1,448 research outputs found

    Cryptography with anonymity in mind

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    Advances in information technologies gave a rise to powerful ubiquitous com- puting devices, and digital networks have enabled new ways of fast communication, which immediately found tons of applications and resulted in large amounts of data being transmitted. For decades, cryptographic schemes and privacy-preserving protocols have been studied and researched in order to offer end users privacy of their data and implement useful functionalities at the same time, often trading security properties for cryptographic assumptions and efficiency. In this plethora of cryptographic constructions, anonymity properties play a special role, as they are important in many real-life scenarios. However, many useful cryptographic primitives lack anonymity properties or imply prohibitive costs to achieve them. In this thesis, we expand the territory of cryptographic primitives with anonymity in mind. First, we define Anonymous RAM, a generalization of a single- user Oblivious RAM to multiple mistrusted users, and present two constructions thereof with different trade-offs between assumptions and efficiency. Second, we define an encryption scheme that allows to establish chains of ciphertexts anony- mously and verify their integrity. Furthermore, the aggregatable version of the scheme allows to build a Parallel Anonymous RAM, which enhances Anonymous RAM by supporting concurrent users. Third, we show our technique for construct- ing efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for statements that consist of both algebraic and arithmetic statements. Finally, we show our framework for constructing efficient single secret leader election protocols, which have been recently identified as an important component in proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies.Fortschritte in der Informationstechnik haben leistungsstarke allgegenwĂ€rtige Rechner hervorgerufen, wĂ€hrend uns digitale Netzwerke neue Wege fĂŒr die schnelle Kommunikation ermöglicht haben. Durch die Vielzahl von Anwendungen fĂŒhrte dies zur Übertragung von riesigen Datenvolumen. Seit Jahrzehnten wurden bereits verschiedene kryptographische Verfahren und Technologien zum Datenschutz erforscht und analysiert. Das Ziel ist die PrivatsphĂ€re der Benutzer zu schĂŒtzen und gleichzeitig nĂŒtzliche FunktionalitĂ€t anzubieten, was oft mit einem Kompromiss zwischen Sicherheitseigenschaften, kryptographischen Annahmen und Effizienz verbunden ist. In einer FĂŒlle von kryptographischen Konstruktionen spielen AnonymitĂ€tseigenschaften eine besondere Rolle, da sie in vielen realistischen Szenarien sehr wichtig sind. Allerdings fehlen vielen kryptographischen Primitive AnonymitĂ€tseigenschaften oder sie stehen im Zusammenhang mit erheblichen Kosten. In dieser Dissertation erweitern wir den Bereich von kryptographischen Prim- itiven mit einem Fokus auf AnonymitĂ€t. Erstens definieren wir Anonymous RAM, eine Verallgemeinerung von Einzelbenutzer-Oblivious RAM fĂŒr mehrere misstraute Benutzer, und stellen dazu zwei Konstruktionen mit verschiedenen Kompromissen zwischen Annahmen und Effizienz vor. Zweitens definieren wir ein VerschlĂŒsselungsverfahren, das es erlaubt anonym eine Verbindung zwischen Geheimtexten herzustellen und deren IntegritĂ€t zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen. DarĂŒber hinaus bietet die aggregierbare Variante von diesem Verfahren an, Parallel Anonymous RAM zu bauen. Dieses verbessert Anonymous RAM, indem es mehrere Benutzer in einer parallelen AusfĂŒhrung unterstĂŒtzen kann. Drittens zeigen wir eine Meth- ode fĂŒr das Konstruieren effizienter Zero-Knowledge-Protokolle, die gleichzeitig aus algebraischen und arithmetischen Teilen bestehen. Zuletzt zeigen wir ein Framework fĂŒr das Konstruieren effizienter Single-Leader-Election-Protokolle, was kĂŒrzlich als ein wichtiger Bestandteil in den Proof-of-Stake KryptowĂ€hrungen erkannt worden ist

    Preserving Privacy: How Governments and Digital Services Can Harness Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Secure Identification

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    Amidst rapid technological advancement and digital transformation, ensuring privacy and data security is paramount. Governments and digital service providers face the challenge of establishing secure identification systems that protect individuals' personal information while enabling reliable authentication and seamless user experiences. Traditional identification methods often require individuals to disclose sensitive personal information, leading to privacy risks and potential data breaches. Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) have emerged as a promising solution to address these concerns. By leveraging ZKPs, individuals can authenticate their identities or assert specific attributes without revealing sensitive data. This approach holds great potential for preserving privacy while enabling efficient and trustworthy verification processes. This paper explored ZKPs and how governments and digital service providers can utilize this technology to achieve secure identification while upholding privacy. A key focus was prototyping a secure identification protocol using ZKPs. Through practical implementation, this research aimed to demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of ZKPs in real-world scenarios. Keywords: zero-knowledge proofs, privacy, digital identity, governments, digital services. DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/13-2-06 Publication date:September 30th 202

    SGXIO: Generic Trusted I/O Path for Intel SGX

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    Application security traditionally strongly relies upon security of the underlying operating system. However, operating systems often fall victim to software attacks, compromising security of applications as well. To overcome this dependency, Intel introduced SGX, which allows to protect application code against a subverted or malicious OS by running it in a hardware-protected enclave. However, SGX lacks support for generic trusted I/O paths to protect user input and output between enclaves and I/O devices. This work presents SGXIO, a generic trusted path architecture for SGX, allowing user applications to run securely on top of an untrusted OS, while at the same time supporting trusted paths to generic I/O devices. To achieve this, SGXIO combines the benefits of SGX's easy programming model with traditional hypervisor-based trusted path architectures. Moreover, SGXIO can tweak insecure debug enclaves to behave like secure production enclaves. SGXIO surpasses traditional use cases in cloud computing and makes SGX technology usable for protecting user-centric, local applications against kernel-level keyloggers and likewise. It is compatible to unmodified operating systems and works on a modern commodity notebook out of the box. Hence, SGXIO is particularly promising for the broad x86 community to which SGX is readily available.Comment: To appear in CODASPY'1

    Do You Need a Zero Knowledge Proof?

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    Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), a cryptographic tool known for decades, have gained significant attention in recent years due to advancements that have made them practically applicable in real-world scenarios. ZKPs can provide unique attributes, such as succinctness, non-interactivity, and the ability to prove knowledge without revealing the information itself, making them an attractive solution for a range of applications. This paper aims to critically analyze the applicability of ZKPs in various scenarios. We categorize ZKPs into distinct types: SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), Commit-then-Prove ZKPs, MPC-in-the-Head, and Sigma Protocols, each offering different trade-offs and benefits. We introduce a flowchart methodology to assist in determining the most suitable ZKP system, given a set of technical application requirements. Next, we conduct an in-depth investigation of three major use cases: Outsourcing Computation, Digital Self-Sovereign Identity, and ZKPs in networking. Additionally, we provide a high-level overview of other applications of ZKPs, exploring their broader implications and opportunities. This paper aims to demystify the decision-making process involved in choosing the right ZKP system, providing clarity on when and how these cryptographic tools can be effectively utilized in various domains — and when they are better to be avoided

    Design, Analysis, and Implementation of ARPKI: An Attack-Resilient Public-Key Infrastructure

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    The current Transport Layer Security (TLS) Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) is based on a weakest-link security model that depends on over a thousand trust roots. The recent history of malicious and compromised Certification Authorities has fueled the desire for alternatives. Creating a new, secure infrastructure is, however, a surprisingly challenging task due to the large number of parties involved and the many ways that they can interact. A principled approach to its design is therefore mandatory, as humans cannot feasibly consider all the cases that can occur due to the multitude of interleavings of actions by legitimate parties and attackers, such as private key compromises (e.g., domain, Certification Authority, log server, other trusted entities), key revocations, key updates, etc. We present ARPKI, a PKI architecture that ensures that certificate-related operations, such as certificate issuance, update, revocation, and validation, are transparent and accountable. ARPKI efficiently supports these operations, and gracefully handles catastrophic events such as domain key loss or compromise. Moreover ARPKI is the first PKI architecture that is co-designed with a formal model, and we verify its core security property using the T AMARIN prover. We prove that ARPKI offers extremely strong security guarantees, where compromising even n-1 trusted signing and verifying entities is insufficient to launch a man-in-the-middle attack. Moreover, ARPKI’s use deters misbehavior as all operations are publicly visible. Finally, we present a proof-of-concept implementation that provides all the features required for deployment. Our experiments indicate that ARPKI efficiently handles the certification process with low overhead. It does not incur additional latency to TLS, since no additional round trips are required

    Universally Composable Verifiable Random Oracles

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    Random Oracles werden hĂ€ufig in der Kryptographie eingesetzt um sehr effiziente Instanziierungen mĂ€chtiger kryptographischer Primitive zu konstruieren. Jedoch ist diese Praxis im Allgemeinen nicht zulĂ€ssig wie verschiedene Nicht-Instanziierungs-Ergebnisse fĂŒr Random Oracles mittels lokal berechenbarer Familien von Funktionen durch Halevi et al. (JACM ’04) zeigt. Die Random Oracle Modell kann sicher eingesetzt werden, indem Random Oracles nicht mit einer lokal berechenbaren Hashfunktion, sondern stattdessen mit einem interaktiven Protokoll instanziiert werden. In der realen Welt könnte solch ein interaktives Protokoll beispielsweise aus einem vertrauenswĂŒrdigen Server, welcher ĂŒber das Internet erreichbar ist, bestehen. Dieser Server wĂŒrde sodann eine der bekannten Techniken wie lazy sampling oder das Auswerten einer Pseudo-ZufĂ€lligen Funktion verwenden, um die FunktionalitĂ€t eines Random Oracle bereitzustellen. Ein klarer Nachteil dieses Ansatzes ist die große Menge an Interaktion, die bei jeder Berechnung, die eine Auswertung des Random Oracle beinhaltet, nötig ist. Wir wollen diese Interaktion auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Um obiges Unmöglichkeitsresultat zu umgehen, muss die Auswertung des Random Oracle auf einer frischen Eingabe Interaktion der auswertenden Partei mit einer anderen Partei beinhalten. Dies ist jedoch nicht der einzige Verwendungszweck von Random Oracles, der hĂ€ufig in kryptographischen Protokollen auftritt. Bei einem weiteren solchen Zweck wertet zunĂ€chst eine Partei A das Orakel auf einer Eingabe aus und erhĂ€lt einen Hashwert. Im Anschluss sendet A Eingabe und Ausgabe (im Kontext eines Protokolls) an eine zweite Partei B und möchte B davon ĂŒberzeugen, dass das Random Oracle korrekt ausgewertet wurde. Eine einfache Möglichkeit dies zu prĂŒfen besteht darin, dass B selbst eine Auswertung des Random Oracle auf der erhaltenen Eingabe tĂ€tigt und die beiden Ausgaben vergleicht. In unserem Kontext benötigt dies jedoch erneut Interaktion. Der Wunsch diesen zweiten Verwendungszweck nicht-interaktiv zu machen fĂŒhrt uns zum Begriff eines Verifiable Random Oracle (VRO) als Erweiterung eines Random Oracle. Abstrakt besteht ein VRO aus zwei Orakeln. Das erste Orakel verhĂ€lt sich wie ein Random Oracle dessen Ausgabe um einen Korrektheitsbeweis erweitert wurde. Mit Hilfe dieses Beweises kann das zweite Orakel dazu verwendet werden öffentlich die korrekte Auswertung des Random Oracle zu verifizieren. Obwohl diese Orakel-basierte Formulierung nicht notwendigerweise nicht-interaktive Verifikation besitzt, so erlaubt jedoch die EinfĂŒhrung expliziter Korrektheitsbeweise dies. In dieser Masterarbeit formalisieren wir zunĂ€chst den Begriff eines VRO im Universal Composability Framework von Canetti (FOCS ’01). Danach wenden wir VROs auf zwei kryptographische Anwendungen an, die in ihrer ursprĂŒnglichen Formulierung das Random Oracle Modell verwenden, und zeigen, das deren Sicherheitseigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Um zu zeigen, dass unsere Definition realisierbar ist, konstruieren wir mehrere Protokolle, die die ideale VRO FunktionalitĂ€t realisieren. Diese reichen von Protokollen fĂŒr eine einzelne vertrauenswĂŒrdige Partei bis hin zu verteilten Protokollen, die eine gewisse Menge an böswilliger Korruption erlauben. Wir vergleichen weiterhin VROs mit Ă€hnlichen existierenden Primitiven

    Zero-Knowledge Middleboxes

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    This paper initiates research on zero-knowledge middleboxes (ZKMBs). A ZKMB is a network middlebox that enforces network usage policies on encrypted traffic. Clients send the middlebox zero-knowledge proofs that their traffic is policy-compliant; these proofs reveal nothing about the client’s communication except that it complies with the policy. We show how to make ZKMBs work with unmodified encrypted-communication protocols (specifically TLS 1.3), making ZKMBs invisible to servers. As a contribution of independent interest, we design optimized zero-knowledge proofs for TLS 1.3 session keys. We apply the ZKMB paradigm to several case studies. Experimental results suggest that in certain settings, performance is in striking distance of practicality; an example is a middlebox that filters domain queries (each query requiring a separate proof) when the client has a long-lived TLS connection with a DNS resolver. In such configurations, the middlebox’s overhead is 2–5 ms of running time per proof, and client latency to create a proof is several seconds. On the other hand, clients may have to store hundreds of MBs depending on the underlying zero-knowledge proof machinery, and for some applications, latency is tens of seconds

    Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More

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    We propose Bulletproofs, a new non-interactive zero-knowledge proof protocol with very short proofs and without a trusted setup; the proof size is only logarithmic in the witness size. Bulletproofs are especially well suited for efficient range proofs on committed values: they enable proving that a committed value is in a range using only 2log⁥2(n)+92\log_2(n)+9 group and field elements, where nn is the bit length of the range. Proof generation and verification times are linear in nn. Bulletproofs greatly improve on the linear (in nn) sized range proofs in existing proposals for confidential transactions in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Moreover, Bulletproofs supports aggregation of range proofs, so that a party can prove that mm commitments lie in a given range by providing only an additive O(log⁥(m))O(\log(m)) group elements over the length of a single proof. To aggregate proofs from multiple parties, we enable the parties to generate a single proof without revealing their inputs to each other via a simple multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for constructing Bulletproofs. This MPC protocol uses either a constant number of rounds and linear communication, or a logarithmic number of rounds and logarithmic communication. We show that verification time, while asymptotically linear, is very efficient in practice. Moreover, the verification of multiple Bulletproofs can be batched for further speed-up. Concretely, the marginal time to verify an aggregation of 16 range proofs is about the same as the time to verify 16 ECDSA signatures. Bulletproofs build on the techniques of Bootle et al. (EUROCRYPT 2016). Beyond range proofs, Bulletproofs provide short zero-knowledge proofs for general arithmetic circuits while only relying on the discrete logarithm assumption and without requiring a trusted setup. We discuss many applications that would benefit from Bulletproofs, primarily in the area of cryptocurrencies. The efficiency of Bulletproofs is particularly well suited for the distributed and trustless nature of blockchains
