814 research outputs found

    The effects of an ultra-endurance event on heart rate variability and cognitive performance during induced stress in Ironman triathletes

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-79).The effects of long-term participation in ultra-endurance exercise on the cardiovascular system have recently been the subject of much interest. It is well known that HRV, a marker of autonomic activity, is enhanced with long-term aerobic exercise training. However, after acute exercise, HRV is reduced, but recovers over time depending on the intensity of the prior bout of exercise. A limitation of previous research is that exercise bouts of only up to 120 minutes have been studied. A modified Stroop Task is a laboratory stressor to assess executive cognitive function by means of reaction time and accuracy. The resting HRV is directly related to these prefrontal neural functions, but the effect of an altered HRV on cognitive function has never been investigated. We determined the effects of an ultra duration (10 – 15 hours) exercise event on parameters of HRV and cognitive function during a Modified Stroop Task, 60 – 200 minutes after the 2007 South African Ironman Triathlon event (3,6km swim; 180 Km cycle; 42,2 Km run). 1 Female and 13 male competing triathletes (IRON; ages 33.7±7.9) and 7 control subjects (CON; 2 female and 5 males aged 42 ±4.5) completed a Modified Stroop Task before and after the event. The individual HRV parameters, heart rate (HR), respiratory frequency (RF), reaction time (RT) and % of mistakes made were recorded via the Biopac MP150WSW System (Goletta, California, USA). Data was transformed by auto regressive analyses (Biomedical signal analysis group, University of Kuopio, Finland) into LF (0.04 - 0.15 Hz) and HF (0.15 - 0.5 Hz) components. Additional calculations included %LF and %HF as well as the central or peak frequencies in both the LF and HF bands

    Linking heart rate variability to psychological health and brain structure in adolescents with and without conduct disorder

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    AimsHeart rate variability (HRV) measures have been suggested in healthy individuals as a potential index of self-regulation skills, which include both cognitive and emotion regulation aspects. Studies in patients with a range of psychiatric disorders have however mostly focused on the potential association between abnormally low HRV at rest and specifically emotion regulation difficulties. Emotion regulation deficits have been reported in patients with Conduct Disorder (CD) however, the association between these emotion regulation deficits and HRV measures has yet to be fully understood. This study investigates (i) the specificity of the association between HRV and emotion regulation skills in adolescents with and without CD and (ii) the association between HRV and grey matter brain volumes in key areas of the central autonomic network which are involved in self-regulation processes, such as insula, lateral/medial prefrontal cortices or amygdala.MethodsRespiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) measures of HRV were collected from adolescents aged between 9–18 years (693 CD (427F)/753 typically developing youth (TD) (500F)), as part of a European multi-site project (FemNAT-CD). The Inverse Efficiency Score, a speed-accuracy trade-off measure, was calculated to assess emotion and cognitive regulation abilities during an Emotional Go/NoGo task. The association between RSA and task performance was tested using multilevel regression models. T1-weighted structural MRI data were included for a subset of 577 participants (257 CD (125F); 320 TD (186F)). The CerebroMatic toolbox was used to create customised Tissue Probability Maps and DARTEL templates, and CAT12 to segment brain images, followed by a 2 × 2 (sex × group) full factorial ANOVA with RSA as regressor of interest.ResultsThere were no significant associations between RSA and task performance, neither during emotion regulation nor during cognitive regulation trials. RSA was however positively correlated with regional grey matter volume in the left insula (pFWE = 0.011) across all subjects.ConclusionRSA was related to increased grey matter volume in the left insula across all subjects. Our results thus suggest that low RSA at rest might be a contributing or predisposing factor for potential self-regulation difficulties. Given the insula’s role in both emotional and cognitive regulation processes, these brain structural differences might impact either of those

    Novel Framework for Nonlinear HRV Analysis and its Physiological Interpretation

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    La inclusión de métodos no lineales aplicados a señales de variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco (HRV, del inglés Heart Rate Variability) proporciona una nueva visión en la caracterización de anomalías en el contexto de las enfermedades cardiacas o patologías como la insuficiencia cardiaca o la fibrilación auricular, por nombrar algunas. Se ha demostrado que alteraciones en el sistema nervioso autónomo (ANS, del inglés Autonomic Nervous System), el cuál modula el ritmo cardiaco, conllevan a cambios en los patrones no lineales de la HRV. Sin embargo, la incertidumbre, todavía presente, en los mecanismos que subyacen a variaciones fisiológicas o patofisiológicas en los índices no lineales de la HRV, junto con el alto tiempo que requieren los algoritmos para la estimación de estos índices, representan el cuello de botella para su aplicación en la práctica clínica.Después de una breve introducción sobre los temas abordados en esta la tesis en el capítulo 1, el segundo capítulo, el capítulo 2, está dedicado a la primera gran contribución de esta tesis, que consiste en la propuesta y desarrollo de una metodología con el fin de reducir el coste computacional asociado a la caracterización no lineal de la HRV. El esquema propuesto es muy eficaz, reduciendo el tiempo de cálculo a unos pocos segundos para el análisis no lineal de señales de HRV de corta longitud (5 minutos). Con respecto a la interpretación del análisis no lineal de la HRV, es importante señalar que hay una serie de factores que afectan a su cálculo y deben tenerse en cuenta al comparar diferentes estudios de la literatura. Las características de las series de HRV, como la frecuencia de muestreo, así como la selección de valores de parámetros en los métodos no lineales, tienen un impacto en los resultados de los índices no lineales de la HRV y, en algunas circunstancias, pueden dar lugar a interpretaciones erróneas. Uno de los principales objetivos del capítulo 3 es estudiar la influencia de la tasa de muestreo en los índices no lineales de la HRV y proponer alternativas para atenuar esta influencia. Los métodos propuestos incluyen, por una parte, la corrección de la frecuencia cardiaca de las estimaciones de la HRV mediante fórmulas de regresión individuales o basadas en la población y, por otra, el preprocesamiento de las series temporales de HRV mediante modelos de interpolación o de point-process. El capítulo 4 se centra en investigar el efecto de la selección del valor de los parámetros requeridos para el cálculo de ciertos índices no lineales de la HRV (por ejemplo, la entropía aproximada) y proponiendo un nuevo índice independiente de la definición del valor de éstos parámetros a-priori. Este novedoso índice se denomina entropía multidimensional aproximada. El análisis no lineal de la HRV, incluido el nuevo índice propuesto, se aplica al estudio de afecciones asociadas a alteraciones de la modulación cardiaca del ANS, como el envejecimiento y la insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva (CHF, del inglés Congestive Heart Failure). Por un lado, todos los índices no lineales de la HRV evaluados ven disminuidos significativamente sus valores en las personas mayores en comparación con los jóvenes ambos grupos en condiciones de reposo en posición de decubito supino. Por otro lado, los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca muestran valores más altos de los índices no lineales significativamente con respecto al grupo de sujetos sanos, en ambos casos analizando el período nocturno. Además, el análisis no lineal de la HRV es evaluada en respuesta a provocaciones simpáticas, inducidas por el cambio de la posición supina a la posición de pie o por la administración de atropina, donde se observa una disminución en todos los índicesno lineales estimados.El capítulo 5 está dedicado a la evaluación del rendimiento del análisis no lineal de la HRV en el triaje de la administración profiláctica con el fin de prevenir los episodios de hipotension causados por la anestesia espinal durante el parto por cesárea. El estudio se realiza en colaboración con el Servicio de Anestesia del Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Zaragoza, España). Debido a que la profilaxis puede producir efectos secundarios en el feto, el desafío consiste en predecir los casos normotensos para los cuales se puede prescindir del tratamiento profilactico. La hipótesis de esta tesis se basa en el hecho de que la alteración de la regulación del ANS causada por el último período de embarazo y la proximidad a la cirugía podría reflejarse en los índices no lineales de la HRV, lo que podría ayudar a predecir los casos que deriven en hipotension y normotension con mayor precisión que cuando se utilizan solamente variables demográficas. Es importante destacar que las propuestas metodológicas para el análisis no lineal de la HRV desarrolladas en la tesis se aplican en la caracterización de otras señales cardiovasculares, como la señal fotopletismografica de pulso. Las series temporales derivadas de esta señal, que incluyen información del sistema vascular periférico, se incorporan en un clasificador basado en la regresión logística junto con los índices no lineales de la HRV. El clasificador propuesto alcanza un 76,5% de sensibilidad y un 72,2% de precisión en la detección de los casos normotensos, proporcionando así información pertinente y objetiva respaldando la decisión final del equipo médico.En el capítulo 6 se presentan las principales conclusiones derivadas de la tesis y se consideran futuras ampliaciones en base a las investigaciones llevadas a cabo. Se hace hincapié en la contribución de la tesis al desarrollo de metodologías novedosas para caracterizar de manera más robusta los índices no lineales de la HRV e interpretar con fiabilidad los resultados correspondientes. Basándose en las metodologías desarrolladas, se investigan las condiciones o patologías asociadas con alteraciones en la modulación autonómica de la actividad cardiaca y se destaca la contribución del análisis no lineal de la HRV para su caracterización. En conclusión, entre los objetivos metodológicos desarrollados en esta tesis se encuentran: i) la propuesta de un esquema de trabajo para incrementar la fiabilidad de la estimación de la dimensión de correlación, usando un algoritmo que reduce la carga computacional, facilitando su aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica; ii) el desarrollo de métodos alternativos para atenuar la dependencia de los índices no lineales de la HRV con el ritmo cardiaco medio; iii) la propuesta de un índice no lineal de la HRV multidimensional independiente de la definición a priori de parámetros para su estimación. Además, los objetivos relacionados con la aplicación clínica de lascontribuciones metodológicas son: i) la caracterización del efecto del envejecimiento en los índices no lineales de la HRV; ii) la evaluación de la complejidad e irregularidad del ritmo cardiaco en pacientes que sufren de insuficiencia cardiaca comparada con sujetos sanos; iii) la mejora de la eficacia de la profilaxis para la prevención de eventos de hipotensión después de anestesia espinal durante parto programado por cesárea.<br /

    Associating Frailty and Dynamic Dysregulation between Motor and Cardiac Autonomic Systems

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    Frailty is a geriatric syndrome associated with the lack of physiological reserve and consequent adverse outcomes (therapy complications and death) in older adults. Recent research has shown associations between heart rate (HR) dynamics (HR changes during physical activity) with frailty. The goal of the present study was to determine the effect of frailty on the interconnection between motor and cardiac systems during a localized upper-extremity function (UEF) test. Fifty-six older adults aged 65 or older were recruited and performed the UEF task of rapid elbow flexion for 20-seconds with the right arm. Frailty was assessed using the Fried phenotype. Wearable gyroscopes and electrocardiography were used to measure motor function and HR dynamics. Using convergent cross-mapping (CCM) the interconnection between motor (angular displacement) and cardiac (HR) performance was assessed. A significantly weaker interconnection was observed among pre-frail and frail participants compared to non-frail individuals (p<0.01, effect size=0.81±\pm0.08). Using logistic models pre-frailty and frailty were identified with sensitivity and specificity of 82% to 89%, using motor, HR dynamics, and interconnection parameters. Findings suggested a strong association between cardiac-motor interconnection and frailty. Adding CCM parameters in a multimodal model may provide a promising measure of frailty.Comment: 16 pages, 3 tables, 4 figure

    Human Health Engineering Volume II

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    In this Special Issue on “Human Health Engineering Volume II”, we invited submissions exploring recent contributions to the field of human health engineering, i.e., technology for monitoring the physical or mental health status of individuals in a variety of applications. Contributions could focus on sensors, wearable hardware, algorithms, or integrated monitoring systems. We organized the different papers according to their contributions to the main parts of the monitoring and control engineering scheme applied to human health applications, namely papers focusing on measuring/sensing physiological variables, papers highlighting health-monitoring applications, and examples of control and process management applications for human health. In comparison to biomedical engineering, we envision that the field of human health engineering will also cover applications for healthy humans (e.g., sports, sleep, and stress), and thus not only contribute to the development of technology for curing patients or supporting chronically ill people, but also to more general disease prevention and optimization of human well-being

    Early-life stress and childhood cardio-metabolic health

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    Early-life stress and childhood cardio-metabolic health

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    Linking heart rate variability to psychological health and brain structure in adolescents with and without conduct disorder

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    AimsHeart rate variability (HRV) measures have been suggested in healthy individuals as a potential index of self-regulation skills, which include both cognitive and emotion regulation aspects. Studies in patients with a range of psychiatric disorders have however mostly focused on the potential association between abnormally low HRV at rest and specifically emotion regulation difficulties. Emotion regulation deficits have been reported in patients with Conduct Disorder (CD) however, the association between these emotion regulation deficits and HRV measures has yet to be fully understood. This study investigates (i) the specificity of the association between HRV and emotion regulation skills in adolescents with and without CD and (ii) the association between HRV and grey matter brain volumes in key areas of the central autonomic network which are involved in self-regulation processes, such as insula, lateral/medial prefrontal cortices or amygdala.MethodsRespiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) measures of HRV were collected from adolescents aged between 9–18 years (693 CD (427F)/753 typically developing youth (TD) (500F)), as part of a European multi-site project (FemNAT-CD). The Inverse Efficiency Score, a speed-accuracy trade-off measure, was calculated to assess emotion and cognitive regulation abilities during an Emotional Go/NoGo task. The association between RSA and task performance was tested using multilevel regression models. T1-weighted structural MRI data were included for a subset of 577 participants (257 CD (125F); 320 TD (186F)). The CerebroMatic toolbox was used to create customised Tissue Probability Maps and DARTEL templates, and CAT12 to segment brain images, followed by a 2 × 2 (sex × group) full factorial ANOVA with RSA as regressor of interest.ResultsThere were no significant associations between RSA and task performance, neither during emotion regulation nor during cognitive regulation trials. RSA was however positively correlated with regional grey matter volume in the left insula (pFWE = 0.011) across all subjects.ConclusionRSA was related to increased grey matter volume in the left insula across all subjects. Our results thus suggest that low RSA at rest might be a contributing or predisposing factor for potential self-regulation difficulties. Given the insula’s role in both emotional and cognitive regulation processes, these brain structural differences might impact either of those

    To do or not to do (exercise) : physical activity in the lives of people with cerebral palsy

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    We examined the lives of adults with cerebral palsy who had minimal involvement in physical activity (Judy, aged 60; Alana, aged 29), who were involved in physical activity (Amy, aged 25; Ben, aged, 30), or who had minimal involvement in physical activity and who then participated in physical activity (David, aged 27; Tim, aged, 24). After receiving ethical approval, a life-history research approach (Denzin, 1989: Interpretive biography. Newbury Park, CA: Sage) was used, with the participants&rsquo; stories being interpreted using primarily psychodynamic theory (Freud, Erikson, Adler, Basch) to gain insight into their meaning and experiences of physical activity. Judy and Alana had similar childhood experiences, which included: performing difficult, and sometimes painful, physiotherapy; wearing callipers to assist their walking; lacking competence at physical activity; and being socially isolated from their classmates. These aspects of their life histories seemed to contribute to their subsequent avoidance of physical activity and early onset of functional decline.Amy and Ben had negative experiences with physical activity as children (similar to Judy and Alana), but were involved in, and valued, physical activity as adults. Physical activity was a means of displaying competence, delaying further functional loss, and becoming socially connected.David and Tim lost the ability to walk in early adolescence. The minimal physical activity in which they engaged during their adult lives was directed towards trying to walk again. Walking seemed to be intimately connected with psychosocial growth. David&rsquo;s weight-training programme seemed to provide him with another avenue for self-improvement towards his goal of attracting a life partner. Tim&rsquo;s warm-water aerobic programme provided him with an opportunity to develop competence at swimming and at walking, and to enhance his self-esteem for these activities.Involvement in physical activity may be important for people with cerebral palsy in their endeavours to successfully face the various psychosocial challenges throughout life. Implications of this research include: parents and teachers of children with cerebral palsy should provide support for their involvement in physical activity; physiotherapists should try to reduce the pain and increase the perceived relevancy of the treatments they deliver to young people with cerebral palsy; and psychologists should be aware of some of the difficulties people with cerebral palsy face and how they may manifest in adults with the condition.<br /