18 research outputs found

    Short-term traffic predictions on large urban traffic networks: applications of network-based machine learning models and dynamic traffic assignment models

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    The paper discusses the issues to face in applications of short-term traffic predictions on urban road networks and the opportunities provided by explicit and implicit models. Different specifications of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Networks are applied for prediction of road link speed and are tested on a large floating car data set. Moreover, two traffic assignment models of different complexity are applied on a sub-area of the road network of Rome and validated on the same floating car data set

    Using information engineering to understand the impact of train positioning uncertainties on railway subsystems

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    Many studies propose new advanced railway subsystems, such as Driver Advisory System (DAS), Automatic Door Operation (ADO) and Traffic Management System (TMS), designed to improve the overall performance of current railway systems. Real time train positioning information is one of the key pieces of input data for most of these new subsystems. Many studies presenting and examining the effectiveness of such subsystems assume the availability of very accurate train positioning data in real time. However, providing and using high accuracy positioning data may not always be the most cost-effective solution, nor is it always available. The accuracy of train position information is varied, based on the technological complexity of the positioning systems and the methods that are used. In reality, different subsystems, henceforth referred to as ‘applications’, need different minimum resolutions of train positioning data to work effectively, and uncertainty or inaccuracy in this data may reduce the effectiveness of the new applications. However, the trade-off between the accuracy of the positioning data and the required effectiveness of the proposed applications is so far not clear. A framework for assessing the impact of uncertainties in train positions against application performance has been developed. The required performance of the application is assessed based on the characteristics of the railway system, consisting of the infrastructure, rolling stock and operational data. The uncertainty in the train positioning data is considered based on the characteristics of the positioning system. The framework is applied to determine the impact of the positioning uncertainty on the application’s outcome. So, in that way, the desired position resolution associated with acceptable application performance can be characterised. In this thesis, the framework described above is implemented for DAS and TMS applications to understand the influence of positioning uncertainty on their fundamental functions compared to base case with high accuracy (actual position). A DAS system is modelled and implemented with uncertainty characteristic of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The train energy consumption and journey time are used as performance measures to evaluate the impact of these uncertainties compared to a base case. A TMS is modelled and implemented with the uncertainties of an on-board low-cost low-accuracy positioning system. The impact of positioning uncertainty on the modelled TMS is evaluated in terms of arrival punctuality for different levels of capacity consumption. The implementation of the framework for DAS and TMS applications determines the following: • which of the application functions are influenced by positioning uncertainty; • how positioning uncertainty influences the application output variables; • how the impact of positioning uncertainties can be identified, through the application output variables, whilst considering the impact of other railway uncertainties; • what is the impact of the underperforming application, due to positioning uncertainty, on the whole railway system in terms of energy, punctuality and capacity

    Control system design using fuzzy gain scheduling of PD with Kalman filter for railway automatic train operation

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    The development of train control systems has progressed towards following the rapid growth of railway transport demands. To further increase the capacity of railway systems, Automatic Train Operation (ATO) systems have been widely adopted in metros and gradually applied to mainline railways to replace drivers in controlling the movement of trains with optimised running trajectories for punctuality and energy saving. Many controller design methods have been studied and applied in ATO systems. However, most researchers paid less attention to measurement noise in the development of ATO control system, whereas such noise indeed exists in every single instrumentation device and disturbs the process output of ATO. Thus, this thesis attempts to address such issues. In order to overcome measurement error, the author develops Fuzzy gain scheduling of PD (proportional and derivative) control assisted by a Kalman filter that is able to maintain the train speed within the specified trajectory and stability criteria in normal and noisy conditions due to measurement noise. Docklands Light Railway (DLR) in London is selected as a case study to implement the proposed idea. The MRes project work is summarised as follows: (1) analysing literature review, (2) modelling the train dynamics mathematically, (3) designing PD controller and Fuzzy gain scheduling, (4) adding a Gaussian white noise as measurement error, (5) implementing a Kalman filter to improve the controllers, (6) examining the entire system in an artificial trajectory and a real case study, i.e. the DLR, and (7) evaluating all based on strict objectives, i.e. a ±3% allowable error limit, a punctuality limit of no later and no earlier than 30 seconds, Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) and Integrated Squared Error (ISE) performances. The results show that Fuzzy gain scheduling of PD control can cope well with the examinations in normal situations. However, such discovery is not found in noisy conditions. Nevertheless, after the introduction to Kalman filter, all control objectives are then satisfied in not only normal but also noisy conditions. The case study implemented using DLR data including on the route from Stratford International to Woolwich Arsenal indicates a satisfactory performance of the designed controller for ATO systems

    Multi-agent Near Real-Time Simulation of Light Train Network Energy Sustainability Analysis

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    As an attractive transportation mode, rail transit consumes a lot of energy while transporting a large number of passengers annually. Most energy-aimed research in rail transit focuses on optimizing the train timetable and speed trajectory offline. However, some disturbances during travel will cause the train to fail to follow the offline optimized control strategy, thus invalids the offline optimization. In the typical rail transit control framework, the moving authority of trains is calculated by the zone controller based on the moving/fixed block system in the zone. The zone controller is used to ensure safety when the travel plan of trains changes due to disturbance. Safety is guaranteed during the process, but the change of travel plan leads to extra energy costs. The energy-aimed optimization problem in rail transit requires ensuring safety, pursuing punctuality with considering track slope, travel comfort, energy transferring efficiency, and speed limit, etc. The complex constraints lead to high computational pressure. Therefore, it is difficult for the regional controller to re-optimize the travel plan for all affected trains in near real-time. Multi-agent systems are widely used in many other fields, which show decent performance in solving complex problems by coordinating multiple agents. This study proposes a multi-agent system with multiple optimization algorithms to realize energy-aimed re-optimization in rail transit under different disturbances. The system includes three types of agents, train agents, station agents and central agents. Each agent exchanges information by following the time trigger mechanism (periodically) and the event trigger mechanism (occasionally). Trigger mechanism ensures that affected agents receive necessary information when interference occurs, and their embedded algorithms can achieve necessary optimization. Four types of cases 5 / 128 are tested, and each case has plenty of scenarios. The tested results show that the proposed system provides encouraging performance on energy savings and computational speed

    Dispatching and Rescheduling Tasks and Their Interactions with Travel Demand and the Energy Domain: Models and Algorithms

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    Abstract The paper aims to provide an overview of the key factors to consider when performing reliable modelling of rail services. Given our underlying belief that to build a robust simulation environment a rail service cannot be considered an isolated system, also the connected systems, which influence and, in turn, are influenced by such services, must be properly modelled. For this purpose, an extensive overview of the rail simulation and optimisation models proposed in the literature is first provided. Rail simulation models are classified according to the level of detail implemented (microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic), the variables involved (deterministic and stochastic) and the processing techniques adopted (synchronous and asynchronous). By contrast, within rail optimisation models, both planning (timetabling) and management (rescheduling) phases are discussed. The main issues concerning the interaction of rail services with travel demand flows and the energy domain are also described. Finally, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive framework an overview of the main metaheuristic resolution techniques used in the planning and management phases is shown

    Ant Colony Optimisation for Dynamic and Dynamic Multi-objective Railway Rescheduling Problems

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    Recovering the timetable after a delay is essential to the smooth and efficient operation of the railways for both passengers and railway operators. Most current railway rescheduling research concentrates on static problems where all delays are known about in advance. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the railway system, it is possible that further unforeseen incidents could occur while the trains are running to the new rescheduled timetable. This will change the problem, making it a dynamic problem that changes over time. The aim of this work is to investigate the application of ant colony optimisation (ACO) to dynamic and dynamic multiobjective railway rescheduling problems. ACO is a promising approach for dynamic combinatorial optimisation problems as its inbuilt mechanisms allow it to adapt to the new environment while retaining potentially useful information from the previous environment. In addition, ACO is able to handle multi-objective problems by the addition of multiple colonies and/or multiple pheromone and heuristic matrices. The contributions of this work are the development of a junction simulator to model unique dynamic and multi-objective railway rescheduling problems and an investigation into the application of ACO algorithms to solve those problems. A further contribution is the development of a unique two-colony ACO framework to solve the separate problems of platform reallocation and train resequencing at a UK railway station in dynamic delay scenarios. Results showed that ACO can be e ectively applied to the rescheduling of trains in both dynamic and dynamic multi-objective rescheduling problems. In the dynamic junction rescheduling problem ACO outperformed First Come First Served (FCFS), while in the dynamic multi-objective rescheduling problem ACO outperformed FCFS and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), a stateof- the-art multi-objective algorithm. When considering platform reallocation and rescheduling in dynamic environments, ACO outperformed Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS), Tabu Search (TS) and running with no rescheduling algorithm. These results suggest that ACO shows promise for the rescheduling of trains in both dynamic and dynamic multi-objective environments.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Uma análise comparativa sobre as estratégias de inicialização da população em algoritmos genéticos para o problema de eficiência energética em trens urbanos

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    Over time mankind has been causing great impacts to the environment. In the last few years there has been a great world population growth, which has aggravated these impacts. From this situation, a worldwide concern about the environment was generated and the need to provide Sustainable Development arose. With rapid urbanization it is necessary to make cities sustainable, and an important factor for this demand is urban mobility. The use of electric public transport is an alternative to reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce polluting gases. However, electrical energy also has negative impacts. In this context, several studies were carried out in order to nd ways to enable energy eficiency of electric trains, providing better solutions for the driving pro les through the use of Genetic Algorithms. This work aims to implement and make a comparative analysis of the population initiation strategies for the studied problem, and then was integrated with the implementations with the latest version of GeneticBee software in order to show the behavior of each type of initialization and the impact generated in the Genetic Algorithm. With the present work it was possible to identify which of the initializations of the population obtained better performance, and when being integrated to the existing software it is possible to make con guration changes and verify the impact in the fi nal solution.NenhumaCom o passar do tempo o homem vem ocasionando grandes impactos ao meio ambiente. Nos últimos anos houve um grande crescimento populacional mundial, o que vem agravando estes impactos. A partir disto gerou-se uma preocupação mundial com o meio ambiente e a necessidade de se prover um desenvolvimento sustentável. Com uma rápida urbanização prevista faz-se necessário tornar as cidades sustentáveis, e um fator importante para isto é a mobilidade urbana. A utilização de transportes públicos elétricos é uma alternativa para diminuir o uso de combustíveis fósseis e reduzir os gases poluentes. A energia elétrica também tem impactos negativos, partindo disto vários trabalhos foram realizados buscando formas de encontrar a eficiência energética de trens elétricos provendo melhores soluções para os perfi s de condução através do uso de Algoritmos Genéticos. Este trabalho tem como foco implementar e fazer uma análise comparativa de estratégias de inicialização da população para o problema em questão, e dessa forma foi integrado as implementações com a última versão do software GeneticBee a fi m de que seja apresentado o comportamento de cada inicialização e o impacto gerado no Algoritmo Genético. Com o presente trabalho foi possível identi ficar quais das inicializações da população obtiveram melhor desempenho, e ao serem integradas ao software existente é possível fazer alterações de con figuração e verifi car qual o impacto na solução fi nal

    Aspekte der Verkehrstelematik – ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen 2015

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    Mit dem sechsten Band der Schriftenreihe Verkehrstelematik wird ein Überblick über die intermodalen Forschungsthemen des Jahres 2015 der Professur für Verkehrsleitsysteme und ‑prozessautomatisierung der Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften „Friedrich List“ der Technischen Universität Dresden anhand ausgewählter Veröffentlichungen gegeben. Sieben ausgewählte Artikel der Mitarbeiter, hauptsächlich veröffentlicht im Rahmen nationaler und internationaler Konferenzen, wurden dafür zusammengestellt. Die ersten Schwerpunkte bilden dabei die energieoptimale Steuerung und das Verkehrsmanagement im Schienenverkehr. Hier wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie Störungen des Bahnbetriebs im Echtzeit-Betriebsmanagement mit mathematischen Methoden begegnet werden kann. Als ein Ansatzpunkt wird das Erzeugen von robusten, stabilen und dabei auch energieeffizienten Fahrplänen diskutiert. Weiterhin wird versucht, im Rahmen des Betriebsmanagements mittels Konfliktlösungsalgorithmen operativ aktualisierte Fahrpläne so aufzubereiten, dass eine Umsetzung mit fahrzeugseitigen Fahrerassistenzsystemen ermöglicht und ein energieeffizienter Betrieb sichergestellt ist. Im zweiten Teil des Bandes wird gezeigt, wie die Methoden und Algorithmen der energieoptimalen Fahrweise und eines entsprechenden Fahrerassistenzsystems auf die Straßenbahn und auch den Bus übertragen werden können. Anschließend wird gänzlich auf den Individualverkehr fokussiert und der Frage der Reichweitenoptimierung elektrischer Fahrzeuge durch energieeffiziente Routing-Algorithmen unter Berücksichtigung von Echtzeit-Verkehrslagedaten nachgegangen. Wie im Schienenverkehr wird das Finden der optimalen Fahrstrategie auch hier durch Fahrerassistenzsysteme unterstützt

    Development of an upgrade selection process for railway renewal projects

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    Currently, many railway systems need to be upgraded to meet the demand for rapidly increasing railway capability, environmental concerns and customer satisfaction, while there is a lack of the right models and tools required to support the early decision making stage of railway renewal projects. In this thesis, a new railway selection upgrade process is proposed, which aims to support early stage decision-making in railway renewal projects by finding the most appropriate solutions to take forward for more detailed consideration. The railway selection upgrade process consists of modelling, simulation, split into macros-assessment and micro-simulation, and evaluation. A high-level feasibility analysis model is developed for the macro-assessment, to help engineers efficiently select the most promising upgrade options for further detailed consideration using microscopic simulation. This process provides a quick and efficient way to quantify evaluation functions, based on the 4Cs (capacity, carbon, customer satisfaction and cost) framework, to give a final suggestion on the most appropriate upgrade options. Two case studies, based on the East Coast Main Lines and the Northern Ireland railway network, are presented in order to demonstrate the application and verify the feasibility of the high-level feasibility analysis model and the railway upgrade selection process

    Development of an upgrade selection process for railway renewal projects

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    Currently, many railway systems need to be upgraded to meet the demand for rapidly increasing railway capability, environmental concerns and customer satisfaction, while there is a lack of the right models and tools required to support the early decision making stage of railway renewal projects. In this thesis, a new railway selection upgrade process is proposed, which aims to support early stage decision-making in railway renewal projects by finding the most appropriate solutions to take forward for more detailed consideration. The railway selection upgrade process consists of modelling, simulation, split into macros-assessment and micro-simulation, and evaluation. A high-level feasibility analysis model is developed for the macro-assessment, to help engineers efficiently select the most promising upgrade options for further detailed consideration using microscopic simulation. This process provides a quick and efficient way to quantify evaluation functions, based on the 4Cs (capacity, carbon, customer satisfaction and cost) framework, to give a final suggestion on the most appropriate upgrade options. Two case studies, based on the East Coast Main Lines and the Northern Ireland railway network, are presented in order to demonstrate the application and verify the feasibility of the high-level feasibility analysis model and the railway upgrade selection process