76 research outputs found

    Scalable light field representation and coding

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    This Thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in light field representation and coding. In this context, proposals to improve functionalities like light field random access and scalability are also presented. As the light field representation constrains the coding approach to be used, several light field coding techniques to exploit the inherent characteristics of the most popular types of light field representations are proposed and studied, which are normally based on micro-images or sub-aperture-images. To encode micro-images, two solutions are proposed, aiming to exploit the redundancy between neighboring micro-images using a high order prediction model, where the model parameters are either explicitly transmitted or inferred at the decoder, respectively. In both cases, the proposed solutions are able to outperform low order prediction solutions. To encode sub-aperture-images, an HEVC-based solution that exploits their inherent intra and inter redundancies is proposed. In this case, the light field image is encoded as a pseudo video sequence, where the scanning order is signaled, allowing the encoder and decoder to optimize the reference picture lists to improve coding efficiency. A novel hybrid light field representation coding approach is also proposed, by exploiting the combined use of both micro-image and sub-aperture-image representation types, instead of using each representation individually. In order to aid the fast deployment of the light field technology, this Thesis also proposes scalable coding and representation approaches that enable adequate compatibility with legacy displays (e.g., 2D, stereoscopic or multiview) and with future light field displays, while maintaining high coding efficiency. Additionally, viewpoint random access, allowing to improve the light field navigation and to reduce the decoding delay, is also enabled with a flexible trade-off between coding efficiency and viewpoint random access.Esta Tese tem como objetivo avançar o estado da arte em representação e codificação de campos de luz. Neste contexto, são também apresentadas propostas para melhorar funcionalidades como o acesso aleatório ao campo de luz e a escalabilidade. Como a representação do campo de luz limita a abordagem de codificação a ser utilizada, são propostas e estudadas várias técnicas de codificação de campos de luz para explorar as características inerentes aos seus tipos mais populares de representação, que são normalmente baseadas em micro-imagens ou imagens de sub-abertura. Para codificar as micro-imagens, são propostas duas soluções, visando explorar a redundância entre micro-imagens vizinhas utilizando um modelo de predição de alta ordem, onde os parâmetros do modelo são explicitamente transmitidos ou inferidos no decodificador, respetivamente. Em ambos os casos, as soluções propostas são capazes de superar as soluções de predição de baixa ordem. Para codificar imagens de sub-abertura, é proposta uma solução baseada em HEVC que explora a inerente redundância intra e inter deste tipo de imagens. Neste caso, a imagem do campo de luz é codificada como uma pseudo-sequência de vídeo, onde a ordem de varrimento é sinalizada, permitindo ao codificador e decodificador otimizar as listas de imagens de referência para melhorar a eficiência da codificação. Também é proposta uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada na representação híbrida do campo de luz, explorando o uso combinado dos tipos de representação de micro-imagem e sub-imagem, em vez de usar cada representação individualmente. A fim de facilitar a rápida implantação da tecnologia de campo de luz, esta Tese também propõe abordagens escaláveis de codificação e representação que permitem uma compatibilidade adequada com monitores tradicionais (e.g., 2D, estereoscópicos ou multivista) e com futuros monitores de campo de luz, mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma alta eficiência de codificação. Além disso, o acesso aleatório de pontos de vista, permitindo melhorar a navegação no campo de luz e reduzir o atraso na descodificação, também é permitido com um equilíbrio flexível entre eficiência de codificação e acesso aleatório de pontos de vista

    MPAI-EEV: Standardization Efforts of Artificial Intelligence based End-to-End Video Coding

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    The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has led to the prioritization of standardizing the processing, coding, and transmission of video using neural networks. To address this priority area, the Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) group is developing a suite of standards called MPAI-EEV for "end-to-end optimized neural video coding." The aim of this AI-based video standard project is to compress the number of bits required to represent high-fidelity video data by utilizing data-trained neural coding technologies. This approach is not constrained by how data coding has traditionally been applied in the context of a hybrid framework. This paper presents an overview of recent and ongoing standardization efforts in this area and highlights the key technologies and design philosophy of EEV. It also provides a comparison and report on some primary efforts such as the coding efficiency of the reference model. Additionally, it discusses emerging activities such as learned Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles (UAVs) video coding which are currently planned, under development, or in the exploration phase. With a focus on UAV video signals, this paper addresses the current status of these preliminary efforts. It also indicates development timelines, summarizes the main technical details, and provides pointers to further points of reference. The exploration experiment shows that the EEV model performs better than the state-of-the-art video coding standard H.266/VVC in terms of perceptual evaluation metric

    Improvement of Decision on Coding Unit Split Mode and Intra-Picture Prediction by Machine Learning

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    High efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) has been deemed as the newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The reference software (i.e., HM) have included the implementations of the guidelines in appliance with the new standard. The software includes both encoder and decoder functionality. Machine learning (ML) works with data and processes it to discover patterns that can be later used to analyze new trends. ML can play a key role in a wide range of critical applications, such as data mining, natural language processing, image recognition, and expert systems. In this research project, in compliance with H.265 standard, we are focused on improvement of the performance of encode/decode by optimizing the partition of prediction block in coding unit with the help of supervised machine learning. We used Keras library as the main tool to implement the experiments. Key parameters were tuned for the model in our convolution neuron network. The coding tree unit mode decision time produced in the model was compared with that produced in HM software, and it was proved to have improved significantly. The intra-picture prediction mode decision was also investigated with modified model and yielded satisfactory results

    Análise do HEVC escalável : desempenho e controlo de débito

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta dissertação apresenta um estudo da norma de codificação de vídeo de alta eficiência (HEVC) e a sua extensão para vídeo escalável, SHVC. A norma de vídeo SHVC proporciona um melhor desempenho quando codifica várias camadas em simultâneo do que quando se usa o codificador HEVC numa configuração simulcast. Ambos os codificadores de referência, tanto para a camada base como para a camada superior usam o mesmo modelo de controlo de débito, modelo R-λ, que foi otimizado para o HEVC. Nenhuma otimização de alocação de débito entre camadas foi até ao momento proposto para o modelo de testes (SHM 8) para a escalabilidade do HEVC (SHVC). Derivamos um novo modelo R-λ apropriado para a camada superior e para o caso de escalabilidade espacial, que conduziu a um ganho de BD-débito de 1,81% e de BD-PSNR de 0,025 em relação ao modelo de débito-distorção existente no SHM do SHVC. Todavia, mostrou-se também nesta dissertação que o proposto modelo de R-λ não deve ser usado na camada inferior (camada base) no SHVC e por conseguinte no HEVC.This dissertation provides a study of the High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC) and its scalable extension, SHVC. The SHVC provides a better performance when encoding several layers simultaneously than using an HEVC encoder in a simulcast configuration. Both reference encoders, in the base layer and in the enhancement layer use the same rate control model, R-λ model, which was optimized for HEVC. No optimal bitrate partitioning amongst layers is proposed in scalable HEVC (SHVC) test model (SHM 8). We derived a new R-λ model for the enhancement layer and for the spatial case which led to a DB-rate gain of 1.81% and DB-PSNR gain of 0.025 in relation to the rate-distortion model of SHM-SHVC. Nevertheless, we also show in this dissertation that the proposed model of R-λ should not be used neither in the base layer nor in HEVC

    NN-VVC: Versatile Video Coding boosted by self-supervisedly learned image coding for machines

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    The recent progress in artificial intelligence has led to an ever-increasing usage of images and videos by machine analysis algorithms, mainly neural networks. Nonetheless, compression, storage and transmission of media have traditionally been designed considering human beings as the viewers of the content. Recent research on image and video coding for machine analysis has progressed mainly in two almost orthogonal directions. The first is represented by end-to-end (E2E) learned codecs which, while offering high performance on image coding, are not yet on par with state-of-the-art conventional video codecs and lack interoperability. The second direction considers using the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard or any other conventional video codec (CVC) together with pre- and post-processing operations targeting machine analysis. While the CVC-based methods benefit from interoperability and broad hardware and software support, the machine task performance is often lower than the desired level, particularly in low bitrates. This paper proposes a hybrid codec for machines called NN-VVC, which combines the advantages of an E2E-learned image codec and a CVC to achieve high performance in both image and video coding for machines. Our experiments show that the proposed system achieved up to -43.20% and -26.8% Bj{\o}ntegaard Delta rate reduction over VVC for image and video data, respectively, when evaluated on multiple different datasets and machine vision tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research paper showing a hybrid video codec that outperforms VVC on multiple datasets and multiple machine vision tasks.Comment: ISM 2023 Best paper award winner versio

    Deep learning-based artifacts removal in video compression

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed December 15, 2021Dissertation advisor: Zhu LiVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 112-129)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2021The block-based coding structure in the hybrid video coding framework inevitably introduces compression artifacts such as blocking, ringing, etc. To compensate for those artifacts, extensive filtering techniques were proposed in the loop of video codecs, which are capable of boosting the subjective and objective qualities of reconstructed videos. Recently, neural network-based filters were presented with the power of deep learning from a large magnitude of data. Though the coding efficiency has been improved from traditional methods in High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), the rich features and in- formation generated by the compression pipeline has not been fully utilized in the design of neural networks. Therefore, we propose a learning-based method to further improve the coding efficiency to its full extent. In addition, the point cloud is an essential format for three-dimensional (3-D) ob- jects capture and communication for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications. In the current state of the art video-based point cloud compression (V-PCC),a dynamic point cloud is projected onto geometry and attribute videos patch by patch, each represented by its texture, depth, and occupancy map for reconstruction. To deal with oc- clusion, each patch is projected onto near and far depth fields in the geometry video. Once there are artifacts on the compressed two-dimensional (2-D) geometry video, they would be propagated to the 3-D point cloud frames. In addition, in the lossy compression, there always exists a tradeoff between the rate of bitstream and distortion (RD). Although some methods were proposed to attenuate these artifacts and improve the coding efficiency, the non-linear representation ability of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has not been fully considered. Therefore, we propose a learning-based approach to remove the geom- etry artifacts and improve the compressing efficiency. Besides, we propose using a CNN to improve the accuracy of the occupancy map video in V-PCC. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first learning-based solutions of the geometry artifacts removal in HEVC and occupancy map enhancement in V-PCC. The extensive experimental results show that the proposed approaches achieve significant gains in HEVC and V-PCC compared to the state-of-the-art schemes.Residual-Guided In-Loop Filter Using Convolution Neural Network -- Deep learning geometry compression artifacts removal for video-based point cloud compression -- Convolutional Neural Network-Based Occupancy Map Accuracy Improvement for Video-based Point Cloud Compressio

    Joint Hierarchical Priors and Adaptive Spatial Resolution for Efficient Neural Image Compression

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    Recently, the performance of neural image compression (NIC) has steadily improved thanks to the last line of study, reaching or outperforming state-of-the-art conventional codecs. Despite significant progress, current NIC methods still rely on ConvNet-based entropy coding, limited in modeling long-range dependencies due to their local connectivity and the increasing number of architectural biases and priors, resulting in complex underperforming models with high decoding latency. Motivated by the efficiency investigation of the Tranformer-based transform coding framework, namely SwinT-ChARM, we propose to enhance the latter, as first, with a more straightforward yet effective Tranformer-based channel-wise auto-regressive prior model, resulting in an absolute image compression transformer (ICT). Through the proposed ICT, we can capture both global and local contexts from the latent representations and better parameterize the distribution of the quantized latents. Further, we leverage a learnable scaling module with a sandwich ConvNeXt-based pre-/post-processor to accurately extract more compact latent codes while reconstructing higher-quality images. Extensive experimental results on benchmark datasets showed that the proposed framework significantly improves the trade-off between coding efficiency and decoder complexity over the versatile video coding (VVC) reference encoder (VTM-18.0) and the neural codec SwinT-ChARM. Moreover, we provide model scaling studies to verify the computational efficiency of our approach and conduct several objective and subjective analyses to bring to the fore the performance gap between the adaptive image compression transformer (AICT) and the neural codec SwinT-ChARM