12 research outputs found

    Efficient spatial keyword query processing on geo-textual data

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    A Study on Time-Dependent Reachability and Route Scheduling in Road Network

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    Indoor Top-k Keyword-aware Routing Query

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    First person theatre: how performative tactics and frameworks (re)emerging in the digital age are forming a new personal-as-political

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    This study sets out to explore first person theatre as a means of opening the individual to the problems of contemporary capitalism and its increasing pervasion of the personal in an era of embeddedness enabled by networked pervasive technology. Firstly setting out key definitions and a theoretical analysis of the problems of being in the digital age in chapter 1, and then setting this against the history of interaction in performance in chapter 2. The study then goes on (in chapters 3-5) to investigate three key aspects of first person performance as personal-as-political; sound and the city, play and games, and interactive theatre. In the final chapter, The Umbrella Project develops a piece of first person theatre as practice, a method of investigation that is vital to a thesis that discusses politics, late capitalism, and the means to resist the message-sending of private interests as fundamentally only to be understood in practice. For this reason, too, chapters 3, 4 and 5 are supported by key case studies discussing other first person theatre practice. By placing the participant at the centre of the world-constituting process of theatre in the hot space between what is and what if this study suggests that first person theatre is able to open the contemporary individual to an inbetween where they might re-see, reflect and react to what is. To imagine and, if wished, act upon a what if. In an age of the disrupted near and far, the vanishing of the interface, of the false rhetoric of choice of personalisation , and the often false rhetoric of agency at the end of the era of broadcast, first person theatre offers the subject a route to individual agency, an understanding of the urban environment as construct, and to their relationship with the subjective other something which this thesis suggests is a personal-as-political practice to rival the Spectacle of late capitalism

    Archibald Reiss Days : Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 10-11 March 2016. Vol. 1

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    The Thematic Collection of Papers is a result of the International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, which was organized by the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, National Police University of China, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Volgograd Academy of the Russian Internal Affairs Ministry, Faculty of Security in Skopje, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security in Ljubljana, Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ in Bucharest, Academy of Police Force in Bratislava and Police College in Banjaluka, and held at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, on 10 and 11 March 2016. The International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” is organized for the sixth time in a row, in memory of the founder and director of the first modern higher police school in Serbia, Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, PhD, after whom the Conference was named. The Thematic Collection of Papers contains 165 papers written by eminent scholars in the field of law, security, criminalistics, police studies, forensics, informatics, as well as by members of national security system participating in education of the police, army and other security services from Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom. Each paper has been double-blind peer reviewed by two reviewers, international experts competent for the field to which the paper is related, and the Thematic Conference Proceedings in whole has been reviewed by five competent international reviewers. The papers published in the Thematic Collection of Papers contain the overview of contemporary trends in the development of police education system, development of the police and contemporary security, criminalistic and forensic concepts. Furthermore, they provide us with the analysis of the rule of law activities in crime suppression, situation and trends in the above-mentioned fields, as well as suggestions on how to systematically deal with these issues. The Collection of Papers represents a significant contribution to the existing fund of scientific and expert knowledge in the field of criminalistic, security, penal and legal theory and practice. Publication of this Collection contributes to improving of mutual cooperation between educational, scientific and expert institutions at national, regional and international level

    The Development of a Method for the Identification and Selection of Preservation Values for the Protection of WWII United States Army Airbases in Texas

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    Currently no compendiums of values exist that systematically outline criteria needed to guide historical and cultural conservation of the remaining AAF bases in Texas. This study examines buildings previously considered mundane and expendable to provide guidance to preservationists so that they may assign historical and cultural value to WWII AAF bases in Texas. This study analyzes criteria that could be used to determine the value of remaining assets at Bryan AAB, Hearne AAB, and Carswell AFB in Texas. This project analyzes the prevailing international standards currently used with the intent of developing values and standards across major international preservation societies and organizations that may be applied to AAF bases in Texas. Next, the study develops a process of systematic evaluation that produces an Optimal Conservation Index (OCI). An OCI is derived when a project administrator evaluates the overall project to determine the genotype and phenotype configuration of specific components of the project. Four primary objectives and fourteen standards were developed to guide the preservation efforts following careful evaluation of word repetition counts using the Getty Institute compilation of international conservation statements. These were categorized in pragmatic, semantic, and syntactic groups to generate a numerical value, intended to give overarching guidance to the leaders and stakeholders of the conservation project. The values were averaged and tabulated to derive the OCI. The conclusion of this study recommends the initial OCI be used to educate all stakeholders in the project to foster consensus after they have had an opportunity to evaluate and, if necessary, modify the OCI evaluation process. Once the OCI has been established to the agreement of all the stakeholders, it should be utilized to prioritize conservation efforts. Please note that a substantial number of the photos and all of the charts and graphs in this document are from the private collection of the author. As such, no citation is required as they are explained in the text

    Interdisciplinarity in the Age of the Triple Helix: a Film Practitioner's Perspective

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    This integrative chapter contextualises my research including articles I have published as well as one of the creative artefacts developed from it, the feature film The Knife That Killed Me. I review my work considering the ways in which technology, industry methods and academic practice have evolved as well as how attitudes to interdisciplinarity have changed, linking these to Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff’s ‘Triple Helix’ model (1995). I explore my own experiences and observations of opportunities and challenges that have been posed by the intersection of different stakeholder needs and expectations, both from industry and academic perspectives, and argue that my work provides novel examples of the applicability of the ‘Triple Helix’ to the creative industries. The chapter concludes with a reflection on the evolution and direction of my work, the relevance of the ‘Triple Helix’ to creative practice, and ways in which this relationship could be investigated further