5,168 research outputs found

    Comprehensive and modular stochastic modeling framework for the variability-aware assessment of Signal Integrity in high-speed links

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    This paper presents a comprehensive and modular modeling framework for stochastic signal integrity analysis of complex high-speed links. Such systems are typically composed of passive linear networks and nonlinear, usually active, devices. The key idea of the proposed contribution is to express the signals at the ports of each of such system elements or subnetworks as a polynomial chaos expansion. This allows one to compute, for each block, equivalent deterministic models describing the stochastic variations of the network voltages and currents. Such models are synthesized into SPICE-compatible circuit equivalents, which are readily connected together and simulated in standard circuit simulators. Only a single circuit simulation of such an equivalent network is required to compute the pertinent statistical information of the entire system, without the need of running a large number of time-consuming electromagnetic circuit co-simulations. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed approach, which is applicable to a large class of complex circuits, are verified by performing signal integrity investigations of two interconnect examples

    Development of a dc-ac power conditioner for wind generator by using neural network

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    This project present of development single phase DC-AC converter for wind generator application. The mathematical model of the wind generator and Artificial Neural Network control for DC-AC converter is derived. The controller is designed to stabilize the output voltage of DC-AC converter. To verify the effectiveness of the proposal controller, both simulation and experimental are developed. The simulation and experimental result show that the amplitude of output voltage of the DC-AC converter can be controlled

    A 24-GHz SiGe Phased-Array Receiver—LO Phase-Shifting Approach

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    A local-oscillator phase-shifting approach is introduced to implement a fully integrated 24-GHz phased-array receiver using an SiGe technology. Sixteen phases of the local oscillator are generated in one oscillator core, resulting in a raw beam-forming accuracy of 4 bits. These phases are distributed to all eight receiving paths of the array by a symmetric network. The appropriate phase for each path is selected using high-frequency analog multiplexers. The raw beam-steering resolution of the array is better than 10 [degrees] for a forward-looking angle, while the array spatial selectivity, without any amplitude correction, is better than 20 dB. The overall gain of the array is 61 dB, while the array improves the input signal-to-noise ratio by 9 dB

    A 77-GHz Phased-Array Transceiver With On-Chip Antennas in Silicon: Receiver and Antennas

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    In this paper, we present the receiver and the on-chip antenna sections of a fully integrated 77-GHz four-element phased-array transceiver with on-chip antennas in silicon. The receiver section of the chip includes the complete down-conversion path comprising low-noise amplifier (LNA), frequency synthesizer, phase rotators, combining amplifiers, and on-chip dipole antennas. The signal combining is performed using a novel distributed active combining amplifier at an IF of 26 GHz. In the LO path, the output of the 52-GHz VCO is routed to different elements and can be phase shifted locally by the phase rotators. A silicon lens on the backside is used to reduce the loss due to the surface-wave power of the silicon substrate. Our measurements show a single-element LNA gain of 23 dB and a noise figure of 6.0 dB. Each of the four receive paths has a gain of 37 dB and a noise figure of 8.0 dB. Each on-chip antenna has a gain of +2 dBi

    Review of polynomial chaos-based methods for uncertainty quantification in modern integrated circuits

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    Advances in manufacturing process technology are key ensembles for the production of integrated circuits in the sub-micrometer region. It is of paramount importance to assess the effects of tolerances in the manufacturing process on the performance of modern integrated circuits. The polynomial chaos expansion has emerged as a suitable alternative to standardMonte Carlo-based methods that are accurate, but computationally cumbersome. This paper provides an overview of the most recent developments and challenges in the application of polynomial chaos-based techniques for uncertainty quantification in integrated circuits, with particular focus on high-dimensional problems

    Differential Phase Estimation with the SeaMARC II Bathymetric Sidescan Sonar System

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    A maximum-likelihood estimator is used to extract differential phase measurements from noisy seafloor echoes received at pairs of transducers mounted on either side of the SeaMARC II bathymetricsidescan sonar system. Carrier frequencies for each side are about 1 kHz apart, and echoes from a transmitted pulse 2 ms long are analyzed. For each side, phase difference sequences are derived from the full complex data consisting of base-banded and digitized quadrature components of the received echoes. With less bias and a lower variance, this method is shown to be more efficient than a uniform mean estimator. It also does not exhibit the angular or time ambiguities commonly found in the histogram method used in the SeaMARC II system. A figure for the estimation uncertainty of the phasedifference is presented, and results are obtained for both real and simulated data. Based on this error estimate and an empirical verification derived through coherent ping stacking, a single filter length of 100 ms is chosen for data processing application

    Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits for Wideband SAR System

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    Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Technologies

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    The paper describes a multi-disciplinary design of modern communication systems. The design starts with the analysis of a system in order to define requirements on its individual components. The design exploits proper models of communication channels to adapt the systems to expected transmission conditions. Input filtering of signals both in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain is ensured by a properly designed antenna. Further signal processing (amplification and further filtering) is done by electronics circuits. Finally, signal processing techniques are applied to yield information about current properties of frequency spectrum and to distribute the transmission over free subcarrier channels
