5,283 research outputs found

    Strongly Polynomial Primal-Dual Algorithms for Concave Cost Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We introduce an algorithm design technique for a class of combinatorial optimization problems with concave costs. This technique yields a strongly polynomial primal-dual algorithm for a concave cost problem whenever such an algorithm exists for the fixed-charge counterpart of the problem. For many practical concave cost problems, the fixed-charge counterpart is a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem. Our technique preserves constant factor approximation ratios, as well as ratios that depend only on certain problem parameters, and exact algorithms yield exact algorithms. Using our technique, we obtain a new 1.61-approximation algorithm for the concave cost facility location problem. For inventory problems, we obtain a new exact algorithm for the economic lot-sizing problem with general concave ordering costs, and a 4-approximation algorithm for the joint replenishment problem with general concave individual ordering costs

    Meta-Heuristics for Dynamic Lot Sizing: a review and comparison of solution approaches

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    Proofs from complexity theory as well as computational experiments indicate that most lot sizing problems are hard to solve. Because these problems are so difficult, various solution techniques have been proposed to solve them. In the past decade, meta-heuristics such as tabu search, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, have become popular and efficient tools for solving hard combinational optimization problems. We review the various meta-heuristics that have been specifically developed to solve lot sizing problems, discussing their main components such as representation, evaluation neighborhood definition and genetic operators. Further, we briefly review other solution approaches, such as dynamic programming, cutting planes, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, Lagrange relaxation and dedicated heuristics. This allows us to compare these techniques. Understanding their respective advantages and disadvantages gives insight into how we can integrate elements from several solution approaches into more powerful hybrid algorithms. Finally, we discuss general guidelines for computational experiments and illustrate these with several examples

    A mathematical model for the product mixing and lot-sizing problem by considering stochastic demand

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    The product-mix planning and the lot size decisions are some of the most fundamental research themes for the operations research community. The fact that markets have become more unpredictable has increaed the importance of these issues, rapidly. Currently, directors need to work with product-mix planning and lot size decision models by introducing stochastic variables related to the demands, lead times, etc. However, some real mathematical models involving stochastic variables are not capable of obtaining good solutions within short commuting times. Several heuristics and metaheuristics have been developed to deal with lot decisions problems, in order to obtain high quality results within short commuting times. Nevertheless, the search for an efficient model by considering product mix and deal size with stochastic demand is a prominent research area. This paper aims to develop a general model for the product-mix, and lot size decision within a stochastic demand environment, by introducing the Economic Value Added (EVA) as the objective function of a product portfolio selection. The proposed stochastic model has been solved by using a Sample Average Approximation (SAA) scheme. The proposed model obtains high quality results within acceptable computing times

    Open source solution approaches to a class of stochastic supply chain problems

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    This research proposes a variety of solution approaches to a class of stochastic supply chain problems, with normally distributed demand in a certain period of time in the future. These problems aim to provide the decisions regarding the production levels; supplier selection for raw materials; and optimal order quantity. The typical problem could be formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear program model, and the objective function for maximizing the expected profit is expressed in an integral format. In order to solve the problem, an open source solution package BONMIN is first employed to get the exact optimum result for small scale instances; then according to the specific feature of the problem a tailored nonlinear branch and bound framework is developed for larger scale problems through the introduction of triangular approximation approach and an iterative algorithm. Both open source solvers and commercial solvers are employed to solve the inner problem, and the results to larger scale problems demonstrate the competency of introduced approaches. In addition, two small heuristics are also introduced and the selected results are reported

    Approximation Algorithms for the Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem with Order Lead Times

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    We develop new algorithmic approaches to compute provably near-optimal policies for multiperiod stochastic lot-sizing inventory models with positive lead times, general demand distributions, and dynamic forecast updates. The policies that are developed have worst-case performance guarantees of 3 and typically perform very close to optimal in extensive computational experiments. The newly proposed algorithms employ a novel randomized decision rule. We believe that these new algorithmic and performance analysis techniques could be used in designing provably near-optimal randomized algorithms for other stochastic inventory control models and more generally in other multistage stochastic control problems.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMS-0732175)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award CMMI-0846554)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award FA9550-08-1-0369)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award FA9550-11-1-0150)Singapore-MIT AllianceSolomon Buchsbaum AT&T Research Fun

    Ordering policies in an environment of stochastic yields and substitutable demands

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    Includes bibliographical references.Partially supported by the Leaders for Manufacturing Program.Gabriel R. Bitran, Sriram Dasu

    Online Algorithms for Multi-Level Aggregation

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    In the Multi-Level Aggregation Problem (MLAP), requests arrive at the nodes of an edge-weighted tree T, and have to be served eventually. A service is defined as a subtree X of T that contains its root. This subtree X serves all requests that are pending in the nodes of X, and the cost of this service is equal to the total weight of X. Each request also incurs waiting cost between its arrival and service times. The objective is to minimize the total waiting cost of all requests plus the total cost of all service subtrees. MLAP is a generalization of some well-studied optimization problems; for example, for trees of depth 1, MLAP is equivalent to the TCP Acknowledgment Problem, while for trees of depth 2, it is equivalent to the Joint Replenishment Problem. Aggregation problem for trees of arbitrary depth arise in multicasting, sensor networks, communication in organization hierarchies, and in supply-chain management. The instances of MLAP associated with these applications are naturally online, in the sense that aggregation decisions need to be made without information about future requests. Constant-competitive online algorithms are known for MLAP with one or two levels. However, it has been open whether there exist constant competitive online algorithms for trees of depth more than 2. Addressing this open problem, we give the first constant competitive online algorithm for networks of arbitrary (fixed) number of levels. The competitive ratio is O(D^4 2^D), where D is the depth of T. The algorithm works for arbitrary waiting cost functions, including the variant with deadlines. We also show several additional lower and upper bound results for some special cases of MLAP, including the Single-Phase variant and the case when the tree is a path

    Fast approximation schemes for multi-criteria flow, knapsack, and scheduling problems

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-42).Supported by an NSF Presidential Young Investigator grant. Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. AFOSR-88-0088 Supported by the NSF. DDM-8921835by Hershel M. Safer, James B. Orlin