3,823 research outputs found

    Optimal dimensional synthesis of force feedback lower arm exoskeletons

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    This paper presents multi-criteria design optimization of parallel mechanism based force feedback exoskeletons for human forearm and wrist. The optimized devices are aimed to be employed as a high fidelity haptic interfaces. Multiple design objectives are discussed and classified for the devices and the optimization problem to study the trade-offs between these criteria is formulated. Dimensional syntheses are performed for optimal global kinematic and dynamic performance, utilizing a Pareto front based framework, for two spherical parallel mechanisms that satisfy the ergonomic necessities of a human forearm and wrist. Two optimized mechanisms are compared and discussed in the light of multiple design criteria. Finally, kinematic structure and dimensions of an optimal exoskeleton are decided

    Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems

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    The paper presents a new stiffness modelling method for multi-chain parallel robotic manipulators with flexible links and compliant actuating joints. In contrast to other works, the method involves a FEA-based link stiffness evaluation and employs a new solution strategy of the kinetostatic equations, which allows computing the stiffness matrix for singular postures and to take into account influence of the external forces. The advantages of the developed technique are confirmed by application examples, which deal with stiffness analysis of a parallel manipulator of the Orthoglide famil

    Modeling and simulation of a Stewart platform type parallel structure robot

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    The kinematics and dynamics of a Stewart Platform type parallel structure robot (NASA's Dynamic Docking Test System) were modeled using the method of kinematic influence coefficients (KIC) and isomorphic transformations of system dependence from one set of generalized coordinates to another. By specifying the end-effector (platform) time trajectory, the required generalized input forces which would theoretically yield the desired motion were determined. It was found that the relationship between the platform motion and the actuators motion was nonlinear. In addition, the contribution to the total generalized forces, required at the actuators, from the acceleration related terms were found to be more significant than the velocity related terms. Hence, the curve representing the total required actuator force generally resembled the curve for the acceleration related force. Another observation revealed that the acceleration related effective inertia matrix I sub dd had the tendency to decouple, with the elements on the main diagonal of I sub dd being larger than the off-diagonal elements, while the velocity related inertia power array P sub ddd did not show such tendency. This tendency results in the acceleration related force curve of a given actuator resembling the acceleration profile of that particular actuator. Furthermore, it was indicated that the effective inertia matrix for the legs is more decoupled than that for the platform. These observations provide essential information for further research to develop an effective control strategy for real-time control of the Dynamic Docking Test System

    Position analysis based on multi-affine formulations

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el 31/5/2022The position analysis problem is a fundamental issue that underlies many problems in Robotics such as the inverse kinematics of serial robots, the forward kinematics of parallel robots, the coordinated manipulation of objects, the generation of valid grasps, the constraint-based object positioning, the simultaneous localization and map building, and the analysis of complex deployable structures. It also arises in other fields, such as in computer aided design, when the location of objects in a design is given in terms of geometric constrains, or in the conformational analysis of biomolecules. The ubiquity of this problem, has motivated an intense quest for methods able of tackling it. Up to now, efficient algorithms for the general problem have remained elusive and they are only available for particular cases. Moreover, the complexity of the problem has typically led to methods difficult to be implemented. Position analysis can be decomposed into two equally important steps: obtaining a set of closure equations, and solving them. This thesis deals with both of them to obtain a general, simple, and yet efficient solution method that we call the trapezoid method. The first step is addressed relying on dual quaternions. Although it has not been properly highlighted in the past, the use of dual quaternions permits expressing the closure condition of a kinematic loop involving only lower pairs as a system of multi-affine equations. In this thesis, this property is leveraged to introduce an interval-based method specially tailored for solving multi-affine systems. The proposed method is objectively simpler (in the sense that it is easier to understand and to implement) than previous methods based on general techniques such as interval Newton methods, conversions to Bernstein basis, or linear relaxations. Moreover, it relies on two simple operations, namely, linear interpolations and projections on coordinate planes, which can be executed with a high performance. The result is a method that accurately and efficiently bounds the valid solutions of the problem at hand. To further improve the accuracy, we propose the use of redundant, multi affine equations that are derived from the minimal set of equations describing the problem. To improve the efficiency, we introduce a variable elimination methodology that preserves the multi-affinity of the system of equations. The generality and the performance of the proposed trapezoid method are extensively evaluated on different kind of mechanisms, including spherical mechanisms, generic 6R and 7R loops, over-constrained systems, and multi-loop mechanisms. The proposed method is, in all cases, significantly faster than state of the art alternatives.El problema de l'anàlisi de posició és un tema fonamental que subjau a molts problemes de la robòtica, com ara la cinemàtica inversa de robots sèrie, la cinemàtica directa de robots paral·lels, la manipulació coordinada d'objectes, la generació de prensions vàlides amb mans robòtiques, el posicionament d'objectes basat en restriccions, la localització i la creació de mapes de forma simultània, i l'anàlisi d'estructures desplegables complexes. També sorgeix en altres camps, com ara en el disseny assistit per ordinador, quan la ubicació dels objectes en un disseny es dóna en termes de restriccions geomètriques o en l'anàlisi conformacional de biomolècules. La omnipresència d'aquest problema ha motivat una intensa recerca de mètodes capaços d'afrontar-lo. Fins al moment, els algoritmes eficients per al problema general han estat esquius i només estan disponibles per a casos particulars. A més, la complexitat del problema normalment ha conduït a mètodes difícils d'implementar. L'anàlisi de posició es pot descompondre en dos passos igualment importants: l'obtenció d'un sistema d'equacions de tancament i la resolució d'aquest sistema. Aquesta tesi tracta de tots dos passos per tal d'obtenir un mètode de solució general, senzill i alhora eficient que anomenem el mètode del trapezoide. El primer pas s'aborda utilitzant quaternions duals. Tot i que no ha estat suficientment destacat en el passat, l'ús de quaternions duals permet expressar la condició de tancament d'un bucle cinemàtic que impliqui només parells inferiors com a un sistema d'equacions multi-afins. En aquesta tesi s'aprofita aquesta propietat per introduir un mètode especialment dissenyat per resoldre sistemes multi-afins. El mètode proposat és objectivament més senzill (en el sentit que és més fàcil d'entendre i d'implementar) que els mètodes anteriors que utilitzen tècniques generals com ara els mètodes de Newton basats en intervals, les conversions a la base de Bernstein o les relaxacions lineals. A més, el mètode es basa en dues operacions simples, a saber, les interpolacions lineals i les projeccions en plans de coordenades, que es poden executar de forma molt eficient. El resultat és un mètode que acota amb precisió i eficiència les solucions vàlides del problema. Per millorar encara més la precisió, proposem l'ús d'equacions multi-afins redundants derivades del conjunt mínim d'equacions que descriuen el problema. Per altra banda, per millorar l'eficiència, introduïm un metodologia d'eliminació de variables que preserva la multi-afinitat del sistema d'equacions. La generalitat i el rendiment del mètode del trapezoide s'avalua extensivament en diferents tipus de mecanismes, inclosos els mecanismes esfèrics, bucles 6R i 7R genèrics, sistemes sobre-restringits i mecanismes de múltiples bucles. El mètode proposat és, en tots els casos, significativament més ràpid que els mètodes alternatius descrits en la literatura fins al moment.Postprint (published version

    Encapsulating and representing the knowledge on the evaluation of an engineering system

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    This paper proposes a cross-disciplinary methodology for a fundamental question in product development: How can the innovation patterns during the evolution of an engineering system (ES) be encapsulated, so that it can later be mined through data mining analysis methods? Reverse engineering answers the question of which components a developed engineering system consists of, and how the components interact to make the working product. TRIZ answers the question of which problem-solving principles can be, or have been employed in developing that system, in comparison to its earlier versions, or with respect to similar systems. While these two methodologies have been very popular, to the best of our knowledge, there does not yet exist a methodology that reverseengineers and encapsulates and represents the information regarding the complete product development process in abstract terms. This paper suggests such a methodology, that consists of mathematical formalism, graph visualization, and database representation. The proposed approach is demonstrated by analyzing the design and development process for a prototype wrist-rehabilitation robot

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a serial manipulator with local closed loop mechanisms

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    This paper addresses the kinematic and dynamic modelling and analysis for a robot arm consisting of two hydraulic cylinders driving two revolute joints of the arm. The two cylinders and relevant links of the robot constitute two local closed kinematic chains added to the main robot mechanism. Therefore, the number of the generalized coordinates of the mechanical system is increased, and the mathematical modelling is more complex that requires a formulation of constraint equations with respect to the local closed chains. By using the Lagrangian formulation with Lagrangian Multipliers, the dynamic equations are first derived with respect to all extended generalized coordinates. Then a compact form of the dynamic equations is yielded by canceling the Multipliers. Since the obtained dynamic equations are expressed in terms of independent generalized coordinates which are selected according to active joint variables of the arm, the equations could be best suitable for control law design and implementation. The simulation of the forward and inverse kinematics and dynamics of the arm demonstrates the motion behavior of the robot system

    Optimal Design Methods for Increasing Power Performance of Multiactuator Robotic Limbs

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    abstract: In order for assistive mobile robots to operate in the same environment as humans, they must be able to navigate the same obstacles as humans do. Many elements are required to do this: a powerful controller which can understand the obstacle, and power-dense actuators which will be able to achieve the necessary limb accelerations and output energies. Rapid growth in information technology has made complex controllers, and the devices which run them considerably light and cheap. The energy density of batteries, motors, and engines has not grown nearly as fast. This is problematic because biological systems are more agile, and more efficient than robotic systems. This dissertation introduces design methods which may be used optimize a multiactuator robotic limb's natural dynamics in an effort to reduce energy waste. These energy savings decrease the robot's cost of transport, and the weight of the required fuel storage system. To achieve this, an optimal design method, which allows the specialization of robot geometry, is introduced. In addition to optimal geometry design, a gearing optimization is presented which selects a gear ratio which minimizes the electrical power at the motor while considering the constraints of the motor. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm for the optimization of parallel stiffness elements in the robot is introduced. In addition to the optimal design tools introduced, the KiTy SP robotic limb structure is also presented. Which is a novel hybrid parallel-serial actuation method. This novel leg structure has many desirable attributes such as: three dimensional end-effector positioning, low mobile mass, compact form-factor, and a large workspace. We also show that the KiTy SP structure outperforms the classical, biologically-inspired serial limb structure.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 201