953 research outputs found

    Beyond cellular green generation: Potential and challenges of the network separation

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article introduces the ideas investigated in the BCG2 project of the GreenTouch consortium. The basic concept is to separate signaling and data in the wireless access network. Transmitting the signaling information separately maintains coverage even when the whole data network is adapted to the current load situation. Such network-wide adaptation can power down base stations when no data transmission is needed and, thus, promises a tremendous increase in energy efficiency. We highlight the advantages of the separation approach and discuss technical challenges opening new research directions. Moreover, we propose two analytical models to assess the potential energy efficiency improvement of the BCG2 approach

    A Comprehensive Survey on Moving Networks

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    The unprecedented increase in the demand for mobile data, fuelled by new emerging applications such as HD video streaming and heightened online activities has caused massive strain on the existing cellular networks. As a solution, the 5G technology has been introduced to improve network performance through various innovative features such as mmWave spectrum and HetNets. In essence, HetNets include several small cells underlaid within macro-cell to serve densely populated regions. Recently, a mobile layer of HetNet has been under consideration by the researchers and is often referred to as moving networks. Moving networks comprise of mobile cells that are primarily introduced to improve QoS for commuting users inside public transport because the QoS is deteriorated due to vehicular penetration losses. Furthermore, the users inside fast moving public transport also exert excessive load on the core network due to large group handovers. To this end, mobile cells will play a crucial role in reducing overall handover count and will help in alleviating these problems by decoupling in-vehicle users from the core network. To date, remarkable research results have been achieved by the research community in addressing challenges linked to moving networks. However, to the best of our knowledge, a discussion on moving networks in a holistic way is missing in the current literature. To fill the gap, in this paper, we comprehensively survey moving networks. We cover the technological aspects and their applications in the futuristic applications. We also discuss the use-cases and value additions that moving networks may bring to future cellular architecture and identify the challenges associated with them. Based on the identified challenges we discuss the future research directions.Comment: This survey has been submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    MP-CFM: MPTCP-Based communication functional module for next generation ERTMS

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    184 p. El contenido de los capítulos 4,5,6,7,8 y 9 está sujeto a confidencialidadEl Sistema Europeo de Gestión del Tráfico Ferroviario (ERTMS, por sus siglasen inglés), fue originalmente diseñado para los ferrocarriles europeos. Sinembargo, a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, este sistema se ha convertidoen el estándar de-facto para los servicios de Alta Velocidad en la mayoría depaíses desarrollados.El sistema ERTMS se compone de tres subsistemas principales: 1) el Sistemade Control Ferroviario Europeo (ETCS, por sus siglas en inglés), que actúacomo aplicación de señalización; 2) el sistema Euroradio, que a su vez estádividido en dos subsistemas, el Módulo de Seguridad Funcional (SFM, porsus siglas en inglés), y el Módulo de Comunicación Funcional (CFM, porsus siglas en inglés); y 3) el sistema de comunicaciones subyacente, GSM-R,que transporta la información intercambiada entre el sistema embarcado enel tren (OBU, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Bloqueo por Radio(RBC, por sus siglas en inglés). El sistema de señalización ETCS soporta tresniveles dependiendo del nivel de prestaciones soportadas. En el nivel 3 seintroduce la posibilidad de trabajar con bloques móviles en lugar de bloquesfijos definidos en la vía. Esto implica que la distancia de avance entre dos trenesconsecutivos puede ser reducida a una distancia mínima en la que se garanticela seguridad del servicio, aumentando por tanto la capacidad del corredorferroviario. Esta distancia de seguridad viene determinada por la combinaciónde la distancia de frenado del tren y el retraso de las comunicaciones deseñalización. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que existe una relación directaentre los retrasos y la confiabilidad de las transmisiones de las aplicaciones deseñalización y la capacidad operacional de un corredor ferroviario. Así pues,el estudio y mejora de los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados en ERTMSjuegan un papel clave en la evolución del sistema ERTMS. Asimismo, unaoperatividad segura en ERTMS, desde el punto de vista de las comunicacionesimplicadas en la misma, viene determinada por la confiabilidad de lascomunicaciones, la disponibilidad de sus canales de comunicación, el retrasode las comunicaciones y la seguridad de sus mensajes.Unido este hecho, la industria ferroviaria ha venido trabajando en ladigitalización y la transición al protocolo IP de la mayor parte de los sistemasde señalización. Alineado con esta tendencia, el consorcio industrial UNISIGha publicado recientemente un nuevo modelo de comunicaciones para ERTMSque incluye la posibilidad, no solo de operar con el sistema tradicional,basado en tecnología de conmutación de circuitos, sino también con un nuevosistema basado en IP. Esta tesis está alineada con el contexto de migraciónactual y pretende contribuir a mejorar la disponibilidad, confiabilidad yseguridad de las comunicaciones, tomando como eje fundamental los tiemposde transmisión de los mensajes, con el horizonte puesto en la definición deuna próxima generación de ERTMS, definida en esta tesis como NGERTMS.En este contexto, se han detectado tres retos principales para reforzar laresiliencia de la arquitectura de comunicaciones del NGERTMS: 1) mejorarla supervivencia de las comunicaciones ante disrupciones; 2) superar laslimitaciones actuales de ERTMS para enviar mensajes de alta prioridad sobretecnología de conmutación de paquetes, dotando a estos mensajes de un mayorgrado de resiliencia y menor latencia respecto a los mensajes ordinarios; y3) el aumento de la seguridad de las comunicaciones y el incremento de ladisponibilidad sin que esto conlleve un incremento en la latencia.Considerando los desafíos previamente descritos, en esta tesis se proponeuna arquitectura de comunicaciones basada en el protocolo MPTCP, llamadaMP-CFM, que permite superar dichos desafíos, a la par que mantener laretrocompatibilidad con el sistema de comunicaciones basado en conmutaciónde paquetes recientemente propuesto por UNISIG. Hasta el momento, esta esla primera vez que se propone una arquitectura de comunicaciones completacapaz de abordar los desafíos mencionados anteriormente. Esta arquitecturaimplementa cuatro tipos de clase de servicio, los cuales son utilizados porlos paquetes ordinarios y de alta prioridad para dos escenarios distintos; unescenario en el que ambos extremos, el sistema embarcado o OBU y el RBC,disponen de múltiples interfaces de red; y otro escenario transicional en el cualel RBC sí tiene múltiples interfaces de red pero el OBU solo dispone de unaúnica interfaz. La arquitectura de comunicaciones propuesta para el entornoferroviario ha sido validada mediante un entorno de simulación desarrolladopara tal efecto. Es más, dichas simulaciones demuestran que la arquitecturapropuesta, ante disrupciones de canal, supera con creces en términos derobustez el sistema diseñado por UNISIG. Como conclusión, se puede afirmarque en esta tesis se demuestra que una arquitectura de comunicaciones basadade MPTCP cumple con los exigentes requisitos establecidos para el NGERTMSy por tanto dicha propuesta supone un avance en la evolución del sistema deseñalización ferroviario europeo

    Conectividade definida por software em ambientes móveis

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    Broadband Internet access on trains has become an expected service for passengers, and the rise in quality demand has been posing a challenge to service providers. There are solutions for Internet access on trains that lack the flexibility and redundancy needed for an improved QoS in the network. Thus, this dissertation studies two new load balancing solutions, one distributed and the other centralized. In an emulated train network, routers of each car communicate their network statistics to other nodes of the network, to be used in load balancing decisions. In the distributed solution, each router has the capacity to make load balancing decisions, while in the centralized solution, an onboard controller makes those decisions. The latter solution is based on load balancing in an SDN environment. In this system, a remote entity aggregates the passengers’ traffic and forwards it to an external network, or to the Internet. The systems must provide an improved quality of experience to the passengers on the train and the total avaliable bandwidth should be distributed evenly by all cars. Requirements were established for the systems, which were developed after an in-depth analysis of solutions for Internet access on board found in the literature. After obtaining the results of the performance tests, it was concluded that the systems improve the QoE of the passengers, as long as the network conditions are approximately constant for an extended period.O acesso à Internet de banda larga em comboios tornou-se num serviço esperado por parte dos passageiros e o aumento na exigência de qualidade tem constituído um desafio para os prestadores de serviços. Existem soluções de acesso à Internet em comboios que carecem da flexibilidade e redundância necessárias para uma melhor qualidade de serviço na rede. Assim, esta dissertação estuda duas novas soluções de balanceamento de carga, uma distribuída e outra centralizada. Numa rede de comboio emulada, routers de cada carruagem comunicam as suas estatísticas de rede para outros nós da rede, para posteriormente serem tomadas decisões de balanceamento de carga. Na solução distribuída, cada router tem capacidade de tomar decisões de balanceamento de carga, enquanto que na solução centralizada, um controlador dentro do comboio toma essas decisões. Esta última solução baseiase num balanceamento de carga em ambiente SDN. Neste sistema, uma entidade remota agrega o tráfego dos passageiros e encaminha-o para uma rede externa, ou para a Internet. Os sistemas devem proporcionar uma qualidade de experiência melhorada aos passageiros do comboio e a largura de banda total disponível deve ser distribuída mais uniformememente por todas as carruagens. Requisitos foram estabelecidos para os sistemas, que foram desenvolvidos após uma análise aprofundada das soluções de acesso à Internet em comboios encontradas na literatura. Após a obtenção dos resultados dos testes de desempenho, concluiu-se que as duas soluções melhoram o QoE dos passageiros, desde que as condições da rede sejam aproximadamente constantes durante um certo período.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Mobility management in 5G for high-speed trains

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    High-speed trains (HST) are nowadays more present in our lives currently, some of them can reach speeds up to 500 km/h and futuristic concepts such as hyperloop tunnels could make trains travel at speeds up to 1000 km/h. Dealing with such high speeds arises many communication problems, for example, in mobility management, with many handovers or high Doppler frequency shifts. You might be thinking how it is possible to provide a good QoS to the users inside the train, when traveling at such elevated velocities. In the thesis, we rely on the development of 5G New Radio and the benefits associated, such as a new handover protocol introduced by 3GPP called conditional handover (CHO). By simulating with Simu5G a HST scenario we have proved that CHO can provide a better service to the users by improving the SINR levels and being more efficient than common handover.Los trenes de alta velocidad están cada vez más presentes en nuestro día a día, algunos ya alcanzan velocidades de 500 km/h, mientras que otros conceptos futuristas como los túneles hyperloop podrían hacer que alcanzaran velocidades de hasta 1000 km/h. En el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones, trabajar a tan altas velocidades conlleva algunos problemas, como por ejemplo un elevado número de handovers. Seguramente, os estéis preguntando cómo es posible establecer un servicio que cumpla unos mínimos de calidad para el usuario, cuando este viaja a tan altas velocidades. Para ello, nos hemos apoyado en la tecnología 5G i un nuevo concepto de handover llamado conditional handover (CHO), introducido por el 3GPP. A través del simulador Simu5G, hemos conseguido demostrar que el CHO no solo es un protocolo más eficiente, sino que además conlleva una mejora en los niveles de SINR, en condiciones parecidas a las de un tren de alta velocidad.Els trens d'alta velocitat estan cada vegada més presents en el nostre dia a dia, alguns ja son capaços d'arribar a velocitats pròximes als 500 km/h, mentre que altres conceptes futuristes com els túnels hyperloop podrien fer que els trens arribessin a velocitats de 1000 km/h. En l'àmbit de les comunicacions, treballar amb velocitats tan elevades comporta alguns problemes, com per exemple un ampli número de handovers. Segurament, estareu pensant com es possible establir un servei que compleixi uns mínims de qualitat de cara a l'usuari, al estar treballant amb velocitats tant elevades. Per fer-ho ens hem recolzat en la tecnologia 5G i un nou concepte de handover presentat pel 3GPP, el conditional handover (CHO). Simulant a través de Simu5G un escenari similar al d'un tren d'alta velocitat, hem pogut demostrar que el CHO no es només un protocol més eficient que el handover normal, sinó que a més a més millora els nivells de SINR

    Performance analysis of BUNSD-LMA

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    The IETF is developed Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BSP) to support session continuity and reachability to the Mobile Network Nodes (MNNs) as one unit while they move. While NEMO move and attached to different networks, it needs to register the MNNs. This function of registration decreases the performance of NEMO. NEMO BSP suffers from some challenges. The most important of these challenges are route optimization, seamless mobility, handover latency and registration time. Binding Update No Sense Drop (BUNSD) Binding Cache Entry (BCE) in Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) is proposed to find a possible solution to MNNs. MNNs that are roaming in a Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain to perform seamless mobility while they are maintaining their session continuity through mobile router (MR). In this paper, BUNSD-LMA is analyzed mathematically with NEMO BS based on handover latency, total packet delivery delay cost, and throughput time during handoff. The analytical result shows that the BUNSD-LMA had better performance in term of handover, and registrations of MNNs. As a result the total packet loss is decreased and seamless mobility of MNNs enhanced compared to NEMO BS benchmarks. Keywords: NEMO, PMIPv6, BUNSD, MR, MAG, LM

    Efficient and Virtualized Scheduling for OFDM-Based High Mobility Wireless Communications Objects

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    Services providers (SPs) in the radio platform technology standard long term evolution (LTE) systems are enduring many challenges in order to accommodate the rapid expansion of mobile data usage. The modern technologies demonstrate new challenges to SPs, for example, reducing the cost of the capital and operating expenditures while supporting high data throughput per customer, extending battery life-per-charge of the cell phone devices, and supporting high mobility communications with fast and seamless handover (HO) networking architecture. In this thesis, a variety of optimized techniques aimed at providing innovative solutions for such challenges are explored. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part outlines the benefits and challenges of deploying virtualized resource sharing concept. Wherein, SPs achieving a different schedulers policy are sharing evolved network B, allowing SPs to customize their efforts and provide service requirements; as a promising solution for reducing operational and capital expenditures, leading to potential energy savings, and supporting higher peak rates. The second part, formulates the optimized power allocation problem in a virtualized scheme in LTE uplink systems, aiming to extend the mobile devices’ battery utilization time per charge. While, the third part extrapolates a proposed hybrid-HO (HY-HO) technique, that can enhance the system performance in terms of latency and HO reliability at cell boundary for high mobility objects (up to 350 km/hr; wherein, HO will occur more frequent). The main contributions of this thesis are in designing optimal binary integer programmingbased and suboptimal heuristic (with complexity reduction) scheduling algorithms subject to exclusive and contiguous allocation, maximum transmission power, and rate constraints. Moreover, designing the HY-HO based on the combination of soft and hard HO was able to enhance the system performance in term of latency, interruption time and reliability during HO. The results prove that the proposed solutions effectively contribute in addressing the challenges caused by the demand for high data rates and power transmission in mobile networks especially in virtualized resources sharing scenarios that can support high data rates with improving quality of services (QoSs)