112,428 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithmic Techniques for Several Multidimensional Geometric Data Management and Analysis Problems

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    In this paper I present several novel, efficient, algorithmic techniques for solving some multidimensional geometric data management and analysis problems. The techniques are based on several data structures from computational geometry (e.g. segment tree and range tree) and on the well-known sweep-line method.geometric data management, computational geometry, sweep-line method

    A storage and access architecture for efficient query processing in spatial database systems

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    Due to the high complexity of objects and queries and also due to extremely large data volumes, geographic database systems impose stringent requirements on their storage and access architecture with respect to efficient query processing. Performance improving concepts such as spatial storage and access structures, approximations, object decompositions and multi-phase query processing have been suggested and analyzed as single building blocks. In this paper, we describe a storage and access architecture which is composed from the above building blocks in a modular fashion. Additionally, we incorporate into our architecture a new ingredient, the scene organization, for efficiently supporting set-oriented access of large-area region queries. An experimental performance comparison demonstrates that the concept of scene organization leads to considerable performance improvements for large-area region queries by a factor of up to 150

    Query processing of geometric objects with free form boundarie sin spatial databases

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    The increasing demand for the use of database systems as an integrating factor in CAD/CAM applications has necessitated the development of database systems with appropriate modelling and retrieval capabilities. One essential problem is the treatment of geometric data which has led to the development of spatial databases. Unfortunately, most proposals only deal with simple geometric objects like multidimensional points and rectangles. On the other hand, there has been a rapid development in the field of representing geometric objects with free form curves or surfaces, initiated by engineering applications such as mechanical engineering, aviation or astronautics. Therefore, we propose a concept for the realization of spatial retrieval operations on geometric objects with free form boundaries, such as B-spline or Bezier curves, which can easily be integrated in a database management system. The key concept is the encapsulation of geometric operations in a so-called query processor. First, this enables the definition of an interface allowing the integration into the data model and the definition of the query language of a database system for complex objects. Second, the approach allows the use of an arbitrary representation of the geometric objects. After a short description of the query processor, we propose some representations for free form objects determined by B-spline or Bezier curves. The goal of efficient query processing in a database environment is achieved using a combination of decomposition techniques and spatial access methods. Finally, we present some experimental results indicating that the performance of decomposition techniques is clearly superior to traditional query processing strategies for geometric objects with free form boundaries

    Towards cost-efficient prospection and 3D visualization of underwater structures using compact ROVs

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    The deployment of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) for underwater prospection and 3D visualization has grown significantly in civil applications for a few decades. The demand for a wide range of optical and physical parameters of underwater environments is explained by an increasing complexity of the monitoring requirements of these environments. The prospection of engineering constructions (e.g. quay walls or enclosure doors) and underwater heritage (e.g. wrecks or sunken structures) heavily relies on ROV systems. Furthermore, ROVs offer a very flexible platform to measure the chemical content of the water. The biggest bottleneck of currently available ROVs is the cost of the systems. This constrains the availability of ROVs to a limited number of companies and institutes. Fortunately, as with the recent introduction of cost-efficient Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the consumer market, a parallel development is expected for ROVs. The ability to participate in this new field of expertise by building Do It Yourself (DIY) kits and by adapting and adding on-demand features to the platform will increase the range of this new technology. In this paper, the construction of a DIY OpenROV kit and its implementation in bathymetric research projects are elaborated. The original platform contains a modified webcam for visual underwater prospection and a Micro ElectroMechanical System (MEMS) based depth sensor, allowing relative positioning. However, the performance of the standard camera is limited and an absolute positioning system is absent. It is expected that 3D visualizations with conventional photogrammetric qualities are limited with the current system. Therefore, modifications to improve the standard platform are foreseen, allowing the development of a cost-efficient underwater platform. Preliminary results and expectations on these challenges are reported in this paper

    The combination of spatial access methods and computational geometry in geographic database systems

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    Geographic database systems, known as geographic information systems (GISs) particularly among non-computer scientists, are one of the most important applications of the very active research area named spatial database systems. Consequently following the database approach, a GIS hag to be seamless, i.e. store the complete area of interest (e.g. the whole world) in one database map. For exhibiting acceptable performance a seamless GIS hag to use spatial access methods. Due to the complexity of query and analysis operations on geographic objects, state-of-the-art computational geomeny concepts have to be used in implementing these operations. In this paper, we present GIS operations based on the compuational geomeny technique plane sweep. Specifically, we show how the two ingredients spatial access methods and computational geomeny concepts can be combined fĂŒr improving the performance of GIS operations. The fruitfulness of this combination is based on the fact that spatial access methods efficiently provide the data at the time when computational geomeny algorithms need it fĂŒr processing. Additionally, this combination avoids page faults and facilitates the parallelization of the algorithms.

    Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins

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    Spatial joins are one of the most important operations for combining spatial objects of several relations. In this paper, spatial join processing is studied in detail for extended spatial objects in twodimensional data space. We present an approach for spatial join processing that is based on three steps. First, a spatial join is performed on the minimum bounding rectangles of the objects returning a set of candidates. Various approaches for accelerating this step of join processing have been examined at the last year’s conference [BKS 93a]. In this paper, we focus on the problem how to compute the answers from the set of candidates which is handled by the following two steps. First of all, sophisticated approximations are used to identify answers as well as to filter out false hits from the set of candidates. For this purpose, we investigate various types of conservative and progressive approximations. In the last step, the exact geometry of the remaining candidates has to be tested against the join predicate. The time required for computing spatial join predicates can essentially be reduced when objects are adequately organized in main memory. In our approach, objects are first decomposed into simple components which are exclusively organized by a main-memory resident spatial data structure. Overall, we present a complete approach of spatial join processing on complex spatial objects. The performance of the individual steps of our approach is evaluated with data sets from real cartographic applications. The results show that our approach reduces the total execution time of the spatial join by factors
