112 research outputs found

    Characteristics of agent-based hierarchical diff-EDF schedulability over heterogeneous real-time Packet networks

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    Packet networks are currently enabling the integration of heterogeneous traffic with a wide range of characteristics that extend from video traffic with stringent QoS requirements to best-effort traffic requiring no guarantees. QoS guarantees can be provided in packet networks by the use of proper packet scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new priority assignment scheduling algorithm, Hierarchical Diff-EDF, which can meet the real-time needs while continuing to provide best effort service over heterogeneous network traffic environment. The Hierarchical Diff-EDF service meets the flow miss rate requirements through the combination of single step hierarchal scheduling for the different network flows and the admission control mechanism that detects the overload conditions to adjust packets' priorities. To examine the proposed scheduler, we introduced an attempt to provide an exact analytical solution. The attempt showed that the solution was apparently very complicated due to the high interdependences between the system queues' service. Hence, the use of simulation seems inevitable. A multi-agent simulation that takes the inspiration from object-oriented programming is adopted. The simulation itself is aimed to the construction of a set of elements which, when fully elaborated, define an agent system specification. When evaluating our proposed scheduler, it was extremely obvious that the Hierarchical Diff-EDF scheduler performs over both of the EDF and Diff-EDF schedulers

    Performance Management in ATM Networks

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    ATM is representative of the connection-oriented resource provisioning classof protocols. The ATM network is expected to provide end-to-end QoS guaranteesto connections in the form of bounds on delays, errors and/or losses. Performancemanagement involves measurement of QoS parameters, and application of controlmeasures (if required) to improve the QoS provided to connections, or to improvethe resource utilization at switches. QoS provisioning is very important for realtimeconnections in which losses are irrecoverable and delays cause interruptionsin service. QoS of connections on a node is a direct function of the queueing andscheduling on the switch. Most scheduling architectures provide static allocationof resources (scheduling priority, maximum buffer) at connection setup time. Endto-end bounds are obtainable for some schedulers, however these are precluded forheterogeneously composed networks. The resource allocation does not adapt to theQoS provided on connections in real time. In addition, mechanisms to measurethe QoS of a connection in real-time are scarce.In this thesis, a novel framework for performance management is proposed. Itprovides QoS guarantees to real time connections. It comprises of in-service QoSmonitoring mechanisms, a hierarchical scheduling algorithm based on dynamicpriorities that are adaptive to measurements, and methods to tune the schedulers atindividual nodes based on the end-to-end measurements. Also, a novel scheduler isintroduced for scheduling maximum delay sensitive traffic. The worst case analysisfor the leaky bucket constrained traffic arrivals is presented for this scheduler. Thisscheduler is also implemented on a switch and its practical aspects are analyzed.In order to understand the implementability of complex scheduling mechanisms,a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art technology used in the industry isperformed. The thesis also introduces a method of measuring the one-way delayand jitter in a connection using in-service monitoring by special cells

    On QoS Provisioning in ATM Networks

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    ATM is representative of the connection-oriented resource provisioning class of protocols. An ATM network isexpected to provide end-to-end QoS guarantees to connections in the form of bounds on delays, errors and/or losses.Performance management involves measurement of QoS parameters, and application of control measures (if required)to improve the QoS provided to connections, or to improve the resource utilization at switches. QoS provisioning is veryimportant for real-time connections in which losses are irrecoverable and delays cause interruptions in service. Mostscheduling disciplines provide static allocation of resources at connection setup time. End-to-end bounds are obtainablefor some schedulers, however these are precluded for heterogeneously composed networks. The resource allocation doesnot adapt to the QoS provided to connections in real-time. In addition, mechanisms to measure the QoS of a connectionin real-time are scarce.A novel framework for QoS management is proposed in this paper to provide QoS guarantees to real-time connections.It comprises of in-service QoS monitoring mechanisms, a hierarchical scheduling algorithm based on dynamicpriorities that are adaptive to measurements, and methods to tune the schedulers at individual nodes based on the endto-end measurements

    Traffic Scheduling in Point-to-Multipoint OFDMA-based Systems

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    The new generation of wireless networks (e.g., WiMAX, LTE-Advanced, Cognitive Radio) support many high resource-consuming services (e.g., VoIP, video conference, multiplayer interactive gaming, multimedia streaming, digital video broadcasting, mobile commerce). The main problem of such networks is that the bandwidth is limited, besides to be subject to fading process, and shared among multiple users. Therefore, a combination of sophisticated transmission techniques (e.g., OFDMA) and proper packet scheduling algorithms is necessary, in order to provide applications with suitable quality of service. This Thesis addresses the problem of traffic scheduling in Point-to-Multipoint OFDMA-based systems. We formally prove that in such systems, even a simple scheduling problem of a Service Class at a time, is NP-complete, therefore, computationally intractable. An optimal solution is unfeasible in term of time, thus, fast and simple scheduling heuristics are needed. First, we address the Best Effort traffic scheduling issue, in a system adopting variable-length Frames, with the objective of producing a legal schedule (i.e., the one meeting all system constraints) of minimum length. Besides, we present fast and simple heuristics, which generate suboptimal solutions, and evaluate their performance in the average case, as in the worst one. Then, we investigate the scheduling of Real Time traffic, with the objective of meeting as many deadlines as possible, or equivalently, minimizing the packet drop ratio. Specifically, we propose two scheduling heuristics, which apply two different resource allocation mechanisms, and evaluate their average-case performance by means of a simulation experiment

    Design, testing and performance analisys of efficient lock-free solutions for multi-core Linux scheduler

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    Multiprocessor systems are nowadays de facto standard for both personal computers and server workstations. Benefits of multi-core technology has recently been used for embedded devices and cellular phones as well. Linux has not been originally designed to be a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) but, recently, a new scheduling class, named SCHED_DEADLINE, was added to it. SCHED_DEADLINE is an implementation of the well known Earliest Deadline First algorithm. In this thesis we first present PRACTISE, a tool for developing, debugging, testing and analyse real-time scheduling data structures in user space. Unlike other similar tools, PRACTISE executes code in parallel, allowing to test and analyse the performance of the code in a realistic multiprocessor scenario. We also show an implementation of a skiplist, realized with the help of the tool above. This implementation is intended to be used for processes migration among the CPUs in SCHED_DEADLINE. To effectively manage the concurrent accesses to the data structure we used a revised version of the flat combining framework

    Portfolio peak algorithms achieving superior performance for maximizing throughput in WiMAX networks

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    The Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16 standards ensure provision of last mile wireless access, variable and high data rate, point to multi-point communication, large frequency range and QoS (Quality of Service) for various types of applications. The WiMAX standards are published by the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and specify the standards of services and transmissions. However, the way how to run these services and when the transmission should be started are not specified in the IEEE standards and it is up to computer scientists to design scheduling algorithms that can best meet the standards. Finding the best way to implement the WiMAX standards through designing efficient scheduler algorithms is a very important component in wireless systems and the scheduling period presents the most common challenging issue in terms of throughput and time delay. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to design and develop an efficient scheduling algorithm to provide the QoS support for real-time and non-real-time services with the WiMAX Network. This was achieved by combining a portfolio of algorithms, which will control and update transmission with the required algorithm by the various portfolios for supporting QoS such as; the guarantee of a maximum throughput for real-time and non-real-time traffic. Two algorithms were designed in this process and will be discussed in this thesis: Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and Portfolio Peak Algorithm. In order to evaluate the proposed algorithms and test their efficiency for IEEE 802.16 networks, the authors simulated the algorithms in the NS2 simulator. Evaluation of the proposed Portfolio algorithms was carried out through comparing its performance with those of the conventional algorithms. On the other hand, the proposed Portfolio scheduling algorithm was evaluated by comparing its performance in terms of throughput, delay, and jitter. The simulation results suggest that the Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and the Portfolio Peak Algorithm achieve higher performance in terms of throughput than all other algorithms. Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE802.16, QoS, Scheduling Algorithms, Fixed Portfolio Algorithms, and Portfolio Peak Algorithms.The Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16 standards ensure provision of last mile wireless access, variable and high data rate, point to multi-point communication, large frequency range and QoS (Quality of Service) for various types of applications. The WiMAX standards are published by the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and specify the standards of services and transmissions. However, the way how to run these services and when the transmission should be started are not specified in the IEEE standards and it is up to computer scientists to design scheduling algorithms that can best meet the standards. Finding the best way to implement the WiMAX standards through designing efficient scheduler algorithms is a very important component in wireless systems and the scheduling period presents the most common challenging issue in terms of throughput and time delay. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to design and develop an efficient scheduling algorithm to provide the QoS support for real-time and non-real-time services with the WiMAX Network. This was achieved by combining a portfolio of algorithms, which will control and update transmission with the required algorithm by the various portfolios for supporting QoS such as; the guarantee of a maximum throughput for real-time and non-real-time traffic. Two algorithms were designed in this process and will be discussed in this thesis: Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and Portfolio Peak Algorithm. In order to evaluate the proposed algorithms and test their efficiency for IEEE 802.16 networks, the authors simulated the algorithms in the NS2 simulator. Evaluation of the proposed Portfolio algorithms was carried out through comparing its performance with those of the conventional algorithms. On the other hand, the proposed Portfolio scheduling algorithm was evaluated by comparing its performance in terms of throughput, delay, and jitter. The simulation results suggest that the Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and the Portfolio Peak Algorithm achieve higher performance in terms of throughput than all other algorithms. Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE802.16, QoS, Scheduling Algorithms, Fixed Portfolio Algorithms, and Portfolio Peak Algorithms

    Actes de l'Ecole d'Eté Temps Réel 2005 - ETR'2005

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    Pdf des actes disponible à l'URL http://etr05.loria.fr/Le programme de l'Ecole d'été Temps Réel 2005 est construit autour d'exposés de synthèse donnés par des spécialistes du monde industriel et universitaire qui permettront aux participants de l'ETR, et notamment aux doctorants, de se forger une culture scientifique dans le domaine. Cette quatrième édition est centrée autour des grands thèmes d'importance dans la conception des systèmes temps réel : Langages et techniques de description d'architectures, Validation, test et preuve par des approches déterministes et stochastiques, Ordonnancement et systèmes d'exploitation temps réel, Répartition, réseaux temps réel et qualité de service

    Towards achieving execution time predictability in web services middleware

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    Web services middleware are typically designed optimised for throughput. Requests are accepted unconditionally and no differentiation is made in processing. Many use the thread-pool pattern to execute requests in parallel using processor sharing. Clusters hosting web services dispatch requests only to balance out the load among the executors. Such optimisations for throughput work out negatively on the predictability of execution. Processor sharing results in the increase of execution time with the number of concurrent requests, making it impossible to predict or control the execution of a request. Existing works fail to address the need for predictability in web service execution. Some achieve a level of differentiated processing, but fail to consider predictability as their main quality attribute. Some give a probabilistic guarantee on service levels. However, from a predictability perspective they are inconsistent. A few achieve predictable execution times, though only in closed systems where request properties are known at system design time. Web services operate on the Internet, where request properties are relatively unknown. This thesis investigates the problem of achieving predictable times in web service executions. We introduce the notion of a processing deadline for service execution, which the web services engine must adhere to in completing the request in a repeatable and a consistent manner. Reaching such execution deadlines by the services engine is made possible by three main features. Firstly a deadline based scheduling algorithm introduced, ensures the processing deadlines are followed. A laxity based analytical model and an admission control algorithm it is based on, selects requests for execution, resulting in a wider range of laxities to enable more requests with overlapping executions to be scheduled together. Finally, a real-time scheduler component introduced in to the server uses a priority model to schedule the execution of requests by controlling the execution of individual worker threads in custom-made thread pools. Predictability of execution in cluster based deployments is further facilitated by four dispatching algorithms that consider the request deadlines and laxity property in the dispatching process. A performance model derived for a similar system approximates the waiting time where requests with smaller deadlines (having higher priority) experience smaller waiting times than requests with longer deadlines. These techniques are implemented in web services middleware in standalone and cluster-based configurations. They are evaluated against their unmodified versions and techniques such as round-robin and class based dispatching, to measure their predictability gain. Empirical evidence indicate the enhancements enable the middleware to achieve more than 90% of the deadlines, while accepting at least 20% of the requests in high traffic conditions. The enhancements additionally prevent the middleware from reaching overloaded conditions in heavy traffic, while maintaining comparable throughput rates to the unmodified versions of the middleware. Analytical and simulation results for the performance model confirms that deadline based preemptive scheduling results in a better balance of waiting times where high priority requests experience lower waiting times while lower priority requests are not over-starved compared to other techniques such as static priority ordering, First-Come-First-Served, Round-Robin and non-preemptive deadline based scheduling
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