7 research outputs found

    Implementación de unwarping de videos omnidireccionales en la plataforma Jetson TK1

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    El unwarping es un método utilizado para transformar imágenes omnidireccionales en imágenes panorámicas, el cual es empleado en aplicaciones tales como seguridad, visión robótica, geolocalización, etc. El procesamiento de imágenes omnidireccionales de alta resolución y su aplicación en dispositivos móviles se ve limitado por el costo computacional y costo energético. Para ello, se plantea como herramienta principal utilizar la plataforma Jetson TK1, la cual es un system on chip (SoC) creada por Nvidia que se caracteriza por su alto rendimiento computacional y bajo costo energético al tener incorporado 192 núcleos en su procesador gráfico. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla e implementa un algoritmo para realizar el unwarping de videos omnidireccionales en la plataforma Jetson TK1, la cual permite optimizar las transferencias y procesamientos de datos realizados en su GPU. El algoritmo es implementado en el entorno de programación MATLAB y CUDA para evaluar error por cálculo y eficiencia computacional. Asimismo, se compara en rendimiento computacional con el método PMPA, el cual es una alternativa escrita en lenguaje C computacionalmente eficiente en comparación a otros métodos presentados en el Capítulo 1. Los resultados de la comparación muestran que la implementación propuesta es 1.35 a 8.12 veces más rápida que el algoritmo PMPA para los tipos de interpolación utilizados (interpolación vecino más cercano e interpolación bilineal). El orden que sigue la tesis es el siguiente: En el primer capítulo se realizara un breve estado del arte sobre los métodos para realizar el unwarping de imágenes omnidireccionales. En el segundo capítulo se cubren los aspectos teóricos del modelo de programación CUDA necesarios para el diseño del algoritmo paralelo. En el tercer capítulo se describe de forma detallada el método propuesto y su diseño paralelo. Por ´ultimo, en el cuarto capítulo se presentan los resultados computacionales seguido de las conclusiones y recomendaciones. Finalmente, cabe señalar que el trabajo de investigación realizado fue presentado en el GPU Technology Conference 2015.Tesi

    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection

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    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection book reflects a selection of recent developments within the area of vision sensors and edge detection. There are two sections in this book. The first section presents vision sensors with applications to panoramic vision sensors, wireless vision sensors, and automated vision sensor inspection, and the second one shows image processing techniques, such as, image measurements, image transformations, filtering, and parallel computing

    Calibration of non-conventional imaging systems

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    Global Shipping Container Monitoring Using Machine Learning with Multi-Sensor Hubs and Catadioptric Imaging

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    We describe a framework for global shipping container monitoring using machine learning with multi-sensor hubs and infrared catadioptric imaging. A wireless mesh radio satellite tag architecture provides connectivity anywhere in the world which is a significant improvement to legacy methods. We discuss the design and testing of a low-cost long-wave infrared catadioptric imaging device and multi-sensor hub combination as an intelligent edge computing system that, when equipped with physics-based machine learning algorithms, can interpret the scene inside a shipping container to make efficient use of expensive communications bandwidth. The histogram of oriented gradients and T-channel (HOG+) feature as introduced for human detection on low-resolution infrared catadioptric images is shown to be effective for various mirror shapes designed to give wide volume coverage with controlled distortion. Initial results for through-metal communication with ultrasonic guided waves show promise using the Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint Technique (DWFT) to identify Lamb waves in a complicated ultrasonic signal

    Noncentral catadioptric systems with quadric mirrors : geometry and calibration

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica (Informática) apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraNesta dissertação de doutoramento estudamos e analisamos a geometria dos sistema catadióptricos não-centrais compostos por uma câmara pinhole ou ortográfica e um espelho curvo, cuja forma é uma quádrica não degenerada, incluindo elipsóides, que podem ser esferas, hiperbolóides e parabolóides. A geometria destes sistemas de visão é parameterizada, analisando o fenómeno de formação da imagem, e é composta pelos parâmetros intrínsecos da câmara, os parâmetros da superfície do espelho e a posição e orientação da câmara em relação ao espelho e ao sistema de referência do mundo. A formação da imagem é estudada numa perspectiva puramente geométrica, focando principalmente o modelo de projecção e a calibração do sistema de visão. As principais contribuições deste trabalho incluem a demonstração de que num sistema catadióptrico não-central com um câmara em perspectiva e uma quádrica não degenerada, o ponto de reflexão na superfície do espelho (projectando na imagem qualquer ponto 3D do mundo) pertence a uma curva quártica que é dada pela intersecção de duas superfícies quádricas. O correspondente modelo de projecção é também desenvolvido e é expresso através de uma equação não linear implícita, dependente de um único parâmetro. Relativamente `a calibração destes sistemas de visão, foi desenvolvido um método de calibração, assumindo o conhecimento dos parâmetros intrínsecos da câmara em perspectiva e de um conjunto de pontos 3D expressos em coordenadas locais (estrutura 3D do mundo). Informação acerca do contorno aparente do espelho é também usada para melhorar a precisão da estimação. Um outro método de calibração é proposto, assumindo uma calibração prévia do sistema no sentido de um modelo geral de câmara (correspondências entre pontos na imagem e raios incidentes no espaço). Adicionalmente, a posição e orientação (pose) da câmara em relação ao espelho e ao sistema de referência do mundo são estimadas usando métricas algébricas e equações lineares (escritas para um método de calibração que também é apresentado). Considera-se a câmara como pré-calibrada. São desenvolvidas e apresentadas experiências com simulações extensivas e também com imagens reais de forma a testar a robustez e precisão dos métodos apresentados. As principais conclusões apontam para o facto de estes sistemas de visão serem altamente não lineares e a sua calibração ser possível com boa precisão, embora difícil de alcançar com precisão muito elevada, especialmente se o sistema de visão tem como objectivo aplicações direccionadas para a precisão. Apesar disso, pode observar-se que a informação da estrutura do mundo pode ser complementada com informação adicional, tal como o contorno aparente da quádrica, de forma a melhorar a qualidade dos resultados de calibração. Na verdade, o uso do contorno aparente do espelho pode, por si, melhorar drasticamente a precisão da estimação.In this PhD thesis we study and analyze the geometry of noncentral catadioptric systems composed by a pinhole or orthographic camera and a non-ruled quadric shaped mirror, that is to say an ellipsoid, which can be a sphere, a hyperboloid or a paraboloid surface. The geometry of these vision systems is parameterized by analyzing the image formation and is composed by the intrinsic parameters of the camera, the parameters of the mirror surface and the poses of the camera in relation to the mirror and to the world reference frames. Image formation is studied in a purely geometrical way, focusing mainly on the projection model and on the calibration of the vision system. The main contributions include the proof that in a noncentral catadioptric system with a perspective camera and a non degenerate quadric the reflection point on the surface (projecting any given 3D world point to the image) is on the quartic curve that is the intersection of two quadrics. The projection model related to the previous definition of the reflection point is also derived and is expressed as an implicit non linear function on a single unknown. In what concerns the calibration of these vision systems, we developed a calibration method assuming the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the perspective camera and of some 3D points in a local reference frame (structure) . Information about the apparent contour is also used to enhance the accuracy of the estimation. Another calibration method is proposed, assuming a previous calibration of the system in the sense of a general camera model (correspondences between image points and incident lines in space). Additionally, the camera-mirror and camera-world poses are estimated using algebraic metrics and linear equations (derived for a calibration method that is also presented). The camera is considered to be pre-calibrated. Experiments with extensive simulations and also using real images are performed to test the robustness and accuracy of the methods presented. The main conclusions are that these vision systems are highly non linear and that their calibration is possible with good accuracy but difficult to achieve with very high accuracy, specially if the vision system is aimed at being used for accuracy-driven applications. Nevertheless it is observed that structure of the world can be complemented with some additional information as the quadric apparent contour in order to improve the quality of the calibration results. Actually, the use of the apparent contour can dramatically improve the accuracy of the estimation

    Konforme geometrische Algebra und deren Anwendungen auf stochastische Optimierungsprobleme im Bereich 3D-Vision

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    In the present work, the modeling capabilities of conformal geometric algebra (CGA) are harnessed to approach typical problems from the research field of 3D-vision. This increasingly popular methodology is then extended in a new fashion by the integration of a least squares technique into the framework of CGA. Specifically, choosing the linear Gauss-Helmert model as the basis, the most general variant of least squares adjustment can be brought into operation. The result is a new versatile parameter estimation, termed GH-method, that reconciles two different mathematical areas, that is algebra and stochastics, under the umbrella of geometry. The main concern of the thesis is to show up the advantages inhering with this combination. Monocular pose estimation, from the subject 3D-vision, is the applicational focus of this thesis; given a picture of a scene, position and orientation of the image capturing vision system with respect to an external coordinate system define the pose. The developed parameter estimation technique is applied to different variants of this problem. Parameters are encoded by the algebra elements, called multivectors. They can be geometric objects as a circle, geometric operators as a rotation or likewise the pose. In the conducted pose experiments, observations are image pixels with associated uncertainties. The high accuracy achieved throughout all experiments confirms the competitiveness of the proposed estimation technique. Central to this work is also the consideration of omnidirectional vision using a paracatadioptric imaging sensor. It is demonstrated that CGA provides the ideal framework to model the related image formation. Two variants of the perspective pose estimation problem are adapted to the omnidirectional case. A new formalization of the epipolar geometry of two images in terms of CGA is developed, from which new insights into the structures behind the essential and the fundamental matrix, respectively, are drawn. Renowned standard approaches are shown to implicitly make use of CGA. Finally, an invocation of the GH-method for estimating epipoles is presented. Experimental results substantiate the goodness of this approach. Next to the detailed elucidations on parameter estimation, this text also gives a comprehensive introduction to geometric algebra, its tensor representation, the conformal space and the respective conformal geometric algebra. A valuable contribution is especially the analytic investigation into the geometric capabilities of CGA.Die vorliegende Arbeit ist motiviert durch die im Forschungszweig Computer Vision (CV) der Informatik typisch auftretenden geometrischen Problemstellungen auf der Grundlage von digitalen Bildaufnahmen. Hierzu zählt die Berechnung einer optimal durch eine Menge von Bildpunkten verlaufende Kurve, die Bestimmung der Epipolargeometrie, das Schätzen der Pose eines Objektes oder die 3D-Rekonstruktion. Diese Klasse von Problemen lässt sich durch den Einsatz der geometrischen Algebra (GA) – so werden unter geometrischen Aspekten besonders interessante Clifford Algebren bezeichnet – in überaus prägnanter und geschlossener Form modellieren. Dieser mit wachsender Akzeptanz verfolgte Ansatz, der beständig durch den Lehrstuhl „Kognitive Systeme“ der Universität Kiel weiterentwickelt wird, ist zentraler Bestandteile der Dissertation. Speziell wird die „konforme geometrische Algebra“ (CGA), die auf einer nicht-linearen Einbettung des euklidischen 3D-Raumes in einen fünfdimensionalen projektiven konformen Raum beruht, eingesetzt. Die Elemente dieser Algebra erlauben die Repräsentation geometrischer Basisentitäten, im wesentlichen Punkte, Linien, Kreise, Kugeln und Ebenen. Eine Vielzahl von Operationen ist möglich; besonders interessant sind die Transformationen der enthaltenen konformen Gruppe sowie die Möglichkeit algebraisch mit Unterräumen zu rechnen, d.h. diese zu vergrößern, zu schneiden oder Inzidenzen abzufragen. Den zweiten wichtigen Bestandteil der Arbeit stellt ein für die oben genannten Problemstellungen typisches stochastischen Verfahren dar – die Ausgleichsrechnung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Deren allgemeinste Form erwächst aus der Verwendung des aus der Geodäsie bekannten linearen Gauß-Helmert (GH) Modells. Der resultierende GH-Schätzer zeigt alle Optimalitätseigenschaften wie minimale Varianz und Erwartungstreue. Eine der geometrischen Algebra inhärente Tensordarstellung stellt eine geeignete numerische Schnittstelle zwischen CGA und der GH-Schätzmethode zur Verfügung. Aufgrund der Bilinearität des Algebraprodukts lässt sich so ebenfalls das Konzept der Fehlerfortpflanzung, ein wichtiges Instrument der Ausgleichsrechnung, mit hoher Genauigkeit auf die Operationen der Algebra ausdehnen. Im Ergebnis entsteht ein neues universelles Parameterschätzverfahren zur Bestimmung der des jeweiligen Problems zugrundeliegenden Variablen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es auch, die aus der Verbindung von Algebra und Stochastik entstehenden Vorteile anhand von typischen CV-Anwendungen herauszustellen. Den Schwerpunkt hierfür bildet die Schätzung der Pose (Position und Orientierung eines Objekts bezüglich eines objektfremden Koordinatensystems), z.B. die eines Roboters anhand eines vom Roboter aufgenommenen Kamerabildes. Es wird ebenfalls gezeigt, dass CGA den optimalen Rahmen zur Modellierung omnidirektionaler Bildgebungsverfahren bietet, falls diese auf einem katadioptrischen System mit parabolischem Spiegel beruhen. Als omnidirektionale Anwendungen werden Posenschätzung sowie die Bestimmung der Epipolargeometrie präsentiert. Die erreichte Güte der GH-Parameterschätzung in den einzelnen Anwendungen wird jeweils durch experimentell gewonnene Resultate untermauert. Neben den umfangreichen Ausführungen zur Parameterschätzung liefert diese Arbeit auch eine detaillierte Einführung und Herleitung der geometrischen Algebra. Besonderes Augenmerk ist auch auf die analytische Darlegung der konformen geometrischen Algebra zu richten

    The Design of the Keck Observatory and Telescope

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    This report describes the design of the Ten Meter Telescope and Observatory. Since 1977 the University of California has been actively designing a ten meter telescope for visible and infrared ground-based astronomy. The University of California and the California Institute of Technology have now joined in a collaboration to construct and operate this telescope and observatory. A generous gift of seventy million dollars to Caltech from the W. M. Keck Foundation, announced in January 1985, will provide funds for the construction of the facility. In recognition the facility will be named the W. M. Keck Telescope and Observatory. The University of California will provide funds for its operation. We expect construction to be completed by 1990. The design of the telescope and observatory continues to be improved as the detailed design progresses. The description given here is current as of January 1985. Although many design details will change before construction, this description is accurate in the general concept and in many particulars. The details of the design are described in an ongoing series of Reports and Technical Notes. An index to this series is given in the Reference Section of this report