8 research outputs found

    Effects of Gamified Augmented Reality in Public Spaces

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    Advancements in smartphone technology have resulted in the proliferation of Augmented Reality (AR) applications and games. Researchers have acknowledged the great potential of AR applications to enhance entertainment and improve learning experiences. In this study, we examined the potential effects of gamified AR in public places. We developed ARQuiz, an AR-based quiz game, for a public exhibition space and conducted a user study with respondents via survey (N = 176; 55.68% female, mean age 35.94 and SD = 11.89) and face-To-face interview (N = 28; 57.14% female, mean age 31.07 and SD = 7.42). We analyzed the relationship between perceived application usefulness, perceived application enjoyment, perceived exhibition enjoyment, and perceived quiz enjoyment. In addition, we examined perceived sociability before and after the quiz, quiz score, and user behavior in the exhibition space. The results indicate that visitors who enjoyed playing the ARQuiz game enjoyed the exhibition more, obtained better quiz results and felt more social after visiting the exhibition. Furthermore, the ARQuiz was regarded as a possible platform for improving visitors learning and overall experiences in public exhibitions. Although some players expressed concerns about the privacy and intrusiveness of AR, our results indicate that a well-designed AR game may boost the overall satisfaction of an exhibition visit and increase players sociabilitys. © 2013 IEEE.Peer reviewe


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    Kegiatan seni yang mengumpulkan banyak orang masih diperlukan sebagai sarana publikasi karya seni dari para pegiat seni. Teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) sudah banyak diaplikasikan pada pameran-pameran karya seni. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan teknologi ini, pengguna harus datang ke lokasi pameran dan melakukan pemindaian pada suatu obyek di lokasi pameran sehingga mengakibatkan penumpukan pengunjung/penikmat seni di lokasi pameran. Untuk itu perlu dibangun suatu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menikmati konten dari pameran karya seni 3D tanpa harus ke lokasi pameran. Pendekatan design thinking pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk membantu memandu proses perancangan agar terstruktur dan keluaran dari penelitian dapat menjawab kebutuhan dari pengguna karena pendekatan ini melibatkan pengguna dalam proses pensolusian suatu masalah sehingga permasalahan yang dialami oleh pengguna dapat diidentifikasi dan terselesaikan sesuai dengan apa yang diperlukan oleh pengguna. Penelitian ini menghasilkan prototype pameran seni karya 3 dimensi dengan markerless augmented reality yang memenuhi kebutuhan para seniman dan penikmat karya seni 3 dimensi. Markerless Augmenter Reality ini menjadi bentuk media baru dalam menikmati pameran karya seni yang lebih fleksibel dan meningkatkan eksplorasi terhadap bentuk seni yang dimodelkan dalam bentuk 3D. Evaluasi prototype dilakukan dengan menerapkan System Usability Scale (SUS) dengan nilai 79,39 responden menerima dan merasakan manfaat dari prototype yang dihasilkan

    Enhancing the Museum Experience of an Augmented Reality (AR) Art Exhibition Through Digital Exhibit Labels and Gamification

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    Due to emerging and disruptive technologies, museums are searching for ways to enhance their visitors’ experience. This paper investigates aspects of an Augmented Reality (AR) art exhibition for their potential effects on a visitor’s museum experience and engagement. Through a mixed experimental design we tested the effects of two factors, namely the exhibit label’s Channel (print vs. digital) and the presence of Gamification (none vs. quiz game). Forty seven participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups, each with two treatments: (1) Print No Gamification and With Gamification (n = 24), (2) Digital No Gamification and With Gamification (n = 23). Results revealed that displaying exhibit labels for AR artworks in digital rather than print form resulted in a significantly higher level of Cognitive Absorption among participants. This, in turn, had a positive impact on visitors’ aesthetics, education, entertainment and escapism (4Es), and ultimately both engagement and behavioural intentions

    A critical outlook at augmented reality and its adoption in education

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    Despite a significant volume of empirical research suggesting that augmented reality has a positive impact on student learning outcomes, it has not been widely adopted within education. This review critically analyses the literature to determine why this is the case. Our review methodology was based on the PRISMA strategy. A total of 169 papers were identified for use in this study and this group of papers was evaluated using content analysis. Specifically we analysed the research goals, motivation and the extent of the application of co–design in the research papers. We found that the research in this area is primarily student–centred, and a minority of papers apply co–design as a technique. This is significant because it is well understood that student–centred outcomes have the least effect on technology adoption within education. Based on these findings we make a series of recommendations including a shift away from research focused solely on learning outcomes and towards research which also considers how augmented reality integrates into the teaching environment

    Right Game, Wrong Place? A Case Study: Using a Gamified AR Application in a Heritage Context to Promote Engagement and Learning

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    This chapter describes an experiment in the use of gamified processes within a downloadable smartphone augmented reality (AR) application situated in a heritage context of national (UK) significance. The AR project incorporated two distinct game modes, both of which were designed to simultaneously provide users with information and motivate continued engagement. The learning gained from the AR project pertains specifically to three core threads; the first, being of fundamental importance to gamification, is that of challenge and how this links to user motivation, audience ability and prior knowledge. The second considers methodology, specifically the observation of ‘representative’ and ‘expert users’ and how a comparison of these can provide insight. The final, and most significant, thread reflects upon gamified content in relation to context, user expectation and environmental influences. The conclusion may assist others who seek to use gamification in any context by its exploration of the mistakes made and successes encountered in this case study

    Right Game, Wrong Place? A Case Study: Using a Gamified AR Application in a Heritage Context to Promote Engagement and Learning

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    This chapter describes an experiment in the use of gamified processes within a downloadable smartphone augmented reality (AR) application situated in a heritage context of national (UK) significance. The AR project incorporated two distinct game modes, both of which were designed to simultaneously provide users with information and motivate continued engagement. The learning gained from the AR project pertains specifically to three core threads; the first, being of fundamental importance to gamification, is that of challenge and how this links to user motivation, audience ability and prior knowledge. The second considers methodology, specifically the observation of ‘representative’ and ‘expert users’ and how a comparison of these can provide insight. The final, and most significant, thread reflects upon gamified content in relation to context, user expectation and environmental influences. The conclusion may assist others who seek to use gamification in any context by its exploration of the mistakes made and successes encountered in this case study

    Aplicación móvil con realidad aumentada y gamificación para guiar a los turistas en el museo - Casa De Aliaga‖ del Cercado de Lima

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    El problema de la investigación fue ¿Cuál fue el efecto de implementar la aplicación móvil con realidad aumentada y gamificación para guiar a los turistas en el museo ―Casa De Aliaga‖ del Cercado de Lima en el aspecto de motivación, satisfacción y conocimiento del turista? El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el efecto de implementar la aplicación móvil con realidad aumentada y gamificación para guiar a los turistas en el museo ―Casa De Aliaga‖ del Cercado de Lima en el aspecto de motivación, satisfacción y conocimiento del turista. Esta investigación fue de tipo aplicada ya que solo se tomó una sola variable, un diseño pre experimental y con un enfoque cuantitativo. Se utilizó la encuesta como la técnica de recolección de datos con un cuestionario y un examen como instrumentos. Se empleó la metodología Scrum para el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil. Esta investigación se realizó bajo la revisión de fuentes confiables, con el objetivo conocer las diversas maneras de emplear este tipo de tecnologías para poder lograr nuestro objetivo principal. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio tras la implementación de la aplicación fueron: (a) 55.95% de incremento de conocimiento de la historia del museo Casa De Aliaga (b) 33% de incremento del nivel de motivación para realizar su visita y (c) 34% de incremento del nivel de satisfacción con guía

    Enhancing the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning with Adaptive Instructional Support

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    In an ideal world, education would offer every student an equal opportunity to fulfill their aspirations. The influences of individual differences would be drastically reduced if the instruction could provide individualized learning experiences that meet the unique needs and preferences of each student. Nonetheless, incorporating such instructional practices can cause extensive resource demands and practical challenges in traditional classroom teaching. Consequently, scholars have proposed the implementation of adaptation in digital game-based learning as a potential solution to provide instruction tailored to individual needs. The overall aim of this dissertation was to investigate the impacts of adaptive instructional support on the effectiveness of digital game-based learning. Three interventions were conducted. Data were gathered from over 400 Finnish students in grades 4–7 who were studying rational numbers using the Number Trace learning game. Value-added study designs were utilized to examine the specific motivational and learning effects of emotionally designed scaffolding and the motivational effects of task difficulty adaptation. The collected quantitative data consisted of pre-and posttest, repeated single-item in-game self-reported measurements of motivational outcomes, in-game metrics, and motivational trait measurements. In-game measurements of situational interest, self-efficacy, and perceived difficulty were employed multiple times during the learning activity. The results revealed that the employed in-game measurements of situational interest and self-efficacy were positively related to learning outcomes. It was found that the substantial downward adaptation of task difficulty resulted in significant increases in situational interest, and substantial upward adaptation of task difficulty significantly decreased situational interest. Only significant changes in task difficulty affected situational interest and perceived difficulty, and these changes occurred within a relatively short time frame. Additionally, it was discovered that the effectiveness of adaptive instructional support can be enhanced with emotional design. That is, emotionally designed scaffolding elicited significantly higher levels of situational interest and self-efficacy compared to scaffolding presented with emotionally neutral mathematical hatch marks. Furthermore, it was found that, a game-based learning environment incorporating scaffolding yielded substantial learning effects. However, the visualization of scaffolding had no impact on learning outcomes. This dissertation demonstrated that the effectiveness of game-based learning can be enhanced with adaptive instructional support. Overall, these findings advance our understanding of the psychological and instructional mechanics affecting human learning. These advances contribute to motivational theory development and to the development of models of adaptive and game-based learning. In addition, the findings of this dissertation advance our methodological understanding by indicating that a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptive instructional support requires an examination of the strength and direction of difficulty adaptation and the use of repeated measurements of motivational outcomes during the learning activity. This work demonstrated that single-item in-game self-reported measurements could be used to accomplish this