1,073 research outputs found

    Adaptive distance-based band hierarchy (ADBH) for effective hyperspectral band selection.

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    Band selection has become a significant issue for the efficiency of the hyperspectral image (HSI) processing. Although many unsupervised band selection (UBS) approaches have been developed in the last decades, a flexible and robust method is still lacking. The lack of proper understanding of the HSI data structure has resulted in the inconsistency in the outcome of UBS. Besides, most of the UBS methods are either relying on complicated measurements or rather noise sensitive, which hinder the efficiency of the determined band subset. In this article, an adaptive distance-based band hierarchy (ADBH) clustering framework is proposed for UBS in HSI, which can help to avoid the noisy bands while reflecting the hierarchical data structure of HSI. With a tree hierarchy-based framework, we can acquire any number of band subset. By introducing a novel adaptive distance into the hierarchy, the similarity between bands and band groups can be computed straightforward while reducing the effect of noisy bands. Experiments on four datasets acquired from two HSI systems have fully validated the superiority of the proposed framework

    Investigation of feature extraction algorithms and techniques for hyperspectral images.

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    Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering). University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2017.Hyperspectral images (HSIs) are remote-sensed images that are characterized by very high spatial and spectral dimensions and nd applications, for example, in land cover classi cation, urban planning and management, security and food processing. Unlike conventional three bands RGB images, their high dimensional data space creates a challenge for traditional image processing techniques which are usually based on the assumption that there exists su cient training samples in order to increase the likelihood of high classi cation accuracy. However, the high cost and di culty of obtaining ground truth of hyperspectral data sets makes this assumption unrealistic and necessitates the introduction of alternative methods for their processing. Several techniques have been developed in the exploration of the rich spectral and spatial information in HSIs. Speci cally, feature extraction (FE) techniques are introduced in the processing of HSIs as a necessary step before classi cation. They are aimed at transforming the high dimensional data of the HSI into one of a lower dimension while retaining as much spatial and/or spectral information as possible. In this research, we develop semi-supervised FE techniques which combine features of supervised and unsupervised techniques into a single framework for the processing of HSIs. Firstly, we developed a feature extraction algorithm known as Semi-Supervised Linear Embedding (SSLE) for the extraction of features in HSI. The algorithm combines supervised Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and unsupervised Local Linear Embedding (LLE) to enhance class discrimination while also preserving the properties of classes of interest. The technique was developed based on the fact that LDA extracts features from HSIs by discriminating between classes of interest and it can only extract C 1 features provided there are C classes in the image by extracting features that are equivalent to the number of classes in the HSI. Experiments show that the SSLE algorithm overcomes the limitation of LDA and extracts features that are equivalent to ii iii the number of classes in HSIs. Secondly, a graphical manifold dimension reduction (DR) algorithm known as Graph Clustered Discriminant Analysis (GCDA) is developed. The algorithm is developed to dynamically select labeled samples from the pool of available unlabeled samples in order to complement the few available label samples in HSIs. The selection is achieved by entwining K-means clustering with a semi-supervised manifold discriminant analysis. Using two HSI data sets, experimental results show that GCDA extracts features that are equivalent to the number of classes with high classi cation accuracy when compared with other state-of-the-art techniques. Furthermore, we develop a window-based partitioning approach to preserve the spatial properties of HSIs when their features are being extracted. In this approach, the HSI is partitioned along its spatial dimension into n windows and the covariance matrices of each window are computed. The covariance matrices of the windows are then merged into a single matrix through using the Kalman ltering approach so that the resulting covariance matrix may be used for dimension reduction. Experiments show that the windowing approach achieves high classi cation accuracy and preserves the spatial properties of HSIs. For the proposed feature extraction techniques, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural Networks (NN) classi cation techniques are employed and their performances are compared for these two classi ers. The performances of all proposed FE techniques have also been shown to outperform other state-of-the-art approaches

    Data processing of remotely sensed airborne hyperspectral data using the Airborne Processing Library (APL): Geocorrection algorithm descriptions and spatial accuracy assessment

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    This is the author's preprint. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The authors would like to thank Dr. Peter Land for useful discussions on reflectance spectra of ground targets. Fig. 9 contains Ordnance Survey OpenData © Crown copyright and database right 2013. The hyperspectral data used in this report were collected by the Natural Environment Research Council Airborne Research and Survey Facility.Remote sensing airborne hyperspectral data are routinely used for applications including algorithm development for satellite sensors, environmental monitoring and atmospheric studies. Single flight lines of airborne hyperspectral data are often in the region of tens of gigabytes in size. This means that a single aircraft can collect terabytes of remotely sensed hyperspectral data during a single year. Before these data can be used for scientific analyses, they need to be radiometrically calibrated, synchronised with the aircraft's position and attitude and then geocorrected. To enable efficient processing of these large datasets the UK Airborne Research and Survey Facility has recently developed a software suite, the Airborne Processing Library (APL), for processing airborne hyperspectral data acquired from the Specim AISA Eagle and Hawk instruments. The APL toolbox allows users to radiometrically calibrate, geocorrect, reproject and resample airborne data. Each stage of the toolbox outputs data in the common Band Interleaved Lines (BILs) format, which allows its integration with other standard remote sensing software packages. APL was developed to be user-friendly and suitable for use on a workstation PC as well as for the automated processing of the facility; to this end APL can be used under both Windows and Linux environments on a single desktop machine or through a Grid engine. A graphical user interface also exists. In this paper we describe the Airborne Processing Library software, its algorithms and approach. We present example results from using APL with an AISA Eagle sensor and we assess its spatial accuracy using data from multiple flight lines collected during a campaign in 2008 together with in situ surveyed ground control points. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    A Neural Network Approach to Identify Hyperspectral Image Content

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    A Hyperspectral is the imaging technique that contains very large dimension data with the hundreds of channels. Meanwhile, the Hyperspectral Images (HISs) delivers the complete knowledge of imaging; therefore applying a classification algorithm is very important tool for practical uses. The HSIs are always having a large number of correlated and redundant feature, which causes the decrement in the classification accuracy; moreover, the features redundancy come up with some extra burden of computation that without adding any beneficial information to the classification accuracy. In this study, an unsupervised based Band Selection Algorithm (BSA) is considered with the Linear Projection (LP) that depends upon the metric-band similarities. Afterwards Monogenetic Binary Feature (MBF) has consider to perform the ‘texture analysis’ of the HSI, where three operational component represents the monogenetic signal such as; phase, amplitude and orientation. In post processing classification stage, feature-mapping function can provide important information, which help to adopt the Kernel based Neural Network (KNN) to optimize the generalization ability. However, an alternative method of multiclass application can be adopt through KNN, if we consider the multi-output nodes instead of taking single-output node

    Optimum Feature Selection for Recognizing Objects from Satellite Imagery Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Object recognition is a research area that aims to associate objects to categories or classes. Usually recognition of object specific geospatial features, as building, tree, mountains, roads, and rivers from high-resolution satellite imagery is a time consuming and expensive problem in the maintenance cycle of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Feature selection is the task of selecting a small subset from original features that can achieve maximum classification accuracy and reduce data dimensionality. This subset of features has some very important benefits like, it reduces computational complexity of learning algorithms, saves time, improve accuracy and the selected features can be insightful for the people involved in problem domain. This makes feature selection as an indispensable task in classification task. In our work, we propose wrapper approach based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) as an optimization algorithm to search the space of all possible subsets related to object geospatial features set for the purpose of recognition. GA is wrapped with three different classifier algorithms namely neural network, k-nearest neighbor and decision tree J48 as subset evaluating mechanism. The GA-ANN, GA-KNN and GA-J48 methods are implemented using the WEKA software on dataset that contains 38 extracted features from satellite images using ENVI software. The proposed wrapper approach incorporated the Correlation Ranking Filter (CRF) for spatial features to remove unimportant features. Results suggest that GA based neural classifiers and using CRF for spatial features are robust and effective in finding optimal subsets of features from large data sets

    Sparse representation based hyperspectral image compression and classification

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    Abstract This thesis presents a research work on applying sparse representation to lossy hyperspectral image compression and hyperspectral image classification. The proposed lossy hyperspectral image compression framework introduces two types of dictionaries distinguished by the terms sparse representation spectral dictionary (SRSD) and multi-scale spectral dictionary (MSSD), respectively. The former is learnt in the spectral domain to exploit the spectral correlations, and the latter in wavelet multi-scale spectral domain to exploit both spatial and spectral correlations in hyperspectral images. To alleviate the computational demand of dictionary learning, either a base dictionary trained offline or an update of the base dictionary is employed in the compression framework. The proposed compression method is evaluated in terms of different objective metrics, and compared to selected state-of-the-art hyperspectral image compression schemes, including JPEG 2000. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness and competitiveness of both SRSD and MSSD approaches. For the proposed hyperspectral image classification method, we utilize the sparse coefficients for training support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbour (kNN) classifiers. In particular, the discriminative character of the sparse coefficients is enhanced by incorporating contextual information using local mean filters. The classification performance is evaluated and compared to a number of similar or representative methods. The results show that our approach could outperform other approaches based on SVM or sparse representation. This thesis makes the following contributions. It provides a relatively thorough investigation of applying sparse representation to lossy hyperspectral image compression. Specifically, it reveals the effectiveness of sparse representation for the exploitation of spectral correlations in hyperspectral images. In addition, we have shown that the discriminative character of sparse coefficients can lead to superior performance in hyperspectral image classification.EM201

    Effect of Denoising in Band Selection for Regression Tasks in Hyperspectral Datasets

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of six band selection methods applied to hyperspectral datasets for biophysical variable estimation problems, where the effect of denoising on band selection performance has also been analyzed. In particular, we consider four hyperspectral datasets and three regressors of different nature ("�SVR, Regression Trees, and Kernel Ridge Regression). Results show that the denoising approach improves the band selection quality of all the tested methods. We show that noise filtering is more beneficial for the selection methods that use an estimator based on the whole dataset for the prediction of the output than for methods that use strategies based on local information (neighboring points)

    A review of remotely sensed satellite image classification

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    Satellite image classification has a vital role for the extraction and analysis of the useful satellite image information. This paper comprises the study of the satellite images classification and Remote Sensing along with a brief overview of the previous studies that are proposed in this field. In this paper, the existing work has been explained utilizing the classification techniques on satellite images of Alwar region in India that covers decent land cover features like Vegetation, Water, Urban, Barren, and Rocky regions. The post- implementation of the classification algorithms, the classified image is obtained displaying different classes that are represented by different colours. Each feature is represented by a different colour and can be easily perceived from the image obtained after classification. The focus of this study is on enhancing the classification accuracy by using proper classifiers along with the novel feature extraction techniques and pre-processing steps. Work of different authors is being discussed in a tabular form defining the methods and outcomes of the respective studies