15,217 research outputs found

    Increasing the Effectiveness of Error Messages in a Computer Programming and Simulation Tool

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    abstract: Each programming language has a compiler associated with it which helps to identify logical or syntactical errors in the program. These compiler error messages play important part in the form of formative feedback for the programmer. Thus, the error messages should be constructed carefully, considering the affective and cognitive needs of programmers. This is especially true for systems that are used in educational settings, as the messages are typically seen by students who are novice programmers. If the error messages are hard to understand then they might discourage students from understanding or learning the programming language. The primary goal of this research is to identify methods to make the error messages more effective so that students can understand them better and simultaneously learn from their mistakes. This study is focused on understanding how the error message affects the understanding of the error and the approach students take to solve the error. In this study, three types of error messages were provided to the students. The first type is Default type error message which is an assembler centric error message. The second type is Link type error message which is a descriptive error message along with a link to the appropriate section of the PLP manual. The third type is Example type error message which is again a descriptive error message with an example of the similar type of error along with correction step. All these error types were developed for the PLP assembly language. A think-aloud experiment was designed and conducted on the students. The experiment was later transcribed and coded to understand different approach students take to solve different type of error message. After analyzing the result of the think-aloud experiment it was found that student read the Link type error message completely and they understood and learned from the error message to solve the error. The results also indicated that Link type was more helpful compare to other types of error message. The Link type made error solving process more effective compared to other error types.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Software Engineering 201

    Effects of Error Messages on a Student’s Ability to Understand and Fix Programming Errors

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    abstract: Assemblers and compilers provide feedback to a programmer in the form of error messages. These error messages become input to the debugging model of the programmer. For the programmer to fix an error, they should first locate the error in the program, understand what is causing that error, and finally resolve that error. Error messages play an important role in all three stages of fixing of errors. This thesis studies the effects of error messages in the context of teaching programming. Given an error message, this work investigates how it effects student’s way of 1) understanding the error, and 2) fixing the error. As part of the study, three error message types were developed – Default, Link and Example, to better understand the effects of error messages. The Default type provides an assembler-centric single line error message, the Link type provides a program-centric detailed error description with a hyperlink for more information, and the Example type provides a program centric detailed error description with a relevant example. All these error message types were developed for assembly language programming. A think aloud programming exercise was conducted as part of the study to capture the student programmer’s knowledge model. Different codes were developed to analyze the data collected as part of think aloud exercise. After transcribing, coding, and analyzing the data, it was found that the Link type of error message helped to fix the error in less time and with fewer steps. Among the three types, the Link type of error message also resulted in a significantly higher ratio of correct to incorrect steps taken by the programmer to fix the error.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Software Engineering 201

    Understanding and Addressing Misconceptions in Introductory Programming: A Data-Driven Approach

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    With the expansion of computer science (CS) education, CS teachers in K-12 schools should be cognizant of student misconceptions and be prepared to help students establish accurate understanding of computer science and programming. This exploratory design-based research (DBR) study implemented a data-driven approach to identify secondary school students’ misconceptions using both their compilation and test errors and provide targeted feedback to promote students’ conceptual change in introductory programming. Research subjects were two groups of high school students enrolled in two sections of a Java-based programming course in a 2017 summer residential program for gifted and talented students. This study consisted of two stages. In the first stage, students of group 1 took the introductory programming class and used an automated learning system, Mulberry, which collected data on student problem-solving attempts. Data analysis was conducted to identify common programming errors students demonstrated in their programs and relevant misconceptions. In the second stage, targeted feedback to address these misconceptions was designed using principles from conceptual change and feedback theories and added to Mulberry. When students of group 2 took the same introductory programming class and solved programming problems in Mulberry, they received the targeted feedback to address their misconceptions. Data analysis was conducted to assess how the feedback affected the evolution of students’ (mis)conceptions. Using students’ erroneous solutions, 55 distinct compilation errors were identified, and 15 of them were categorized as common ones. The 15 common compilation errors accounted for 92% of all compilation errors. Based on the 15 common compilation errors, three underlying student misconceptions were identified, including deficient knowledge of fundamental Java program structure, misunderstandings of Java expressions, and confusion about Java variables. In addition, 10 common test errors were identified based on nine difficult problems. The results showed that 54% of all test errors were related to the difficult problems, and the 10 common test errors accounted for 39% of all test errors of the difficult problems. Four common student misconceptions were identified based on the 10 common test errors, including misunderstandings of Java input, misunderstandings of Java output, confusion about Java operators, and forgetting to consider special cases. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis were conducted to see whether and how the targeted feedback affected students’ solutions. Quantitative analysis indicated that targeted feedback messages enhanced students’ rates of improving erroneous solutions. Group 2 students showed significantly higher improvement rates in all erroneous solutions and solutions with common errors compared to group 1 students. Within group 2, solutions with targeted feedback messages resulted in significantly higher improvement rates compared to solutions without targeted feedback messages. Results suggest that with targeted feedback messages students were more likely to correct errors in their code. Qualitative analysis of students’ solutions of four selected cases determined that students of group 2, when improving their code, made fewer intermediate incorrect solutions than students in group 1. The targeted feedback messages appear to have helped to promote conceptual change. The results of this study suggest that a data-driven approach to understanding and addressing student misconceptions, which is using student data in automated assessment systems, has the potential to improve students’ learning of programming and may help teachers build better understanding of their students’ common misconceptions and develop their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The use of automated assessment systems with misconception identification components may be helpful in pre-college introductory programming courses and so is encouraged as K-12 CS education expands. Researchers and developers of automated assessment systems should develop components that support identifying common student misconceptions using both compilation and non-compilation errors. Future research should continue to investigate the use of targeted feedback in automated assessment systems to address students’ misconceptions and promote conceptual change in computer science education

    BlueFix : using crowd-sourced feedback to support programming students in error diagnosis and repair.

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    Feedback is regarded as one of the most important influences on student learning and motivation. But standard compiler feedback is designed for experts - not novice programming students, who can find it difficult to interpret and understand. In this paper we present BlueFix, an online tool currently integrated into the BlueJ IDE which is designed to assist programming students with error diagnosis and repair. Unlike existing approaches, BlueFix proposes a feedback algorithm based upon frameworks combined from the HCI and Pedagogical domains, which can provide different students with dynamic levels of support based upon their compilation behaviour. An evaluation revealed that students' viewed our tool positively and that our methodology could identify appropriate fixes for uncompilable source code with a significantly higher rate of speed and precision over related techniques in the literature

    BlueFix: Using Crowd-sourced Feedback to Support Programming Students in Error Diagnosis and Repair

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    Feedback is regarded as one of the most important influences on student learning and motivation. But standard compiler feedback is designed for experts - not novice programming students, who can find it difficult to interpret and understand. In this paper we present BlueFix, an online tool currently integrated into the BlueJ IDE which is designed to assist programming students with error diagnosis and repair. Unlike existing approaches, BlueFix proposes a feedback algorithm based upon frameworks combined from the HCI and Pedagogical domains, which can provide different students with dynamic levels of support based upon their compilation behaviour. An evaluation revealed that students' viewed our tool positively and that our methodology could identify appropriate fixes for uncompilable source code with a significantly higher rate of speed and precision over related techniques in the literature

    Beyond Automated Assessment: Building Metacognitive Awareness in Novice Programmers in CS1

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    The primary task of learning to program in introductory computer science courses (CS1) cognitively overloads novices and must be better supported. Several recent studies have attempted to address this problem by understanding the role of metacognitive awareness in novices learning programming. These studies have focused on teaching metacognitive awareness to students by helping them understand the six stages of learning so students can know where they are in the problem-solving process, but these approaches are not scalable. One way to address scalability is to implement features in an automated assessment tool (AAT) that build metacognitive awareness in novice programmers. Currently, AATs that provide feedback messages to students can be said to implement the fifth and sixth learning stages integral to metacognitive awareness: implement solution (compilation) and evaluate implemented solution (test cases). The computer science education (CSed) community is actively engaged in research on the efficacy of compile error messages (CEMs) and how best to enhance them to maximize student learning and it is currently heavily disputed whether or not enhanced compile error messages (ECEMs) in AATs actually improve student learning. The discussion on the effectiveness of ECEMs in AATs remains focused on only one learning stage critical to metacognitive awareness in novices: implement solution. This research carries out an ethnomethodologically-informed study of CS1 students via think-aloud studies and interviews in order to propose a framework for designing an AAT that builds metacognitive awareness by supporting novices through all six stages of learning. The results of this study provide two important contributions. The first is the confirmation that ECEMs that are designed from a human-factors approach are more helpful for students than standard compiler error messages. The second important contribution is that the results from the observations and post-assessment interviews revealed the difficulties novice programmers often face to developing metacognitive awareness when using an AAT. Understanding these barriers revealed concrete ways to help novice programmers through all six stages of the problem-solving process. This was presented above as a framework of features, which when implemented properly, provides a scalable way to implicitly produce metacognitive awareness in novice programmers

    Decoding Logic Errors: A Comparative Study on Bug Detection by Students and Large Language Models

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    Identifying and resolving logic errors can be one of the most frustrating challenges for novices programmers. Unlike syntax errors, for which a compiler or interpreter can issue a message, logic errors can be subtle. In certain conditions, buggy code may even exhibit correct behavior -- in other cases, the issue might be about how a problem statement has been interpreted. Such errors can be hard to spot when reading the code, and they can also at times be missed by automated tests. There is great educational potential in automatically detecting logic errors, especially when paired with suitable feedback for novices. Large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated surprising performance for a range of computing tasks, including generating and explaining code. These capabilities are closely linked to code syntax, which aligns with the next token prediction behavior of LLMs. On the other hand, logic errors relate to the runtime performance of code and thus may not be as well suited to analysis by LLMs. To explore this, we investigate the performance of two popular LLMs, GPT-3 and GPT-4, for detecting and providing a novice-friendly explanation of logic errors. We compare LLM performance with a large cohort of introductory computing students (n=964)(n=964) solving the same error detection task. Through a mixed-methods analysis of student and model responses, we observe significant improvement in logic error identification between the previous and current generation of LLMs, and find that both LLM generations significantly outperform students. We outline how such models could be integrated into computing education tools, and discuss their potential for supporting students when learning programming

    Evaluation of Python Error Message Interpretation: Study on Students with Different Levels of Programming Experience

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    Error messages are a helpful tool for everyone interested in learning a programming language. Even after learning the language, novice and experienced programmers alike, have to interact with an error message one way or another. However, there is no single programming language that is usedacross all platforms and systems, so the programmers have to write programs in many different languages. If the programming languages have similar structures, working with a new language is relatively easy. We have asked the question, whether the same effect could be observed in case of error messages. We designed an online survey which was conducted internationally to measure whether the general experience of programmers from any programming language influences the programmer’s ability to correct python error message. The survey was aimed at students who have some experience with programming. We find in comparison with novices, on average the experiencedprogrammers find and fix an error in the code given the sameerror message with its corresponding code snippet. Additionally,we see correlations between the average of correctly fixed errorsand number of programming languages that the participants hadexperience with, as well as their chosen major and their age
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