9,375 research outputs found

    Why Cooperate? Ethical Analysis of InfoSec Vulnerability Disclosure

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    Vendors, security consultants and information security researchers seek guidance on if and when to disclose information about specific software or hardware security vulnerabilities. We apply Kantianism to argue that vendors and third parties (InfoSec researchers, consultants, and other interested parties) have an ethical obligation to inform customers and business partners (such as channel partners or providers of complementary products and services) about specific software vulnerabilities (thus addressing if disclosure should occur). We apply Utilitarianism to address the question of when disclosure should occur. By applying these two philosophical perspectives we conclude that to maximize social welfare, vendors should release software fixes as soon as possible, and third parties should adopt a coordinated disclosure policy to avoid placing customers and business partners at unnecessary risk

    Essays on software vulnerability coordination

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    Software vulnerabilities are software bugs with security implications. Exposure to a security bug makes a software system behave in unexpected ways when the bug is exploited. As software vulnerabilities are thus a classical way to compromise a software system, these have long been coordinated in the global software industry in order to lessen the risks. This dissertation claims that the coordination occurs in a complex and open socio-technical system composed of decentralized software units and heterogeneous software agents, including not only software engineers but also other actors, from security specialists and software testers to attackers with malicious motives. Vulnerability disclosure is a classical example of the associated coordination; a security bug is made known to a software vendor by the discoverer of the bug, a third-party coordinator, or public media. The disclosure is then used to patch the bug. In addition to patching, the bug is typically archived to databases, cataloged and quantified for additional information, and communicated to users with a security advisory. Although commercial solutions have become increasingly important, the underlying coordination system is still governed by multiple stakeholders with vested interests. This governance has continued to result in different inefficiencies. Thus, this dissertation examines four themes: (i) disclosure of software vulnerabilities; (ii) coordination of these; (iii) evolution of these across time; and (iv) automation potential. The philosophical position is rooted in scientific realism and positivism, while regression analysis forms the kernel of the methodology. Based on these themes, the results indicate that (a) when vulnerability disclosure has worked, it has been relatively efficient; the obstacles have been social rather than technical in nature, originating from the diverging interests of the stakeholders who have different incentives. Furthermore, (b) the efficiency applies also to the coordination of different identifiers and classifications for the vulnerabilities disclosed. Longitudinally, (c) also the evolution of software vulnerabilities across time reflect distinct software and vulnerability life cycle models and the incentives underneath. Finally, (d) there is potential to improve the coordination efficiency through software automation

    Are Markets for Vulnerabilities Effective?

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    Security vulnerabilities are inextricably linked to information systems. Unable to eliminate these vulnerabilities, the security community is left to minimize their impact. Unfortunately, current reward structures may be skewed towards benefiting nefarious usage of vulnerability information rather than responsible disclosure. Recently suggested market-based mechanisms offer some hope by providing incentives to responsible security researchers. However, concerns exist that any benefits gained through increased incentives may be more than lost through information leakage. Using two years of security alert data, we examine the effectiveness of market-based mechanisms. While market-mechanisms do not reduce the likelihood that a vulnerability will be exploited, we find evidence that markets increase the time to vulnerability exploit and decrease the overall volume of alerts

    AVOIDIT IRS: An Issue Resolution System To Resolve Cyber Attacks

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    Cyber attacks have greatly increased over the years and the attackers have progressively improved in devising attacks against specific targets. Cyber attacks are considered a malicious activity launched against networks to gain unauthorized access causing modification, destruction, or even deletion of data. This dissertation highlights the need to assist defenders with identifying and defending against cyber attacks. In this dissertation an attack issue resolution system is developed called AVOIDIT IRS (AIRS). AVOIDIT IRS is based on the attack taxonomy AVOIDIT (Attack Vector, Operational Impact, Defense, Information Impact, and Target). Attacks are collected by AIRS and classified into their respective category using AVOIDIT.Accordingly, an organizational cyber attack ontology was developed using feedback from security professionals to improve the communication and reusability amongst cyber security stakeholders. AIRS is developed as a semi-autonomous application that extracts unstructured external and internal attack data to classify attacks in sequential form. In doing so, we designed and implemented a frequent pattern and sequential classification algorithm associated with the five classifications in AVOIDIT. The issue resolution approach uses inference to educate the defender on the plausible cyber attacks. The AIRS can work in conjunction with an intrusion detection system (IDS) to provide a heuristic to cyber security breaches within an organization. AVOIDIT provides a framework for classifying appropriate attack information, which is fundamental in devising defense strategies against such cyber attacks. The AIRS is further used as a knowledge base in a game inspired defense architecture to promote game model selection upon attack identification. Future work will incorporate honeypot attack information to improve attack identification, classification, and defense propagation.In this dissertation, 1,025 common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) and over 5,000 lines of log files instances were captured in the AIRS for analysis. Security experts were consulted to create rules to extract pertinent information and algorithms to correlate identified data for notification. The AIRS was developed using the Codeigniter [74] framework to provide a seamless visualization tool for data mining regarding potential cyber attacks relative to web applications. Testing of the AVOIDIT IRS revealed a recall of 88%, precision of 93%, and a 66% correlation metric

    Terrorism, Security, and Environmental Protection

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    Essays on exploitation and exploration in software development

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    Software development includes two types of activities: software improvement activities by correcting faults and software enhancement activities by adding new features. Based on organizational theory, we propose that these activities can be classified as implementation-oriented (exploitation) and innovation-oriented (exploration). In the context of open source software (OSS) development, developing a patch would be an example of an exploitation activity. Requesting a new software feature would be an example of an exploration activity. This dissertation consists of three essays which examine exploitation and exploration in software development. The first essay analyzes software patch development (exploitation) in the context of software vulnerabilities which could be exploited by hackers. There is a need for software vendors to make software patches available in a timely manner for vulnerabilities in their products. We develop a survival analysis model of the patch release behavior of software vendors based on a cost-based framework of software vendors. We test this model using a data set compiled from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), and vendor web sites. Our results indicate that vulnerabilities with high confidentiality impact or high integrity impact are patched faster than vulnerabilities with high availability impact. Interesting differences in the patch release behavior of software vendors based on software type (new release vs. update) and type of vendor (open source vs. proprietary) are found. The second essay studies exploitation and exploration in the content of OSS development. We empirically examine the differences between exploitation (patch development) and exploration (feature request) networks of developers in OSS projects in terms of their social network structure, using a data set collected from the SourceForge database. We identify a new category of developers (ambidextrous developers) in OSS projects who contribute to patch development as well as feature request activities. Our results indicate that a patch development network has greater internal cohesion and network centrality than a feature request network. In contrast, a feature request network has greater external connectivity than a patch development network. The third essay explores ambidexterity and ambidextrous developers in the context of OSS project performance. Recent research on OSS development has studied the social network structure of software developers as a determinant of project success. However, this stream of research has focused on the project level, and has not recognized the fact that software projects could consist of different types of activities, each of which could require different types of expertise and network structures. We develop a theoretical construct for ambidexterity based on the concept of ambidextrous developers. We empirically illustrate the effects of ambidexterity and network characteristics on OSS project performance. Our results indicate that a moderate level of ambidexterity, external cohesion, and technological diversity are desirable for project success. Project success is also positively related to internal cohesion and network centrality. We illustrate the roles of ambidextrous developers on project performance and their differences compared to other developers

    Analysis of update delays in signature-based network intrusion detection systems

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    Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) monitor network traffic looking for attempts to compromise the security of the system they protect. Signature-based NIDS rely on a set of known attack patterns to match malicious traffic. Accordingly, they are unable to detect a specific attack until a specific signature for the corresponding vulnerability is created, tested, released and deployed. Although vital, the delay in the updating process of these systems has not been studied in depth. This paper presents a comprehensive statistical analysis of this delay in relation to the vulnerability disclosure time, the updates of vulnerability detection systems (VDS), the software patching releases and the publication of exploits. The widely deployed NIDS Snort and its detection signatures release dates have been used. Results show that signature updates are typically available later than software patching releases. Moreover, Snort rules are generally released within the first 100 days from the vulnerability disclosure and most of the times exploits and the corresponding NIDS rules are published with little difference. Implications of these results are drawn in the context of security policy definition. This study can be easily kept up to date due to the methodology used.Publicad

    Ethics and Uncertainty: In Vitro Fertilization and Risks to Women\u27s Health

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    Dr. de Melo-Martin examines the risks, uncertainties and public policies surrounding in vitro fertilization and women\u27s health issues

    Exploring Lawful Hacking as a Possible Answer to the Going Dark Debate

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    The debate on government access to encrypted data, popularly known as the “going dark” debate, has intensified over the years. On the one hand, law enforcement authorities have been pushing for mandatory exceptional access mechanisms on encryption systems in order to enable criminal investigations of both data in transit and at rest. On the other hand, both technical and industry experts argue that this solution compromises the security of encrypted systems and, thus, the privacy of their users. Some claim that other means of investigation could provide the information authorities seek without weakening encryption, with lawful hacking being one of the most suggested alternatives. “Lawful hacking,” also known as “government hacking,” consists in the deployment, by investigative authorities, of tools that allow for the intrusion into computer systems, enabling access to its contents. Although this form of investigation seems to be essential in an increasingly connected society, it is important to understand security and privacy risks of different lawful hacking regulatory approaches. Considering that some countries are already enacting legal frameworks related to it, I aim to highlight the issues that should be properly addressed in order to position lawful hacking as one of the viable answers to the “going dark” debate
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