234,298 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Algorithm for Simulating Reversible Aggregation of Multisite Particles

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    We present an efficient and exact Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate reversible aggregation of particles with dedicated binding sites. This method introduces a novel data structure of dynamic bond tree to record clusters and sequences of bond formations. The algorithm achieves a constant time cost for processing cluster association and a cost between O(logM)\mathcal{O}(\log M) and O(M)\mathcal{O}(M) for processing bond dissociation in clusters with MM bonds. The algorithm is statistically exact and can reproduce results obtained by the standard method. We applied the method to simulate a trivalent ligand and a bivalent receptor clustering system and obtained an average scaling of O(M0.45)\mathcal{O}(M^{0.45}) for processing bond dissociation in acyclic aggregation, compared to a linear scaling with the cluster size in standard methods. The algorithm also demands substantially less memory than the conventional method.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Efficient MaxCount and threshold operators of moving objects

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    Calculating operators of continuously moving objects presents some unique challenges, especially when the operators involve aggregation or the concept of congestion, which happens when the number of moving objects in a changing or dynamic query space exceeds some threshold value. This paper presents the following six d-dimensional moving object operators: (1) MaxCount (or MinCount), which finds the Maximum (or Minimum) number of moving objects simultaneously present in the dynamic query space at any time during the query time interval. (2) CountRange, which finds a count of point objects whose trajectories intersect the dynamic query space during the query time interval. (3) ThresholdRange, which finds the set of time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. (4) ThresholdSum, which finds the total length of all the time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. (5) ThresholdCount, which finds the number of disjoint time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. And (6) ThresholdAverage, which finds the average length of time of all the time intervals when the dynamic query space is congested. For these operators separate algorithms are given to find only estimate or only precise values. Experimental results from more than 7,500 queries indicate that the estimation algorithms produce fast, efficient results with error under 5%

    Generating Contour Maps for Dynamic Fields Monitored by Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks provide a new tool that enables researchers and scientists to efficiently monitor dynamic fields. In order to extend the lifetime of the network, it is important for us to minimize network data transmission as much as possible. Previous work proposed many useful aggregation techniques to answer max, min and average questions, and some of them have been employed in real applications. But we cannot get spatial information from these aggregation techniques. This thesis presents an efficient aggregation technique for continuous generation of contour maps for a dynamic field monitored by a wireless sensor network. A contour map is a useful data representation schema that provides an efficient way to visualize an approximation to the monitored field. In this thesis, we discuss an energy-efficient technique, which we call Isovector Aggregation, for generating such contours using an in-network approach. Our technique achieves energy efficiency in two principal ways. Firstly, only a selection of nodes close to contours are chosen to report, and each reported message contains information about a part or all of the contours, rather than any single node’s ID and value pair. Secondly, contours are progressively merged and simplified along the data routing tree, which eliminates many unnecessary contour points from contour vectors before they are transmitted back to the base station. Using Isovector Aggregation, the base station receives a complete representation of the contours that requires no further processing. Analysis shows that for region-related monitoring, Isovector Aggregation is the only technique that has O( n) traffic generation and that considers in-network traffic reduction at the same time. These two factors make Isovector Aggregation highly scalable. Experimental results using simulations also show that Isovector Aggregation involves considerably less data transmission compared to other approaches, such as the no-aggregation approach and the Isolines Aggregation technique, without compromising the accuracy of representations of the baseline maps

    Secure data aggregation in IoT using Efficient-CSDA

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    In recent days, IoT has been widely accepted and WSN (Wireless Sensor network) is being used for variety of the applications such as transportation, medical, environmental, military, it moreover the main aim to deploy the WSN is to collect the data about the given set of phenomena. The common task of WSN is to sense the data and send over the network. Moreover, due to the various purpose such as statistical analysis, the data aggregation is required.  However, the when the dynamic network topology is considered, it is considered to be the very difficult task to provide the secure and efficient data aggregation. The main issue here is to ensure the security and accuracy of the data aggregation. Hence, in this research we have proposed an algorithm named as E-SDA (Efficient Secure Data Aggregation) in order to provide the secure data. In this, the algorithm provides the flexibility to detect the dishonest honest through neighbor monitoring. Later, extensive simulation has been done in order to prove the convergence of our algorithm

    Time-Correlated Sparsification for Efficient Over-the-Air Model Aggregation in Wireless Federated Learning

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    Federated edge learning (FEEL) is a promising distributed machine learning (ML) framework to drive edge intelligence applications. However, due to the dynamic wireless environments and the resource limitations of edge devices, communication becomes a major bottleneck. In this work, we propose time-correlated sparsification with hybrid aggregation (TCS-H) for communication-efficient FEEL, which exploits jointly the power of model compression and over-the-air computation. By exploiting the temporal correlations among model parameters, we construct a global sparsification mask, which is identical across devices, and thus enables efficient model aggregation over-the-air. Each device further constructs a local sparse vector to explore its own important parameters, which are aggregated via digital communication with orthogonal multiple access. We further design device scheduling and power allocation algorithms for TCS-H. Experiment results show that, under limited communication resources, TCS-H can achieve significantly higher accuracy compared to the conventional top-K sparsification with orthogonal model aggregation, with both i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. data distributions

    Flexible Global Aggregation and Dynamic Client Selection for Federated Learning in Internet of Vehicles

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    Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative and privacy-preserving training of machine learning models within the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) realm. While FL effectively tackles privacy concerns, it also imposes significant resource requirements. In traditional FL, trained models are transmitted to a central server for global aggregation, typically in the cloud. This approach often leads to network congestion and bandwidth limitations when numerous devices communicate with the same server. The need for Flexible Global Aggregation and Dynamic Client Selection in FL for the IoV arises from the inherent characteristics of IoV environments. These include diverse and distributed data sources, varying data quality, and limited communication resources. By employing dynamic client selection, we can prioritize relevant and high-quality data sources, enhancing model accuracy. To address this issue, we propose an FL framework that selects global aggregation nodes dynamically rather than a single fixed aggregator. Flexible global aggregation ensures efficient utilization of limited network resources while accommodating the dynamic nature of IoV data sources. This approach optimizes both model performance and resource allocation, making FL in IoV more effective and adaptable. The selection of the global aggregation node is based on workload and communication speed considerations. Additionally, our framework overcomes the constraints associated with network, computational, and energy resources in the IoV environment by implementing a client selection algorithm that dynamically adjusts participants according to predefined parameters. Our approach surpasses Federated Averaging (FedAvg) and Hierarchical FL (HFL) regarding energy consumption, delay, and accuracy, yielding superior results

    Towards Efficient and Effective Deep Clustering with Dynamic Grouping and Prototype Aggregation

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    Previous contrastive deep clustering methods mostly focus on instance-level information while overlooking the member relationship within groups/clusters, which may significantly undermine their representation learning and clustering capability. Recently, some group-contrastive methods have been developed, which, however, typically rely on the samples of the entire dataset to obtain pseudo labels and lack the ability to efficiently update the group assignments in a batch-wise manner. To tackle these critical issues, we present a novel end-to-end deep clustering framework with dynamic grouping and prototype aggregation, termed as DigPro. Specifically, the proposed dynamic grouping extends contrastive learning from instance-level to group-level, which is effective and efficient for timely updating groups. Meanwhile, we perform contrastive learning on prototypes in a spherical feature space, termed as prototype aggregation, which aims to maximize the inter-cluster distance. Notably, with an expectation-maximization framework, DigPro simultaneously takes advantage of compact intra-cluster connections, well-separated clusters, and efficient group updating during the self-supervised training. Extensive experiments on six image benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of our approach over the state-of-the-art. Code is available at https://github.com/Regan-Zhang/DigPro