1,746 research outputs found

    Motion Planning in Artificial and Natural Vector Fields

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    This dissertation advances the field of autonomous vehicle motion planning in various challenging environments, ranging from flows and planetary atmospheres to cluttered real-world scenarios. By addressing the challenge of navigating environmental flows, this work introduces the Flow-Aware Fast Marching Tree algorithm (FlowFMT*). This algorithm optimizes motion planning for unmanned vehicles, such as UAVs and AUVs, navigating in tridimensional static flows. By considering reachability constraints caused by vehicle and flow dynamics, flow-aware neighborhood sets are found and used to reduce the number of calls to the cost function. The method computes feasible and optimal trajectories from start to goal in challenging environments that may contain obstacles or prohibited regions (e.g., no-fly zones). The method is extended to generate a vector field-based policy that optimally guides the vehicle to a given goal. Numerical comparisons with state-of-the-art control solvers demonstrate the method\u27s simplicity and accuracy. In this dissertation, the proposed sampling-based approach is used to compute trajectories for an autonomous semi-buoyant solar-powered airship in the challenging Venusian atmosphere, which is characterized by super-rotation winds. A cost function that incorporates the energetic balance of the airship is proposed to find energy-efficient trajectories. This cost function combines the main forces acting on the vehicle: weight, buoyancy, aerodynamic lift and drag, and thrust. The FlowFMT* method is also extended to consider the possibility of battery depletion due to thrust or battery charging due to solar energy and tested in this Venus atmosphere scenario. Simulations showcase how the airship selects high-altitude paths to minimize energy consumption and maximize battery recharge. They also show the airship sinking down and drifting with the wind at the altitudes where it is fully buoyant. For terrestrial applications, this dissertation finally introduces the Sensor-Space Lattice (SSLAT) motion planner, a real-time obstacle avoidance algorithm for autonomous vehicles and mobile robots equipped with planar range finders. This planner uses a lattice to tessellate the area covered by the sensor and to rapidly compute collision-free paths in the robot surroundings by optimizing a cost function. The cost function guides the vehicle to follow an artificial vector field that encodes the desired vehicle path. This planner is evaluated in challenging, cluttered static environments, such as warehouses and forests, and in the presence of moving obstacles, both in simulations and real experiments. Our results show that our algorithm performs collision checking and path planning faster than baseline methods. Since the method can have sequential or parallel implementations, we also compare the two versions of SSLAT and show that the run-time for its parallel implementation, which is independent of the number and shape of the obstacles found in the environment, provides a significant speedup due to the independent collision checks

    Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Energy and Traffic Flow: Optimal Control Design and Verification Through Field Testing

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    This dissertation assesses eco-driving effectiveness in several key traffic scenarios that include passenger vehicle transportation in highway driving and urban driving that also includes interactions with traffic signals, as well as heavy-duty line-haul truck transportation in highway driving with significant road grade. These studies are accomplished through both traffic microsimulation that propagates individual vehicle interactions to synthesize large-scale traffic patterns that emerge from the eco-driving strategies, and through experimentation in which real prototyped connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are utilized to directly measure energy benefits from the designed eco-driving control strategies. In particular, vehicle-in-the-loop is leveraged for the CAVs driven on a physical test track to interact with surrounding traffic that is virtually realized through said microsimulation software in real time. In doing so, model predictive control is designed and implemented to create performative eco-driving policies and to select vehicle lane, as well as enforce safety constraints while autonomously driving a real vehicle. Ultimately, eco-driving policies are both simulated and experimentally vetted in a variety of typical driving scenarios to show up to a 50% boost in fuel economy when switching to CAV drivers without compromising traffic flow. The first part of this dissertation specifically assesses energy efficiency of connected and automated passenger vehicles that exploit intention-sharing sourced from both neighboring vehicles in a highway scene and from traffic lights in an urban scene. Linear model predictive control is implemented for CAV motion planning, whereby chance constraints are introduced to balance between traffic compactness and safety, and integer decision variables are introduced for lane selection and collision avoidance in multi-lane environments. Validation results are shown from both large-scale microsimulation and through experimentation of real prototyped CAVs. The second part of this dissertation then assesses energy efficiency of automated line-haul trucks when tasked to aerodynamically platoon. Nonlinear model predictive control is implemented for motion planning, and simulation and experimentation are conducted for platooning verification under highway conditions with traffic. Then, interaction-aware and intention-sharing cooperative control is further introduced to eliminate experimentally measured platoon disengagements that occur on real highways when using only status-sharing control. Finally, the performance of automated drivers versus human drivers are compared in a point-to-point scenario to verify fundamental eco-driving impacts -- experimentally showing eco-driving to boost energy economy by 11% on average even in simple driving scenarios

    Map building, localization and exploration for multi-robot systems

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    The idea of having robots performing the task for which they have been designed completely autonomously and interacting with the environment has been the main objective since the beginning of mobile robotics. In order to achieve such a degree of autonomy, it is indispensable for the robot to have a map of the environment and to know its location in it, in addition to being able to solve other problems such as motion control and path planning towards its goal. During the fulfillment of certain missions without a prior knowledge of its environment, the robot must use the inaccurate information provided by its on-board sensors to build a map at the same time it is located in it, arising the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) extensively studied in mobile robotics. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of robot teams due to their multiple benefits with respect to single-robot systems such as higher robustness, accuracy, efficiency and the possibility to cooperate to perform a task or to cover larger environments in less time. Robot formations also belongs to this field of cooperative robots, where they have to maintain a predefined structure while navigating in the environment. Despite their advantages, the complexity of autonomous multi-robot systems increases with the number of robots as a consequence of the larger amount of information available that must be handled, stored and transmitted through the communications network. Therefore, the development of these systems presents new difficulties when solving the aforementioned problems which, instead of being addressed individually for each robot, must be solved cooperatively to efficiently exploit all the information collected by the team. The design of algorithms in this multi-robot context should be directed to obtain greater scalability and performance to allow their online execution. This thesis is developed in the field of multi-robot systems and proposes solutions to the navigation, localization, mapping and path planning processes which form an autonomous system. The first part of contributions presented in this thesis is developed in the context of robot formations, which require greater team cooperation and synchronization, although they can be extended to systems without this navigation constraint. We propose localization, map refinement and exploration techniques under the assumption that the formation is provided with a map of the environment, possibly partial and inaccurate, wherein it has to carry out its commanded mission. In a second part, we propose a multi-robot SLAM approach without any assumption about the prior knowledge of a map nor the relationships between robots in which we make use of state of the art methodologies to efficiently manage the resources available in the system. The performance and efficiency of the proposed robot formation and multi-robot SLAM systems have been demonstrated through their implementation and testing both in simulations and with real robots

    Interactive Motion Planning for Multi-agent Systems with Physics-based and Behavior Constraints

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    Man-made entities and humans rely on movement as an essential form of interaction with the world. Whether it is an autonomous vehicle navigating crowded roadways or a simulated pedestrian traversing a virtual world, each entity must compute safe, effective paths to achieve their goals. In addition, these entities, termed agents, are subject to unique physical and behavioral limitations within their environment. For example, vehicles have a finite physical turning radius and must obey behavioral constraints such as traffic signals and rules of the road. Effective motion planning algorithms for diverse agents must account for these physics-based and behavior constraints. In this dissertation, we present novel motion planning algorithms that account for constraints which physically limit the agent and impose behavioral limitations on the virtual agents. We describe representational approaches to capture specific physical constraints on the various agents and propose abstractions to model behavior constraints affecting them. We then describe algorithms to plan motions for agents who are subject to the modeled constraints. First, we describe a biomechanically accurate elliptical representation for virtual pedestrians; we also describe human-like movement constraints corresponding to shoulder-turning and side-stepping in dense environments. We detail a novel motion planning algorithm extending velocity obstacles to generate collisionfree paths for hundreds of elliptical agents at interactive rates. Next, we describe an algorithm to encode dynamics and traffic-like behavior constraints for autonomous vehicles in urban and highway environments. We describe a motion planning algorithm to generate safe, high-speed avoidance maneuvers using a novel optimization function and modified control obstacle formulation, and we also present a simulation framework to evaluate driving strategies. Next, we present an approach to incorporate high-level reasoning to model the motions and behaviors of virtual agents in terms of verbal interactions with other agents or avatars. Our approach leverages natural-language interaction to reduce uncertainty and generate effective plans. Finally, we describe an application of our techniques to simulate pedestrian behaviors for gathering simulated data about loading, unloading, and evacuating an aircraft.Doctor of Philosoph

    Individual accessibility and segregation on activity spaces: an agent-based modelling approach

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    One of the main challenges of cities is the increasing social inequality imposed by the way population groups, jobs, amenities and services, as well as the transportation infrastructure, are distributed across urban space. In this thesis, the concepts of accessibility and segregation are used to study these inequalities. They can be defined as the interaction of individuals with urban opportunities and with individuals from other population groups, respectively. Interactions are made possible by people’s activities and movement within a city, which characterise accessibility and segregation as inherently dynamic and individual-based concepts. Nevertheless, they are largely studied from a static and place-based perspective. This thesis proposes an analytical and exploratory framework for studying individual-based accessibility and segregation in cities using individuals’ travel trajectories in space and time. An agent-based simulation model was developed to generate individual trajectories dynamically, employing standard datasets such as census and OD matrices and allowing for multiple perspectives of analysis by grouping individuals based on their attributes. The model’s ability to simulate people’s trajectories realistically was validated through systematic sensitivity tests and statistical comparison with real-world trajectories from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and travel times from London, UK. The approach was applied to two exploratory studies: São Paulo, Brazil, and London, UK. The first revealed inequalities in accessibility by income, education and gender and also unveiled within-group differences beyond place-based patterns. The latter explored ethnic segregation, unveiling patterns of potential interaction among ethnic groups in the urban space beyond their residential and workplace locations. Those studies demonstrated how inequality in accessibility and segregation can be studied both at large metropolitan scales and at fine level of detail, using standard datasets, with modest computational requirements and ease of operationalisation. The proposed approach opens up avenues for the study of complex dynamics of interaction of urban populations in a variety of urban contexts

    Activity Report 2022

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