4,199 research outputs found

    Declarative process modeling in BPMN

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    Traditional business process modeling notations, including the standard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), rely on an imperative paradigm wherein the process model captures all allowed activity flows. In other words, every flow that is not specified is implicitly disallowed. In the past decade, several researchers have exposed the limitations of this paradigm in the context of business processes with high variability. As an alternative, declarative process modeling notations have been proposed (e.g., Declare). These notations allow modelers to capture constraints on the allowed activity flows, meaning that all flows are allowed provided that they do not violate the specified constraints. Recently, it has been recognized that the boundary between imperative and declarative process modeling is not crisp. Instead, mixtures of declarative and imperative process modeling styles are sometimes preferable, leading to proposals for hybrid process modeling notations. These developments raise the question of whether completely new notations are needed to support hybrid process modeling. This paper answers this question negatively. The paper presents a conservative extension of BPMN for declarative process modeling, namely BPMN-D, and shows that Declare models can be transformed into readable BPMN-D models. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Resolving inconsistencies and redundancies in declarative process models

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    Declarative process models define the behaviour of business processes as a set of constraints. Declarative process discovery aims at inferring such constraints from event logs. Existing discovery techniques verify the satisfaction of candidate constraints over the log, but completely neglect their interactions. As a result, the inferred constraints can be mutually contradicting and their interplay may lead to an inconsistent process model that does not accept any trace. In such a case, the output turns out to be unusable for enactment, simulation or verification purposes. In addition, the discovered model contains, in general, redundancies that are due to complex interactions of several constraints and that cannot be cured using existing pruning approaches. We address these problems by proposing a technique that automatically resolves conflicts within the discovered models and is more powerful than existing pruning techniques to eliminate redundancies. First, we formally define the problems of constraint redundancy and conflict resolution. Second, we introduce techniques based on the notion of automata-product monoid, which guarantees the consistency of the discovered models and, at the same time, keeps the most interesting constraints in the pruned set. The level of interestingness is dictated by user-specified prioritisation criteria. We evaluate the devised techniques on a set of real-world event logs

    Towards a decision-aware declarative process modeling language for knowledge-intensive processes

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    Modeling loosely framed and knowledge-intensive business processes with the currently available process modeling languages is very challenging. Some lack the flexibility to model this type of processes, while others are missing one or more-perspectives needed to add the necessary level of detail to the models. In this paper we have composed a list of requirements that a modeling language should fulfil in order to adequately support the modeling of this type of processes. Based on these requirements, a metamodel for a new modeling language was developed that satisfies them all. The new language, called DeciClare, incorporates parts of several existing modeling languages, integrating them with new solutions to requirements that had not yet been met, Deciclare is a declarative modeling language at its core, and therefore, can inherently deal with the flexibility required to model loosely framed processes. The complementary resource and data perspectives add the capability to reason about, respectively, resources and data values. The latter makes it possible to encapsulate the knowledge that governs the process flow by offering support for decision modeling. The abstract syntax of DeciClare has been implemented in the form of an Ecore model. Based on this implementation, the language-domain appropriateness of the language was validated by domain experts using the arm fracture case as application scenario. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Semantical Vacuity Detection in Declarative Process Mining

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    A large share of the literature on process mining based on declarative process modeling languages, like declare, relies on the notion of constraint activation to distinguish between the case in which a process execution recorded in event data “vacuously” satisfies a constraint, or satisfies the constraint in an “interesting way”. This finegrained indicator is then used to decide whether a candidate constraint supported by the analyzed event log is indeed relevant or not. Unfortunately, this notion of relevance has never been formally defined, and all the proposals existing in the literature use ad-hoc definitions that are only applicable to a pre-defined set of constraint patterns. This makes existing declarative process mining technique inapplicable when the target constraint language is extensible and may contain formulae that go beyond pre-defined patterns. In this paper, we tackle this hot, open challenge and show how the notion of constraint activation and vacuous satisfaction can be captured semantically, in the case of constraints expressed in arbitrary temporal logics over finite traces. We then extend the standard automata-based approach so as to incorporate relevance-related information. We finally report on an implementation and experimentation of the approach that confirms the advantages and feasibility of our solution

    Integrative genomic mining for enzyme function to enable engineering of a non-natural biosynthetic pathway.

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    The ability to biosynthetically produce chemicals beyond what is commonly found in Nature requires the discovery of novel enzyme function. Here we utilize two approaches to discover enzymes that enable specific production of longer-chain (C5-C8) alcohols from sugar. The first approach combines bioinformatics and molecular modelling to mine sequence databases, resulting in a diverse panel of enzymes capable of catalysing the targeted reaction. The median catalytic efficiency of the computationally selected enzymes is 75-fold greater than a panel of naively selected homologues. This integrative genomic mining approach establishes a unique avenue for enzyme function discovery in the rapidly expanding sequence databases. The second approach uses computational enzyme design to reprogramme specificity. Both approaches result in enzymes with >100-fold increase in specificity for the targeted reaction. When enzymes from either approach are integrated in vivo, longer-chain alcohol production increases over 10-fold and represents >95% of the total alcohol products

    Behavioral constraint template-based sequence classification

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    In this paper we present the interesting Behavioral Constraint Miner (iBCM), a new approach towards classifying sequences. The prevalence of sequential data, i.e., a collection of ordered items such as text, website navigation patterns, traffic management, and so on, has incited a surge in research interest towards sequence classification. Existing approaches mainly focus on retrieving sequences of itemsets and checking their presence in labeled data streams to obtain a classifier. The proposed iBCM approach, rather than focusing on plain sequences, is template-based and draws its inspiration from behavioral patterns used for software verification. These patterns have a broad range of characteristics and go beyond the typical sequence mining representation, allowing for a more precise and concise way of capturing sequential information in a database. Furthermore, it is possible to also mine for negative information, i.e., sequences that do not occur. The technique is benchmarked against other state-of-the-art approaches and exhibits a strong potential towards sequence classification. Code related to this chapter is available at: http://feb.kuleuven.be/public/u0092789/status: publishe

    Generating Synthetic Event Logs based on Multi- perspective Business Rules

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    Traditsiooniline äriprotsesside modelleerimine kasutab imperatiivset lähenemist, kus äri-protsesse kirjeldatakse üksteise järel sooritatavate tegevuste abil. On näidatud, et imper-atiivne lähenemine on sobivam lahendus stabiilsete ja ennustatavate protsesside puhul. Deklaratiivsed mudelid seevastu sobivad muutuvate protsesside kirjeldamiseks. Deklaratiivne mudel sisaldab endas reeglite hulka mida ei tohi eirata protsessi käitamisel. Viimastel aastatel on arendatud mitmeid uusi meetodeid deklaratiivsete protsessimudelite leidmiseks sündmuste logidest. Meetodite testimiseks on vajalik tööriistade olemasolu, mis genereerivad sünteetilisi sündmuste logisid, mille peal neid meetodeid katsetada. Enamus olemasolevaid tööriistu kasutavad imperatiivseid protsessimudelid logide genereerimiseks. Selline lähenemine ei ole sobiv deklaratiivsete protsessimudelite avastamise meetodite tes-timiseks. Sarnaselt on olemas vajadus tööriistade järgi, mis genereeriks sündmuste logisid kasutades mitmeperspektiivseid Declare mudeleid. Käesolevas töös esitleme tööriista mitmeperspektiivsete Declare mudelite genereerimiseks. See töörist tõlgib Declare piirangud lõpliku olekumasina esitusse,et neid kasutada deklaratiivsete mudelite simu-leerimiseks. Tööriist võimaldab kasutajatel genereerida logisid eeldefineeritud omadustega ( näiteks protsessi instantside arv ja protsessi pikkus), mis on kooskõlas Declare mudeli-tega.\n\rMärksõnad: Declare, deklaratiivne protsessimudel, protsessi simuleerimine, logide gene-reerimine, mitmeperspektiive, lineaarne taisarvuline planeerimineTraditional business modelling is imperative in the sense that activities are provided step by step, from start to end, leading towards full business process. It has been proved that the imperative paradigm is most suitable in the context of stable and predictable processes. Declarative models are more suitable for variable processes. A declarative model is made of a set of constrains that cannot be violated during the process execution. In recent years, many techniques have been developed to discover declarative process model from event logs. To test these techniques it is sometime necessary to have tools that generate synthetic logs on which the techniques can be applied. However, majority of the existing tools avail-able in this field use simulation of an imperative process model to generate synthetic event logs. These approaches are not suitable for the evaluation of process discovery techniques using declarative process models. Additionally, there is a need for tools to generate event logs based on the simulation of multi-perspective declarative models. To close this gap, we developed a tool for log generation based on multi- perspective Declare models. This mod-el simulator will base on the translation of Declare constraints into Finite State Automata for the simulation of declarative processes. The tool will allows users to generate logs with predefined characteristics (e.g., number and length of the process instances), which is compliant with a given Declare model.\n\rKeywords: Declare, Declarative Process Models, Process Simulation, Log Generation, Multi-perspective, Integer Linear Programmin