10 research outputs found

    Examining the Impact of Omnichannel retailing on Buying Intention Using Binary Models

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    The last decade showed that the customer journey is no longer linear and now contains numerous touchpoints. Omni-channel retailing intends to provide a smooth retail experience irrespective of where the consumer is on the internet or in-store, and which device they are using, or which channel they are accessing content through. The objective of this study was to check whether the integration of omnichannel has any impact on the buying intention of consumers in retail stores. The study used Probit and Logistic model to fulfill the study objective. The results show that omnichannel integration in retail stores has a significant positive impact on buying intention. Moreover, the results also show that the quality of the product, brand image, and social influence has a significant positive impact on the buying intention in the context of retail stores. This study recommends that retail stores can influence the buying intention of consumers by implanting an effective omnichannel strategy

    Moderating role of lean practices on the relationship between on-shelf availability and retail SMEs performance

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    Firm performance is a critical issue for Malaysian industries. This includes the retail sector which always strives for on-shelf availability superior performance. The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships between on-shelf availability (OSA) and the SMEs’ performance (FP) of the retail subsector. This empirical research integrated OSA drivers, namely operational (OPS), behavioral (BVL), managerial (MGR) and coordination (CDN). Studies focusing on Malaysian retail SMEs’ performance especially in terms of the determinant effects on FP are scarce. Thus, this study utilized lean practices (LP) as a moderating variable in examining its influence on the determinants and FP. Data were collected from SMEs’ owner-managers in the retail category within the central region of peninsular Malaysia using the cross-sectional study design. The quantitative method was utilized through survey questionnaires. This study adopted stratified sampling and 373 retail SMEs were randomly selected. 151 usable responses were analysed and regressed using the PLS-SEM software. Results of the structural model assessment for direct relationship by PLS-SEM indicated that OPS, BVL and CDN had significant effects on FP. However, MGR did not provide any significant positive effect on FP. The results also showed that LP moderated three relationships, namely OPS-FP, BVL-FP and MGR-FP, but not the CDN-FP relationship. In this study, theoretical contribution was evident by integrating the Constraints and Contingency constructs, where the results were able to extend the body of knowledge in SMEs literature. The results of this study provide important inputs to the owner- managers, researchers and policy-makers to further understand the determinant effects on retail SMEs’ performance and the moderating effect of lean practices. Finally, the study's limitations and future research directions are explored

    Irish Omnichannel Retailers Response to Changing Customer Behaviour, Preference, Concerns and Experience of Irish Customer.

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    This research highlights the key step taken by the Irish Omnichannel retailers to address the current change in overall Irish Customer. The study mainly focuses on responses by the Irish omnichannel retailers on five major customer categories- Customer behaviour, Customer preference, Customer concerns and overall Customer experience. To make sure that the data collected for this research is comparable and could be analysis the researcher has made sure of two things. First, all the research subjects are serving the same customer base. For this study researcher has chosen large-scale omnichannel grocers based in Dublin as the research subject and second thematic analysis is used to analyse and code the gather data. Findings and the conclusion of this research shine the light on the fact that Omnichannel retailers responded to the change in each customer element with action steps tailor-specific to the element. For instant Omnichannel retailer responded to the change in customer behaviour with steps like providing safe atmosphere to the customer to shop in whereas they the shift of preference to online shopping with launching their own digital applications

    Factors that contribute to an optimal omnichannel retail experience: A South African perspective

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    The increase in the number of channels driven by technology trajectory over the years have led to a change in customer behaviour. Customers move around different retailer platforms during a single purchase; even so customers still expect a superior and seamless customer experience while navigating these channels. The present study built on studies conducted in countries such as China, Spain, India, United Kingdom amongst others to determine if the learnings from these countries can be applied in the South African context. This study used an interpretivist phenomenological approach and interviewed a qualitative sample of participants to gain insights on their experiences while shopping in these retailers. This study will assist Information Technology managers with prioritisation of their technology roadmaps. This study will also contribute to computer science studies because programmers will have a context of a customer’s perspective when developing omnichannel solutions. Lastly, the study can be used by governments and policy makers in developing national strategic plans relating to shared economy because the study highlights the need to omnichannel retailing in remote areas. The findings from the research were summarised into five themes customer experience, convenience, product, support, and security. The optimal South African omnichannel retail experience is one that allows the customer to seamlessly move across channels by integrating the retailing mix elements of product, place, promotion, price. To achieve this experience, retailers must integrate the customer’s profile information and ensure that the customer’s payment details are secure and are able to seamlessly login in all the retailer platforms. Contrary to the researcher’s expectations, South African customers do not expect an omnichannel support. They expect to keep online support separate from in-store support.Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, 202

    Factors that contribute to an optimal omnichannel retail experience: A South African perspective

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    The increase in the number of channels driven by technology trajectory over the years have led to a change in customer behaviour. Customers move around different retailer platforms during a single purchase; even so customers still expect a superior and seamless customer experience while navigating these channels. The present study built on studies conducted in countries such as China, Spain, India, United Kingdom amongst others to determine if the learnings from these countries can be applied in the South African context. This study used an interpretivist phenomenological approach and interviewed a qualitative sample of participants to gain insights on their experiences while shopping in these retailers. This study will assist Information Technology managers with prioritisation of their technology roadmaps. This study will also contribute to computer science studies because programmers will have a context of a customer’s perspective when developing omnichannel solutions. Lastly, the study can be used by governments and policy makers in developing national strategic plans relating to shared economy because the study highlights the need to omnichannel retailing in remote areas. The findings from the research were summarised into five themes customer experience, convenience, product, support, and security. The optimal South African omnichannel retail experience is one that allows the customer to seamlessly move across channels by integrating the retailing mix elements of product, place, promotion, price. To achieve this experience, retailers must integrate the customer’s profile information and ensure that the customer’s payment details are secure and are able to seamlessly login in all the retailer platforms. Contrary to the researcher’s expectations, South African customers do not expect an omnichannel support. They expect to keep online support separate from in-store support.Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, 202

    Abordagem preditiva e adaptativa de gestão operacional aplicada à cadeia de suprimentos do varejo Omni-channel

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2020.A evolução tecnológica e a digitalização possibilitam a comercialização de produtos através de múltiplos canais e plataformas de forma integrada, propiciando a gestão de varejo omnichannel. Esse processo contínuo de integração das tecnologias digitais/virtuais aos processos gerenciais físicos dos diversos canais influencia na interação das organizações com os clientes. O comportamento de consumo dos clientes é influenciado em decorrência do aumento da conveniência, tornando, contudo, a gestão operacional das cadeias de suprimentos do varejo mais complexa. Para a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos de varejo omni-channel a complexidade reside na incerteza, oscilações no volume de vendas e incompatibilidade entre oferta e demanda. Para lidar com essa complexidade é necessária a adoção de abordagens inovadoras relacionadas a tecnologias de informação e métodos de decisão inteligentes, destacados pela indústria 4.0. No entanto, ainda faltam pesquisas sobre a conexão entre os mundos digital e real, principalmente quando se trata de cadeias de suprimentos de varejo omni-channel, que se baseiam na integração de fluxos e atividades multicanais para melhor atender ao consumidor. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma abordagem preditiva e adaptativa para a gestão operacional combinando aprendizado de máquina para minimizar a incerteza, e otimização baseada em simulação para lidar com a sincronização entre oferta e demanda, aplicada à cadeia de suprimentos do varejo omni-channel. Para isso foram identificados os métodos de aprendizado de máquina, de simulação e de otimização aplicados à cadeia de suprimentos e a indústria 4.0 com o intuito de apoiar a escolha do método de redes neurais e da otimização baseada em simulação por meio do algoritmo genético. O método de redes neurais e a otimização baseada em simulação foram analisados por meio de aplicação de um caso teste, visando identificar a aplicabilidade do método levantado na literatura, na gestão operacional da cadeia de suprimentos varejista omni-channel. Em seguida, a abordagem preditiva e adaptativa é aplicada a uma empresa varejista brasileira e como resultado um modelo de gerenciamento operacional de demanda e suprimentos é proposto para a cadeia de suprimentos varejista omnichannel. Os resultados da aplicação do modelo evidenciaram uma redução dos custos da cadeia de suprimentos, do tempo de entrega dos produtos e da quantidade de pedidos provenientes da incompatibilidade de oferta-demanda. Dessa forma, a tese possibilitou a redução das incertezas proveniente da previsão de demanda, redução da falta de produtos na cadeia, e consequentemente um melhor gerenciamento da distribuição da cadeia de suprimentos.Abstract: Technological evolution and digitalization enable the commercialization of products through multiple channels and platforms in an integrated way, providing omni-channel retail management. This ongoing process of integrating digital / virtual technologies into the physical management processes of the various channels influences the interaction of organizations with customers. Customer consumption behavior is influenced by the increase in convenience, however, making the operational management of retail supply chains more complex. For the management of the omni-channel retail supply chain the complexity lies in uncertainty, fluctuations in sales volume and incompatibility between supply and demand. To address this complexity, it is necessary to adopt innovative approaches related to information technologies and intelligent decision methods, highlighted by industry 4.0. However, there is still a lack of research on the connection between the digital and real worlds, especially when it comes to omni-channel retail supply chains, which are based on the integration of multi-channel flows and activities to better serve the consumer. In this context, this research aims to propose a predictive and adaptive approach to operational management combining machine learning to minimize uncertainty, and simulation-based optimization to deal with synchronization between supply and demand, applied to the omni-channel retail supply chain. For this, the machine learning, simulation and optimization methods applied to the supply chain and industry 4.0 were identified in order to support the choice of neural networks method and simulation-based optimization through the genetic algorithm. The neural networks method and the simulationbased optimization were analyzed by applying a test case, aiming to identify the applicability of the method raised in the literature, in the operational management of the omni-channel retail supply chain. The predictive and adaptive approach is then applied to a Brazilian retail company and as a result an operational demand and supply management model is proposed for the omnichannel retail supply chain. The results of the model application showed a reduction in the supply chain costs, in the products fulfillment time and in the quantity of orders resulting from the incompatibility of supply and demand. In this way, the thesis allowed reduce uncertainties arising from demand forecasting, reduce product shortages in the chain, and thereby better manage supply chain distribution

    La influencia de la calidad del servicio logístico, la intensidad y el valor de compra omnicanal sobre la satisfacción y lealtad del consumidor

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    El consumidor omnicanal ya no ve al canal de compra online como una parte separada de la organización y demanda la compra y el envío del pedido desde cualquier parte. La omnicanalidad tiene su enfoque en una aproximación integral y verdadera a lo largo de toda la operación de distribución, proporcionando una respuesta continua y sin interrupciones a la experiencia del consumidor a través de todos los canales de compra disponibles (Wilding, 2013; Saghiri, 2017). Desde que la irrupción tecnológica permitió el acceso masivo de las organizaciones a los consumidores a través de múltiples canales de compra, la calidad del servicio logístico se ha formulado como un aspecto clave en la evolución de la distribución omnicanal (Murfield et al., 2017). Estos autores fueron los primeros en conceptualizar la CSL en la cadena de suministro omnicanal, donde los productos son entregados a los consumidores a través de la combinación de canales en una única transacción, evidenciando en sus conclusiones la necesidad de un mayor entendimiento en este área. Como consecuencia de los resultados de estas investigaciones y de la necesidad de profundizar en los aspectos más importantes de la CSL y su encaje en las nuevas corrientes de distribución comercial, esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal contribuir a la comprensión de la percepción del consumidor de la CSL en un entorno de compra omnicanal. Este objetivo general se concreta en dos objetivos específicos: Valorar el impacto de cada uno de los componentes individuales de la CSL (disponibilidad, puntualidad, estado y devolución del producto) sobre la satisfacción y lealtad del consumidor. Valorar el efecto que sobre la percepción del consumidor tiene el grado de integración de los canales de compra y su relación con el valor de compra, la satisfacción y la lealtad. El presente trabajo añade valor a la literatura académica precedente ya que ahonda en la corriente investigadora de la calidad del servicio al analizar tres escenarios de compra omnicanal: (1) la compra online y envío a domicilio del producto, (2) la compra online y la recogida en la tienda física y (3) la compra en la tienda física y envío a domicilio, buscando una comprensión más profunda de las causas de la satisfacción y lealtad del consumidor. Por otro lado, se pone en consideración un componente no contemplado en anteriores investigaciones, la devolución del pedido realizado, y que a nuestro entender puede ser importante en las relaciones que queremos analizar. Para alcanzar los objetivos se ha realizado una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura de canales distribución y calidad del servicio logístico para formar un marco teórico robusto que permitiera plantear un modelo a contrastar. Así mismo se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo que aportó los indicios suficientes para construir un modelo que reflejara las relaciones a estudiar. Una vez realizado el mencionado estudio, se llevó a cabo una investigación de corte cuantitativo de cuyos resultados se extrajeron conclusiones interesantes y novedosas tanto para la evolución del ámbito de investigación cómo para la gestión de empresas con sistemas de distribución omnicanal.The present thesis is a research that analyzes the effects of the components of the logistics service quality on the costumer's satisfaction and loyalty. On the other hand, the study evaluates the effects of the intensity and omnichannel purchase value on the costumer's satisfaction and loyalty. In order to reach the mentioned scope, we developed a theoretical framework and an investigation using a mixed methodology of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Thus, a model of relationships that are tested throughout the study. The results and conclusions of this thesis contributes to the academic literature of logistics service quality and marketing channels bringing light to the new omnichannel paradigm

    Verso lo smart retailing. Uno studio esplorativo tra domanda e offerta nel contesto italiano

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    Il lavoro indaga, adottando una prospettiva esplorativa, il tema dello smart retailing con particolare riferimento al contesto italiano. Lo smart retailing rappresenta oggi per le aziende la modalità principale con cui è possibile rendere le strutture aziendali omnicanali, ossia giungere alla creazione di un sistema di canali e di punti di contatto con i consumatori che siano tra di essi perfettamente integrati. Lo smart retailing consente alle aziende di conseguire questo nuovo obiettivo strategico attraverso lo strumento delle cosiddette in-store technologies, ossia tecnologie “smart” applicate nei canali fisici (punti vendita) delle aziende che consentono a queste ultime di poter interagire in maniera costante (seamless) e “ubiqua” (online e offline) con i propri consumatori. Data la novità del tema e la scarsa applicazione, ad oggi, delle in-store technologies nei punti vendita dei retailer italiani, il lavoro è stato volto ad esplorare le opinioni sia della domanda che dell’offerta in merito agli effetti dell’applicazione di in-store technologies nei punti vendita dei retailer italiani. Nel primo caso, i consumatori intervistati sono stati 46 giovani millennials in merito all’applicazione delle in-store technologies nei punti vendita monomarca dei retailer di fast fashion. Lo studio, volto a chiarire l’impatto di questi medium tecnologici sulla in-store experience e sulla store loyalty dei millennials, dimostra che le in-store technologies possono conferire numerosi benefici alle esperienze in store dei millennials, sia da un punto di vista utilitaristico (es. aumentando la facilità di reperire informazioni sui prodotti), che emozionale (es. aumentando il brand engagement) e sociale (es. invogliando i consumatori a recarsi con accompagnatori nel punto vendita per condividere la nuova esperienza di shopping “smart”). Le in-store technologies possono altresì rafforzare la fedeltà verso le marche preferite dai millennials, mentre non si rileva un effetto altrettanto forte nel caso in cui ad adottare queste tecnologie fossero retailer di cui i millennials non apprezzino il sistema d’offerta. Infine, con riferimento al lato dell’offerta, sono stati intervistati 13 esperti e consulenti di in-store technologies per il fashion retailing al fine di chiarire: 1) l’atteggiamento complessivo dei retailer di fast fashion italiani verso le in-store technologies; 2) le modifiche che dovrà subire il punto vendita in futuro per poter diventare “fattivamente” uno smart store; 3) quale possono essere le modalità di creazione di maggiore brand engagement nei millennials qualora un retailer decidesse di adottare queste tecnologie. I risultati mostrano una tendenziale resistenza dei retailer a valutare, oggi, come di valore strategico l’investimento in in-store technologies, che viene invece visto dal management in ottica per lo più tattica, di breve periodo e finalizzato al mero aumento del fatturato. In secondo luogo, la struttura organizzativa, assieme alla sua cultura, necessita di profondi ripensamenti a partire dal top management, il quale dovrà ripensare alcune figure manageriali (in particolare quelle legate all’IT e alla relazione con il cliente), introdurne di nuove (es. CDO) che consentano all’intera organizzazione di comprendere l’importanza dell’orientamento allo smart retailing e l’investimento in nuove competenze, in particolare nell’assunzione di data scientist. Il punto vendita “del futuro” sarà sottoposto a significativi cambiamenti che riguarderanno tanto i suoi aspetti strutturali (es. ridimensionamento della superficie calpestabile) quanto strategici (es. rendendolo il principale canale per svolgere comunicazione integrata di marketing). Infine, gli esperti convengono che le tecnologie mostrino un forte potenziale di creazione di maggiore coinvolgimento verso la marca nei millennials grazie alle nuove opportunità di intrattenimento, di personalizzazione dell’esperienza e dell’accresciuto livello di integrazione online-offline tra i canali e i customer touchpoints