18 research outputs found

    Correlates of video games playing among adolescents in an Islamic country

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>No study has ever explored the prevalence and correlates of video game playing among children in the Islamic Republic of Iran. This study describes patterns and correlates of excessive video game use in a random sample of middle-school students in Iran. Specifically, we examine the relationship between video game playing and psychological well-being, aggressive behaviors, and adolescents' perceived threat of video-computer game playing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This cross-sectional study was performed with a random sample of 444 adolescents recruited from eight middle schools. A self-administered, anonymous questionnaire covered socio-demographics, video gaming behaviors, mental health status, self-reported aggressive behaviors, and perceived side effects of video game playing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, participants spent an average of 6.3 hours per week playing video games. Moreover, 47% of participants reported that they had played one or more intensely violent games. Non-gamers reported suffering poorer mental health compared to excessive gamers. Both non-gamers and excessive gamers overall reported suffering poorer mental health compared to low or moderate players. Participants who initiated gaming at younger ages were more likely to score poorer in mental health measures. Participants' self-reported aggressive behaviors were associated with length of gaming. Boys, but not girls, who reported playing video games excessively showed more aggressive behaviors. A multiple binary logistic regression shows that when controlling for other variables, older students, those who perceived less serious side effects of video gaming, and those who have personal computers, were more likely to report that they had played video games excessively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show a curvilinear relationship between video game playing and mental health outcomes, with "moderate" gamers faring best and "excessive" gamers showing mild increases in problematic behaviors. Interestingly, "non-gamers" clearly show the worst outcomes. Therefore, both children and parents of non-game players should be updated about the positive impact of moderate video gaming. Educational interventions should also be designed to educate adolescents and their parents of the possible harmful impact of excessive video game playing on their health and psychosocial functioning.</p

    Interactive software and its effects on hostility

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    The researcher will be exploring the relationship between violence in video games and the emotional responses to them. The goal of the study is to confirm the previous body of research that a short term increase in aggression and hostility exists after a violent video game is played. The study will also expand on the current existing body of data by examining other variables such as gender, age, typical time spent in a week playing videogames, overall familiarity with video games, the game genre that is normally played, and what consoles and systems are typically used to be played on. This data will be collected to see if they too have any significant effect on emotional responses. As interactive media increasingly becomes integrated into our day-to-day activities, data on how they may affect aggression and hostility become progressively more crucial. This is especially true at present as video games come under fire from current state legislation


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    Con el objetivo de establecer la relación entre la adicción a los videojuegos y la agresividad en 306 estudiantes de secundaria de dos colegios privados de Villa María del Triunfo, cuyas edades fluctuaron entre los 13 a 17 años. Se aplicaron como instrumentos de medición: el Test de Dependencia a los Videojuegos de Chóliz y Marco, y el Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry. Se encontró que existe una correlación positiva, moderada baja y altamente significativa (rho = 0.268; p &lt; 0.001) entre la adicción a los videojuegos y agresividad. Se encontró que para la adicción a los videojuegos y sus dimensiones, existen diferencias altamente significativas (p &lt; 0.001), de acuerdo al género y horas de uso a la semana. Entre la agresividad y sus componentes existen diferencias significativas (p &lt; 0.05) en los componentes hostilidad, agresión física e ira de acuerdo al género, edad y grado escolar. Además, se encontró diferencias muy significativas (p &lt; 0.01) para agresividad de acuerdo al grado escolar. Así mismo, se halló diferencias altamente significativas (p &lt; 0.001) para el componente agresión verbal según el género de los participantes

    Estudio descriptivo de las conductas violentas en educación primaria producidas por la exposición a videojuegos

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    Los problemas de adicción a los videojuegos son uno de los factores que hoy en día afectan a la agresividad. Este estudio de tipo descriptivo y corte transversal, realizado sobre 121 escolares de Educación Primaria, analiza el uso problemático de videojuegos y las conductas violentas en la escuela, así como su relación con el género, bullying, localidad y rendimiento escolar. Para la recogida de los datos se utilizaron varios instrumentos (Ad Hoc, CERV y ECVE). Los resultados indicaron que los sujetos que suelen ser agresivos suelen ser repetidores, coincidiendo además con posibles problemas potenciales en el uso de videojuegos. Además, se encontraron diferencias estadísticas en todos los factores de la agresión -excepto en la manifiesta pura e instrumental- al relacionarla con los videojuegos, lo que quiere decir que su uso patológico afecta a la personalidad del niño.Nowadays, one of the main factors related to aggressiveness is video game addiction. This descriptive and cross-sectional study, which was conducted on 121 primary school children, it analyzes the use of video games and violent behavior at school, and their relationship to gender, bullying, school performance and location. To collect the information, several instruments (Ad Hoc, CERV and the ECVE) were used. The results indicated that children, who are often aggressive, usually are repeating students. Moreover, these children are associated with potential problems use video games frequentlty. In addition, statistical differences were found in all factors except pure and instrumental aggression when this research related these factors with the use of video games, which means that pathological use affects the child's personality.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primaria No Bilingü

    Jóvenes y videojuegos: preocupaciones y vivencias : Un análisis de las prácticas cotidianas al videojugar

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    El videojugar como práctica cotidiana en jóvenes ha atraído desde los años ochenta a investigadores psicosociales. Sus preocupaciones se han extendido sobre las consecuencias que puede tener sobre las conductas de los jóvenes y el futuro de nuestras sociedades. Multitud de estudios se han centrado en demostrar sus posibles efectos, tanto negativos, como es el caso de la presunta relación entre videojuegos violentos y conductas agresivas o su influencia en rendimientos escolares bajos, como positivos, principalmente su utilización como herramienta didáctica y como plataforma para las relaciones sociales. Desde otras perspectivas, se ha abordado el videojuego llegando a conclusiones que difuminan las fronteras entre tecnología y sociedad. El presente trabajo aborda el manejo cotidiano de estos artefactos en contextos juveniles, desde una óptica etnográfica, tras la sistematización de las observaciones y el análisis de contenido de ocho entrevistas a videojugadores habituales. Estudiar posibles efectos de los videojuegos es un ejercicio de determinismo tecnológico, pues, considerando la tecnología como una cosa y lasociedad como otra, dejamos de comprender un universo interactivo entre jugadores y tecnologías.The videogame play as a daily practice in young, has attracted since the eighties to psychosocial searchers. Their worries have been spread on consequences that these can have on the behavior of young people and our societies’ future. Numerous studies have focused on demonstrate its possible effects, as negatives, as is the case of the alleged relationship between violent videogames and aggressive behaviors, or its influence in low academic achievements; such as positives, mostly its use as educational tool and as a platform for social relationships. From other perspectives, the videogame has been addressed arriving to conclusions that blur the boundaries between technology and society. This work deals these artefacts’ everyday handling in youth contexts, from an ethnographical perspective, following the systematization of the observations and the content analysis of eight interviews to usual videoplayers. To study possible effects of the videogames is an exercise of technological determinism, then considering the technology as a thing and the society as another, we can not understand the interactive universe between players and technologies.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Jóvenes y videojuegos: preocupaciones y vivencias : Un análisis de las prácticas cotidianas al videojugar

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    El videojugar como práctica cotidiana en jóvenes ha atraído desde los años ochenta a investigadores psicosociales. Sus preocupaciones se han extendido sobre las consecuencias que puede tener sobre las conductas de los jóvenes y el futuro de nuestras sociedades. Multitud de estudios se han centrado en demostrar sus posibles efectos, tanto negativos, como es el caso de la presunta relación entre videojuegos violentos y conductas agresivas o su influencia en rendimientos escolares bajos, como positivos, principalmente su utilización como herramienta didáctica y como plataforma para las relaciones sociales. Desde otras perspectivas, se ha abordado el videojuego llegando a conclusiones que difuminan las fronteras entre tecnología y sociedad. El presente trabajo aborda el manejo cotidiano de estos artefactos en contextos juveniles, desde una óptica etnográfica, tras la sistematización de las observaciones y el análisis de contenido de ocho entrevistas a videojugadores habituales. Estudiar posibles efectos de los videojuegos es un ejercicio de determinismo tecnológico, pues, considerando la tecnología como una cosa y lasociedad como otra, dejamos de comprender un universo interactivo entre jugadores y tecnologías.The videogame play as a daily practice in young, has attracted since the eighties to psychosocial searchers. Their worries have been spread on consequences that these can have on the behavior of young people and our societies’ future. Numerous studies have focused on demonstrate its possible effects, as negatives, as is the case of the alleged relationship between violent videogames and aggressive behaviors, or its influence in low academic achievements; such as positives, mostly its use as educational tool and as a platform for social relationships. From other perspectives, the videogame has been addressed arriving to conclusions that blur the boundaries between technology and society. This work deals these artefacts’ everyday handling in youth contexts, from an ethnographical perspective, following the systematization of the observations and the content analysis of eight interviews to usual videoplayers. To study possible effects of the videogames is an exercise of technological determinism, then considering the technology as a thing and the society as another, we can not understand the interactive universe between players and technologies.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Jóvenes y videojuegos: preocupaciones y vivencias : Un análisis de las prácticas cotidianas al videojugar

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    El videojugar como práctica cotidiana en jóvenes ha atraído desde los años ochenta a investigadores psicosociales. Sus preocupaciones se han extendido sobre las consecuencias que puede tener sobre las conductas de los jóvenes y el futuro de nuestras sociedades. Multitud de estudios se han centrado en demostrar sus posibles efectos, tanto negativos, como es el caso de la presunta relación entre videojuegos violentos y conductas agresivas o su influencia en rendimientos escolares bajos, como positivos, principalmente su utilización como herramienta didáctica y como plataforma para las relaciones sociales. Desde otras perspectivas, se ha abordado el videojuego llegando a conclusiones que difuminan las fronteras entre tecnología y sociedad. El presente trabajo aborda el manejo cotidiano de estos artefactos en contextos juveniles, desde una óptica etnográfica, tras la sistematización de las observaciones y el análisis de contenido de ocho entrevistas a videojugadores habituales. Estudiar posibles efectos de los videojuegos es un ejercicio de determinismo tecnológico, pues, considerando la tecnología como una cosa y lasociedad como otra, dejamos de comprender un universo interactivo entre jugadores y tecnologías.The videogame play as a daily practice in young, has attracted since the eighties to psychosocial searchers. Their worries have been spread on consequences that these can have on the behavior of young people and our societies’ future. Numerous studies have focused on demonstrate its possible effects, as negatives, as is the case of the alleged relationship between violent videogames and aggressive behaviors, or its influence in low academic achievements; such as positives, mostly its use as educational tool and as a platform for social relationships. From other perspectives, the videogame has been addressed arriving to conclusions that blur the boundaries between technology and society. This work deals these artefacts’ everyday handling in youth contexts, from an ethnographical perspective, following the systematization of the observations and the content analysis of eight interviews to usual videoplayers. To study possible effects of the videogames is an exercise of technological determinism, then considering the technology as a thing and the society as another, we can not understand the interactive universe between players and technologies.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Agresividad e Inmersión en universitarios varones usuarios de videojuegos en cabinas de internet

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    El presente estudio tiene el objetivo de analizar la relación entre la agresividad e inmersión en estudiantes universitarios varones que frecuentan cabinas de internet para jugar videojuegos online. Se teoriza que la inmersión en videojuegos online facilita la descarga de expresiones de agresión que salen del plano virtual y se expresan en la cotidianidad (Southwell & Doyle, 2004; Huerta, 2005). Así mismo, el exceso o continuo uso de videojuegos online podría afectar patrones de comportamiento a un nivel lo suficientemente grave como para desarrollar una dinámica adictiva a los videojuegos (World Health Organization, 2018). El método propone analizar correlaciones y diferencias según las variables propuestas por la ficha DANE de videojuegos (Labrador, & Villadangos, 2010), las pruebas de agresividad de Buss y Perry (1992) y el Cuestionario de Inmersión de Jennett & Cox (2008) siguiendo una lógica de investigación exploratoria (Vera, 2005). Los resultados indican que la agresividad y la inmersión correlacionan mínimamente frente a los videojuegos online de tipo MOBA y si bien tienen un alto poder inmersivo, éstos no necesariamente implican un mayor nivel de agresividad. Se propone que las variables de edad de inicio de juego, lugar de juego y la evolución en las horas de juego influenciarían en gran medida a la dinámica de inmersión y agresividad. Finalmente, debido a la poca investigación realizada en el medio peruano, se propone un mayor estudio de la inmersión y agresividad con las variables mencionadas.The present study aims to analyze the relationship between aggression and immersion in university male students who frequent internet rooms to play online videogames. It is theorized that immersion in online video games facilitates the download of expressions of aggression that leave the virtual plane and are expressed in everyday life (Southwell & Doyle, 2004; Huerta, 2005). Likewise, the excess or continuous use of online videogames could affect behavior patterns at a level severe enough to develop an addictive dynamic to videogames (World Health Organization, 2018). The method proposes to analyze correlations and differences according to the variables proposed by the DANE videogame file (Labrador & Villadangos, 2010), the Buss and Perry’s aggressiveness test (1992) and the Jennett & Cox’s Immersion Questionnaire (2008) following an exploratory research logic (Vera, 2005). The results indicate that aggressiveness and immersion minimally correlate with MOBA type online videogames and although they have a high immersive power, they don’t necessarily imply a higher level of aggressiveness. It is proposed that the variables of age at the start of the game, place of play and the evolution in the hours of play would greatly influence the dynamics of immersion and aggressiveness. Finally, due to the Little research carried out in the Peruvian environment, a greater study of the immersion and aggressiveness with the aforementioned variables is proposed

    Online Usage Among College Students: A Comparison of Online Gaming and Facebook Users

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    The purpose of the present study is to investigate undergraduate students\u27 patterns of use and perceived consequences of online gaming and Facebook. In Study 1, 38 male and 31 female participants completed measures examining online gaming usage, whereas Study 2 included 24 male and 75 female participants who were asked to complete measures examining Facebook usage. Study 1 results indicated online gaming participants identified time loss (78.3%) and playing longer than planned (91.3%) as common consequences of use. In contrast, Facebook users in Study 2 were less likely to report time loss (20.6%) but were more likely (91.8%) to visit the site longer than they had planned. Notably, they also reported a failure to use personal privacy settings (81.3%) as well as their willingness to allow individuals other than friends to access their Facebook pages (82.5%), despite that fact that 94.8% indicated they had lost an educational, job, or relationship opportunity because of information others had posted on the study participant\u27s Facebook page

    iGeneration: The Social Cognitive Effects of Digital Technology on Teenagers

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    Into today’s world, digital technology changes so rapidly and integrates into our society at such an accelerated rate, it is hard to keep up with it, let alone reflect on the effects it has on our lives. Although Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, did not exist a mere decade ago, they are now ubiquitous forms of media and communication in our culture. Today’s generation of teenagers, born in the 1990s, aptly labeled the “iGeneration”, are the most connected generation ever. These iGen teens are digital natives growing up in an era of a massive influx of technology. They do not know of a world that does not include the Internet and easy access to technology. Parents of iGen youth, however, are “digital immigrants”. As immigrants, they struggle with a learning curve and lack the innate knowledge and ease with digital technology as that of their native offspring. There is little historical data or longitudinal studies of the social cognitive effects of digital media consumption to help inform and guide digital immigrants and natives alike in making choices about digital practices. Statistics change so quickly, it makes for an ongoing challenge to understand how to structure or regulate digital consumption. The intention of this research is to better understand how digital consumption effects teenager’s cognitive abilities and socialization processes, with the goal of discovering best practices and guidelines for educators and parents to implement with regard to their teenagers’ digital consumption, as we spin faster and faster into this digital era