2,819 research outputs found

    SplitNeRF: Split Sum Approximation Neural Field for Joint Geometry, Illumination, and Material Estimation

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    We present a novel approach for digitizing real-world objects by estimating their geometry, material properties, and environmental lighting from a set of posed images with fixed lighting. Our method incorporates into Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) pipelines the split sum approximation used with image-based lighting for real-time physical-based rendering. We propose modeling the scene's lighting with a single scene-specific MLP representing pre-integrated image-based lighting at arbitrary resolutions. We achieve accurate modeling of pre-integrated lighting by exploiting a novel regularizer based on efficient Monte Carlo sampling. Additionally, we propose a new method of supervising self-occlusion predictions by exploiting a similar regularizer based on Monte Carlo sampling. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach in estimating scene geometry, material properties, and lighting. Our method is capable of attaining state-of-the-art relighting quality after only 1{\sim}1 hour of training in a single NVIDIA A100 GPU

    Hierarchical Variance Reduction Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering

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    Ever since the first three-dimensional computer graphics appeared half a century ago, the goal has been to model and simulate how light interacts with materials and objects to form an image. The ultimate goal is photorealistic rendering, where the created images reach a level of accuracy that makes them indistinguishable from photographs of the real world. There are many applications ñ visualization of products and architectural designs yet to be built, special effects, computer-generated films, virtual reality, and video games, to name a few. However, the problem has proven tremendously complex; the illumination at any point is described by a recursive integral to which a closed-form solution seldom exists. Instead, computer simulation and Monte Carlo methods are commonly used to statistically estimate the result. This introduces undesirable noise, or variance, and a large body of research has been devoted to finding ways to reduce the variance. I continue along this line of research, and present several novel techniques for variance reduction in Monte Carlo rendering, as well as a few related tools. The research in this dissertation focuses on using importance sampling to pick a small set of well-distributed point samples. As the primary contribution, I have developed the first methods to explicitly draw samples from the product of distant high-frequency lighting and complex reflectance functions. By sampling the product, low noise results can be achieved using a very small number of samples, which is important to minimize the rendering times. Several different hierarchical representations are explored to allow efficient product sampling. In the first publication, the key idea is to work in a compressed wavelet basis, which allows fast evaluation of the product. Many of the initial restrictions of this technique were removed in follow-up work, allowing higher-resolution uncompressed lighting and avoiding precomputation of reflectance functions. My second main contribution is to present one of the first techniques to take the triple product of lighting, visibility and reflectance into account to further reduce the variance in Monte Carlo rendering. For this purpose, control variates are combined with importance sampling to solve the problem in a novel way. A large part of the technique also focuses on analysis and approximation of the visibility function. To further refine the above techniques, several useful tools are introduced. These include a fast, low-distortion map to represent (hemi)spherical functions, a method to create high-quality quasi-random points, and an optimizing compiler for analyzing shaders using interval arithmetic. The latter automatically extracts bounds for importance sampling of arbitrary shaders, as opposed to using a priori known reflectance functions. In summary, the work presented here takes the field of computer graphics one step further towards making photorealistic rendering practical for a wide range of uses. By introducing several novel Monte Carlo methods, more sophisticated lighting and materials can be used without increasing the computation times. The research is aimed at domain-specific solutions to the rendering problem, but I believe that much of the new theory is applicable in other parts of computer graphics, as well as in other fields

    Extensive light profile fitting of galaxy-scale strong lenses

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    We investigate the merits of a massive forward modeling of ground-based optical imaging as a diagnostic for the strong lensing nature of Early-Type Galaxies, in the light of which blurred and faint Einstein rings can hide. We simulate several thousand mock strong lenses under ground- and space-based conditions as arising from the deflection of an exponential disk by a foreground de Vaucouleurs light profile whose lensing potential is described by a Singular Isothermal Ellipsoid. We then fit for the lensed light distribution with sl_fit after having subtracted the foreground light emission off (ideal case) and also after having fitted the deflector's light with galfit. By setting thresholds in the output parameter space, we can decide the lens/not-a-lens status of each system. We finally apply our strategy to a sample of 517 lens candidates present in the CFHTLS data to test the consistency of our selection approach. The efficiency of the fast modeling method at recovering the main lens parameters like Einstein radius, total magnification or total lensed flux, is quite comparable under CFHT and HST conditions when the deflector is perfectly subtracted off (only possible in simulations), fostering a sharp distinction between the good and the bad candidates. Conversely, for a more realistic subtraction, a substantial fraction of the lensed light is absorbed into the deflector's model, which biases the subsequent fitting of the rings and then disturbs the selection process. We quantify completeness and purity of the lens finding method in both cases. This suggests that the main limitation currently resides in the subtraction of the foreground light. Provided further enhancement of the latter, the direct forward modeling of large numbers of galaxy-galaxy strong lenses thus appears tractable and could constitute a competitive lens finder in the next generation of wide-field imaging surveys.Comment: A&A accepted version, minor changes (13 pages, 10 figures

    Effects of the halo concentration distribution on strong-lensing optical depth and X-ray emission

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    We use simulated merger trees of galaxy-cluster halos to study the effect of the halo concentration distribution on strong lensing and X-ray emission. Its log-normal shape typically found in simulations favors outliers with high concentration. Since, at fixed mass, more concentrated halos tend to be more efficient lenses, the scatter in the concentration increases the strong-lensing optical depth by 50\lesssim50%. Within cluster samples, mass and concentration have counteracting effects on strong lensing and X-ray emission because the concentration decreases for increasing mass. Selecting clusters by concentration thus has no effect on the lensing cross section. The most efficiently lensing and hottest clusters are typically the \textit{least} concentrated in samples with a broad mass range. Among cluster samples with a narrow mass range, however, the most strongly lensing and X-ray brightest clusters are typically 10% to 25% more concentrated.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Version accepted by A&

    Statistical Searches for Microlensing Events in Large, Non-Uniformly Sampled Time-Domain Surveys: A Test Using Palomar Transient Factory Data

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    Many photometric time-domain surveys are driven by specific goals, such as searches for supernovae or transiting exoplanets, which set the cadence with which fields are re-imaged. In the case of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF), several sub-surveys are conducted in parallel, leading to non-uniform sampling over its \sim20,000deg220,000 \mathrm{deg}^2 footprint. While the median 7.26deg27.26 \mathrm{deg}^2 PTF field has been imaged \sim40 times in \textit{R}-band, \sim2300deg22300 \mathrm{deg}^2 have been observed >>100 times. We use PTF data to study the trade-off between searching for microlensing events in a survey whose footprint is much larger than that of typical microlensing searches, but with far-from-optimal time sampling. To examine the probability that microlensing events can be recovered in these data, we test statistics used on uniformly sampled data to identify variables and transients. We find that the von Neumann ratio performs best for identifying simulated microlensing events in our data. We develop a selection method using this statistic and apply it to data from fields with >>10 RR-band observations, 1.1×1091.1\times10^9 light curves, uncovering three candidate microlensing events. We lack simultaneous, multi-color photometry to confirm these as microlensing events. However, their number is consistent with predictions for the event rate in the PTF footprint over the survey's three years of operations, as estimated from near-field microlensing models. This work can help constrain all-sky event rate predictions and tests microlensing signal recovery in large data sets, which will be useful to future time-domain surveys, such as that planned with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. fixed author lis

    Gravitational Lensing by Spinning Black Holes in Astrophysics, and in the Movie Interstellar

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    Interstellar is the first Hollywood movie to attempt depicting a black hole as it would actually be seen by somebody nearby. For this we developed a code called DNGR (Double Negative Gravitational Renderer) to solve the equations for ray-bundle (light-beam) propagation through the curved spacetime of a spinning (Kerr) black hole, and to render IMAX-quality, rapidly changing images. Our ray-bundle techniques were crucial for achieving IMAX-quality smoothness without flickering. This paper has four purposes: (i) To describe DNGR for physicists and CGI practitioners . (ii) To present the equations we use, when the camera is in arbitrary motion at an arbitrary location near a Kerr black hole, for mapping light sources to camera images via elliptical ray bundles. (iii) To describe new insights, from DNGR, into gravitational lensing when the camera is near the spinning black hole, rather than far away as in almost all prior studies. (iv) To describe how the images of the black hole Gargantua and its accretion disk, in the movie \emph{Interstellar}, were generated with DNGR. There are no new astrophysical insights in this accretion-disk section of the paper, but disk novices may find it pedagogically interesting, and movie buffs may find its discussions of Interstellar interesting.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figure