3,209 research outputs found


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    A Security Analysis of Some Physical Content Distribution Systems

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    Content distribution systems are essentially content protection systems that protect premium multimedia content from being illegally distributed. Physical content distribution systems form a subset of content distribution systems with which the content is distributed via physical media such as CDs, Blu-ray discs, etc. This thesis studies physical content distribution systems. Specifically, we concentrate our study on the design and analysis of three key components of the system: broadcast encryption for stateless receivers, mutual authentication with key agreement, and traitor tracing. The context in which we study these components is the Advanced Access Content System (AACS). We identify weaknesses present in AACS, and we also propose improvements to make the original system more secure, flexible and efficient

    One-Way Versus Two-Way Videotex

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    One-way and two-way videotex are often claimed to be more or less competing services, particularly if dedicated channels are used for the broadcast variety. In this paper we will try to dispel this notion. We will try to demonstrate that not only are the two services somewhat complementary in nature but that videotex will increase its potential by choosing a balanced combination of the two services. We also study the likely market penetration of videotex based on the speed of penetration of other communications-oriented services in the past and draw some conclusions how they might influence the market penetration of videotex systems and services

    Point-to-Multipoint Communication Enablers for the Fifth Generation of Wireless Systems

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    (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.[EN] 3GPP has enhanced the point-to-multipoint (PTM) communication capabilities of 4G LTE in all releases since the adoption of eMBMS in Release-9. Recent enhancements cover not only television services, but also critical machine-type and vehicular communications, following the backward-compatibility design philosophy of LTE. This article discusses the opportunity in the design and standardization of 5G to break with the existing paradigm for PTM transmissions in 4G LTE, where broadcast PTM transmissions were initially conceived as an add-on and pre-positioned service. 5G brings the opportunity to incorporate PTM capabilities as built-in delivery features from the outset, integrating point-to-point and PTM modes under one common framework and enabling dynamic use of PTM to maximize network and spectrum efficiency. This approach will open the door to completely new levels of network management and delivery cost efficiency. The article also discusses the implications of PTM for network slicing to customize and optimize network resources on a common 5G infrastructure to accommodate different use cases and services taking into account user densityThis work was supported in part by the European Commission under the 5G-PPP project Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-(H2020-ICT-2016-2 call, grant number 761498). The views expressed in this contribution are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the project.Generation of Wireless Systems 5G-XcastGomez-Barquero, D.; Navratil, D.; Appleby, S.; Stagg, M. (2018). Point-to-Multipoint Communication Enablers for the Fifth Generation of Wireless Systems. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. 2(1):53-59. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOMSTD.2018.170006953592

    Reinventing Media Activism: Public Interest Advocacy in the Making of U.S. Communication-Information Policy, 1960-2002

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    This report is a long-term analysis of citizens' collective action to influence public policy toward communication and information. The work discusses in greater detail what is meant by communication and information policy (CIP) and why we think it is worthwhile to study it as a distinctive domain of public policy and citizen action. The report concentrates on citizen action in the United States and looks backwards, tracing the long-term evolutionary trajectory of communications-information advocacy in the USA since the 1960s. We focus on the concept of citizen collective action and explain its relevance to CIP.Research supported by the Ford Foundation's Knowledge, Creativity and Freedom Program. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, or the Ford Foundation

    Hotspot in UTP

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    In today's world, it is necessary for organizations especially educational institution to keep up with the latest trend in technology. Technology changes practically everyday and it is important for these organizations to explore the world of technology. The latest hit on the market will be the Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) fewer. Hotspot is created using this Wi-Fi technology. Hotspot is a specific geographic location in which an access point provides public wireless broadband network service to mobile visitors through a WLAN. The main objective of this project is to do a research on hotspot and establish a wireless environment to support the theories provided in this documentation. This facility is provided for those with laptops and PDAs with wireless PC Card attached to them. Their machines will be free from any cables or wires connecting to the network port. They are basically mobile users and wireless LAN is ease to use as special terminal or OS is not required to access the network. In the methodology chapter, author discuses on the stages of development cycle used in conducting the study and research on the project. The results and findings discuses on authors conclusions and research diversion regarding the effort on establishing a hotspot in UTP. Author indicates the succession of the research in forming a wireless environment and the factors involved in setting up the Hotspot. The conclusion discusses on authors achievement in implementing hotspot and also the future upgrades suggested by author herself in order to improvise the research study in future