32,989 research outputs found

    The "MIND" Scalable PIM Architecture

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    MIND (Memory, Intelligence, and Network Device) is an advanced parallel computer architecture for high performance computing and scalable embedded processing. It is a Processor-in-Memory (PIM) architecture integrating both DRAM bit cells and CMOS logic devices on the same silicon die. MIND is multicore with multiple memory/processor nodes on each chip and supports global shared memory across systems of MIND components. MIND is distinguished from other PIM architectures in that it incorporates mechanisms for efficient support of a global parallel execution model based on the semantics of message-driven multithreaded split-transaction processing. MIND is designed to operate either in conjunction with other conventional microprocessors or in standalone arrays of like devices. It also incorporates mechanisms for fault tolerance, real time execution, and active power management. This paper describes the major elements and operational methods of the MIND architecture

    Water Pipeline Leakage Detection Based on Machine Learning and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The detection of water pipeline leakage is important to ensure that water supply networks can operate safely and conserve water resources. To address the lack of intelligent and the low efficiency of conventional leakage detection methods, this paper designs a leakage detection method based on machine learning and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The system employs wireless sensors installed on pipelines to collect data and utilizes the 4G network to perform remote data transmission. A leakage triggered networking method is proposed to reduce the wireless sensor network’s energy consumption and prolong the system life cycle effectively. To enhance the precision and intelligence of leakage detection, we propose a leakage identification method that employs the intrinsic mode function, approximate entropy, and principal component analysis to construct a signal feature set and that uses a support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier to perform leakage detection. Simulation analysis and experimental results indicate that the proposed leakage identification method can effectively identify the water pipeline leakage and has lower energy consumption than the networking methods used in conventional wireless sensor networks

    XNOR Neural Engine: a Hardware Accelerator IP for 21.6 fJ/op Binary Neural Network Inference

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    Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are promising to deliver accuracy comparable to conventional deep neural networks at a fraction of the cost in terms of memory and energy. In this paper, we introduce the XNOR Neural Engine (XNE), a fully digital configurable hardware accelerator IP for BNNs, integrated within a microcontroller unit (MCU) equipped with an autonomous I/O subsystem and hybrid SRAM / standard cell memory. The XNE is able to fully compute convolutional and dense layers in autonomy or in cooperation with the core in the MCU to realize more complex behaviors. We show post-synthesis results in 65nm and 22nm technology for the XNE IP and post-layout results in 22nm for the full MCU indicating that this system can drop the energy cost per binary operation to 21.6fJ per operation at 0.4V, and at the same time is flexible and performant enough to execute state-of-the-art BNN topologies such as ResNet-34 in less than 2.2mJ per frame at 8.9 fps.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, 3 listings. Accepted for presentation at CODES'18 and for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Circuits and Systems (TCAD) as part of the ESWEEK-TCAD special issu

    HardScope: Thwarting DOP with Hardware-assisted Run-time Scope Enforcement

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    Widespread use of memory unsafe programming languages (e.g., C and C++) leaves many systems vulnerable to memory corruption attacks. A variety of defenses have been proposed to mitigate attacks that exploit memory errors to hijack the control flow of the code at run-time, e.g., (fine-grained) randomization or Control Flow Integrity. However, recent work on data-oriented programming (DOP) demonstrated highly expressive (Turing-complete) attacks, even in the presence of these state-of-the-art defenses. Although multiple real-world DOP attacks have been demonstrated, no efficient defenses are yet available. We propose run-time scope enforcement (RSE), a novel approach designed to efficiently mitigate all currently known DOP attacks by enforcing compile-time memory safety constraints (e.g., variable visibility rules) at run-time. We present HardScope, a proof-of-concept implementation of hardware-assisted RSE for the new RISC-V open instruction set architecture. We discuss our systematic empirical evaluation of HardScope which demonstrates that it can mitigate all currently known DOP attacks, and has a real-world performance overhead of 3.2% in embedded benchmarks

    Efficient implementation of channel estimation algorithm for beamforming

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    Abstract. The future 5G mobile network technology is expected to offer significantly better performance than its predecessors. Improved data rates in conjunction with low latency is believed to enable technological revolutions such as self-driving cars. To achieve faster data rates, MIMO systems can be utilized. These systems enable the use of spatial filtering technique known as beamforming. Beamforming that is based on the preacquired channel matrix is computationally very demanding causing challenges in achieving low latency. By acquiring the channel matrix as efficiently as possible, we can facilitate this challenge. In this thesis we examined the implementation of channel estimation algorithm for beamforming with a digital signal processor specialized in vector computation. We present implementations for different antenna configurations based on three different approaches. The results show that the best performance is achieved by applying the algorithm according to the limitations given by the system and the processor architecture. Although the exploitation of the parallel architecture was proved to be challenging, the implementation of the algorithm would have benefitted from the greater amount of parallelism. The current parallel resources will be a challenge especially in the future as the size of antenna configurations is expected to grow.Keilanmuodostuksen tarvitseman kanavaestimointialgoritmin tehokas toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Tulevan viidennen sukupolven mobiiliverkkoteknologian odotetaan tarjoavan merkittävästi edeltäjäänsä parempaa suorituskykyä. Tämän suorituskyvyn tarjoamat suuret datanopeudet yhdistettynä pieneen latenssiin uskotaan mahdollistavan esimerkiksi itsestään ajavat autot. Suurempien datanopeuksien saavuttamiseksi voidaan hyödyntää monitiekanavassa käytettävää MIMO-systeemiä, joka mahdollistaa keilanmuodostuksena tunnetun spatiaalisen suodatusmenetelmän käytön. Etukäteen hankittuun kanavatilatietoon perustuva keilanmuodostus on laskennallisesti erittäin kallista. Tämä aiheuttaa haasteita verkon pienen latenssivaatimuksen saavuttamisessa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin keilanmuodostukselle tarkoitetun kanavaestimointialgoritmin tehokasta toteutusta hyödyntäen vektorilaskentaan erikoistunutta prosessoriarkkitehtuuria. Työssä esitellään kolmea eri lähestymistapaa hyödyntävät toteutukset eri kokoisille antennikonfiguraatioille. Tuloksista nähdään, että paras suorituskyky saavutetaan sovittamalla algoritmi järjestelmän ja arkkitehtuurin asettamien rajoitusten mukaisesti. Vaikka rinnakkaisarkkitehtuurin hyödyntäminen asetti omat haasteensa, olisi algoritmin toteutus hyötynyt suuremmasta rinnakkaisuuden määrästä. Nykyinen rinnakkaisuuden määrä tulee olemaan haaste erityisesti tulevaisuudessa, sillä antennikonfiguraatioiden koon odotetaan kasvavan

    An Event-Triggered Programmable Prefetcher for Irregular Workloads

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    Many modern workloads compute on large amounts of data, often with irregular memory accesses. Current architectures perform poorly for these workloads, as existing prefetching techniques cannot capture the memory access patterns; these applications end up heavily memory-bound as a result. Although a number of techniques exist to explicitly configure a prefetcher with traversal patterns, gaining significant speedups, they do not generalise beyond their target data structures. Instead, we propose an event-triggered programmable prefetcher combining the flexibility of a general-purpose computational unit with an event-based programming model, along with compiler techniques to automatically generate events from the original source code with annotations. This allows more complex fetching decisions to be made, without needing to stall when intermediate results are required. Using our programmable prefetching system, combined with small prefetch kernels extracted from applications, we achieve an average 3.0x speedup in simulation for a variety of graph, database and HPC workloads.</jats:p