20 research outputs found


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    Topics considered include: high-performance computing; cognitive and perceptual prostheses (computational aids designed to leverage human abilities); autonomous systems. Also included: development of a 3D unstructured grid code based on a finite volume formulation and applied to the Navier-stokes equations; Cartesian grid methods for complex geometry; multigrid methods for solving elliptic problems on unstructured grids; algebraic non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for compressible fluid flow problems on unstructured meshes; numerical methods for the compressible navier-stokes equations with application to aerodynamic flows; research in aerodynamic shape optimization; S-HARP: a parallel dynamic spectral partitioner; numerical schemes for the Hamilton-Jacobi and level set equations on triangulated domains; application of high-order shock capturing schemes to direct simulation of turbulence; multicast technology; network testbeds; supercomputer consolidation project

    Unstructured Grid Generation Techniques and Software

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    The Workshop on Unstructured Grid Generation Techniques and Software was conducted for NASA to assess its unstructured grid activities, improve the coordination among NASA centers, and promote technology transfer to industry. The proceedings represent contributions from Ames, Langley, and Lewis Research Centers, and the Johnson and Marshall Space Flight Centers. This report is a compilation of the presentations made at the workshop

    Cumulative reports and publications through December 31, 1990

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    This document contains a complete list of ICASE reports. Since ICASE reports are intended to be preprints of articles that will appear in journals or conference proceedings, the published reference is included when it is available

    Parallel algorithms for the solution of elliptic and parabolic problems on transputer networks

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    This thesis is a study of the implementation of parallel algorithms for solving elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations on a network of transputers. The thesis commences with a general introduction to parallel processing. Here a discussion of the various ways of introducing parallelism in computer systems and the classification of parallel architectures is presented. In chapter 2, the transputer architecture and the associated language OCCAM are described. The transputer development system (TDS) is also described as well as a short account of other transputer programming languages. Also, a brief description of the methodologies for programming transputer networks is given. The chapter is concluded by a detailed description of the hardware used for the research. [Continues.


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    This report summarizes research conducted at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering in the areas of (1) applied and numerical mathematics, including numerical analysis and algorithm development; (2) theoretical and computational research in fluid mechanics in selected areas of interest, including acoustics and combustion; (3) experimental research in transition and turbulence and aerodynamics involving Langley facilities and scientists; and (4) computer science

    Finite elements software and applications

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    The contents of this thesis are a detailed study of the software for the finite element method. In the text, the finite element method is introduced from both the engineering and mathematical points of view. The computer implementation of the method is explained with samples of mainframe, mini- and micro-computer implementations. A solution is presented for the problem of limited stack size for both mini- and micro-computers which possess stack architecture. Several finite element programs are presented. Special purpose programs to solve problems in structural analysis and groundwater flow are discussed. However, an efficient easy-to-use finite element program for general two-dimensional problems is presented. Several problems in groundwater flow are considered that include steady, unsteady flows in different types of aquifers. Different cases of sinks and sources in the flow domain are also considered. The performance of finite element methods is studied for the chosen problems by comparing the numerical solutions of test problems with analytical solutions (if they exist) or with solutions obtained by other numerical methods. The polynomial refinement of the finite elements is studied for the presented problems in order to offer some evidence as to which finite element simulation is best to use under a variety of circumstances

    An Interactive Framework For Meshless Methods Analysis In Computational Mechanics And Thermofluids

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    In recent history, the area of physics-based engineering simulation has seen rapid increases in both computer workstation performance as well as common model complexity, both driven largely in part by advances in memory density and availability of clusters and multi-core processors. While the increase in computation time due to model complexity has been largely offset by the increased performance of modern workstations, the increase in model setup time due to model complexity has continued to rise. As such, the major time requirement for solving an engineering model has transitioned from computation time to problem setup time. This is due to the fact that developing the required mesh for complex geometry can be an extremely complicated and time consuming task. Consequently, new solution techniques which are capable of reducing the required amount of human interaction are desirable. The subject of this thesis is the development of a novel meshless method that promises to eliminate the need for structured meshes, and thus, the need for complicated meshing procedures. Although the savings gain due to eliminating the meshing process would be more than sufficient to warrant further study, the proposed method is also capable of reducing the computation time and memory footprint compared to similar models solved using more traditional finite element, finite difference, finite volume, or boundary element methods. In particular, this thesis will outline the development of an interactive, meshless, physically accurate modeling environment that provides an extensible framework which can be applied to a multitude of governing equations encountered in computational mechanics and thermofluids. Additionally, through the development of tailored preprocessing routines, efficiency and accuracy of the proposed meshless algorithms can be tested in a more realistic and flexible environment. Examples are provided in the areas of elasticity, heat transfer and computational fluid dynamics

    Lewis Structures Technology, 1988. Volume 1: Structural Dynamics

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    The specific purpose of the symposium was to familiarize the engineering structures community with the depth and range of research performed by the Structures Division of the Lewis Research Center and its academic and industrial partners. Sessions covered vibration control, fracture mechanics, ceramic component reliability, parallel computing, nondestructive testing, dynamical systems, fatigue and damage, wind turbines, hot section technology, structural mechanics codes, computational methods for dynamics, structural optimization, and applications of structural dynamics

    Finite element solution for elliptic partial differential equations

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    The contents of this thesis are a detailed study of the implementation of Finite Element method for solving linear and non-linear elliptic partial differential equations. It commences with a description and classification of partial differential equations, the related matrix and eigenvalue theory and the related matrix methods to solve the linear and non-linear systems of equations. In Chapter Three, we discuss the development of the, finite element method and its application with a full description of an orderly step-by-step process. In Chapter Four, we discuss the implementation of developing an efficient easy-to-use finite element program for the general two-dimensional problem along with the capability of handling problems for different domains and boundary conditions and with a fully automated mesh generation and refinement technique along with a description of generalised pre- and post-processors for the Finite Element Method. [Continues.