190 research outputs found

    Emerging applications of integrated optical microcombs for analogue RF and microwave photonic signal processing

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    We review new applications of integrated microcombs in RF and microwave photonic systems. We demonstrate a wide range of powerful functions including a photonic intensity high order and fractional differentiators, optical true time delays, advanced filters, RF channelizer and other functions, based on a Kerr optical comb generated by a compact integrated microring resonator, or microcomb. The microcomb is CMOS compatible and contains a large number of comb lines, which can serve as a high performance multiwavelength source for the transversal filter, thus greatly reduce the cost, size, and complexity of the system. The operation principle of these functions is theoretically analyzed, and experimental demonstrations are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 136 References. Photonics West 2018 invited paper, expanded version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1710.00678, arXiv:1710.0861

    Maximally flat and least-square co-design of variable fractional delay filters for wideband software-defined radio

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    This paper describes improvements in a Farrow-structured variable fractional delay (FD) Lagrange filter for all-pass FD interpolation. The main idea is to integrate the truncated sinc into the Farrow structure of a Lagrange filter, in order that a superior FD approximation in the least-square sense can be achieved. Its primary advantages are the lower level of mean-square-error (MSE) over the whole FD range and the reduced implementation cost. Extra design parameters are introduced for making the trade-off between MSE and maximal flatness under different design requirements. Design examples are included, illustrating an MSE reduction of 50% compared to a classical Farrow-structured Lagrange interpolator while the implementation cost is reduced. This improved variable FD interpolation system is suitable for many applications, such as sample rate conversion, digital beamforming and timing synchronization in wideband software-defined radio (SDR) communications

    FIR Filter Design Using Distributed Maximal Flatness Method

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    In the paper a novel method for filter design based on the distributed maximal flatness method is presented. The proposed approach is based on the method used to design the most common FIR fractional delay filter – the maximally flat filter. The MF filter demonstrates excellent performance but only in a relatively narrow frequency range around zero frequency but its magnitude response is no greater than one. This ,,passiveness” is the reason why despite of its narrow band of accurate approximation, the maximally flat filter is widely used in applications in which the adjustable delay is required in feedback loop. In the proposed method the maximal flatness conditions forced in standard approach at zero frequency are spread over the desired band of interest. In the result FIR filters are designed with width of the approximation band adjusted according to needs of the designer. Moreover a weighting function can be applied to the error function allowing for designs differing in error characteristics. Apart from the design of fractional delay filters the method is presented on the example of differentiator, raised cosine and square root raised cosine FIR filters. Additionally, the proposed method can be readily adapted for variable fractional delay filter design regardless of the filter type.

    Analisi e progettazione di filtri IIR derivativi per segnali quantizzati. Analysis and design of IIR differentiator for quantized signals

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    The IIR differentiators are nowadays largely studied for different kind of uses, such as in Sigma-Delta modulation and data compression. However, estimation of velocity, based on quantized signals (i.e. provided by incremental optical encoder) and using differentiators is still a challenge, since the quantization process has an associated error that shows non-linearity properties. The thesis provides a complete framework on IIR digital differentiators when used for velocity estimation with quantized position signals as input: the most important is a procedure that allows everyone to calculate the mean square error at the output of the filter when the autocorrelation of the input error is known. This achievement can be also applied to every kind of IIR filter giving to it a wide range of applications. Moreover, a comparison between the real error and the white noise approximation has been made, and also a new approximation, based on the worst case, has been developed. Last, a full spectral analysis of the filters and signals has been provided. Most of the results above have been provided and tested for the constant rate case, in order to optimize the IIR differentiator for system with low frequencies rate of changeopenEmbargo per motivi di segretezza e di proprietà dei risultati e informazioni sensibil

    Improved IIR Low-Pass Smoothers and Differentiators with Tunable Delay

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    Regression analysis using orthogonal polynomials in the time domain is used to derive closed-form expressions for causal and non-causal filters with an infinite impulse response (IIR) and a maximally-flat magnitude and delay response. The phase response of the resulting low-order smoothers and differentiators, with low-pass characteristics, may be tuned to yield the desired delay in the pass band or for zero gain at the Nyquist frequency. The filter response is improved when the shape of the exponential weighting function is modified and discrete associated Laguerre polynomials are used in the analysis. As an illustrative example, the derivative filters are used to generate an optical-flow field and to detect moving ground targets, in real video data collected from an airborne platform with an electro-optic sensor.Comment: To appear in Proc. International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Adelaide, 23rd-25th Nov. 201

    Digital Filter Design Using Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms

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    Digital filters are often used in digital signal processing applications. The design objective of a digital filter is to find the optimal set of filter coefficients, which satisfies the desired specifications of magnitude and group delay responses. Evolutionary algorithms are population-based meta-heuristic algorithms inspired by the biological behaviors of species. Compared to gradient-based optimization algorithms such as steepest descent and Newton’s like methods, these bio-inspired algorithms have the advantages of not getting stuck at local optima and being independent of the starting point in the solution space. The limitations of evolutionary algorithms include the presence of control parameters, problem specific tuning procedure, premature convergence and slower convergence rate. The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a swarm-based search meta-heuristic algorithm inspired by the foraging behaviors of honey bee colonies, with the benefit of a relatively fewer control parameters. In its original form, the ABC algorithm has certain limitations such as low convergence rate, and insufficient balance between exploration and exploitation in the search equations. In this dissertation, an ABC-AMR algorithm is proposed by incorporating an adaptive modification rate (AMR) into the original ABC algorithm to increase convergence rate by adjusting the balance between exploration and exploitation in the search equations through an adaptive determination of the number of parameters to be updated in every iteration. A constrained ABC-AMR algorithm is also developed for solving constrained optimization problems.There are many real-world problems requiring simultaneous optimizations of more than one conflicting objectives. Multiobjective (MO) optimization produces a set of feasible solutions called the Pareto front instead of a single optimum solution. For multiobjective optimization, if a decision maker’s preferences can be incorporated during the optimization process, the search process can be confined to the region of interest instead of searching the entire region. In this dissertation, two algorithms are developed for such incorporation. The first one is a reference-point-based MOABC algorithm in which a decision maker’s preferences are included in the optimization process as the reference point. The second one is a physical-programming-based MOABC algorithm in which physical programming is used for setting the region of interest of a decision maker. In this dissertation, the four developed algorithms are applied to solve digital filter design problems. The ABC-AMR algorithm is used to design Types 3 and 4 linear phase FIR differentiators, and the results are compared to those obtained by the original ABC algorithm, three improved ABC algorithms, and the Parks-McClellan algorithm. The constrained ABC-AMR algorithm is applied to the design of sparse Type 1 linear phase FIR filters of filter orders 60, 70 and 80, and the results are compared to three state-of-the-art design methods. The reference-point-based multiobjective ABC algorithm is used to design of asymmetric lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop FIR filters, and the results are compared to those obtained by the preference-based multiobjective differential evolution algorithm. The physical-programming-based multiobjective ABC algorithm is used to design IIR lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters, and the results are compared to three state-of-the-art design methods. Based on the obtained design results, the four design algorithms are shown to be competitive as compared to the state-of-the-art design methods