319 research outputs found

    Promoting Cooperation in Service-Oriented MAS through Social Plasticity and Incentives

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    [EN] In distributed environments where entities only have a partial view of the system, cooperation plays a key issue. In the case of decentralized service discovery in open service-oriented multi-agent systems, agents only know about the services they provide and their direct neighbors. Therefore, they need the cooperation of their neighbors in order to locate the required services. However, cooperation is not always present in open and distributed systems. Non-cooperative agents pursuing their own goals could refuse to forward queries from other agents to avoid the cost of this action; therefore, the efficiency of the decentralized service discovery could be seriously damaged. In this paper, we propose the combination of local structural changes and incentives in order to promote cooperation in the service discovery process. The results show that, even in scenarios where the predominant behavior is not collaborative the cooperation emerges.Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grants TIN2009-13839-C03-01, CSD2007-0022 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), FPU grant AP-2008-00601 awarded to E. del Val.Del Val Noguera, E.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Botti, V. (2013). Promoting Cooperation in Service-Oriented MAS through Social Plasticity and Incentives. Journal of Systems and Software. 86(2):520-537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2012.09.031S52053786

    Web Service Composition Processes: A Comparative Study

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    Cognitively-inspired Agent-based Service Composition for Mobile & Pervasive Computing

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    Automatic service composition in mobile and pervasive computing faces many challenges due to the complex and highly dynamic nature of the environment. Common approaches consider service composition as a decision problem whose solution is usually addressed from optimization perspectives which are not feasible in practice due to the intractability of the problem, limited computational resources of smart devices, service host's mobility, and time constraints to tailor composition plans. Thus, our main contribution is the development of a cognitively-inspired agent-based service composition model focused on bounded rationality rather than optimality, which allows the system to compensate for limited resources by selectively filtering out continuous streams of data. Our approach exhibits features such as distributedness, modularity, emergent global functionality, and robustness, which endow it with capabilities to perform decentralized service composition by orchestrating manifold service providers and conflicting goals from multiple users. The evaluation of our approach shows promising results when compared against state-of-the-art service composition models.Comment: This paper will appear on AIMS'19 (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services) on June 2

    An Overlay Architecture for Personalized Object Access and Sharing in a Peer-to-Peer Environment

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    Due to its exponential growth and decentralized nature, the Internet has evolved into a chaotic repository, making it difficult for users to discover and access resources of interest to them. As a result, users have to deal with the problem of information overload. The Semantic Web's emergence provides Internet users with the ability to associate explicit, self-described semantics with resources. This ability will facilitate in turn the development of ontology-based resource discovery tools to help users retrieve information in an efficient manner. However, it is widely believed that the Semantic Web of the future will be a complex web of smaller ontologies, mostly created by various groups of web users who share a similar interest, referred to as a Community of Interest. This thesis proposes a solution to the information overload problem using a user driven framework, referred to as a Personalized Web, that allows individual users to organize themselves into Communities of Interests based on ontologies agreed upon by all community members. Within this framework, users can define and augment their personalized views of the Internet by associating specific properties and attributes to resources and defining constraint-functions and rules that govern the interpretation of the semantics associated with the resources. Such views can then be used to capture the user's interests and integrate these views into a user-defined Personalized Web. As a proof of concept, a Personalized Web architecture that employs ontology-based semantics and a structured Peer-to-Peer overlay network to provide a foundation of semantically-based resource indexing and advertising is developed. In order to investigate mechanisms that support the resource advertising and retrieval of the Personalized Web architecture, three agent-driven advertising and retrieval schemes, the Aggressive scheme, the Crawler-based scheme, and the Minimum-Cover-Rule scheme, were implemented and evaluated in both stable and churn environments. In addition to the development of a Personalized Web architecture that deals with typical web resources, this thesis used a case study to explore the potential of the Personalized Web architecture to support future web service workflow applications. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the architecture can support the automation of service discovery, negotiation, and invocation, allowing service consumers to actualize a personalized web service workflow. Further investigation will be required to improve the performance of the automation and allow it to be performed in a secure and robust manner. In order to support the next generation Internet, further exploration will be needed for the development of a Personalized Web that includes ubiquitous and pervasive resources

    Semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer networks

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    This dissertation focuses on several research questions in the area of semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Going beyond the state of the art, the proposed semantic-based search strategy S2P2P offers a novel path-suggestion based query routing mechanism, providing a reasonable tradeoff between search performance and network traffic overhead. In addition, the first semantic-based data replication scheme DSDR is proposed. It enables peers to use semantic information to select replica numbers and target peers to address predicted future demands. With DSDR, k-random search can achieve better precision and recall than it can with a near-optimal non-semantic replication strategy. Further, this thesis introduces a functional automatic semantic service composition method, SPSC. Distinctively, it enables peers to jointly compose complex workflows with high cumulative recall but low network traffic overhead, using heuristic-based bidirectional haining and service memorization mechanisms. Its query branching method helps to handle dead-ends in a pruned search space. SPSC is proved to be sound and a lower bound of is completeness is given. Finally, this thesis presents iRep3D for semantic-index based 3D scene selection in P2P search. Its efficient retrieval scales to answer hybrid queries involving conceptual, functional and geometric aspects. iRep3D outperforms previous representative efforts in terms of search precision and efficiency.Diese Dissertation bearbeitet Forschungsfragen zur semantischen Suche und Komposition in unstrukturierten Peer-to-Peer Netzen(P2P). Die semantische Suchstrategie S2P2P verwendet eine neuartige Methode zur Anfrageweiterleitung basierend auf Pfadvorschlägen, welche den Stand der Wissenschaft übertrifft. Sie bietet angemessene Balance zwischen Suchleistung und Kommunikationsbelastung im Netzwerk. Außerdem wird das erste semantische System zur Datenreplikation genannt DSDR vorgestellt, welche semantische Informationen berücksichtigt vorhergesagten zukünftigen Bedarf optimal im P2P zu decken. Hierdurch erzielt k-random-Suche bessere Präzision und Ausbeute als mit nahezu optimaler nicht-semantischer Replikation. SPSC, ein automatisches Verfahren zur funktional korrekten Komposition semantischer Dienste, ermöglicht es Peers, gemeinsam komplexe Ablaufpläne zu komponieren. Mechanismen zur heuristischen bidirektionalen Verkettung und Rückstellung von Diensten ermöglichen hohe Ausbeute bei geringer Belastung des Netzes. Eine Methode zur Anfrageverzweigung vermeidet das Feststecken in Sackgassen im beschnittenen Suchraum. Beweise zur Korrektheit und unteren Schranke der Vollständigkeit von SPSC sind gegeben. iRep3D ist ein neuer semantischer Selektionsmechanismus für 3D-Modelle in P2P. iRep3D beantwortet effizient hybride Anfragen unter Berücksichtigung konzeptioneller, funktionaler und geometrischer Aspekte. Der Ansatz übertrifft vorherige Arbeiten bezüglich Präzision und Effizienz

    Semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer networks

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    This dissertation focuses on several research questions in the area of semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Going beyond the state of the art, the proposed semantic-based search strategy S2P2P offers a novel path-suggestion based query routing mechanism, providing a reasonable tradeoff between search performance and network traffic overhead. In addition, the first semantic-based data replication scheme DSDR is proposed. It enables peers to use semantic information to select replica numbers and target peers to address predicted future demands. With DSDR, k-random search can achieve better precision and recall than it can with a near-optimal non-semantic replication strategy. Further, this thesis introduces a functional automatic semantic service composition method, SPSC. Distinctively, it enables peers to jointly compose complex workflows with high cumulative recall but low network traffic overhead, using heuristic-based bidirectional haining and service memorization mechanisms. Its query branching method helps to handle dead-ends in a pruned search space. SPSC is proved to be sound and a lower bound of is completeness is given. Finally, this thesis presents iRep3D for semantic-index based 3D scene selection in P2P search. Its efficient retrieval scales to answer hybrid queries involving conceptual, functional and geometric aspects. iRep3D outperforms previous representative efforts in terms of search precision and efficiency.Diese Dissertation bearbeitet Forschungsfragen zur semantischen Suche und Komposition in unstrukturierten Peer-to-Peer Netzen(P2P). Die semantische Suchstrategie S2P2P verwendet eine neuartige Methode zur Anfrageweiterleitung basierend auf Pfadvorschlägen, welche den Stand der Wissenschaft übertrifft. Sie bietet angemessene Balance zwischen Suchleistung und Kommunikationsbelastung im Netzwerk. Außerdem wird das erste semantische System zur Datenreplikation genannt DSDR vorgestellt, welche semantische Informationen berücksichtigt vorhergesagten zukünftigen Bedarf optimal im P2P zu decken. Hierdurch erzielt k-random-Suche bessere Präzision und Ausbeute als mit nahezu optimaler nicht-semantischer Replikation. SPSC, ein automatisches Verfahren zur funktional korrekten Komposition semantischer Dienste, ermöglicht es Peers, gemeinsam komplexe Ablaufpläne zu komponieren. Mechanismen zur heuristischen bidirektionalen Verkettung und Rückstellung von Diensten ermöglichen hohe Ausbeute bei geringer Belastung des Netzes. Eine Methode zur Anfrageverzweigung vermeidet das Feststecken in Sackgassen im beschnittenen Suchraum. Beweise zur Korrektheit und unteren Schranke der Vollständigkeit von SPSC sind gegeben. iRep3D ist ein neuer semantischer Selektionsmechanismus für 3D-Modelle in P2P. iRep3D beantwortet effizient hybride Anfragen unter Berücksichtigung konzeptioneller, funktionaler und geometrischer Aspekte. Der Ansatz übertrifft vorherige Arbeiten bezüglich Präzision und Effizienz

    Towards an efficient indexing and searching model for service discovery in a decentralised environment.

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    Given the growth and outreach of new information, communication, computing and electronic technologies in various dimensions, the amount of data has explosively increased in the recent years. Centralised systems suffer some limitations to dealing with this issue due to all data is stored in central data centres. Thus, decentralised systems are getting more attention and increasing in popularity. Moreover, efficient service discovery mechanisms have naturally become an essential component in both large-scale and small-scale decentralised systems and. This research study is aimed at modelling a novel efficient indexing and searching model for service discovery in decentralised environments comprising numerous repositories with massive stored services. The main contributions of this research study can be summarised in three components: a novel distributed multilevel indexing model, an optimised searching algorithm and a new simulation environment. Indexing model has been widely used for efficient service discovery. For instance; the inverted index is one of the popular indexing models used for service retrieval in consistent repositories. However, redundancies are inevitable in the inverted index which is significantly time-consuming in the service discovery and retrieval process. This theeis proposes a novel distributed multilevel indexing model (DM-index), which offers an efficient solution for service discovery and retrieval in distributed service repositories comprising massive stored services. The architecture of the proposed indexing model encompasses four hierarchical levels to eliminate redundancy information in service repositories, to narrow the searching space and to reduce the number of traversed services whilst discovering services. Distributed Hash Tables have been widely used to provide data lookup services with logarithmic message costs which only require maintenance of limited amounts of routing states. This thesis develops an optimised searching algorithm, named Double-layer No-redundancy Enhanced Bi-direction Chord (DNEB-Chord), to handle retrieval requests in distributed destination repositories efficiently. This DNEB-Chord algorithm achieves faster routing performances with the double-layer routing mechanism and optimal routing index. The efficiency of the developed indexing and searching model is evaluated through theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation in a newly developed simulation environment, named Distributed Multilevel Bi-direction Simulator (DMBSim), which can be used as cost efficient tool for exploring various service configurations, user retrieval requirements and other parameter settings. Both the theoretical validation and experimental evaluations demonstrate that the service discovery efficiency of the DM-index outperforms the sequential index and inverted index configurations. Furthermore, the experimental evaluation results demostrate that the DNEB-Chord algorithm performs better than the Chord in terms of reducing the incurred hop counts. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed indexing and searching model can achieve better service discovery performances in large-scale decentralised environments comprising numerous repositories with massive stored services.N/

    Distributed discovery and management of alternate paths with enhanced quality of service in the internet

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    La convergence de récentes avancées technologiques permet l'émergence de nouveaux environnements informatiques pervasifs, dans lesquels des terminaux en réseaux coopèrent et communiquent de manière transparente pour les utilisateurs. Ces utilisateurs demandent des fonctionalités de plus en plus avancées de la part de ces terminaux. Etant données les limites intrinsèques des terminaux mobiles, ces fonctionalités, au lieu d'être directement implémentées dans les terminaux, sont appelées à être fournies par des fournisseurs de services situés à la périphérie du réseau. Ce derniers devient alors une source illimitée de services, et non plus seulement un medium de communication. Ces services, ou applications d'overlays, sont formés de plusieurs éléments applicatifs distribués qui coopèrent et communiquent entre eux via un réseau de recouvrement dynamique particulier, une association d'overlay. La Qualité de Service (QdS) perçue par les utilisateurs d'une application d'overlay dépend de la QdS existant au niveau des chemins de communications qui forment l'association d'overlay correspondante. Cette thèse montre qu'il est possible de fournir de la QdS à une application d'overlay en utilisant des chemins Internet alternatifs, résultant de la composition de chemins distincts. De plus, cette thèse montre également qu'il est possible de découvrir, sélectionner, et composer d'une manière distribuée ces chemins élémentaires, au sein d'une communauté comprenant un nombre important d'entités paires (telles que les précédents fournisseurs de services). Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont : i) une description et une analyse des caractéristiques de QdS de ces chemins alternatifs composés, ii) une architecture originale appelée SPAD (Super-Peer based Alternate path Discovery), qui permet la découverte et la sélection de manière distribuée de ces chemins alternatifs. SPAD est un système complètement décentralisé, qui peut être facilement et incrémentalement déployé sur l'Internet actuel. Il permet aux utilisateurs situés à la périphérie du réseau de découvrir et d'utiliser directement des chemins alternatifs. ABSTRACT : The convergence of recent technology advances opens the way to new ubiquitous environments, where network-enabled devices collectively form invisible pervasive computing and networking environments around the users. These users increasingly require extensive applications and capabilities from these devices. Recent approaches propose that cooperating service providers, at the edge of the network, offer these required capabilities (i.e services), instead of having them directly provided by the devices. Thus, the network evolves from a plain communication medium into an endless source of services. Such a service, namely an overlay application, is composed of multiple distributed application elements, which cooperate via a dynamic communication mesh, namely an overlay association. The Quality of Service (QoS) perceived by the users of an overlay application greatly depends on the QoS on the communication paths of the corresponding overlay association. This thesis asserts and shows that it is possible to provide QoS to an overlay application by using alternate Internet paths resulting from the compositions of independent consecutive paths. Moreover, this thesis also demonstrates that it is possible to discover, select and compose these independent paths in a distributed manner within an community comprising a limited large number of autonomous cooperating peers, such as the fore-mentioned service providers. Thus, the main contributions of this thesis are i) a comprehensive description and QoS characteristic analysis of these composite alternate paths, and ii) an original architecture, termed SPAD (Super-Peer based Alternate path Discovery), which allows the discovery and selection of these alternate paths in a distributed manner. SPAD is a fully distributed system with no single point of failure, which can be easily and incrementally deployed on the current Internet. It empowers the end-users at the edge of the network, allowing them to directly discover and utilize alternate paths