7 research outputs found


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    The object of consideration is async-address systems using code division of subscribers. The subject of the analysis is quasi-orthogonal ensembles of signals based on code sequences that have normalized characteristics of cross-correlation functions (CCF) and provide reliable separation of subscribers (objects) when exposed to imitation and signal-like interference. The purpose of the analysis is to create a model and methodology for construction a set of the best code sequences ensembles having the ability to quickly change the instance of the set to counter imitation and signal-like interference. The solution is based on algebraic models of code sequences and their CCF representation. The article proposes a comprehensive technique to construct signal ensembles set having normalized characteristics of the CCF. The quality of the primary ensemble of code sequences is ensured by the procedure for calculating the CCF optimized in the number of look over options. Optimization is based on the basic properties of the Galois field, in particular, on the Galois fields’ isomorphism property. It provides a significant reduction in calculations when choosing the primary ensemble of code sequences with the specified properties of the CCF. The very choice of the best (largest in size) code sequences ensemble relies on the solution of one of the classical combinatorics problems – searching for maximal clique on a graph. The construction of signals ensembles set having normalized characteristics of the CCF is ensured by the use of special combinatorial procedures and algorithms based on the multiplicative properties of Galois fields. An analysis of the effectiveness of known and proven procedures searching for maximal clique is also performed in this article. The work results will be useful in the design of infocommunication systems using complex signals with a large base and variable structure to provide protection from signal structure research and the effects of imitation and signal-like interferenc


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    The development of reliable systems for protecting speech information that can protect it from being intercepted by cybercriminals is a fundamental task of the security service of organizations and firms. For these purposes, active jamming systems are used at the border of the controlled area. The main element of such systems is noise generators. However, in many cases, “white” noise and its clones are used as interference, which makes it possible for an attacker to gain unauthorized access. The structure and mathematical model of a speech information protection system based on a scrambler-type noise generator is proposed. The transition in such systems of protection of speech information to this structure allows to abandon the outdated, ineffective in modern conditions, energy noise of speech information and move on to a more productive method – information (linguistic) masking. An analysis of the destructive effect of this type of interference shows its high resistance to modern methods of mathematical processing of digital phonograms (wavelet transform, correlation-spectral analysis, etc.), filtering interference, and dividing the voices of speakers. Studies of the mathematical model in the environment of Matlab 15 R2015a/Simulink show the high efficiency of such a protection system and a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio with a residual speech intelligibility of 0.1 by 6...9 dBA. This leads to a decrease in noise in the room and beyond, which positively affects the bioacoustic characteristics of the premises, improves working conditions and staff productivity, and also reduces the unmasking performance of the objec

    Parallelizing Maximal Clique Enumeration on GPUs

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    We present a GPU solution for exact maximal clique enumeration (MCE) that performs a search tree traversal following the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm. Prior works on parallelizing MCE on GPUs perform a breadth-first traversal of the tree, which has limited scalability because of the explosion in the number of tree nodes at deep levels. We propose to parallelize MCE on GPUs by performing depth-first traversal of independent subtrees in parallel. Since MCE suffers from high load imbalance and memory capacity requirements, we propose a worker list for dynamic load balancing, as well as partial induced subgraphs and a compact representation of excluded vertex sets to regulate memory consumption. Our evaluation shows that our GPU implementation on a single GPU outperforms the state-of-the-art parallel CPU implementation by a geometric mean of 4.9x (up to 16.7x), and scales efficiently to multiple GPUs. Our code has been open-sourced to enable further research on accelerating MCE

    Algoritmos para o problema da clique máxima : análise e comparação experimental

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Renato CarmoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 28/09/2017Inclui referências : f. 107-113Resumo: O problema da Clique Máxima (CM) é um problema fundamental e há uma grande motivação pela busca de algoritmos tão eficientes quanto possível para resolvê-lo de forma exata. Como esperado para um problema NP-difícil, os melhores algoritmos com desempenho de pior caso conhecido tem custo de tempo exponencial. Por outro lado, resultados experimentais encontrados na literatura indicam que instâncias de tamanho considerável podem ser resolvidas usando algoritmos baseados na técnica de branch-and-bound. Com isso, observa-se uma distância entre os melhores resultados analíticos e os melhores resultados experimentais. Uma possível explicação para discrepância aparente entre teoria e prática foi encontrada pela análise de instâncias aleatórias. Diversos algoritmos de branch- and-bound para a solução exata do CM foram estudados, analisados e implementados. Com base nos resultados analíticos é proposta uma metodologia para comparação experimental de algoritmos, que tem como principal ponto positivo o fato de que algoritmos podem ser comparados independente de detalhes de implementação e execução. Vários algoritmos foram testados como prova de conceito. Também foram estudadas instâncias de pior caso para algoritmos de branch-and-bound que só utilizam coloração como limitante superior, resultando em um custo exponencial de tempo para estes algoritmos. Uma nova família de algoritmos foi desenvolvida, capaz de resolver tais instâncias em tempo polinomial. Recentemente, técnicas de resolvedores para problemas de satisfatibilidade têm sido aplicadas em algoritmos para CM. Tais técnicas dependem de uma redução entre os dois problemas, mas o significado em termos do grafo fica obscurecido nas descrições originais. Algumas técnicas foram estudadas e convertidas para uma descrição que não usa termos referentes aos problemas de satisfatibilidade. A implementação de vários algoritmos estudados foi disponibilizada em um repositório de acesso público. Palavras-chave: Solução exata. Branch-and-bound. Análise de algoritmos. Comparação experimental.Abstract: e Maximum Clique problem (CM) is a fundamental problem and there is a great motivation for the development of efficient exact algorithms to solve it. As expected for a NP-hard problem, the best algorithms where worst case analyses have been conducted present exponential running times. On the other hand, experimental results available in the literature show that instances of considerable size can be solved by branch and bound algorithms. Therefore, there is an apparent gap between the best theoretical results and the best experimental results. One possible explanation for this discrepancy between theory and practice was found through the analyses of random instances. Several exact branch and bound algorithm for CM were studied, analyzed and implemented. Based on these analytical results, a new methodology for the comparison of algorithms is proposed, where algorithms can be tested and compared regardless of implementation and execution details. Several algorithms were tested as a proof of concept. Worst case instances for some branch and bound algorithms were studied, namely algorithms that adopt only coloring-based bounding techniques to reduce the search space. These algorithms present exponential time cost for the studied instances. A new family of algorithms was developed, which is able to solve the mentioned instances in polinomial time. Recently, techniques from satisfiability solvers have been used in algorithms for CM. Such techniques depend on a reduction between the problems, and the original descriptions in terms of propositional calculus obscures their graph theoretic meaning. Some of these techniques were studied and converted to a description that uses only graph theory terminology. The implementation of several algorithms was made available in a public access repository. Keywords: Exact solution. Branch-and-bound. Analysis of algorithms. Experimental comparison