21 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the Inquiry Based Learning Model Based on Mobile Learning on Students' Creative Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the inquiry-based learning model based on Mobile Learning on Students' Creative Thinking Skills. This type of research is quantitative research with meta-analysis methods. The data source comes from analysis of national and international journals. The process of searching for data sources through the Google Scholar, ERIC, DOAJ, Wiley, Taylor of Francis and Plos ONE databases. Inclusion criteria are data sources from national and international journals indexed by SINTA; Scopus, WOS, DOAJ and EBSCO, Research must be related to inquiry models, mobile learning and critical thinking skills, Journals must be published in 2017-2023 and have a value (r), (t), or F N ≥ 25. Research results of 18 studies explains that the inquiry-based learning model based on mobile learning has a significant effect on students' creative thinking skills (z = 6.713; p < 0.001; CI 95% (0.784; 1.206). The effect size in this study is high criteria (rRE = 0.885). These findings show the application of mobile learning-based inquiry learning models has a major effect on students' creative thinking skills

    M-learning for technical and vocational education training (TVET)

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    Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) plays an important role in shaping human workforce to meet the requirements set by the job market. As to equip the manpower with necessary skills to perform in the job market, the education and training delivery system must be improved. Therefore, TVET institutions take up the challenge by changing the curriculum content and the delivery system to produce students who have both the knowledge and skills. Teaching and learning are not only practiced traditionally where teachers focus on activities in the classroom solely, but it must in accordance with the latest technologies. Therefore, teachers’ must be up-to-date with the latest technologies such as the use of mobile devices for the delivery of instruction and they also need to have the necessary knowledge to plan and deliver the content. Specifically, this paper discusses the concepts of mobile learning in technical and vocational contexts, devices used in Mobile Learning, benefits of Mobile Learning, and challenges that exist in the implementation of Mobile Learning. This paper is technically reviewed using document analysis. The documents reviewed are from journal article, conference proceedings, concept paper; accessed via Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Library web portal (www.psz.utm.my). From the review, the researchers provide insights to the need of implementing Mobile Learning in the context of TVET and at the same time improving the quality of education in the vocational context

    An Inquiry-Based Learning Approach for Effective Concept Teaching

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of simulation supported inquiry-based learning on the conceptual understanding of pre-service teachers about the capacitors. The participants of research consist of 50 pre-service teachers studying at a state university in Turkey. The participants were divided into two groups of 25 each on the basis of their physics grades in the previous semester. The research was patterned according to non-equivalent control group design with pretest and posttest. In the research, simulation-supported inquiry-based learning was used in the experimental group, and lecture-based learning supported by simulations in the control group. The research data were collected with the Capacitor Concept Test prepared by the researchers. The findings of the research showed that pre-service teachers had various misconceptions about the parallel plate capacitors before the implementation. The research revealed that inquiry-based learning was found to be more effective than the lecture-based learning in eliminating these misconceptions

    Mobile application to enhance writing skills for tenth graders of Unidad Educativa Alfa y Omega, la Libertad, province of Santa Elena, school year 2018-2019.

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    The present work is an investigation which objective was to establish the use of WhatsApp as a teaching tool to enhance the writing skills on 23 students of tenth basic year at Unidad Educativa Alfa y Omega, in Santa Elena Province, Ecuador. The investigational group was allowed to use WhatsApp messenger Application in a smart device, whose principal characteristics are the usefulness of groups chatting, personal chatting sharing that allowed enhancing the writing skills on students through the practice of interactive activities, lectures and podcast. For the development of this research it was required to apply the qualitative method by implementing techniques such as: Focus group, observation and interviews. The results of these analysis demonstrated that the application of mobile learning technique in a smart device (WhatsApp), generate significant effects on writing skills of students such as the improvement of writing skill. These outcomes suggest that teachers should start changing traditional ways of teaching English specifically in the writing training sessions and explore new methods to improve production on students

    The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis

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    AbstractMobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones have become a learning tool with great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning. Although there have been qualitative analyses of the use of mobile devices in education, systematic quantitative analyses of the effects of mobile-integrated education are lacking. This study performed a meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated mobile devices in teaching and learning, in which 110 experimental and quasiexperimental journal articles published during the period 1993–2013 were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a moderate mean effect size of 0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education. The effect sizes of moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were synthesized based on content analyses of individual studies. The results of this study and their implications for both research and practice are discussed

    A review of the types of mobile activities in mobile inquiry-based learning

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    Inquiry-based Learning is increasingly suggested as an efficient approach for fostering learners’ curiosity and motivation. It helps learners to develop their ability to work in complex and unpredictable environments making them more critical thinkers and agentic learners. Although mobile technology is a suitable support for this learning process, there is a lack of practical strategies for educational practitioners to enact the right balance between enabling the agency and supporting the students through the mobile technology. Thus, we conducted a literature review that analyzed 62 studies on mobile inquiry- based learning. The analysis focused on the level of agency supported by mobile technology. This review study provided two main results. The first result is a two-layer classification –with five types and twelve subtypes– of the most common mobile activities used in inquiry-based learning. The types and subtypes are: 1) Direct instruction formed by 1a) location guidance, 1b) procedural guidance and 1c) metacognitive guidance, 2) Access to content formed by 2a) fixed and 2b) dynamic content, 3) Data collection that consists of 3a) cooperative and 3b) collaborative data collection, 4) Peer-to-peer communication formed by 4a) asynchronous and 4b) synchronous social communications and 5) Contextual support that includes 5a) augmented experience, 5b) immersive experience and 5c) adaptive feedback. The second result consists of an analytical framework –based on six dimensions– to assess the level of agency supported by the different types of mobile activities. The learners’ agency dimensions are: 1) Goals, 2) Content, 3) Actions, 4) Strategies, 5) Reflection and 6) Monitoring. Finally, the review presents insights on how this analytical framework can be used by educational practitioners to identify mobile activities that effectively balance learners’ agency with mobile technology. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131517302397?via%3Dihu

    Smart device application as teaching tool for improving listening skill to students of second bachillerato bgu at unidad educativa Liceo Cristiano Peninsular. La libertad, province of Santa Elena, school year 2015 - 2016.

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    The present work is an investigation which objective was to establish the use of whatsApp as a teaching tool to improve the listening skills on 15 students from second bachillerato BGU at unidad educativa Liceo Cristiano Peninsular, in Santa Elena province, Ecuador. The investigational group was allowed to use whatsApp cross mobile application in a smart device, whose principal characteristics are the usefulness of audio message sending and video sharing that allowed enhancing the listening skills on students through the practice of songs, video clips, lectures and podcast. For the development of this research it was required to apply the qualitative method by implementing techniques such as: Focus group, observation and interviews. The results of these analysis demonstrated that the application of mobile learning technique in a smart device (whatsApp), generate significant effects on listening skills of students such as the improvement of listening skill among 12% and 20% where students passed from A2.1 to A2.2 level in listening skills according to common european framework reference since the encouragement and confidence that scholars feel while they use a social network properly. These outcomes suggest that teachers should start changing traditional ways of teaching English specifically in the listening training sessions and explore new methods to improve production on students