the Laplacian. To embed the graphs in a pattern space, we explore whether the vectors of invariants can be embedded in a low- dimensional space using a number of alternative strategies, including principal components analysis ( PCA), multidimensional scaling ( MDS), and locality preserving projection ( LPP). Experimentally, we demonstrate that the embeddings result in well- defined graph clusters. Our experiments with the spectral representation involve both synthetic and real- world data. The experiments with synthetic data demonstrate that the distances between spectral feature vectors can be used to discriminate between graphs on the basis of their structure. The real- world experiments show that the method can be used to locate clusters of graphs

    End-to-End Cross-Modality Retrieval with CCA Projections and Pairwise Ranking Loss

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    Cross-modality retrieval encompasses retrieval tasks where the fetched items are of a different type than the search query, e.g., retrieving pictures relevant to a given text query. The state-of-the-art approach to cross-modality retrieval relies on learning a joint embedding space of the two modalities, where items from either modality are retrieved using nearest-neighbor search. In this work, we introduce a neural network layer based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) that learns better embedding spaces by analytically computing projections that maximize correlation. In contrast to previous approaches, the CCA Layer (CCAL) allows us to combine existing objectives for embedding space learning, such as pairwise ranking losses, with the optimal projections of CCA. We show the effectiveness of our approach for cross-modality retrieval on three different scenarios (text-to-image, audio-sheet-music and zero-shot retrieval), surpassing both Deep CCA and a multi-view network using freely learned projections optimized by a pairwise ranking loss, especially when little training data is available (the code for all three methods is released at: https://github.com/CPJKU/cca_layer).Comment: Preliminary version of a paper published in the International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieva

    Pairwise comparison matrices and the error-free property of the decision maker

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    Pairwise comparison is a popular assessment method either for deriving criteria-weights or for evaluating alternatives according to a given criterion. In real-world applications consistency of the comparisons rarely happens: intransitivity can occur. The aim of the paper is to discuss the relationship between the consistency of the decision maker—described with the error-free property—and the consistency of the pairwise comparison matrix (PCM). The concept of error-free matrix is used to demonstrate that consistency of the PCM is not a sufficient condition of the error-free property of the decision maker. Informed and uninformed decision makers are defined. In the first stage of an assessment method a consistent or near-consistent matrix should be achieved: detecting, measuring and improving consistency are part of any procedure with both types of decision makers. In the second stage additional information are needed to reveal the decision maker’s real preferences. Interactive questioning procedures are recommended to reach that goal

    Environmental, human health and socio-economic effects of cement powders: The multicriteria analysis as decisional methodology

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    The attention to sustainability-related issues has grown fast in recent decades. The experience gained with these themes reveals the importance of considering this topic in the construction industry, which represents an important sector throughout the world. This work consists on conducting a multicriteria analysis of four cement powders, with the objective of calculating and analysing the environmental, human health and socio-economic effects of their production processes. The economic, technical, environmental and safety performances of the examined powders result from official, both internal and public, documents prepared by the producers. The Analytic Hierarchy Process permitted to consider several indicators (i.e., environmental, human health related and socio-economic parameters) and to conduct comprehensive and unbiased analyses which gave the best, most sustainable cement powder. As assumed in this study, the contribution of each considered parameter to the overall sustainability has a different incidence, therefore the procedure could be used to support on-going sustainability efforts under different conditions. The results also prove that it is not appropriate to regard only one parameter to identify the ‘best’ cement powder, but several impact categories should be considered and analysed if there is an interest for pursuing different, often conflicting interests

    Multimodal Network Alignment

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    A multimodal network encodes relationships between the same set of nodes in multiple settings, and network alignment is a powerful tool for transferring information and insight between a pair of networks. We propose a method for multimodal network alignment that computes a matrix which indicates the alignment, but produces the result as a low-rank factorization directly. We then propose new methods to compute approximate maximum weight matchings of low-rank matrices to produce an alignment. We evaluate our approach by applying it on synthetic networks and use it to de-anonymize a multimodal transportation network.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, Siam Data Mining 201

    Nonlinear Matroid Optimization and Experimental Design

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    We study the problem of optimizing nonlinear objective functions over matroids presented by oracles or explicitly. Such functions can be interpreted as the balancing of multi-criteria optimization. We provide a combinatorial polynomial time algorithm for arbitrary oracle-presented matroids, that makes repeated use of matroid intersection, and an algebraic algorithm for vectorial matroids. Our work is partly motivated by applications to minimum-aberration model-fitting in experimental design in statistics, which we discuss and demonstrate in detail
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