32 research outputs found

    Cognitive Prompts Fail to Moderate the Impact of Stereotype Threat on Older Adults’ Training Performance

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    Using a sample of 131 adults aged 55 to 70 years, researchers employed a 2 x 2 between-subject design to investigate whether cognitive prompts would counteract the negative effect of stereotype threat on older adults’ training outcomes. As hypothesized, stereotype threat negatively affected training outcomes. Contrary to expectations, cognitive prompts also negatively affected training outcomes, worsening the negative impact of stereotype threat. Results are discussed within the framework of cognitive load theory

    Creencias epistemológicas y aprendizaje de la tectónica de placas con multimedia en estudiantes universitarios con bajo nivel de conocimiento previo

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    En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de las creencias epistemológicas en el aprendizaje de las Ciencias de la Tierra (tectónica de placas) utilizando materiales digitales multimedia. En el estudio participaron 45 estudiantes universitarios, con bajo nivel de conocimiento previo de dominio específico, que fueron agrupados en dos condiciones según sus creencias epistemológicas: sofisticadas (n=23) e ingenuas (n=22). Para la identificación de dichas creencias epistemológicas se empleó un cuestionario adaptado de Wood y Kardash (2002). Se comparó el rendimiento que alcanzaron ambos grupos en las tareas de aprendizaje, teniendo en cuenta medidas referidas a recuperación de información (comprensión superficial) y a transferencia de conocimientos (comprensión profunda). El material de aprendizaje consistió en un documento multimedia sobre los movimientos de las placas tectónicas y sus efectos, en el que se incluyeron ayudas dirigidas a facilitar la regulación de los procesos de comprensión. Se encontraron diferencias significativas no sólo en el rendimiento en el aprendizaje (tareas de transferencia), a favor de los estudiantes con creencias epistemológicas sofisticadas, sino también en la manera en que estos estudiantes consultaron las ayudas proporcionadas en el material multimedia. En las conclusiones se señalan los alcances de estos resultados para el diseño de prácticas pedagógicas y de materiales de aprendizaje basados en la utilización de tecnologías digitales

    Selbstreguliertes Lernen mit digitalen Medien. Handreichung für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren

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    Handreichung mit Überblick über verschiedene Materialien zum selbstregulierten Lernen mit digitalen Medien und Vorschlägen für den Einsatz dieser innerhalb einer Lerngemeinschaft (schulintern und schulübergreifend)

    Rekomendasi Berdasarkan Nilai Pretest Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode Collaborative Filtering dan Bayesian Ranking

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    Abstract- Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) skill can be improved by improving students’ cognitive and metacognitive abilities. To improve metacognitive abilities, metacognitive support in learning process using e-learning needs to be included. One of the example is assisting students by giving feedbacks once students had finished doing specific avtivities. The purpose of this study was to develop a pedagogical agent with the abilities to give students feedbacks, particularly recommendations of lesson sub-materials order. Recommendations were given by considering students pretest scores (students’ prior knowledge). The computations for recommendations used Collaborative Filtering and Bayesian Ranking methods. Results obtained in this study show that based on MAP (Mean Average Precision) testings, Item-based method got the highest MAP score, which was 1. Computation time for each method was calculated to find runtime complexity of each method. The results of computation time show that Bayesian Ranking had the shortest computation time with 0,002 seconds, followed by Item-based with 0,006 seconds, User Based with 0,226 seconds, while Hybrid has the longest computation time with 0,236 seconds. Keyword- self-regulated learning, metacognitive, metacognitive support, feedback, pretest (prior knowledge), Collaborative Filtering, Bayesian Ranking, Mean Average Precision, runtime complexity

    A Meta-Analysis of Self-Regulated Learning Interventions and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education E-Learning Environments

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    Through a systematic review of the literature, 36 empirical studies regarding self-regulated learning (SRL) interventions and learning outcomes in higher education e-learning environments were identified and meta-analyzed using15 years of data. Frequently studied interventions included providing SRL scaffolding, SRL training, or SRL training and scaffolding either as a precursor or as part of the learning environment or both. Scaffolding interventions were embedded as part of the learning environment and designed to guide learners to perform cognitive and metacognitive strategies such as task analysis, goal setting, and reflection during a learning activity. Training interventions, by contrast, involved instruction in the use of SRL strategies prior to beginning a learning activity, course or program. In some studies, both training and scaffolding SRL interventions were implemented. Information about the types of SRLinterventions including the means of measuring learning outcomes (more or less complex), instructional design characteristics and learning outcomes data for calculating effect sizes were extracted for the purposes of conducting this meta-analysis

    Generative Learning Strategy Use and Self-Regulatory Prompting in Digital Text

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    The digital revolution is shifting print-based textbooks to digital text, and it has afforded the opportunity to incorporate meaningful learning strategies and otherwise separate metacognitive activities directly into these texts as embedded support. A sample of 89 undergraduates read a digital, expository text on the basics of photography. The treatment prompted the reader with selfregulatory questions and embedded a generative strategy, paraphrasing, and confirmed previous research on the relationships between prior knowledge and level of self-regulation on reading comprehension. A one-way between subjects ANOVA revealed significance for the level of self-regulation on comprehension-level items and for the level of prior knowledge on recall-level items. ANOVA also indicated that the quality of paraphrasing has a significant impact on recall-level and overall performance on the posttest. Further, participants were generally positive towards the instructional materials, which suggests willingness, and in some cases, preference, to reading in a digital format while experiencing embedded, metacognitive instructional interventions. It is recommended that comprehension may be enhanced by providing deeper training on the use of the generative strategy and by increasing motivation prior to interacting with the text in order to capitalize on the unique advantages of digital materials

    Assessing metacognitive online reading strategy usage among EFL teachers in Indonesia

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    A significant amount of research on Metacognitive Online Reading Strategies (MORS) is currently focused on EFL/ESL students, and only a few studies have examined the participation of EFL teachers. This quantitative study, therefore, aimed at assessing the use of these strategies among EFL teachers in Indonesia. Analyses of the strategy usage was based on factors of gender, teaching status, and internet literacy levels. Via a Google form application, a MORS survey was employed as the data collection instrument. The gathered data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using t-tests, Pearson correlation, and linear regression. The results showed that in reading online academic materials, the teachers used support strategies more frequently than problem-solving strategies and global strategies. Overall, the teachers employed these strategies at a moderate to high level. Based on gender and internet literacy, significant differences in the overall and strategy category uses were discovered. There were significant correlations between the teachers’ internet literacy levels and their use of the overallstrategies, the support strategies, and the global strategies, but no correlation between the internet literacy levels and the problem-solving strategies. The internet literacy levels were found to be strong predictors of the overall and category strategy uses. The findings of this research offer a wide variety of educational implications for EFL reading

    Self-assessment effects review: empirical evidence about its implementation using self-grading, rubrics and scripts

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    Universidad de VigoEsta revisión analiza trabajos sobre autoevaluación agrupados en: (1) autocalificación, o autoevaluación sin criterios de evaluación, (2) autoevaluación usando rúbricas y (3) autoevaluación usando guiones. Tras una búsqueda bibliográfica, se realizó un análisis narrativo del contenido de los diferentes estudios seleccionados. Con respecto a la autoevaluación sin criterios de evaluación destaca la falta de uniformidad en los resultados obtenidos por los distintos estudios aunque, en general muestran que la misma no garantiza un aprendizaje profundo de los alumnos. El uso de rúbricas y guiones presenta mejores efectos en el aprendizaje pero quedan aspectos por investigar: los estudios con rúbricas tienen diseños empíricos débiles y los estudios con guiones no han sido realizados en contextos reales. Las conclusiones indican que ofrece más garantías el uso de rúbricas y guiones. Se señalan líneas futuras de investigaciónThis review analyzes studies on the effects of self-assessment. These studies are grouped as: (1) self-grading, or interventions to promote self-assessment without assessment criteria, (2) use of rubrics, and (3) use of scripts. A literature search was conducted followed by a narrative content analysis of the selected studies. Regarding selfassessment without assessment criteria, the results are heterogeneous, though, in general, they show that these interventions do not warrant an improvement in the students’ learning. The use of rubrics and scripts presents more promising effects, but there are still important aspects to explore: studies on rubrics tend to rely on weak research designs, while studies on scripts, in general, have not been implemented in real classrooms settings. The main conclusion is that rubrics and scripts offer better conditions for self-assessment. Future lines of research are discusse

    Training older adults: the role of strategy use and stereotype threat

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    2011 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Older adults are becoming an increasingly important part of the workforce. Due to cognitive and emotional changes associated with aging, this population might require specially designed training programs to optimize training outcomes. Two specific changes associated with aging that need to be addressed are susceptibility to stereotype threat and the use of metacognitive strategies during learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of initiating stereotype threat in older adults, as well as the effect of encouraging older adults to use metacognitive strategies during training, on training outcomes. In a 2X2 between-subject experimental design including no stereotype threat/ stereotype threat and no metacognitive prompt/ metacognitive prompt conditions, 131 older adults between the ages of 55 and 70 years old were assessed on training outcomes. Results indicated that, as hypothesized, stereotype threat had a negative effect on learning outcomes. Contrary to expectations, cognitive prompts also had a negative effect on training outcomes. Implications of the results are that further investigation of optimal training design for older adults is warranted